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People News Chris Avellone + Brian Fargo = ?


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
What about a third option - not discussing awful news, not discussing non-news, and doing something entirely different for the time being?



Sep 19, 2008
This is great news. Even if it doesn't lead anywhere, it's nice to know that there are possibilities.

Anthony Davis

Blizzard Entertainment
Sep 7, 2007
(I have no inside knowledge on this by the way, this is just my opinion)

The realist in me says:
These guys, Chris Jones, Chris Avellone, Tim Caine, Brian Fargo, Feargus Urqhart, Darren Monohan, Chris Parker, and even Josh Sawyer have all known each other sooo long that they are practically family - which is both a good and a bad thing. I know they all like and respect each other, but they are all used to (rightfully) being the chief in their own way. I'm not confident that could reform in such a way that would work - but I would LOOOOOVE to be proven wrong!


On a personal note, getting to work with the Obsidian and 5, Josh Sawyer, and THEN for a little while with Tim Cain (who is AWESOME) was a an amazing privilege, I would have loved to have worked for Brian Fargo also. I think while we are dreaming, let's dream BIGGER and hope that ToysForBob (Paul and Fred) join the group too. They can name the company PeopleWhoMakeGreatGames.com. Just imagine, a remake/sequel to Mail Order Monsters and a sequel to Star Control 2!


Never LET ME into a tattoo parlor!
Aug 18, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2
On a personal note, getting to work with the Obsidian and 5, Josh Sawyer, and THEN for a little while with Tim Cain (who is AWESOME) was a an amazing privilege, I would have loved to have worked for Brian Fargo also. I think while we are dreaming, let's dream BIGGER and hope that ToysForBob (Paul and Fred) join the group too. They can name the company PeopleWhoMakeGreatGames.com. Just imagine, a remake/sequel to Mail Order Monsters and a sequel to Star Control 2!
In my delusions of glory I came up with "K.A.I"/"KAI!!" which would stand for "Kill All Investors".

Trademarked! In case my career will go beyond interning in the visualization industry.
Jan 7, 2012
Even if they hated each others guts they would still say these things. You don't go around pissing off the person who might be offering you your next job. Not that I think they aren't sincere, but the exact same words would be spoken if the topic was joining up with EA to make Facebook games.


May 8, 2003
seeing how as they're working on that south park rpg it'll take some time before anything like this can even come close to being possible

maybe when they pitch everything possible then and get only a go-ahead on Two Worlds - Third World

and the doublefine and inxile kickstarters go off without a hitch

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Even if they hated each others guts they would still say these things. You don't go around pissing off the person who might be offering you your next job.

That rule doesn't seem to apply to Fargo.

Call back when W2 turned out successful and Obsidian+inXile actually announce a joint venture...

Yeah, Ripten is kind of making a story out of nothing.

Anyway, like I said way back when people kept bringing this up before, Wasteland 2 is primarily being developed inhouse for InXile. If Obsidian is going to be involved, it'd have to be on their engine (somehow doubt it) and/or with some smaller outsourced work.

Obsidian works at a different scale than InXile anyway. Much to their detriment.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Obsidian is going to be busy working on a new Tiny Toons RPG.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Really digging that "while he was there" modifier about Interplay, just like I laughed at all that post-Interplay resentment that crept into the Sith Lords.


(I have no inside knowledge on this by the way, this is just my opinion)

The realist in me says:
These guys, Chris Jones, Chris Avellone, Tim Caine, Brian Fargo, Feargus Urqhart, Darren Monohan, Chris Parker, and even Josh Sawyer have all known each other sooo long that they are practically family - which is both a good and a bad thing. I know they all like and respect each other, but they are all used to (rightfully) being the chief in their own way. I'm not confident that could reform in such a way that would work - but I would LOOOOOVE to be proven wrong!


On a personal note, getting to work with the Obsidian and 5, Josh Sawyer, and THEN for a little while with Tim Cain (who is AWESOME) was a an amazing privilege, I would have loved to have worked for Brian Fargo also. I think while we are dreaming, let's dream BIGGER and hope that ToysForBob (Paul and Fred) join the group too. They can name the company PeopleWhoMakeGreatGames.com. Just imagine, a remake/sequel to Mail Order Monsters and a sequel to Star Control 2!

Just dont bring Feargus along. Just...leave him in Obsidian, ranting about slam dunks...

Fargo doesnt need Obsidian. He could need devs. Tim Cain, he needs to steal Leonard back from blizzard, and Chris Jones, then you know... you can add Avellone and Sawyer... just keep Sawyer out of skill design meetings.
I also hear that Anthony Davis guy was good... oh wait,...

Deleted member 7219

(I have no inside knowledge on this by the way, this is just my opinion)

The realist in me says:
These guys, Chris Jones, Chris Avellone, Tim Caine, Brian Fargo, Feargus Urqhart, Darren Monohan, Chris Parker, and even Josh Sawyer have all known each other sooo long that they are practically family - which is both a good and a bad thing. I know they all like and respect each other, but they are all used to (rightfully) being the chief in their own way. I'm not confident that could reform in such a way that would work - but I would LOOOOOVE to be proven wrong!


