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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
idk if it's just Saint but enhance weapon gives me 1 point more than should. My 1/5 Lann already has a +4 total weapon (+1/+3). I noticed it early when fighting shadow demon where clicking made his sword +3.

The Trickster Knowledge Arcane is supposed to give an extra +1 to items but instead in the Alpha was stacking the new value with the old. So if you found what was normally a +2 Sword it would be +5 (+2 + +3). In combination with Magical Weapon, Greater stacking (probably intentionally) things got out of hand quickly.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
idk if it's just Saint but enhance weapon gives me 1 point more than should. My 1/5 Lann already has a +4 total weapon (+1/+3). I noticed it early when fighting shadow demon where clicking made his sword +3.

LOL. Three broken stats, I think I'll chose the second lowest.


Mar 23, 2015
Probably Angel (LG/NG) or Aeon (LN, technically LE exists for Devil but not in-game yet) or Lich (LE). The thing with Aeon is that a lot of its Mythic Gaze requires the enemy to be within medium range of you so you probably don't want to use Longbow for that.

Not sure about Angel Mythic Abilities.

Wouldn't you want him near your melees anyway, so you can join the AoO bonanza that goes on there with snap shot?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Probably Angel (LG/NG) or Aeon (LN, technically LE exists for Devil but not in-game yet) or Lich (LE). The thing with Aeon is that a lot of its Mythic Gaze requires the enemy to be within medium range of you so you probably don't want to use Longbow for that.

Not sure about Angel Mythic Abilities.

Wouldn't you want him near your melees anyway, so you can join the AoO bonanza that goes on there with snap shot?

Easier said than done. The five shots you waste on the way there unlikely to be worth it.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Probably Angel (LG/NG) or Aeon (LN, technically LE exists for Devil but not in-game yet) or Lich (LE). The thing with Aeon is that a lot of its Mythic Gaze requires the enemy to be within medium range of you so you probably don't want to use Longbow for that.

Not sure about Angel Mythic Abilities.

Wouldn't you want him near your melees anyway, so you can join the AoO bonanza that goes on there with snap shot?

Wait are we talking about running your PC as Zen Archer or are we talking about Lann?

Companion just get generic Mythic Abilities so whatever mythic path you choose has no bearing. In that case whatever mythic path would work with Lann because as you said, he is built for SnapShot.

On the other hand, a PC as Zen Archer might not necessarily build SnapShot style and thus my comment about not focusing on Long Bow if you pick ZA and Aeon.

Easier said than done. The five shots you waste on the way there unlikely to be worth it.

Kinda depends, formation wise he is always on the 2nd row for me. Not all scenario require you to go to enemies (most demons are melee) so you can perfectly wait your frontline to get engaged by enemy. After that he can move just one or two steps.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
After that he can move just one or two steps.

Two = missing a full attack. Missing a full attack = missing four attacks at least. That's a lot of Snap Shots to be made up. I'll do it at least once for fun but not sure it's worth it once you understand what makes ranged men good.

Cavalier Lann is another story so we'll see how that gets implemented.


Mar 23, 2015
Ofc flurry is buggy and you have to to reequip a robe for it to trigger again.

Wait are we talking about running your PC as Zen Archer or are we talking about Lann?

PC, but I guess it applies to both.

Not really impressed with ZA so far.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Just have to switch between weapon slots ATM which you can do without going into inventory. What are you unimpressed with? Anything that starts the game with twice as many attacks as anything else is good. He just dominates my games.


Dec 9, 2011
So Abundant Casting goes somewhat around stat requirements for spells, but not completely. You will not be casting spells if you stat doesn't allow you to, but if your spell progression is stunted (like if you're a Ranger for example), but you qualify for spell level, it will fill your spell slots (same like very high casting stat really).

I think next time I am running Lann as Alchemist :troll:


Mar 23, 2015
Just have to switch between weapon slots ATM which you can do without going into inventory. What are you unimpressed with? Anything that starts the game with twice as many attacks as anything else is good. He just dominates my games.

You can start plenty of chars with Rapid Shot.

Standard comparison would be Ekun, seems way worse.
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Dec 9, 2011
Wow, I expected any kind of reply from LN monk to a burned cripple beggar than semi-mocking her back. Daeran was kinder to her than Lann.
Even in a not evil aligned party can't get anything resembling human dialogue.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Just have to switch between weapon slots ATM which you can do without going into inventory. What are you unimpressed with? Anything that starts the game with twice as many attacks as anything else is good. He just dominates my games.

You can start plenty of chars with Rapid Shot.

Standard comparison would be Ekun, seems way worse.

