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The Witcher Witcher 3 was too big and had bad pacing


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Show me on the doll where The Witcher 3 touched you.

Gaming is clearly not their thing.
You seem to completely misunderstand your place in the world of gaming, and on the internet. But there is no icon for that so I just gave you a retardred.

Talking about yourself, mate? There is a word for you, you even have a tag stating it.

I'm here in case you manage to come up with an actual argument. Go on, start googling.

people moaning ITT that W3 brought nothing of value should just sell their gaming PCs and buy Mac electric typewriters and spend their days on normiebook. Gaming is clearly not their thing.
I have an argument, just not sure you would even understand anything I say. ^This is the point I take most exception to. First off, your argument is totally backwards. The exact sort of people who use Facebook are the exact sort of people who love Witcher 3. Like you. Normies, also known as mainstream gaming plebs who buy whatever is advertised all over the web and all the other kids are playing. GTA, Assassins Creed, Callodoody, Skyrim, Witcher 3, etc... Big flashy games, expensive voice overs, music score, high end graphics, but shitty gameplay designed for dudebro xbox dipshits. Slash wiv swordz, dive out da way, slash wiv swordz agin! That is the gameplay of Witcher 3, they might tweak the context of it to be saving a maiden or killing a ghost that haunts a well, but the actual gameplay is the same. Hack 'N slash crap.

The people "moaning W3 brought nothing of value" are the sort of people who value gameplay over graphics. They don't care how pretty it is, they care about gameplay, because they aren't simple minded. They come to a site like this because they are all about playing games like Blackguards, Aarklash Legacy, Grimoire, and old games like IWD, TOEE, etc. They want tactical combat with stats to think about, battles to struggle with and eventually overcome. They don't care if it has hair physics, they want gameplay. Most of these people are the sort that grew up before the internet and smartphones, the sort of people who aren't interested in 'normiebook', or Battlefield 5, or Witcher 3, or any mainstream crap that is forced upon them. They rather do and play what they enjoy not what is mainstream. They are the opposite of the 'normiebook' generation.

Also you talk about sell your gaming PC, which is also backwards. Why do YOU even own a gaming PC if you are happy playing console shit like this on it? You could be sat on a sofa playing the exact same thing on a console. To everyone else, a gaming PC is the ONLY place you can play all those games I listed above. New games for a niche audience with a brain, old games for a gaming audience before they became retarded degenerate console plebs, all of that and more is what gaming on a PC is all about. You are the one on the wrong machine, pretending to be a PC gamer while blabbing about this console game. And you are on the wrong website too, why not go post on reddit with millions of other witcher fans? The whole point of rpgcodex is to get nerdy about real games that mainstream sites don't talk about or even know exist.
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May 31, 2018
The Present
TW3 is like a really well done choose-your-own-adventure book with some mediocre combat and treasure hunts thrown in. If you're looking for a "true" RPG where you play as a blank slate, then why are you even buying TW3 to begin with? Outside of criticisms over the combat (which are valid), a lot of the complaints boil down to "well they didn't make the kind of game I like".

I am contemplating doing this. I never played any of the originals, but picked up TW1:EE and TW2 for like, $10 combined. I got to the Merchant District in...Vizima? but quit because I was bored. *click* *click* *click* in that hypnotic rhythm wasn't compelling enough. The immersion was incredible and the story had promise, but I was just too bored. I consider occasionally playing it at the lowest difficult and going only critical path for "Story mode", but my reason tells me that if I have to configure a game in such a way to minimize my involvement with it, that I shouldn't be playing it at all. As it stands, TW series is a very low backlog priority.

PS: Another thing beyond combat that I couldn't get around, was the protagonist. Geralt is a zombie with all the charm and charisma of driftwood. It had a major impact on failing to keep me compelled.
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Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
I am contemplating doing this. I never played any of the originals, but picked up TW1:EE and TW2 for like, $10 combined. I got to the Merchant District in...Vizima? but quit because I was bored. *click* *click* *click* in that hypnotic rhythm wasn't compelling enough. The immersion was incredible and the story had promise, but I was just too bored. I consider occasionally playing it at the lowest difficult and going only critical path for "Story mode", but my reason tells me that if I have to configure a game in such a way to minimize my involvement with it, that I shouldn't be playing it at all. As it stands, TW series is a very low backlog priority.

Your loss then.

