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Goral - One Broken Man courtesy of Deep Caverns



Oct 9, 2014
meanwhile in Poland (same shit as on Steam):
some of these reviews has only one comment :M


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
People who have that much trouble with DC are the same who take an arrow to the knee in Skyrim.
Only popamolers like you play Skyrim (and you mention that game an awful lot) or Fallout 4.

As for DC, not sure about others but I had no problems there besides the part where you had to inhale spores (which weakened you) to be teleported which is one of the stupidest things I've seen in any cRPG (and it's ironic that the same guys whine about teleportation in AoD where it makes sense but have no problems with something as retarded as this, lol). No one in his right mind would do that because they make you weaker and because one of the characters gave you the advice to watch out for it. It's all in my post: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...awakens-released.105387/page-151#post-4319112

I do not play Skyrim. Nice try at being witty, too bad you failed horribly.


Stygian Software
Jun 10, 2015
Styg's garret
We did some changes and adjustments around DC since the release of the game, if someone plays DC again with the new patch we would like to hear some feedback where you had trouble, what you enjoyed and what not so much.
With the release of the expansion some dynamics will change for the end game so until than dont excpect major changes around DC.
We will change/add/update the game as long it does not take a major part of our time.

So we can make Underrail great again #MUGA


Apr 18, 2008
if someone plays DC again with the new patch we would like to hear some feedback where you had trouble, what you enjoyed and what not so much.

What new patch? Last one released or the experimental one?

I played DC with the last one (and only with that) and still thought that the respawning, backtracking and getting high on mushrooms were bullshit.

Make it great again by completely removing respawning which in turn would also help make the backtracking more tolerable, though it doesn't mean that the backtracking doesn't need looking into.

Instead of using respawning to add difficulty do some designed encounters like in the rest of the game.

And skip the stupid mushroom "puzzle". Unless Styg has a hardon for it, you should be able to be teleported in that area by just walking around for a little and that's it. Or make it some kind of actual puzzle not a guessing game... durr i need to wait for 30 levels how didn't i figure that out???
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The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Deep Caverns made me ragequit as well. I had to read about the spore bullshit on the forums and I had to gimp my character to get infected because I was wearing a hazmat suit in that area. After that, I thought it would be a quick race to the end but I still had to slog through a bunch of bullshit. The final battle was a drag and the poison compound for the big baddy was bugged at that point so I had to resort to cheese tactics to kill him in three turns. The ending was a major cock tease and a bit of a let-down.

I really liked Underrail up to that point. You have to be a masochist to enjoy Deep Caverns though. Don't get me wrong, I like the the sinking feeling of doom and the change in vibe. It was just too gruelling and illogical. Not difficult, just tedious and impenetrable.

Easy fix: Change the shroom teleport to a dialog box. Handhold the player by having that exposition PC outright tell you what to do or make the spores bypass your resistances. You can walk around for hours in your hazmat suit without anything happening.
Another fix: Stop the respawning in the power plant. Tedious as hell.
Another fix: Nerf the deep worms or make them less numerous. Not a challenging enemy and their resistance just makes them boring to fight.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
Yeah, it's just tedious. It's not that I found it too difficult...just that it was too much of a chore to make me want to keep grinding. And that's saying a lot for a guy who's clocked nearly a thousand hours on the game since the earliest days.


Apr 18, 2008
Hell, even the Tchort fight needs changes, I think.
If you don't destroy the tanks then there's really no reason to even try to kill the tentacles, the respawn timer is plain fucking retarded. They might as well be indestructible. You have to just cheese it and aggro Tchort. Basically, bullshit.
So, instead remove respawning and just make the tanks disable the regeneration and/or reduce the HP of Tchort and his tentacles.

And find different ways of increasing the difficulty if you think that makes it too easy.

I'm sure you can think of ways of designing a difficult fight without resorting to bullshit like respawning and HP bloating. I mean, you did it over the course of the game.

So, if it's still not clear, respawning is shit. Nobody ever in the history of gaming liked it.


Apr 14, 2009
I just hope Styg reads this stuff. The vast majority of complains are in the category of constructive criticism - it's the best feedback a developer can get.

I guess we will find out when Expedition is released.

Severian Silk

Carnifex also kicked my non-munchkin ass, and I only won due to lucky rolls. But many people had an easy time, so whatever.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
I just hope Styg reads this stuff. The vast majority of complains are in the category of constructive criticism - it's the best feedback a developer can get.

I guess we will find out when Expedition is released.

