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Game News Torment Kickstarter Update #5: Monte Cook Explains It All


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: Colin McComb; InXile Entertainment; Kevin Saunders; Monte Cook; Numenera; Torment: Tides of Numenera

After a weekend's rest, the Torment: Tides of Numenera Kickstarter has resumed its regular update schedule. In today's update, Monte "Fucking" Cook himself shows up to discuss the Numenera setting and ruleset, and how it is going to be adapted for the purposes of the game. Here's the video and a summary:

In this video, Monte talks about Numenera and its emphasis on mystery and discovery. He describes the Ninth World and in particular the Beyond (the region in which much of Torment will take place). Monte also talks about the basics of character creation for the tabletop game, including the three primary character types (classes), descriptors, and foci. (We’ll discuss this more in a later update, but for now know that all three character types (Glaives, Jacks, and Nanos) will be options for your PC in Torment, and that you will have (or acquire) a descriptor and focus as well.)​

[...] A key philosophy behind Monte’s new game is to allow game masters (GMs) a great degree of flexibility. Numenera provides a versatile framework within which we can play. This flexibility extends beyond the creative vision and the setting and into the game rules systems. Numenera’s rules are designed to support the narrative and creative elements of role-playing, being streamlined both to provide great variety in character customization and to keep a desirable pace for the gameplay and story. With a computer role-playing game, we can emphasize story-telling while having a more complex system underneath the hood than would be desired for a tabletop game. Because computer games are capable of intricate calculations that would take a living person much more time to complete, we're able to do create these new systems without impeding the flow of the game. Our close collaboration with Monte, means we quickly receive his feedback on our new systems. (How much of the complexity you peer into while playing will depend on your preferences – we will leverage the highly customizable user interface and extensive options system that we’ve developed for Wasteland 2 for this purpose).​

One example of our extending upon the Numenera rules for Torment is our Legacy System, which along with the Tides, is not part of the core Numenera game. They are elements that inXile has designed specifically for this computer game to achieve our vision for Torment. We’ve discussed the Tides with Monte to ensure they fit well within the Ninth World, and he’s given us ideas about how to even better embrace the concept within the story and setting. As another example, we intend for Torment’s combat system to include more complexity than the core Numenera rules. One of the reasons we chose the Ninth World setting, and the Numenera rules, is because it provides an excellent foundation for Torment, with the freedom to adapt them for the best Torment computer role-playing experience we can devise.​

But that's not all. The update also has a bit to say about the nature of the dialogue and companions in Torment. Here's a snippet that is relevant to the Codex's interests:

We’ve been asked some questions about what types of relationships the PC might have with their companions. Our position is this: adhering to our four pillars, we are going to craft nontraditional, complex, and believable characters. We are going to develop the companions with enough depth that we understand their motivations and personality. And then we will write them to respond appropriately to the situations they encounter. Love, which comes in many forms, is certainly relevant when exploring themes of legacy, abandonment, and mystery – and we expect to explore this emotion in ways that fits the story and characters. Meaningful friendships, even feelings of affection, will be possible, but relationships of the flesh would be inconsistent with our narrative. (Though we must admit we were amused by the Romance with Ball of Goo suggestion by billyboy. =) )​

Oh boy, I can't wait to read the reactions to that in the Kickstarter comments. :lol:

Besides these two topics, the update also explains a bit about the nature of the Kickstarter's stretch goals and about the game's "modular" structure. It also reports that logo-less versions of the Torment wallpapers have been uploaded to the game's website.

Update: The crowdfunding campaign hit its 2.5 million dollar stretch goal today, and as promised, Colin McComb has uploaded an apology for his notorious Complete Book of Elves:

We feel your pain, Colin. Those plebs just didn't understand your awesomeness.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
BTW, I was considering subtitling this post "No Sex Please, We're Numeneran".


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA

I liked the explanation on the setting. It sounds pretty damn cool.

Also almost 40K to ZIETS!


Generic update, almost no specific info on anything.

Yeah, yeah its only first week of the project so i guess they still need to do the generic stuff.
But there isnt anything special there. Most of this is just repeating stuff that was already said.

Dont like the Steadfast part of Numenera setting either. Luckily Torment wont have anything to do with it.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Well no fucking retarded BSN romance crap. That alone is a worthy update. Also the Gariott subtle trolling is fucking hilarious. Fargo is totally a codexer. <3


Mar 20, 2011
Money flow has really really slowed down. Wonder will it get 4 mil before the end.


