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Rate Baizuo's Gate 3 from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst game of your live and 10, the best.

Score, one to 10.

  • Total voters


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
act 1 was a solid 8/10. didnt bother further as everyone i knew said its downhill from there. still clocked like 60 hours trying different choices/parties

After playing much more, I would say that act 3 is not as bad as people said. Is just not as good as act 1/2.

a solid 2/10, i.e. the Codex did a terrible job accurately describing it in its Early Access state, so I bought it before release.

Yep;. But the game is loved here. Most people are giving 6/7/8 of 10.

ITT: butthurt Owlcuck faggots that are mad Larian won.

Rogue Trader looks like garbage too.

Comparing with OwlCat, I would say that I liked BG3 more than wotr but kingmaker more than bg3. WoTR is too bloated. Even for me who likes high level stuff like NWN1-hotu and nwn2-motb. I mean, a single archdevil is a enemy which you spend a entire chapter to have a winning chance, finding his true name. Meanwhile in wotr, you find so many demon lords and mephistopheles is merely a random enemy for two mythic paths.


Mar 24, 2023
It's the most reddit game that's ever existed and fails in every way that would make it enjoyable.

2 for the effort, 0 for the actual game.


the irascible
Jan 10, 2023
fuck you
Codex+ Now Streaming!
the best part is the ability to kill just about anything that walks or crawls, i didn't hate the entire experience, and you can skip every fucking blah blah blah scene, so there's that. the combat is fun, i'm sure there's a story in there somewhere but fucked if i know what it is.

combat gets a 6.5/10, solid 7 on packing the world with shit to look at, explore, and loot, and now that you can have hirelings and respec them and never have to hear a fucking voice from your companions i give that an 8/10. Overall it's a definite 7.16666667/10.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
even the haters love it.

For Larian cultists, anyone who criticizes BG3 is a "hater".

Anyway, haters are much louder than non haters but most of the Codex considers BG3 as a good game but people who really hate it is a loud minority. I finished as Dark Urge Human Necromancer which resisted its dark instincts and din't used tadpole powers and so far, my greatest problems with bg3 is the ruleset, baizuo nonsense and the fact that mindflayer powers come with no risk of negative consequence(only resisted by rp reasons but tested in a separated save).


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
even the haters love it.

For Larian cultists, anyone who criticizes BG3 is a "hater".

Anyway, haters are much louder than non haters but most of the Codex considers BG3 as a good game but people who really hate it is a loud minority. I finished as Dark Urge Human Necromancer which resisted its dark instincts and din't used tadpole powers and so far, my greatest problems with bg3 is the ruleset, baizuo nonsense and the fact that mindflayer powers come with no risk of negative consequence(only resisted by rp reasons but tested in a separated save).
What's wrong with the BG3 ruleset? Most of it are problems are inherit with 5e.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Din't said that 5e problems are to blame in bg3. BG3 adaptation of 5E is good and some things that they changed like allowing more magical items instead of only 3 where good.

But the bastardization present in BG3 is not Larian's fault. IS WoTC. When I first saw a intellect devourer, I tough "shit, this in level one", only to kill them all with no problem. Was WoTC, not Larian who transformed a CR 7 monster capable of using powerful psionic abilities, inflicting negative int status and body possession + lots of defensive abilities into a "mindflayer puddle". https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/intellectDevourer.htm

Those who played nwn1, know the damage that a single one of hem could do by possessing some important people in a prison.


Jan 5, 2009
Bubbles In Memoria
I don't really care about the woke stuff, I think people are overreacting about this.

The issues I have is with the slow, piss easy combat (after level 3 and especially after level 5). This is exacerbated by the frequently poor encounter design where there are way too many combatants that are mostly brain-dead.

5e isnt great but considering larians previous efforts it likely helped restrain their worst inclinations.

Furthermore the writing is unengaging and boring (except a few instances), far too lol-random and disjointed (as well as needlessly and ineptly horny). Larian seem to be able to write some of the individual encounters fairly well but their ability to string them together and have decent overall plot and narrative arc is still very lacking, and their character writing is meh at best.

The soundtrack has a few standout tracks but mostly I found the music boring as well. It mostly just rises up to the standard of audiological filler. It is never actively offensive though and as I said, a few tracks are good. The overall audio/music design, use of themes etc. is poor though.

Where the game shines is in the number of options for how you can approach different encounters there are.

Overall the game is 7/10 for me.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Rated 9.
Superb exploration, area design and combat. Sure, it might get easy if you do your research, metagame to get all the OP stuff (that you'd miss at least half of on a blind playtrough), optimize builds. But for "normies" the difficulty is probably hard enough already. Well, I wouldn't mind an extra higher difficulty setting, but I think its okay - and there are also mods for that, if one really feels the need.
Nice itemization, although a little over-the-top. Quite good translation of 5th ed. to computer game format.
Great graphics.

The writing, characters, story could be a lot better, yes... by my standards for computer games are pretty low, so whatever. I'm having fun.
Best Larian game by far, exceeded my expectations by a mile.

