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KickStarter Nox Archaist - 8-bit RPG for Apple II, Mac, and PC - now with Lord of Storms expansion


Sep 10, 2014
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/6502workshop/nox-archaist-8-bit-rpg-for-apple-ii-mac-and-pc
Kickstarter 2: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/6502workshop/nox-archaist-an-8-bit-rpg-for-apple-ii-mac-and-pc



Full description :


Nox Archaist is a tile-based, 8-bit, sword-and-sorcery role-playing game modeled after the iconic RPGs of the 1980s. The game is currently under development with an expected release date of Dec 2018. We launched this Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to produce a collector's edition loaded with feelies!

Our goals for this project are to both capture the retro-gaming experience from the 1980s and explore what might have happened if commercial RPG development had continued on 8-bit computers to the present day.

If you're hardcore enough to play Nox Archaist on a real Apple II we will send you the game on old-school media - 5.25" floppy disks (4 doubled-sided disks estimated). We've also ensured the game is playable on modern Mac and Windows PCs via emulator.

We are developing Nox Archaist from scratch, in assembly language, on real Apple II hardware. We're talking handmade quality bits here. All 8 of them.


Nox Archaist is available with a bunch of cool stuff and comes in an old-school retro plastic bag or a full-color box loaded with feelies, all with professional custom artwork.

  • Full-color game box
  • Fabric map of the Nox Archaist world
  • Nox Archaist game manuals
  • In-game rewards such as your own waterfall or recognition as Lord of the Realm
  • Game artifacts

Nox Archaist boasts a story-rich environment filled with puzzles and strategic combat opportunities. Click here for more details.

New Apple II tile-based RPG gameplay features we've implemented include:

Brave heroes who enter our world will experience:

  • Engaging Game World Interaction

  • Dynamic Combat Scenarios

  • Robust NPC Conversation

  • Deadly Dungeons

  • Much More!


We chronicle the history and progress of the project at www.noxarchaist.com

Next are a few gameplay videos
which tell a mini-story to demonstrate some of the features we've packed into Nox Archaist. More videos can be found on our website.

The videos feature early versions of some music tracks from the audio CD included in some tiers, which is intended to be played on a stand alone CD player during gameplay or digitized for use on other device


Coming soon:

  • Juiced.GS Magazine article: September 2017 issue
  • Open Apple Podcast interview #2: September 2017 episode

"I'm excited to see old-school development of the Apple II in 2017. Nox Archaist looks to bring us all back to the origin of high-fantasy CRPGs."

-Ken Gagne, Editor-in-Chief, Juiced.GS Magazine

“It looks like they are aiming for quite a bit higher level of detail than the Ultima’s ever reached on the 8-bit Apples because they are doing things like swimming, you can swim under water, and your character’s head shows above the water, you can sink into swamps and all these sorts of things. Really nice attention to detail while still having that very 8-bit high res graphics tile based aesthetic”

-Quinn Dunki, Co-Host, Open Apple Podcast

I love it that when you go to bed your character actually appears in the bed instead of just standing beside it saying, 'You’re asleep now'"

-Mike Maginnis, Co-Host, Open Apple Podcast

"As someone who enjoyed the original Ultima games on the Apple II, I am really looking forward to Nox Archaist! It’s got that old-school feel but with modern gameplay elements. Awesome!"

-Chris Torrence, Host, The Assembly Lines Video Podcast



  • Genre: Retro RPG, Fantasy, Sword-and-Sorcery
  • Play Style: Open world with turn based combat
  • Player Characters: Up to six
  • Architecture: 8-Bit


  • Apple IIe, IIc, IIgs: Two disk drives and color monitor strongly recommended
  • 128k RAM
  • 5.25" Floppy and Harddrive (real and emulated) supported
  • Mac OSX: Emulator. OpenEmulator recommended (free)
  • Windows: Emulator. AppleWin recommended (free)


6502 Workshop is the grassroots game development effort of a small team of technology and graphics professionals.

The original Workshop crew was fortunate enough to team up with old-school Apple II veterans who are excited to help make Nox Archaist the best vintage gaming experience that it can be. These include Elizabeth Daggert, former lead programmer for Lode Runner Online and Peter Ferrie (/aka Qkumba), a software developer for companies like Microsoft and Symantec by day and grand-master 6502 assembly-language programmer by night.


The Nox Archaist project was born in the early 1980s while we explored new worlds created by the Ultima and Bard's Tale series. Since then we've been driven to create our own fantasy RPG.

