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Atlus Persona 5


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Biggest disappointment so far is the soundtrack, it's well below the quality of Persona 3, Persona 4 or even Catherine. Not terrible, but no memorable tracks so far.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
For fucks sake, the store I pre ordered doesn't have any games in Stock, even tho I payed a 5 euro advance... In the greater Lisbon area they only have 3 copies total in other stores with no close subway, the biggest electronics and gaming chain in the country.

Now the fuckers are saying they can't give me back my money because their system says that they already gave it back. So now I'm waiting for customer support to solve this shit before going to fnac and seeing if they have any copies left.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
That's why you don't pay in advance for pre orders. Gamestop is the only store here that does it. Other stores have it as an option, but it's not mandatory, and it doesn't put you in any priority list either.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
That's why you don't pay in advance for pre orders. Gamestop is the only store here that does it. Other stores have it as an option, but it's not mandatory, and it doesn't put you in any priority list either.
I usually pay because they give a 15% discount.

So, I went to fnac, it's also out of stock, and from what I understood most stores will only have it by next week.

Now I'm forced to order it online, availability 2-4 days, another day for delivery, next week is most likely to get the game.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Guys question here about Persona in general:

Does my character level influence Persona skilldamage at all? Or is only the level of the Persona important?


Feb 18, 2016
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I didn't like the third person narrator on Persona 3 FES explaining everything to you, I liked persona 4 more for that reason despite the uninspired dungeons. It seems this sequel at least improves in that regard.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing this yesterday (10 hours). I'm really enjoying it so far, and will not hesitate in the least in saying that it is miles above both P3 and P4 in my eyes. Every single good idea that was in the past games, yet poorly implemented, has been improved upon, polished, and made actually fun. My biggest surprise was how excellent the level/dungeon design has been so far. It takes into consideration several factors and really makes you plan ahead before entering the metaverse. Not to mention the "stealth" gameplay, while simplistic, is a very welcome addition to the dungeon crawling experience. Playing on hard, by the way, and have found to be a really nice challenge so far, but nothing insane or insurmountable.

I knew I was going to enjoy this game, but I honestly didn't think I'd like it as much as I do. I have to head to work right now, but can't wait to get off and get back into the game. I'm officially addicted.


May 19, 2014
So far I'm loving it but I haven't been able to play as much as I've wanted! I did actually end up getting the PS4 version because someone got my a PS4 for my birthday! I was shocked! And they pre-ordered Persona 5 for me for it. When I get into it a little bit more I'll have more thoughts.

One thing I will say: I play video games as an escape and Persona 4, which I didn't play until like...2014 when I got out of prison, was a wonderful one. Now I'm playing P5 and the main character is on goddamn probation. Lol.

One thing I also want to say:

The storyline is a little weird. As in why your character gets sent to live there in the first place. Maybe it says something about how fucked up Japan is. So you save a girl from being sexually assaulted and abducted and the guy gets hurt and you end up in probation!? And it's not like the would-be rapist used his power/money/influence to bury what really happened. Everyone is very aware -- and says so -- about what actually happen. They know you tried to save SOMEONE FROM BEING RAPED yet they treat you like a criminal. Like the scum of the earth and the worst person in the world. Maybe this works in Japan as realistic, but this doesn't translate to the U.S. well. Not that I'm complaining. It's kinda hilarious. It just blows my mind how the Principle at the school is like "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STOPPED A RAPE FROM HAPPENING! YOU MESS UP LIKE THAT AGAIN, YOU'RE EXPELLED!!" or the chick teacher "I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO TEACH A CRIMINAL WITH A RECORD LIKE HIM IN MY CLASS!" Like wtf!?

Game is good but it has too much text. From my 8h so far, more than half must ve been just reading. The biowarian choices that come up constantly doesn't help either. And coming from a series of pure gameplay titles like Dishonored and Souls I'm feeling the need to readjust.

Hope it gets better after this Kamoshida dude.

The thing is, I wouldn't mind the text but a lot of the parts where you select how you want to answer seem pointless. You might have two cliche answers that are basically the same thing that'll have the same results either way.

Also, is it just me or is a lot of the text without any voice narration? It seems like even less than in P4.

Also, I'll just leave this here:

Last edited:

Red Rogue

Dec 6, 2015
The Squat Rack
Only got 2.5hrs in last night before I had to sleep for work, plan on diving back in after I finish some homework.
I'm really liking this game so far, It's the first time in awhile that I've been so excited to play that I caught myself daydreaming about it at work.