On a personal note, getting to work with the Obsidian and 5, Josh Sawyer, and THEN for a little while with Tim Cain (who is AWESOME) was a an amazing privilege, I would have loved to have worked for Brian Fargo also. I think while we are dreaming, let's dream BIGGER and hope that ToysForBob (Paul and Fred) join the group too. They can name the company PeopleWhoMakeGreatGames.com. Just imagine, a remake/sequel to Mail Order Monsters and a sequel to Star Control 2!

Hey Anthony. Glad you're still around. Timegate, huh? Never played any of their games but I'm glad to see you're with a prominent studio. I might buy Colonial Marines if it gets good reviews (I imagine you joined too late in the cycle to begin work on that, though).

Anthony Davis

Blizzard Entertainment
Sep 7, 2007
I'm still around, though it took awhile for me to muster up the energy to request getting my login fixed after the dark times.

Look, I know that Feargus and teh Kodex have had some issues in the past, but don't forget that he is an honest to God developer. He word on many of these games you guys all love, doing actual development work mind you. For all of his abilities, he is still human, and he is still one of the faces (some might say THE face) of the company and it isn't an easy job - as I'm sure Fargo or any other would attest to. Feargus is not perfect, not even close and I'm sure he looks back and thinks of things he could have done differently, but the BEST thing he does he look to the future and try to figure out how to fix and improve things - all the owners do, especially Avellone and Chris Jones.

For example, Dungeon Siege 3, love it or hate, was a technically rock solid game made on a very small budget. Thanks to the leadership of the owners, our goal was to prove that we could deliver a bug-free game experience and control scope. We succeeded. Now, I know it was not well received here, and that's fine - but I would hope even those who hated it for what it was are at least mature enough to recognize what our goal was and that we achieved it. Feargus and the owners, along with the team, deserve credit for that and it shows how the company has learned from the wild west days of NWN2 and AP.

Feargus and the other owners are also a VERY generous and open at the company. ANYONE there can walk into one of the owner's offices and talk to them. The owners would rather go without pay than lay someone off - as they have proven.

When people rant and rave about the 1% or other evil corporations, just remember that Obsidian is NOT of those. They work hard to do right by people and unfortunately, it isn't always reciprocated. I have hope that the Karmic wheel will turn and shower Obsidian with blessings.

ps. Tim Cain is the bomb. He just sent me a Fallout 1 stimpack pen schwag item. Jealous much?

pps. Yes, I am at TimeGate now and I LOVE IT. Like Obsidian it is a great company full of great people. The culture is very different, but in a good way. I am working on ACM, though I did join the project late.

ppps. I only met Brian Fargo once that I can remember, and I don't think he would remember me - but he is a super cool guy who reminds me in a lot of ways of The Obsdian Five. I know people who work with and HAVE worked with him and they all speak highly of him.

Anthony Davis

Blizzard Entertainment
Sep 7, 2007
Let me clarify something, I'm not trying to be a white knight for Feargus and Obsidian or anything... eh, maybe I am.

I guess where I am coming from is that I can understand how things might look a certain way from the Kodex point of view - and maybe I am just trying to remind you guys that there is more to the story than you might think.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
You won't see a single negative Feargus comment from my post history, sir. Feargus has always been a slam-dunk for me. No joke (I even went so far as to feel bad for him having to publicly suck Bethesda's dick in those shitty PR "documentary" vids for New Vegas).
Apr 2, 2010
For example, Dungeon Siege 3, love it or hate, was a technically rock solid game made on a very small budget. Thanks to the leadership of the owners, our goal was to prove that we could deliver a bug-free game experience and control scope. We succeeded. Now, I know it was not well received here, and that's fine - but I would hope even those who hated it for what it was are at least mature enough to recognize what our goal was and that we achieved it. Feargus and the owners, along with the team, deserve credit for that and it shows how the company has learned from the wild west days of NWN2 and AP.

This is so true. I've played the game and often times, I got to thinking "is this really an Obsidian title?" Despite its insignificance as an RPG, I think that game is a milestone in Obsidian's career. Oh and swinging boobs. I loved playing the gypsy character if only to watch her boobs swing as she ran about. They should have made a porn DLC.

pps. Yes, I am at TimeGate now and I LOVE IT. Like Obsidian it is a great company full of great people. The culture is very different, but in a good way. I am working on ACM, though I did join the project late.

Haven't you also worked on Aliens Stealth Bomber RPG?

Anthony Davis

Blizzard Entertainment
Sep 7, 2007
For example, Dungeon Siege 3, love it or hate, was a technically rock solid game made on a very small budget. Thanks to the leadership of the owners, our goal was to prove that we could deliver a bug-free game experience and control scope. We succeeded. Now, I know it was not well received here, and that's fine - but I would hope even those who hated it for what it was are at least mature enough to recognize what our goal was and that we achieved it. Feargus and the owners, along with the team, deserve credit for that and it shows how the company has learned from the wild west days of NWN2 and AP.

This is so true. I've played the game and often times, I got to thinking "is this really an Obsidian title?" Despite its insignificance as an RPG, I think that game is a milestone in Obsidian's career. Oh and swinging boobs. I loved playing the gypsy character if only to watch her boobs swing as she ran about. They should have made a porn DLC.

pps. Yes, I am at TimeGate now and I LOVE IT. Like Obsidian it is a great company full of great people. The culture is very different, but in a good way. I am working on ACM, though I did join the project late.

Haven't you also worked on Aliens Stealth Bomber RPG?

I did work on Aliens:Crucible as well.

For my money, the Archon is the best... well to watch.

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