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Incline Disco Elysium - The Final Cut - a hardboiled cop show isometric RPG


Sep 1, 2020
I've seen some discussion about this title, but don't remember anything particular. What is this game about? What themes does it present?

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
I've seen some discussion about this title, but don't remember anything particular. What is this game about? What themes does it present?
I don't think much of the name but at least it isn't "No Truce with the Furies".
Should have simply renamed it "No Truce with the Commies". :M



No truce with the commies! +M


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
It just got to me, remember that deposed king that was taking tons of drugs "to be closer ot the divine"? Normally of course such excuse would be ridiculed naturally, but considering the drug fueled state of Harry du Bois and his connection to the supernatural (he literally spoke with the spirit of the Revachole and we know that there is a high chance its probably real) its hilarious how it could be actually true. After all the builders of wooden churches knew about holes in reality, it would not be so weird for the royal family to know about such secrets and other supernatural phenomena.
Hah imagine if ZAUM uncounciously wrote lore about commies destroying probably the only Revacholian government that was aware of the Pale encroachment and thus bringing end of the world closer :lol:
Last edited:
Jan 21, 2023
In the novel that tells the story of the future of Revachol, the world is fucked up by the Pale but IIRC the world is destroyed by nuclear bombs


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
In the novel that tells the story of the future of Revachol, the world is fucked up by the Pale but IIRC the world is destroyed by nuclear bombs
Only Revachol is destroyed by nuclear attack, probably conducted by the Mesque, who now follow the new Innocence of Nihilism. Large parts of the world are swallowed by the Pale though (half of Graad and the whole of northern Scandinavia-like country from which the main characters come). It is suggested that the Pale can be controled by radio waves and this has been mastered in Samara, the last communist state after the fall of revolutions everywhere else.
Jan 21, 2023
Well Ruby did build a device that could control the Pale or parts of it at least, so yeah, it makes sense.

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
I've seen some discussion about this title, but don't remember anything particular. What is this game about? What themes does it present?
You roleplay a middle aged loser waking up with amnesia and trying to solve two puzzles - a murder case and a "how did I fail life so gloriously that I lost all memory", by defining personality traits and pondering on specific thoughts. And it's really a good game.

Storyfags call it rpg. Libtards call it a communist manifesto. In truth, it's a clever and enjoyable disco noir mix of point&click and standard crpg tropes.

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
It's a game that managed to successfully take all sorts of fags from different demographics under the same roof and they all loved it, basically. Quality product that lets you enjoy it without pandering, 10/10
Jan 21, 2023
Yeah, some chuds got butthurt that the game calls out fascism as misogynistic when they don't have enough literacy to get that all actions that Harry does, and all thoughts he harbors, are influenced by his life as an addict (alcohol - drugs - woman (not even women in general, just one)). Commie harry would still think women are evil because they are the bourgeois ideals incarnated. Which is why Kim is so important: while they have goals that meet, Kim ends up being a friend that wants to see Harry bettering himself out of pure kindness.

And then you also have Cuno's ending, which might be even more poignant from Harry's POV because he always wanted to be a dad, so Cuno, by leaving his life behind and becoming a police cadet, becomes a sort of adopted son for him.

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
(at the risk of spamming with consecutive posts, we need to talk.)
Look, this game has been praised, trashed and described by every Jon and Mary, leading to some huge misconceptions that either repel or attract newfags wondering if they should give it a go.

If you hear it from a left leaning faggot, it's gonna sound like a gay commie paradise and they'll give you many a colorful herps, all the way down to "one of the main dev bitches thanked Marx at the award ceremony", but let's see what that actually means.. Nothing. The devs are oldschool people, not western clowns. Westerners can't even make a game like this anymore, a sad fact. While I played it, all of the commie stuff was - simply there. Not encouraged anymore than the other ideologies, not in your face, just there. The gay stuff is something equally and tastefully present, where you literally have to be directly asking for it in one case, and literally dig and push to find out in another (spoiler free). It's as optional as ketchup and it is entirely possible to never encounter it at all. Everything is tasteful, satirical, interesting and optional here and don't let noone tell you otherwise. Sure, you may not end up liking god knows what or be pissed off at whatever. If so, you'll be in the minority, the wrong type of minority that noone can ever love anyway, so all is good.

I personally recommend the downgraded version of the game with only a handful of skill voices, but some may beg to differ. Idk if the Final Cut comes with an option for less voices at all, I just think it's one of those things that is better experienced with your inner voice and imagination left alone. Newfags that are looking for seals of approval or woke alarm, you're absolutely free to dive into it: 100% objectively no pandering or handholding - just bear in mind it is a linear progression and you can't go anywhere you please. Great game - it doesn't fucking matter what genre it is. It's a good game.
Jan 21, 2023
It's kinda surprising that so few people haven't realized that not all slurs are censored in the game. Only faggot and retard, could be others too, but those are the highlights. Harry feels insulted when people call him retard, but also he doesn't want to admit he might be attracted to the Smoker, so faggot being censored is just him in denial. But yeah, other than that, Harry is yours to control, he has his own way to look at things, but things in the world mostly exist.


