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Elder Scrolls TES Skyrim: A quick 20 hour restrospective

How many times have you purchased Skyrim?

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May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Here is a quick summary : "skyrim is TES dumbed down for low IQ/low attention span console peasants"
The PC-to-console transition happened with Oblivion.
Skyrim was the reading-to-custcenes transition. My first time playing, I had a game breaking bug early on the main quest, because the old Blade guy in Riften got stuck on his way to opening a door that only he could open from the inside.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Seriously? 20 hours to analyze Skyrim?
The autism is strong with this one.

This is basically Patrician's videos in a nutshell - he tries to cover everything and for every positive and negative thing he says he tries to provide detail and explanations from multiple angles while showing it in practice as his videos also double for a (mostly) main quest playthrough. Sometimes he does "work streams" where he watches other video reviews and takes notes and a common theme (often with much shorter videos) is that the reviewer will proclaim something (e.g. combat is shit) and he'll stop and ask "ok, but why?", not in the sense that he disagrees with the reviewer but in the sense that the reviewer made a claim without explaining it.

TBH i'm a bit disappointed that he seems to be largely ignored by people here considering how much effort and detail he puts into his videos as it is the sort of obsession with mechanics, story, etc that drew me to RPG Codex in the first place back in the day.

Though that is mainly for his TES videos, i don't think he puts as much effort in the other videos he has posted. Though FWIW he had mentioned that since the Morrowind video, the other videos are more of sideprojects and his focus is on the large videos.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
TBH i'm a bit disappointed that he seems to be largely ignored by people here considering how much effort and detail he puts into his videos as it is the sort of obsession with mechanics, story, etc that drew me to RPG Codex in the first place back in the day.
Much better at this long form review than the very popular Joseph Anderson, with whom I disagree frequently.
Also Joe got his buck broken by The Witcher 3.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Seriously? 20 hours to analyze Skyrim?
The autism is strong with this one.

This is basically Patrician's videos in a nutshell - he tries to cover everything and for every positive and negative thing he says he tries to provide detail and explanations from multiple angles while showing it in practice as his videos also double for a (mostly) main quest playthrough. Sometimes he does "work streams" where he watches other video reviews and takes notes and a common theme (often with much shorter videos) is that the reviewer will proclaim something (e.g. combat is shit) and he'll stop and ask "ok, but why?", not in the sense that he disagrees with the reviewer but in the sense that the reviewer made a claim without explaining it.

TBH i'm a bit disappointed that he seems to be largely ignored by people here considering how much effort and detail he puts into his videos as it is the sort of obsession with mechanics, story, etc that drew me to RPG Codex in the first place back in the day.

Though that is mainly for his TES videos, i don't think he puts as much effort in the other videos he has posted. Though FWIW he had mentioned that since the Morrowind video, the other videos are more of sideprojects and his focus is on the large videos.
I watched his Morrowind video long ago but grew tired of this super long format.

For an analysis of this length I'd rather read it in text form than watch a video.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
For an analysis of this length I'd rather read it in text form than watch a video.

Video form is much better IMO because it can show you in practice in the actual game what is being described at the same time as it is being described. This is impossible to have text form, even if you put multiple screenshots (well, except perhaps for interactive fiction games :-P).

Also as i wrote in another post, you don't have to watch the entire video in one go (not sure it is even possible), you can always stop and continue at some other time. His videos (and most long form videos nowadays) are split into multiple parts, it isn't really any different than watching multiple "episode" videos, except you get the whole thing at once.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Also as i wrote in another post, you don't have to watch the entire video in one go (not sure it is even possible), you can always stop and continue at some other time.
The Morrowind and Oblivion ones were naturally divided by the guilds/royal houses, as he goes over each. Its easy to see how he'll do the same for Skyrim.


Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
Feb 20, 2019
Insert Title Here
Seriously? 20 hours to analyze Skyrim?
The autism is strong with this one.