Fwiw, TW1 really needs to be played on the hardest difficulty. The default difficulty is far too easy, and I think that's why a lot of people grow bored with the combat. Not that the combat is the best thing about the game to begin with, but playing on Hard makes a significant difference. It removes that stupid icon that tells you when to attack, and potions actually matter.


Dec 7, 2014
Bloody Baron questline feedback from the community also left me puzzled.

"It's the best quest ever"
"That's the quality"
"Nothing like that was ever done"

It didn't even standout from the other quests. Or is it just a wave of idiocy? One idiot yelled at 9gag and proclaimed Bloody Baron as a masterpiece and other fallowed?


Jan 8, 2009
TW3 is like a really well done choose-your-own-adventure book with some mediocre combat and treasure hunts thrown in. If you're looking for a "true" RPG where you play as a blank slate, then why are you even buying TW3 to begin with? Outside of criticisms over the combat (which are valid), a lot of the complaints boil down to "well they didn't make the kind of game I like".

I am contemplating doing this. I never played any of the originals, but picked up TW1:EE and TW2 for like, $10 combined. I got to the Merchant District in...Vizima? but quit because I was bored. *click* *click* *click* in that hypnotic rhythm wasn't compelling enough. The immersion was incredible and the story had promise, but I was just too bored. I consider occasionally playing it at the lowest difficult and going only critical path for "Story mode", but my reason tells me that if I have to configure a game in such a way to minimize my involvement with it, that I shouldn't be playing it at all. As it stands, TW series is a very low backlog priority.

PS: Another thing beyond combat that I couldn't get around, was the protagonist. Geralt is a zombie with all the charm and charisma of driftwood. It had a major impact on failing to keep me compelled.

TW is a storyfag game. It does sound like you're better off playing something else.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.

moon knight

Matt7895's alt
Apr 7, 2015
TW3 is like a really well done choose-your-own-adventure book with some mediocre combat and treasure hunts thrown in. If you're looking for a "true" RPG where you play as a blank slate, then why are you even buying TW3 to begin with? Outside of criticisms over the combat (which are valid), a lot of the complaints boil down to "well they didn't make the kind of game I like".

I am contemplating doing this. I never played any of the originals, but picked up TW1:EE and TW2 for like, $10 combined. I got to the Merchant District in...Vizima? but quit because I was bored. *click* *click* *click* in that hypnotic rhythm wasn't compelling enough. The immersion was incredible and the story had promise, but I was just too bored. I consider occasionally playing it at the lowest difficult and going only critical path for "Story mode", but my reason tells me that if I have to configure a game in such a way to minimize my involvement with it, that I shouldn't be playing it at all. As it stands, TW series is a very low backlog priority.

PS: Another thing beyond combat that I couldn't get around, was the protagonist. Geralt is a zombie with all the charm and charisma of driftwood. It had a major impact on failing to keep me compelled.

Stopping at Vixima means you didn't even play one of the most interesting multi quest in the entire RPG history... because of the combat system?


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Show me on the doll where The Witcher 3 touched you.

Gaming is clearly not their thing.
You seem to completely misunderstand your place in the world of gaming, and on the internet. But there is no icon for that so I just gave you a retardred.

Talking about yourself, mate? There is a word for you, you even have a tag stating it.

I'm here in case you manage to come up with an actual argument. Go on, start googling.

people moaning ITT that W3 brought nothing of value should just sell their gaming PCs and buy Mac electric typewriters and spend their days on normiebook. Gaming is clearly not their thing.
I have an argument, just not sure you would even understand anything I say. ^This is the point I take most exception to. First off, your argument is totally backwards. The exact sort of people who use Facebook are the exact sort of people who love Witcher 3. Like you. Normies, also known as mainstream gaming plebs who buy whatever is advertised all over the web and all the other kids are playing. GTA, Assassins Creed, Callodoody, Skyrim, Witcher 3, etc... Big flashy games, expensive voice overs, music score, high end graphics, but shitty gameplay designed for dudebro xbox dipshits. Slash wiv swordz, dive out da way, slash wiv swordz agin! That is the gameplay of Witcher 3, they might tweak the context of it to be saving a maiden or killing a ghost that haunts a well, but the actual gameplay is the same. Hack 'N slash crap.