Well there was certainly a time when he WAS actively listening and responding in the real world (game world) with appropriate fixes for sure. I remember taking tons of notes, posting them and not just seeing Styg respond on the forum but in the context of the game. That's more than I can say about just about any other game since the late 90s.


Aug 27, 2014
Le Balkans
We did some changes and adjustments around DC since the release of the game, if someone plays DC again with the new patch we would like to hear some feedback where you had trouble, what you enjoyed and what not so much.
With the release of the expansion some dynamics will change for the end game so until than dont excpect major changes around DC.
We will change/add/update the game as long it does not take a major part of our time.

So we can make Underrail great again #MUGA

I recently started a new game, will post some constructive feedback :)


Mar 23, 2015
People who think Deep Caverns were okay:

  1. Didn't play it on release, only after the multiple nerfs + filled up wiki
  2. Got lucky with an strong/OP/no-supplies-needed build (lol xbow)
I genuinely can't fathom how anyone can find it fun (especially in comparison to the great stuff before!). Thankfully my first build fit 2. (Psychosis Thought/Meta) else I would have surely rq.

It is extremely tedious even after all the changes. Basically even on chars where it's possible to sneak to avoid all the trash and kill the big bad in one round it's a huge chore and drag. It's so bad that I could never be bothered to do the mutagen sequence, even though exploration is Underrail's strongest suit, since moving around the fucking caverns is so painful. The sooner I can one-hit tentacle god and get out the better.


Stygian Software
Aug 18, 2010
It does seem that, for better or for worse, we did succeed in creating an end-game that sticks out.

While there's always a thing or two that needs tweaking due to all the different builds, with their particular strengths and weaknesses, and general diversity of options in the game which might not have all been taken into account equially - I'm, personally, quite happy how the area turned out and not all that unhappy with the effect it has on people that play through it. It does seem players more in every way - in time, patience, brainpower (since a lot of stuff requires figuring out). It breaks the usual cycle of explore, exterminate, loot and return to town cycle that was the standard (very pleasurable) formula up to that point.

If this makes a lot of people (rage)quit before finishing the game, so be it. It was not my intent to make it so, but I'll take it - because for those that do finish it, there is added value of having beaten that last challenge that proved insurmountable (for various reasons) to most.


Apr 18, 2008
Well... OK. But you can make a challenging end game without making it obnoxious.
And you might want to consider that some found the challenge insurmountable only because it was a boring drag not because it's oh so challenging.
The fact that you think it's OK some people quit it because it's obnoxious is your business, but won't make me change my mind about it.

I have beaten it and didn't really end feeling good about it. And I'll be sure to avoid it if I ever replay the game. Even if when replaying it should be less annoying since you can avoid much of the backtracking and blind stumbling, it would still be extremely irritating.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
If this makes a lot of people (rage)quit before finishing the game, so be it.

On the one hand, I admire and respect you sticking to your vision. On the other though, I wouldn't say "rage" quit as much as I'd say "eh" quit.


Jan 8, 2009
As Feeltherads and Twinkie says, there's a difference between some players ragequitting because it's "too hard" or it's "too different", and many seasoned RPG and Underrail players who give it a right good go and decide it's not too hard necessarily, it's just incredibly boring and tedious. If anything, incredibly difficult enemies, even unreasonably difficult ones, would at least initially provoke excitement because Underrail is all about building and rebuilding your character for the challenge. Brainpower? I don't see any real use of brainpower in DC - only how bored I must be of everything else to persist with the respawning tedium.

I'm nearly at DC now not having played UR in a while, so we'll see what things have been changed.


Apr 14, 2009
As Feeltherads and Twinkie says, there's a difference between some players ragequitting because it's "too hard" or it's "too different", and many seasoned RPG and Underrail players who give it a right good go and decide it's not too hard necessarily, it's just incredibly boring and tedious. If anything, incredibly difficult enemies, even unreasonably difficult ones, would at least initially provoke excitement because Underrail is all about building and rebuilding your character for the challenge. Brainpower? I don't see any real use of brainpower in DC - only how bored I must be of everything else to persist with the respawning tedium.

I'm nearly at DC now not having played UR in a while, so we'll see what things have been changed.

I will go on a limb and say that nothing changed.