There was something magical about opening those classic games for the first time. The packaging, artwork, and cool hands on stuff was part of the experience that we want to recapture. To that end we recruited a team of awesome artists and are doing our best impression of a time travel device by stuffing the Nox Archaist game box with custom art and feelies.


The Nox Archaist Kickstarter may be the only opportunity to acquire the collector's edition artifacts and rewards.

Kickstarter may be the only opportunity because several key materials used to produce the Collector's Edition of Nox Archaist have minimum order requirements with our suppliers. Kickstarter's funding model helps us to manage those issues.

Funding Use

  • Launching Nox Archaist through Kickstarter will allow us to deliver the game to you both at the best possible price and with awesome, professional artwork, packaging, and feelies.
  • Funding will be used for the upfront materials costs to produce the physical game box, map, manual, and other items including professional services for the artwork, design, and layout of the physical items you will receive with the game.
  • Receiving funding in advance enables us to commit to bulk materials purchases to keep the game price as low as possible.

For us, this project first and foremost is about having fun and sharing that fun with 8-bit RPG gamers. Nox Archaist will be available as a fully playable free download. We estimate the free download version will be available within a few months after the Kickstarter rewards ship so that we can focus on delivering rewards and providing support to our Kickstarter backers.

Free? Why Be A Backer?

  • For the immersive 8-bit RPG gaming experience that comes from opening a game box with beautiful art and loaded with feelies!
  • To help achieve the stretch goals listed below, which benefit all backers.
  • The Apple II collector's editions come with Nox Archaist on 5.25" floppy disks, which saves you the hassle of writing the free version disk images to floppy.
  • Earlier access to the game.
  • Encourage future game development. The more backers we have the easier it will be for our team and other teams to prioritize future 8-bit RPG projects.
Copy Protection

  • Copy protection is a long standing tradition and art form within the Apple II community.
  • Copy protection for Nox Archaist will be written by legendary cracker and grand master assembly language programmer Peter Ferrie (/aka Qkumba).
  • Why copy protect the 5.25" disks if a free version can be downloaded? It's tradition. It's fun :)




The stretch goals may change during the campaign based on feedback from backers.


Thank you for your support! We look forward to producing the Collector's Edition of Nox Archaist and providing you with an immersive 8-bit fantasy RPG experience!


If you have any questions about Nox Archaist the game or the Kickstarter you can reach us by clicking the FAQ link below, and then click "Ask a Question".

Click here for the Nox Archaist press kit.

General: Crowdfunding has risk. However, while no project is risk free, we believe the risk associated with Nox Archaist is relatively low.

With a game engine that has core elements complete, the remaining game development work is mostly in the category of storyline and quest development. To mitigate risk, we are using a development method that is simular to the method advocated by Richard Garriott, which allows the story to flow out of the engine rather than design an engine to tell a specific story. While we have created a storyline sketch, we’ve left it flexible enough that we can mold it to the contours of the game engine.

Prototypes for the physical items included in the various tiers have been created. Roadmaps for bulk production and delivery are already in place. Final production of the game will involve managing finances, coordinating with suppliers, creating processes for efficient assembly and delivery, and more.

We are confident in our ability to tackle these challenges. 6502 Workshop co-founder Mark Lemmert is a CPA and MBA with decades of experience in finance and business management in entrepreneurial technology companies. Co-founder Mike Reimer has years of experience procuring and shipping physical goods.

Prototypes: The reward photos show prototypes; there may be a few changes to the the artwork and materials of the final versions.

Game Development State: The gameplay videos reflect functionality of the game engine as it currently exists; there may be a few changes to the final version.

Map Materials: The Nox Archaist world map shown in the Kickstarter pictures is produced on thick, heavy canvas that feels great in the hand and resembles aged parchment. The map is quite flexible and durable, but may be slightly susceptible to scratches. However, with careful handling the map will last for many, many years.

Suppliers. If supply chain problems prevent us from providing a particular item in a reward tier we will offer a comparable replacement or a prorated refund.
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May 24, 2017
My //c died in a winter basement flood, in 1993. It was a terrible day... I was developing my own BBS software on it, in Applesoft Basic of all things.

I was ruined for a good bit - no money for a new PC, no machine to play Ultima VI on.

Good times.

Edit: on topic, this looks pretty interesting. If it has a good story for the fag in me, I will buy.

6502 Foreman

6502 Workshop
Sep 17, 2017
Hey, I'm one of the guys that launched and is developing the Nox Archaist project. Thanks a lot for the support!