One thing I noticed for my first session though is that Japanese academic culture really makes itself obvious. Shujin academy students and faculty are RELENTLESS about the whole criminal record deal for the protag. So much that I found myself laughing at some of the dialog.

"....A criminal record....why did he have to transfer to MY CLASS!? Isn't a male better suited for this?"
"My volleyball team cant do ALL the heavy lifting upholding the schools reputation! Why did the principal accept a transfer like that?!"

I think I've been told I'll be expelled if I fuck up like 8 times. I don't play Japanese RPGs often and it's been interesting to see that type of influence


May 19, 2014
Only got 2.5hrs in last night before I had to sleep for work, plan on diving back in after I finish some homework.
I'm really liking this game so far, It's the first time in awhile that I've been so excited to play that I caught myself daydreaming about it at work.

One thing I noticed for my first session though is that Japanese academic culture really makes itself obvious. Shujin academy students and faculty are RELENTLESS about the whole criminal record deal for the protag. So much that I found myself laughing at some of the dialog.

"....A criminal record....why did he have to transfer to MY CLASS!? Isn't a male better suited for this?"
"My volleyball team cant do ALL the heavy lifting upholding the schools reputation! Why did the principal accept a transfer like that?!"

I think I've been told I'll be expelled if I fuck up like 8 times. I don't play Japanese RPGs often and it's been interesting to see that type of influence


My ex-con ass is sure the fuck glad I'm not in Japan. This dude stops a rape and people treat him like he's the devil in a school uniform. I'd be sent to live in the mountains.

Red Rogue

Dec 6, 2015
The Squat Rack
Only got 2.5hrs in last night before I had to sleep for work, plan on diving back in after I finish some homework.
I'm really liking this game so far, It's the first time in awhile that I've been so excited to play that I caught myself daydreaming about it at work.

One thing I noticed for my first session though is that Japanese academic culture really makes itself obvious. Shujin academy students and faculty are RELENTLESS about the whole criminal record deal for the protag. So much that I found myself laughing at some of the dialog.

"....A criminal record....why did he have to transfer to MY CLASS!? Isn't a male better suited for this?"
"My volleyball team cant do ALL the heavy lifting upholding the schools reputation! Why did the principal accept a transfer like that?!"

I think I've been told I'll be expelled if I fuck up like 8 times. I don't play Japanese RPGs often and it's been interesting to see that type of influence


My ex-con ass is sure the fuck glad I'm not in Japan. This dude stops a rape and people treat him like he's the devil in a school uniform. I'd be sent to live in the mountains.

That's probably the only thing that I didn't quite understand, it's generally known that the protag stopped a rape, Sojiro even states as much. But then he snaps back with some shit like "Shouldnt've meddled in their business!"

Japan is a collectivist nation sure, but I guess I'm still feeling the culture shock. It's hard to imagine that no one would be sympathetic.
Maybe that's what would actually happen. I sure as shit don't know, I don't live in Asia.

Either way, the fact that I'm writing about it on a CRPG forum at least proves the game has engaged me in a way that most can't nowadays.


Feb 16, 2013
As far as I understood it the people in your school dont know what exactly you did only that you are a troublemaker and have a record for beating someone up. The people who know what happened probably treat you like shit because you only saved some unimportant woman ut hurt some minorly important politician and from what I gathered "politicians are all scumbags" and "know your place" are two central themes of the game.


Jul 2, 2016
A Note on Persona 5 and Streaming

Oh boy, it’s a big day for ATLUS today. It took us a while (pause for Winter 2014 joke), but Persona 5 is finally out in the West! Seriously, we poured countless hours into making the game as perfect as it can be, and words can’t explain how excited we are for you all to finally be playing it. Some of you might be saying “this is totally just PR speak,” but I’m telling you it’s not. All of us at ATLUS in Japan and America worked our freaking butts off to make sure Persona 5 is worthy of having the Persona name.

We know this game means a lot to our fans, and we’re literally SO, SO HAPPY that you can now suit up with the Phantom Thieves and cause some havoc in Tokyo. Word of advice to newcomers of the game: *deep breath* MAKE SURE TO CHECK YOUR CALENDAR AND NOT WAIT UNTIL THE VERY LAST DAY TO STEAL SOMEONE’S TREASURE. REMEMBER TO SEND OUT A CALLING CARD BEFOREHAND OR ELSE ONLY PROFOUND SADNESS AWAITS. Oh, and save often.