In order to "fix" DC you have to re-design the area or move some parts around. I'm not sure Styg is interested in doing this while I'm pretty sure that halving the required back-tracking would improve the ending a lot and the overall game experience.
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Feb 14, 2017
Ok so I finished the game a couple of days ago and I cant understand why you guys arre so butthurt about DC.Really the only complaint that has some validity is the one about backtracking and even that is not a big problem imho;all the others complaint are stupid especially coming from hardcore gamers.
Don t know how it was before the patch,but now it s more than fine so I dont understand why people still bitch about it

  • The mushrroom area: so here if you dont understand it post patch it means that you fail at reading comprehension.When you encounter Six he imediatly tells you that the tchort spawn don t like the mushroom area and that there is an hermit that you can find that has more info.So if you go to forest and dont understand what to do,just go to the hermit and it will tell you that he was teleported in a strange place after inhaling too much of the spores,just put two and two together and you will find the solution.
  • The door parts: the same hermit gives you a hint about it, and once you reach it ,everything should be clear,hell the game tells you every part that you need and even gives you the rusty shaft and valve to compare them to the one you find.
  • The Biomass on the door: here you need to think a bit more but Six arleady told you that the tchortling dont like the mushroom area and ,if you go there you will get the heart.After that if you talk to the hermit he tells you to go to the facility on hollow earth and to use the machine that has organic written on it,you go there and it automatically transform the heart in a grenade.
  • The respawning enemy: Really? In both the mushroom and the worm area you need to go only once so I dont see the problem if the enemy respawn there (and i dont think the worms respawn).The tchorgling don t really respawn on their own if you manage the debuff, so just get the perk from the hermit or, wait it out before it gets to the eye stage by either going in one of the safe zone or in a trapdoor
So really if you do it in a sensible manner I don t see what is the problem with DC, of course if you ignore every hint and help given to you,you ll wander around for hours not knowing what to do but that is your fault.The only thing that I will concede is that there is too much backtracking for the mutagen puzzle but its so awesome that I dont care about it (maybe other will)


Apr 18, 2008
The mushrroom area: so here if you dont understand it post patch it means that you fail at reading comprehension.When you encounter Six he imediatly tells you that the tchort spawn don t like the mushroom area and that there is an hermit that you can find that has more info.So if you go to forest and dont understand what to do,just go to the hermit and it will tell you that he was teleported in a strange place after inhaling too much of the spores,just put two and two together and you will find the solution.

Durrr.. no shit, Sherlock? The problem is it's stupid, convoluted shit. How much exactly do you need to inhale? Oh right.. exactly x levels and it doesn't really happen if you move around because you get into areas where there's no spores, so in other words, to solve this amazing puzzle you have to move back and forth between two tiles... or better just alt-tab the game and have a fap in the meantime until you hit the counter which is retardedly high. Wow. Great stuff.

And I don't think anybody complained about the other puzzles. The other complaints were about the backtracking and respawning which is just retarded.

"Hardcore gamers" doesn't mean having to put up with crap. Just because some didn't think the respawning was too much doesn't mean respawning is a good idea. It just means some can put up with more bullshit than others.
Having to run to safe areas every 2 minutes to avoid respawns is just as retarded as the mushroom puzzle.


Feb 14, 2017
The mushrroom area: so here if you dont understand it post patch it means that you fail at reading comprehension.When you encounter Six he imediatly tells you that the tchort spawn don t like the mushroom area and that there is an hermit that you can find that has more info.So if you go to forest and dont understand what to do,just go to the hermit and it will tell you that he was teleported in a strange place after inhaling too much of the spores,just put two and two together and you will find the solution.

Durrr.. no shit, Sherlock? The problem is it's stupid, convoluted shit. How much exactly do you need to inhale? Oh right.. exactly x levels and it doesn't really happen if you move around because you get into areas where there's no spores, so in other words, to solve this amazing puzzle you have to move back and forth between two tiles... or better just alt-tab the game and have a fap in the meantime until you hit the counter which is retardedly high. Wow. Great stuff.

And I don't think anybody complained about the other puzzles. The other complaints were about the backtracking and respawning which is just retarded.

"Hardcore gamers" doesn't mean having to put up with crap. Just because some didn't think the respawning was too much doesn't mean respawning is a good idea. It just means some can put up with more bullshit than others.
Having to run to safe areas every 2 minutes to avoid respawns is just as retarded as the mushroom puzzle.

And who are this enemys that respawn all the time?Really the tchort spawn don t respawn if you have a bit of brain( with the perk you dont need to hide every 2 minutes and when you need to hide it takes like 15 second for the debuff to wear off) and dont fuck up with the debuff, the worms dont respawn and you need to go in the mushroom area only once,so tell me where are all this tedious respawning enemie cause I dont see them.
Also getting the spore happens in literally minutes while you explore so need to alt tab there.
Really the games has his problem but DC is not one of them,you guys are justt butthurt cause you cant steamroll trough the area

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