Mar 30, 2024
It’s a romantic, bittersweet view on communism after its collapse — literally the setting author grew up in. I didn’t have an impression it is pro-communism, rather it portrayed each ideology as being flawed while having their pros as well. After all the guy was smart enough to comprehend that it is capitalism that made making this game possible.

People screeching about it being pro commie is just the type unable to get their heads off their asses.

And yes, it’s a brilliant game, we are not likely to see anything like it anymore.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
I'm no lover of Communism, but it's pretty obvious that even if the developers are Communists, their discussion of politics in the game is intelligent (much as the commentary of older generations of Communists was - one presumes this is the result of a balanced education, as a hangover from more civilized times, in his home country) and intellectually honest (it at least tries to give a rounded account of ideologies, including the flaws of Communism itself).

Or to put it another way, although the game may have been made by Communists, it's not literally Communist propaganda (in the way that, say, the plays of Bertolt Brecht are), it's a well-made, engaging game with its own internal fantasy logic and integrity.

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
I'm no lover of Communism, but it's pretty obvious that even if the developers are Communists, their discussion of politics in the game is intelligent (much as the commentary of older generations of Communists was - one presumes this is the result of a balanced education, as a hangover from more civilized times, in his home country) and intellectually honest (it at least tries to give a rounded account of ideologies, including the flaws of Communism itself).

Or to put it another way, although the game may have been made by Communists, it's not literally Communist propaganda (in the way that, say, the plays of Bertolt Brecht are), it's a well-made, engaging game with its own internal fantasy logic and integrity.
My grandparents were WW2 veterans as Tito's partisans. OG communism. I don't fall for any of it since it's all just capitalism anyway, wearing a different name and face. The devs are slightly older than myself and I truly comprehend every take, charm and flaw that they've put inside the game. What I don't understand is how the modern western libs ended up endorsing this. That is so shocking to me. What on earth do they resonate with? I just can't figure out how that one happened.. what do they think it all means? How does hardcore peacock individualist that hasn't worked a day in their spoiled lives end up endorsing Marx&Engels, hahahah WHAT?? Wtf is goin on. They're everything that OG commies fought against. And would be the first to die.

Do they think that reinstalling Communism will make everyone look equally colorful? Is that it?? HAHAHAH. And now everyone links communism with libs. HOW. Hahahah. The Upside Down is real.

edit: oh god, I just got it.. they link "down with the bourgeoise" with "down with the partiarchy". HAHAHAHAH WHAT A BUNCH OF CULTY MORONS I CAN'T


Mar 30, 2024
I'm no lover of Communism, but it's pretty obvious that even if the developers are Communists, their discussion of politics in the game is intelligent (much as the commentary of older generations of Communists was - one presumes this is the result of a balanced education, as a hangover from more civilized times, in his home country) and intellectually honest (it at least tries to give a rounded account of ideologies, including the flaws of Communism itself).

Or to put it another way, although the game may have been made by Communists, it's not literally Communist propaganda (in the way that, say, the plays of Bertolt Brecht are), it's a well-made, engaging game with its own internal fantasy logic and integrity.
My grandparents were WW2 veterans as Tito's partisans. OG communism. I don't fall for any of it since it's all just capitalism anyway, wearing a different name and face. The devs are slightly older than myself and I truly comprehend every take, charm and flaw that they've put inside the game. What I don't understand is how the modern western libs ended up endorsing this. That is so shocking to me. What on earth do they resonate with? I just can't figure out how that one happened.. what do they think it all means? How does hardcore peacock individualist that hasn't worked a day in their spoiled lives end up endorsing Marx&Engels, hahahah WHAT?? Wtf is goin on. They're everything that OG commies fought against. And would be the first to die.

Do they think that reinstalling Communism will make everyone look equally colorful? Is that it?? HAHAHAH. And now everyone links communism with libs. HOW. Hahahah. The Upside Down is real.
Because it’s not communism they believe in, but a simplified, misleading and safe for capital form of controlled opposition of the “for everything good” type, aimed to occupy the minds of the young who could otherwise get into some real stuff. It’s basically a hijacked idea, stripped of its teeth.
Jan 21, 2023
Modern libs are mostly american or american-minded. A lot of conservatives end up falling for the same conundrum (which ends up with stuff like Trump having supporters in Katowice, Poland, in spite of them being "anti globalists"). America's politics are mostly liberal right wing vs conservative right wing, I know people from there don't like it when they get told that Dems aren't "true" left wing but they aren't. It's a mixture of the psychological effect of McCarthysm and the Cold War in general and the remnant of the capitalist measures taken during Keynesianism. In that way, modern libs don't actually believe in communism, it's more of an infantile chimpout to make "daddy" angry, in the same way a lot of people pretend to be redpill to make the hypotetical "trannies" angry. It's all very performative. I guess I'll commend them to have energy to keep up with the role 24/7, but that's probably a coping mechanism that feeds the sense of validation they get by belonging to their own respective cliques.

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