We can see when Kickstarter backers come from links on RPG Codex, so click through the OP links in this thread to rep RPG Codex when backing.

Feel free to post here or PM if you have any questions or comments about Nox Archaist.

Nox Archaist
6502 Workshop

You guys like gifs? Here's an early combat gif from when we were testing a Lighting Bolt spell:


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Nov 21, 2010
Codex Year of the Donut
6502 Foreman Any thoughs of a C64 release? I mean, with that username, one would think that'd be your platform of choice. (Ok, I know the Apple II and C64 both used the 6502, but still...) Just wondering - I really like what you are doing and hope to contribute.

6502 Foreman

6502 Workshop
Sep 17, 2017
Any thoughs of a C64 release?

C64 is possible but would be a separate project after the Apple II release. We grew up with RPGs on A2 systems and wanted to see how far we could push that platform and how much cool new stuff could be packed into an A2 RPG.

I really like what you are doing and hope to contribute.

Thanks Daemongar! I know it's not as old school hardcore as an actual A2/C64 machine, but Nox Archaist plays great on PC + Mac emulators.


Mar 22, 2017
Writing code like it's 1989 is a cargo cult. In modern day one can squeeze out a lot more out of Apple ][ than in 1989. Retards.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Oh. Ok then .

I mistook this for Unknown Realm, a game I actually backed. I might do it this time for Nox Archaist.

6502 Workshop

6502 Workshop
Oct 16, 2017
Thanks everyone for the replies!

Yes, our first Kickstarter campaign back was not funded. We’ve made adjustments, and are taking another shot.

And, the Kickstarter is just to raise funds to produce a collectors edition with game box, cloth map, printed manual, and other feelies. Nox Archaist will be released digitally regardless of the outcome. We are a volunteer team who truly loves what we’re doing. None of us is depending on this project for income.

We hope to earn your support!

More information is available on our website here:


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth


Lord British in Nox Archaist!

It is a dark time for the metaverse. Ripples of discord radiate out from Vali, the world of Nox Archaist. Lord British learns of the dangerous omens and seeks to return order to the chaos that threatens to consume creation! He has journeyed to the world of Vali to assist and guide adventurers as they unravel the mysteries and face the challenges of Nox Archaist.

Yes, you read that right - Lord British will be an NPC in the upcoming Nox Archaist game, produced by 6502 Workshop! This is a big deal for us, as many of the people on our development team grew up playing the Ultima series of games written by Lord British. A lot of our desire to write a tile based Apple II RPG springs from how much enjoyment those games brought us.

We can't wait to show everyone the world that we've created, and having Lord British in it makes it just that much more amazing.

If you would like to be involved, we will be launching our Kickstarter on May 2nd of 2019 to fund the creation of the boxed game and the cool "feelies" that go along with it, such as a cloth map and coins of the realm. Click Here to learn more!



I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Live on Kickstarter again: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2009377458/nox-archaist-an-8-bit-rpg-for-apple-ii-mac-and-pc


You crawl ashore, spluttering out sea water, still clutching your sword. Every muscle aches from struggling against the storm, then later, against the waves. You were so close to discovering the secret of the magical barrier that threatens your homeland. Your investigations led you to a mysterious cult. But, after hearing fell voices on the winds of the storm that rose up out of nowhere, you fear that larger forces may be at play. You thought you heard the name Vazarath whispered among them. Now, shipwrecked and with your companions dead, how can you hope to accomplish your mission?

You crawl ashore, spluttering out sea water, still clutching your sword. Every muscle aches from struggling against the storm, then later, against the waves. You were so close to discovering the secret of the magical barrier that threatens your homeland. Your investigations led you to a mysterious cult. But, after hearing fell voices on the winds of the storm that rose up out of nowhere, you fear that larger forces may be at play. You thought you heard the name Vazarath whispered among them. Now, shipwrecked and with your companions dead, how can you hope to accomplish your mission?

Raising your head, you see a figure approach, carrying a glowing torch. As the figure steps closer, you see that the light comes not from a torch, but from the tip of an oak staff. A black robe envelopes the figure, with a low hood that completely obscures the creature’s face. A cultist? With a cry you struggle to free your sword from the clinging seaweed. As you look up, you see that the figure is simply standing there, holding out their hand. You slowly take the hand and pull yourself to your feet. As they lower their hood and smile warmly, you realize that even though you swore to defend the realm from shadow and darkness, perhaps you don’t have to do it alone.

Nox Archaist is set in a sinister realm ruled by swords and sorcery. Adventurers brave enough to explore Nox Archaist will encounter engaging NPCs and a vast storyline within a sandbox world with linear storyline elements. Hordes of vile enemies will block your path to fame and riches.