This is basically Patrician's videos in a nutshell - he tries to cover everything and for every positive and negative thing he says he tries to provide detail and explanations from multiple angles while showing it in practice as his videos also double for a (mostly) main quest playthrough. Sometimes he does "work streams" where he watches other video reviews and takes notes and a common theme (often with much shorter videos) is that the reviewer will proclaim something (e.g. combat is shit) and he'll stop and ask "ok, but why?", not in the sense that he disagrees with the reviewer but in the sense that the reviewer made a claim without explaining it.

TBH i'm a bit disappointed that he seems to be largely ignored by people here considering how much effort and detail he puts into his videos as it is the sort of obsession with mechanics, story, etc that drew me to RPG Codex in the first place back in the day.

Though that is mainly for his TES videos, i don't think he puts as much effort in the other videos he has posted. Though FWIW he had mentioned that since the Morrowind video, the other videos are more of sideprojects and his focus is on the large videos.
Autism is fine, but making 4+ hour video reviews is retarded.


Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
Feb 20, 2019
Insert Title Here
what do you niggers mean “NO”?

unless you’re doing a some big ass retrospective, your review should be at most an hour, anything else is beyond retard. write essay reviews instead


Dec 1, 2019
I've enjoyed his other TES videos. I like how he structures them as playing through the main quest, faction quest and daedric quest, going on tangents when appropriate (in depth view at the magic system during the Mage's Guild, stuff like that). It really helps with the flow for such long videos.


Dec 4, 2019
"Story is shit, combat is fun if you go for variety over specialization, graphics are underwhelming, but not offensive for 2011 standards. 6/10" followed by 19 hours and 59 minutes of black screen.
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
unless you’re doing a some big ass retrospective, your review should be at most an hour, anything else is beyond retard. write essay reviews instead
Shit son you mean you don't want to listen to some retarded dweeb explain in excruciating detail every single part of the game? That be like the most popular youtube genre of videos. Some sperg telling you step by step about the plot of whatever film and taking almost as long as the film itself to do it. That's value mane. It's called analdiolysis and critterque. Peeps like whydoibother be gigabrains cuz of content like this. Like six hours into this y'all be like, thank you internet autist for giving me a 100% slowrun talkthrough of Skyrim, coulda never figured this shit out myself. The claw does have that paypal password and the skeleton pops out of the grave when you go left in that intersection during that quest in Deep Skaalgrimdoor.

Review my ass, this is more like getting the game as an audiobook for a replay and some opinionated CIA weapon tier autistic manchild is narrating it.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015


Apr 8, 2015
I am just worried it says Act 1, so it might not be full single 20 hour video.
It is most likely that it's two 10 hour videos
While I am sure YouTube can handle it (since there are videos on the platform that last days), it's probably for his convenience - primarly to edit, but also to upload and store it...

Much better at this long form review than the very popular Joseph Anderson
Joe's videos are so long because he essentially wastes 10 minutes (or more) explaining something that can be succinctly said in 30 seconds
Not to mention his opinions are generally incorrect and stupid

For an analysis of this length I'd rather read it in text form than watch a video.
Video form is much better IMO because it can show you in practice in the actual game what is being described at the same time as it is being described. This is impossible to have text form
Besides it would make a super boring read
Even scripts for 30 minute reviews are long enough to fill around 50 pages
A 12 hour video would make for a tome...

unless you’re doing a some big ass retrospective, your review should be at most an hour, anything else is beyond retard. write essay reviews instead
Except this isn't a review
It's a complete break down and analysis of all the game's mechanics and quests
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Joseph Anderson
In a better world, this guy would be the standard for a game journo. Pedestrian tastes, but still respectful towards niche genres and older games, and good enough at video games that you can watch him play a game for 15 minutes without wondering if he has trouble tying his shoes.

In this world, he is miles above every games journo and so I will welcome him with open arms, despite being a pleb.
Patrician's videos
They're long as fuck, but I have to appreciate how well researched they are. Dude will remark upon obscure TES lore one sentence, then pull up commentary by the dev who wrote the questline the next. He doesn't pretend that games are made by companies, he talks about the actual people.

He sometimes falls into the trap of just recounting the quests without adding much, but I think there was less of that in this skyrim video than his previous ones.

Will be interesting to see what he does now that he has talked about all of TES (assuming he continues to ignore daggerfall and arena, which I expect he will).

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