Ok, now let’s talk Persona 5 streaming and videos. Simply put, we don’t want the experience to be spoiled for people who haven’t played the game. Our fans have waited years for the game to come out and we really want to make sure they can experience it fully as a totally new adventure. Please read our video/streaming guidelines below:

Please, PLEASE do not post any specific plot points or story spoilers, and only talk about the game in broad strokes. (Good example: “The game deals with dark themes right off the bat, with a lecherous teacher and other corrupted individuals.” Bad example: “Players immediately run into trouble with the pervy teacher *spoiler*, whose actions go so far as to cause *spoiler*.”)

You’re more than welcome to talk/show Confidants, the new combat, the Velvet Room, the dungeons, etc. Just please keep in mind that as a singular story playthrough, viewers are *highly* wary of spoilers!

In-game Content Limit: Please limit video content through the in-game date of 7/7.

Video Content

  • You can post however many additional videos you’d like, but please limit each to be at most 90 minutes long.
  • No major story spoilers, and I’ll leave that up to your good judgment. If you need some guidelines, avoid showing/spoiling the ending segments of the first three palaces. While you can show initial interactions with Yusuke, avoid his awakening scene, and that whole deal about THE painting. Also, don’t post anything about a certain student investigator.
  • I know I mentioned not showing the end of each palace, but you can grab footage from the Kamoshida boss fight. However, don’t capture video from the other major boss fights.
  • Must not focus solely on cutscenes/animated scenes, should prominently feature dungeon crawling/spending time in Tokyo.
  • You can post straight gameplay or have commentary.
Streaming Content

This being a Japanese title with a single-playthrough story means our masters in Japan are very wary about it. Sharing is currently blocked through the native PS4 UI. However, if you do plan on streaming, video guidelines above apply except length. If you decide to stream past 7/7 (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT DOING THIS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED), you do so at the risk of being issued a content ID claim or worse, a channel strike/account suspension.

That being said, Persona 5 is a super special case for us and we’re in ongoing discussion about how our policies may evolve in the future. Thanks for reading and good luck in the Metaverse.

Atlus fighting the good fight for everyone. Streamers are annoying. The bums lost! Get a job, sir!


Sep 27, 2009
Tell me...Are you still chasing black blobs around hallways. Or can you now see what you are going to fight?


This very important question went unanswered.

So, I see instead of the blobs, you attack some generic Knights around hallways.

Still attacking shit you have no idea of what's inside.

A little more visually appealing than the old black blob thing, but still decline.

The protag's eagle vision bullshitery allows you to gauge how the monsters strength compares to yours. With Red being hard, orange(?) being on par with your party average, and blue being easy. But beyond that there's very little to tell them a part no. This is keeping with the majority of JRPG tradition. Generally as far as I know, they tend to view it as a good thing.

Also I still loved the moment I got ambushed by 2 of the death chicken creatures(The first ones that can cast death magic) and my protag gets insta targetted with the "Low Chance of Death" spell dies instantly no chance to respond. It was then that I remembered what it was like to play a Megaten game. Also, normal is fucking easy, don't play it unless you're looking to coast through the game like a pleb.


Nov 20, 2009
Wasteland 2
I am at 9th hour and I'm playing with the optional Merciless difficulty which in my opinion fits with the theme wonderfully.
And it is merciless man. The first non intro fight the MC got oneshotted by a crit from a Jack Lantern O_o.
I haven't confirmed this but that mode gives also less xp per monster defeated, while you play you can hit select if you are signed in and it will give you a percentage breakdown of the actions other players decided to do that day as well as the average level, turns out I was lagging 2 levels behid the average right after the the first time you are free to choose what to do after schoo.

Having the ability to sneak about and to gauge if the enemy has more levels then you it's unvaluable in merciles, simply because if you are surrounded it's a party wipe 90% of the time.
The first miniboss took 2 tries and I got lucky it didn't use his aoe.
So far I am very much enjoying the game.


Jul 2, 2016
60% less xp and yen.
Triple Critical Damage for both sides
Enemies deal more damage
You deal less damage


Jun 15, 2016
From everything that I've read so far, this game sounds like a system seller. I'm thinking about going on the hunt for a bargain PS3


Dec 29, 2011

My ex-con ass is sure the fuck glad I'm not in Japan. This dude stops a rape and people treat him like he's the devil in a school uniform. I'd be sent to live in the mountains.
the dude is some kind of influential politician who intimidated the woman into changing her testimony.

meanwhile in RL amerikwa you can get arrested for sending some kike an animated gif on twitter.

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