Much more than just a "hack and slash" game, Nox Archaist will offer a rich and rewarding world to explore and discover, with many secrets, interesting stories, and a deep history to unravel.

Gamers will enjoy features like skills-driven character development and strategic turn-based combat scenarios which integrate with the game's storyline and push the boundaries of the Apple II platform.

Features that push the Apple II envelope include:
  • Complex world with both linear storyline and non-linear sandbox elements
  • Hiding in tall grass, horse jumping, swimming
  • NPCs with independent movement and adaptive behavior
  • Advanced mob combat tactics
  • Popup windows and other modern user interface elements

Let's take a look at our party!

Time to break out the spells and weapons!

I know, let's buy a ship!

6502 Workshop

6502 Workshop
Oct 16, 2017
Thanks for your interest!

If anyone has any questions about the Nox Archaist Kickstarter just let me know.



Jul 14, 2017
Oh. Ok then .

I mistook this for Unknown Realm, a game I actually backed. I might do it this time for Nox Archaist.
The Devs for Unknown Realm recently released their we have not worked on the game at all update. Even though I'm feeling burned about that, Nox Archaist looks good, and I feel I'll likely back it to some degree. I just hope 6502 Workshop is more forthcoming about updates than Stirring Dragon Games.

6502 Workshop

6502 Workshop
Oct 16, 2017
Thanks for keeping an open mind!

After the Kickstarter ends we plan on posting updates every few months if not more frequently. If we don't meet our target date you can be sure we'll include in our updates a summary of what's done and what still in process so backers can gauge the rate of progress.


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
Overlords of the Apple II

We are so close to hitting our Denis Loubet stretch goal, but so much has been happening that we couldn't wait any longer for an update.

In the past few days, we've reached over 340% of our goal! During that time, we've heard from some of the Luminaries of the Apple II world. Before the Kickstarter, we had already been fortunate enough to receive support from Richard Garriott (aka Lord British of Ultima) and Burger Becky (of Bard's Tale fame).

On Friday, John Carmack (id Software, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Oculus VR) asked on twitter about whether he can install the Nox Archaist Collector's Edition on a FloppyEMU hard drive on his Apple IIc. Yes, you can! That must have been all he needed, because shortly after, John Carmack became backer #246.


Did you ever wonder about that bug in Wizardry where the bishop could give 100,000,000 experience points? If so, then Robert J. Woodhead, aka the Mad Overlord (Sir-Tech Software and AnimEigo) answers the question in our comment thread. Hint: there wasn't much room in 48k for error checking...

We very much appreciate his clever recommendation of the Nox Archaist project!


Finally, just a heads up that the Lost Sectors youtube podcast will be doing a Live Stream of Nox Archaist gameplay on Friday, May 10, at 9pm central time. Last week they did a preview of Nox Archaist using our Alpha release, which you can watch here. We'll post another update as the Live Stream gets closer, and we'll embed a link in the main Kickstarter page.

Once again, thanks for all of your support. Look for an announcement soon about the next stretch goal!

-Mark and the 6502 Workshop team

6502 Workshop

6502 Workshop
Oct 16, 2017
Hey guys!

Some additional info:

*Nox Archaist is already a playable game. We're just adding content and polishing.

*The Lost Sector's youtube podcast recently did a demo of Nox Archaist where they show lots of gameplay elements like towns, castles, combat, NPC dialog, exploration, spell casting, etc. while they talk about their impressions.


*Lost Sector’s is doing a Live Stream of Nox Archaist gameplay on Friday, May 10, at 9pm central time. We will be online with them in chat to answer questions. Our Kickstarter page will have an embedded link.

*We've established a track record of regular communication about the project over the last three years on our blog. We'll continue this approach with our backer updates after the Kickstarter.


If anyone has any questions I’m happy to help!



Double Sided Games
May 15, 2009
Oh. Ok then .

I mistook this for Unknown Realm, a game I actually backed. I might do it this time for Nox Archaist.
The Devs for Unknown Realm recently released their we have not worked on the game at all update. Even though I'm feeling burned about that, Nox Archaist looks good, and I feel I'll likely back it to some degree. I just hope 6502 Workshop is more forthcoming about updates than Stirring Dragon Games.

I've been in constant personal communication with the creator of Nox Archaist, and we have been talking shop discussing our own projects. He seems hard working and very forthcoming.

I for one certainly can't wait to hold a copy of his game in my hands.

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