The people "moaning W3 brought nothing of value" are the sort of people who value gameplay over graphics. They don't care how pretty it is, they care about gameplay, because they aren't simple minded. They come to a site like this because they are all about playing games like Blackguards, Aarklash Legacy, Grimoire, and old games like IWD, TOEE, etc. They want tactical combat with stats to think about, battles to struggle with and eventually overcome. They don't care if it has hair physics, they want gameplay. Most of these people are the sort that grew up before the internet and smartphones, the sort of people who aren't interested in 'normiebook', or Battlefield 5, or Witcher 3, or any mainstream crap that is forced upon them. They rather do and play what they enjoy not what is mainstream. They are the opposite of the 'normiebook' generation.

Also you talk about sell your gaming PC, which is also backwards. Why do YOU even own a gaming PC if you are happy playing console shit like this on it? You could be sat on a sofa playing the exact same thing on a console. To everyone else, a gaming PC is the ONLY place you can play all those games I listed above. New games for a niche audience with a brain, old games for a gaming audience before they became retarded degenerate console plebs, all of that and more is what gaming on a PC is all about. You are the one on the wrong machine, pretending to be a PC gamer while blabbing about this console game. And you are on the wrong website too, why not go post on reddit with millions of other witcher fans? The whole point of rpgcodex is to get nerdy about real games that mainstream sites don't talk about or even know exist.

All the chest pounding "you're not gonna understand my 200-IQ argument" and THIS is what you came up with? So much drivel just to say "it's a console game with action-based combat, therefore it's shit". Learn to be concise. You're just parroting the same crap that has been said on every Witcher 3 thread ever. You legit believe your basic bitch argument is somehow unique and oh-so-deep, no wonder you got a "Village Idiot" tag. :lol:

Nobody praised the game's combat mechanics which are, indeed, shite. Mods make it mediocre, but still. Codex praise for W3 relates to setting, story and memorable characters AFAIK. If you wanna draw comparisons to GTA, Call of Duty or whatever else the fuck, be my guest. But you're arguing with your own strawman, like a proper loony.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
You're wasting your breath on people like him. For some reason, you're not cool or edgy if you don't pretend that you're too hardcore to play The Witcher and that only mainstream plebs play it.


Jan 8, 2009
I very much enjoyed all three Witchers and stand by the greatness of the Baron, JDR13. Curious that you can't handle the idea that they are thoroughly storyfag games.

Witchers are ultimately about taking the dream of a tip top AAA cinematic slick epic Hollywood holy-shit-that-looks-fucking-awesome-dude RPG, the dream that Bioware dreamt for a decade in their dark descent into B-grade Choose Your Own Pornadventure rehashes, and making it a reality. As much as that's not my ideal CRPG, I'll tip my hat to them on the unparallled job they've done of it.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
I very much enjoyed all three Witchers and stand by the greatness of the Baron, JDR13. Curious that you can't handle the idea that they are thoroughly storyfag games.

Witchers are ultimately about taking the dream of a tip top AAA cinematic slick epic Hollywood holy-shit-that-looks-fucking-awesome-dude RPG, the dream that Bioware dreamt for a decade in their dark descent into B-grade Choose Your Own Pornadventure rehashes, and making it a reality. As much as that's not my ideal CRPG, I'll tip my hat to them on the unparallled job they've done of it.

I think it's curious that some people can't handle the idea that others enjoyed a game more than they did. It's a phenomenon that happens often, but it seems to be especially prevalent around here.


Apr 8, 2015
... but the actual gameplay is the same. Hack 'N slash crap.

The people "moaning W3 brought nothing of value" are the sort of people who value gameplay over graphics. They don't care how pretty it is, they care about gameplay, because they aren't simple minded. They come to a site like this because they are all about playing games like Blackguards, Aarklash Legacy, Grimoire, and old games like IWD, TOEE, etc. They want tactical combat with stats to think about, battles to struggle with and eventually overcome. They don't care if it has hair physics, they want gameplay.

>says intellegent people that like games want well designed content, challenges and RPG's were the stat's and other forms of player growth matter and are well realized
>dislikes and shits all over Thief and believes Arx Fatallis is more shallow than Skyrim

>says people that truly enjoy games value gameplay above all
>shits on action games despite being the most gameplay centric genre that exists

This is why you have a "Village Idiot" tag.
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Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
"you're not gonna understand my 200-IQ argument" and THIS is what you came up with?
You say that, and then go on to completely misrepresent my point... I don't care that it is an action game. I love some action games, the problem is how it works exactly. Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Dark Messiah, etc... I played them all and loved them. There is nothing wrong with an action game if the action is good. The problem is making a dumb action game where the action is shit, and that's all there is to do. Hack, dive, hack, dive. Why even defend that shit? They throw 100 million at it to give it some varied stories and varied locations, but that doesn't disguise the fact that all you are doing is your hack dance in every new place. Or at least, it doesn't disguise it to someone with a brain. To you it pulls the wool over your eyes perfectly.