Rapid Shot costs a Feat and has a -2 to hit penalty. No, can't start plenty of characters with it. Human Divine Hunter/Fighter would be about it unless you're skipping Precise which is retarded. Point taken that ZA is missing it for that level too. Who's picking it up at level 2? ZA gets Percise and Focus for free at lvl 2.

Flurry costs neither Feat nor Penalty. Class is great. Learn it.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Wow, I expected any kind of reply from LN monk to a burned cripple beggar than semi-mocking her back. Daeran was kinder to her than Lann.
Even in a not evil aligned party can't get anything resembling human dialogue.

That's all intentional.

Lann LN is the fact that he has a principle and puts his people above all else. When it's his people in the maze he is willing to go through danger and beyond begging you to help but when it is another community he couldn't care less. He gets along pretty well with Reggil for that reason. Being a very short-lived race, he actually has interaction with the surface compared to toehr race which is why he is pretty cynical as well.

Daeran honestly is barely NE in the game besides the fact that he is a hedonist dick. I don't even think he should be NE at all but him being Evil probably has something to do with

basically being possessed by a currently passive observer outer god or something that can instakill anybody that knows his secret


Dec 9, 2011
Err, by that logic Cam should also be evil.

Class is great. Learn it.
Zen is just a fighter with bow with all feats selected for u to not mess it up. It's a nobrain class with nothing to learn. They don't even play the WIS thing much.
Monks suck
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Err, by that logic Cam should also be evil.

Class is great. Learn it.
Zen is just a fighter with bow with all feats selected for u to not mess it up. It's a nobrain class with nothing to learn. They don't even play the WIS thing much.
Monks suck

Yeah well they had to idiotproof it since early and you don't get the Wis to AB until lvl 3 so for multiclassing just as well.

Second Flurry at lvl 11 is big. Free Speed and AC as you level is big (as is WIS to AC of course). Ki Arrows (saves feat for Clustered Shots and is better than Clustered Shots against all but DR/-) and increasing dice and turning Short Bow Long are big.

Spell-like abilities not ignoring SR like for instance Bombs do blows and hope they change it but realistically with a Perfect Strike per level and all those attax with increasing dice and free Weapon Specialization etc etc you want to stay attacking anyway, but that leaves you with Abundant Step (see: Tactical Retreat, Evasive Shot), Disease Immunity, True Strike (probably best with Urban Hunter), Extra Attack, Full Barkskin, some Relics that use Ki, free Restorations, etc...

Currently get Manyshot (which you theoretically shouldn't) and Point Blank Master without Prereqs, as well as Improved Precise which will be good once Cover is in via mod or not.
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Evil thing also being slow to show up.

Pretty sure the arc is intended to run the other direction, with Law/Chaos being sort of beside the point, especially Paizo/Owlcat brand of Law = hate daddy. He's Evil to start what with hiring people to capture him then having them beheaded for fun or whatever. Ultimately sees through Galfrey's ineffective leadership to the true Good of liberating Golarion from the Worldwound.

It's what (temporarily) degenerate elites are good for. Alternative aristocracy under glass - break when needed. Hard knocks make good leaders Prince Hal etc...


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Flurry costs neither Feat nor Penalty. Class is great. Learn it.
Wait what? Flurry is supposed to give a -2 to all attack rolls when used. Did Owlcat just give ZA all the benefits of flurry with none of the downsides?

It's offset by Rapid not working (Many isn't supposed to either) which ends up being awkward since Rapid is a prereq for Improved Snap Shot currently.

Currently ZA2, ZA3, ZA6, and ZA11 are good to multiclass off of into a class that doesn't care that much about class levels. Combat style Feats can be awkward since you'll already have the Archery ones. Menacing is interesting but you do start in a hole with CHR.

He really wants Shatter for all his Iteratives.

That's for Lann. For MC you probably want to design your build around staying pure and taking full advantage.
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Tips for Lann:

1) If you see (reduced) after his damage that's a big issue. Cold Iron Arrows are for sale for a reasonable price at your local arms vendor. You get them for free at level 7 if you stay ZA. DR/Good* is less common but once you get to +5 you bypass it. Magic Weapon, Greater + Hunter's Assurance (Swarm Queen Short Bow) does this at level 8 and lasts several hours.

2) Heroism also has long duration and should be always on. Bull's Strength and Enlarge Person boost damage.

3) Full Attacks are turns without a Move. Try not to move too much. If you're getting Full Attacks he'll fill up your combat log with goodness just like Ekun did.

* - full Inspects for every foe are free in Beta so take advantage of this time to learn what each one does/weaknesses etc. That info usually requires high Lore/Knowledge and I know how all the hardcore powergamers like to blow off their skillz.
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Kitten is spotty currently yes. Also Galfrey wants the precious.

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