Note I haven't reached Act 3 yet, so it may go downhill later but... frankly... there are very few crpgs where it doesn't....
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Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
ACT 3 is not as bad as people say, Haplo. Is just not as good as ACT 2. My greatest problem with ACT 3 is that in many times IDK what I need to do. And wish that I could explore the upper city.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
ACT 3 is not as bad as people say, Haplo. Is just not as good as ACT 2. My greatest problem with ACT 3 is that in many times IDK what I need to do. And wish that I could explore the upper city.
There is a LOT of content in ACT 3, much of it missable too. Game is big enough no need for the upper city imo but would've been cool for sure.


Mar 1, 2021
Impossible for me.

The complexity and freedom of approach, greeting its distant cousins in Fallouts 1+2, deserves a 10.
The exploration, at least to some point, deserves a solid 8.
Combat—sans UI—also a solid 8 or even 9.
Several, outright villanous features deserve a range of -6 to -2.
Graphics, despite being generous, deserves like 6 for the nonsensical blur over everything in the main view, even in highest settings, and for the tee-hee DOS 3 atmosphere grafted upon Faerûn's 36 years of dignifying high-fantasy.

Generally, I can muster some thoughts-consensus. Not here. BG3 is a game I hated, scorned, was entertained by, and never ever would've recommended to anyone, yet I have to say, it had quite a few great features.
It's insane.
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Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Other thing to consider about so many critiques towards act 3. Many people in Codex hate mid and high level D&D. Much of the hatred towards act 3 is probably because you spend most of the chapter at lv 12 with so much powerful magical items and psionic powers that you end up stronger than most lv 14 chars.

Here, Dark Sun : Shattered Lands(lv cap = 9) is more popular than Wake of the Ravager(lv cap = 15) by a reason.

I like high level stuff but don't wanna BG3 to raise lv cap further cuz 5e doesn't work in high level. There are more epic modules for 3.5e than high level modules for 5e by a reason. Solasta in Palace of Ice expansion tried to bring high level 5e into a CRPG and was too boring tbh. With lv cap = 12, martials get to experience stuff like 3 attacks / turns, casters get to experience planar ally and other similar spells. The unique feature that I wish that I could use is Command undead. I would love to try to use it in Cazador.
5e said:
Command Undead : Starting at 14th level, you can use magic to bring undead under your control, even those created by other wizards. As an action, you can choose one undead that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your wizard spell save DC. If it succeeds, you can't use this feature on it again. If it fails, it becomes friendly to you and obeys your commands until you use this feature again.

Intelligent undead are harder to control in this way. If the target has an Intelligence of 8 or higher, it has advantage on the saving throw. If it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence of 12 or higher, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour until it succeeds and breaks free.

, much of it missable too

Yep. I know that I missed the fight against Raphael, deactivating the sentries and the undersea rescue mission.

Several, outright villanous features deserve a range of -6 to -2.
The complexity and freedom of approach, greeting its distant cousins in Fallouts 1+2, deserves a 10.
The exploration, at least to some point, deserves a solid 8.

So, (-2~6 + 10 + 8)/3 = 4~5.33 hu3hu3hu3


Sep 18, 2021
It is a good rpg if you like exploration, choice&consequence and turn-based combat. Its also one of the best murder hobo simulators out there. The game doesn't break down and allows you to progress the story properly. That alone puts it pretty high on my list. Also good reactivity to your class and mostly fitting options. I had a good time as barbarian adhering to "might makes right" principles and the law of the jungle.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
About the ending, I did both for Dark Urge and honestly liked; IDK about regular ending.

Most of problems with BG3 story is thanks to wotc, not larian. Except few nitpicks like for eg, 4 Mindflayer arcanists in final battle. It makes no sense, mindflayers who study arcane magic should be extremely rare and outcasts.


Dec 15, 2016
BG3 = The biggest mainstream cRPG success(DAO) combined with the second biggest(DOS2).

This proves that the path to yuuuge success for a party based cRPG is:

a) having cinematic convos with muted protag
b) being 3D and having rotatable cam with the party following the controlled character
c) RTwP or TB doesn't matter long as the combat is intuitive.

(if your game isn't high budget you can still do b) & c))

Special thanks to Swen for proving my points right all these years :smug:


Sep 18, 2021
People who say this haven't finished the game.
I have finished the game. Took me 126h. The ending is weak, but most of the content leading to it is entertaining.
Then you can't claim CnC exists in the game.
Well, let me try:

I claim CnC exists in Baldurs Gate 3.



*(Wasn't that hard actually)

I can even give proof to the claim. My barbarian did the only right thing to do when he met Gale for the first time and offed the little fucker. I assume you know what happens then if you played the game. You can squash the useless druids and the tieflings. Most games wouldn't let you do that and force you to be a do-gooder. BG 3 does not, it gives you a choice. Same with the Hag and many more quests. Blowing up the gnomes in Act 3 was also a nice touch.


Sep 18, 2017
I enjoyed my time with it, but I don't think I'll go back to it like I do multiple times for the first two.
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