Adam Heine 34 minutes ago

@Ben Allen: We have no plans for full voice acting because of prohibitive costs (yes, even at the rate we're funding) and because it becomes overly restrictive for the writing. Partial VO is definitely on our radar, however.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
lol, as expected, massive denial in the comments:

Well done romance adds a lot to the immersion for me. BG2 being a good example brought up earlier. While you may not be able to please everyone, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Just make sure are several options to cover most players.

I want some VO.. to have none at all would be a HUGE, MASSIVE disappointment to me. I'm not buying a book.. I am buying a computer game. While I understand that Torment is more about the story than the game, that doesn't mean it should be an interactive book alone.



Well no fucking retarded BSN romance crap. That alone is a worthy update.
They just said there wont be secx.

Love, which comes in many forms, is certainly relevant when exploring themes of legacy, abandonment, and mystery – and we expect to explore this emotion in ways that fits the story and characters. Meaningful friendships, even feelings of affection, will be possible, but relationships of the flesh would be inconsistent with our narrative.

Also the Gariott subtle trolling is fucking hilarious. Fargo is totally a codexer. <3
too subtle for me, which part?


Mar 14, 2011
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
lol, as expected, massive denial in the comments:

Well done romance adds a lot to the immersion for me. BG2 being a good example brought up earlier. While you may not be able to please everyone, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Just make sure are several options to cover most players.

I want some VO.. to have none at all would be a HUGE, MASSIVE disappointment to me. I'm not buying a book.. I am buying a computer game. While I understand that Torment is more about the story than the game, that doesn't mean it should be an interactive book alone.

Glorious. This comments section is going to bring plenty of laughs.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
I'd be just fine with 'romance' options, so long as they furthered the themes like in Torment. You had Annah - a doomed relationship where you have condemned a young girl to suffering (by the end of the game she's gone from 'couldn't care less chatoric neutral' to being willing to die for you) for a love that can never have any ending except your going to hell while she stays in Sigil in her metaphorical hell. And FFG - the very last companion to be the victim of the curse of Torment (which is why Ravel can't get under her skin in the same way that she does Morte, Dakkon, Annah and Nordrom) - a near-immortal being who ends the game by committing herself to a hopeless quest to find the TNO in the bottom pits of hell - a place she has already made a desperate escape from once already (and probably has lots of enemies who want to turn her into one of those front-line disposable corpses for the bloodwar)m and in which in a best case scenario she MIGHT fnid hiim in thousands of years time, but with no way of actually getting back out again.


Adam Heine 1 minute ago

Cipher: At our original goal, we had to aim at "limited" VO, meaning probably just combat barks and a few key lines. Hopefully "partial VO" more akin to PST's will be doable at some funding level (but what level will be up to our intelligent and illustrious Director).

hiver : We haven't determined the maximum party size yet, but there will almost definitely be more companions than you can fit in your party at one time. Just like in PST, there will be some times that you have to choose.



May 1, 2009
god, how i wish they would include just one romanceable character...but the twist is that at the end it is revealed to be some shapeshifting chimeric monster with a heart of evil gold who betrays you if you have ever violated the sanctity of their flesh, thus rendering your entire playthrough moot..


Mar 13, 2012
Or any time you have sex with an NPC they steal most of your gold, some magic items, and are never seen again.


Lost in Space
Jul 11, 2008
Hahahaha, hiver feeling that he's important because Adam answer some of his questions. :lol: Pathetic.


Dec 6, 2012
I'd be just fine with 'romance' options, so long as they furthered the themes like in Torment. You had Annah - a doomed relationship where you have condemned a young girl to suffering (by the end of the game she's gone from 'couldn't care less chatoric neutral' to being willing to die for you) for a love that can never have any ending except your going to hell while she stays in Sigil in her metaphorical hell. And FFG - the very last companion to be the victim of the curse of Torment (which is why Ravel can't get under her skin in the same way that she does Morte, Dakkon, Annah and Nordrom) - a near-immortal being who ends the game by committing herself to a hopeless quest to find the TNO in the bottom pits of hell - a place she has already made a desperate escape from once already (and probably has lots of enemies who want to turn her into one of those front-line disposable corpses for the bloodwar)m and in which in a best case scenario she MIGHT fnid hiim in thousands of years time, but with no way of actually getting back out again.
I think a "romance" theme can work if they can fit it into their Abandonment pillar of the game.


Im not feeling important because of it, you despicable stupid shit.
Im smug because i was arguing against pokemon club of companions you imbecile.

mental hemorrhoid.

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