You say I am parroting the same crap, only it isn't crap. It is something of substance, and it seems like parroting because countless people noticed the same flaws. You are just ignoring them all because you don't want to hear it. I don't think my argument is deep, I kept it as simple as possible so a pleb kid could understand it. And yet even then you still failed to understand it. You are raging at my point of view and calling it crap, while admitting yourself that the "combat is shite". So why the fuck are you arguing? Most of what you actually DO in the game is combat... so if that is shit, what is it you think is so good that it saves the whole experience? The quest text? The story? Is that really so good to you that it saves a game that pushes you through endless shit? What is so special about the characters? Answer me a question honestly, have you ever watched a TV show for adults? I don't mean Game of Thrones, Heroes, or The Boys, I mean something like Oz, Weeds, Breaking Bad, The Wire, etc. Have you ever seen any of those shows? You really think a flirty witch is a good character compared to that?

The comparisons to GTA/CoD are not strawmen arguments. The comparison is that huge budget mainstream games are shitty and dumb 99% of the time. Witcher 3 is exactly part of that herd. Deep down I think you know I am right. Combat is most of what you do and you admit that is shit. So your whole argument is that the characters are so good it fixes everything. Yet the characters are a boring monotone cliche, and a couple of annoying female characters in thigh high stockings. Did your dad block porn in your house?

You're wasting your breath on people like him. For some reason, you're not cool or edgy if you don't pretend that you're too hardcore to play The Witcher and that only mainstream plebs play it.

You really think I am pretending to not like it? I guess I can understand why you might think that, if you are so oblivious to all the real games someone can play, you could end up thinking Witcher is impossible to not like.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
... but the actual gameplay is the same. Hack 'N slash crap.

The people "moaning W3 brought nothing of value" are the sort of people who value gameplay over graphics. They don't care how pretty it is, they care about gameplay, because they aren't simple minded. They come to a site like this because they are all about playing games like Blackguards, Aarklash Legacy, Grimoire, and old games like IWD, TOEE, etc. They want tactical combat with stats to think about, battles to struggle with and eventually overcome. They don't care if it has hair physics, they want gameplay.

>says intellegent people that like games want well designed content, challenges and RPG's were the stat's and other forms of player growth matter and are well realiased
>dislikes and shits all over Thief and believes Arx Fatallis is more shallow than Skyrim

>says people that truly enjoy games value gameplay above all
>shits on action games despite being the most gameplay centric genre that exists

This is why you have a "Village Idiot" tag.
That's exactly what I say. Thief is sneaking up on blind people and pressing left mouse once to bonk them on the head. How the fuck is that good combat? Arx Fatalis is drawing a square on your screen 100000 times to kill everything you come across. Think before you type.

Cat Dude

Nov 5, 2018
The Witcher 3 is a mainstream and easy to get into kind of rpg like Mass Effect and Skyrim. Great game for many casual gamers though especially those who play on console but not my cup of tea tbh. Combat is pretty simple for rpg standard.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
You really think I am pretending to not like it? I guess I can understand why you might think that, if you are so oblivious to all the real games someone can play, you could end up thinking Witcher is impossible to not like.

No, I'm saying you're trying a little too hard to show everyone how "hardcore" you are. If this series doesn't interest you, then why do you keep posting here?


Jan 29, 2017
Meh I liked W3, it had a nice story (main ending was kinda shit though, with the white death kinda just...ending rather abruptly) I only ever played with W3 EE so I liked the gameplay, atmosphere was nice, setting was nice, side quests were pretty damn good, graphics were purdy, ended the series on a high note with blood and wine and left me
wanting more Witcher.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
You really think I am pretending to not like it? I guess I can understand why you might think that, if you are so oblivious to all the real games someone can play, you could end up thinking Witcher is impossible to not like.

No, I'm saying you're trying a little too hard to show everyone how "hardcore" you are. If this series doesn't interest you, then why do you keep posting here?
Who would I be wanting to impress? There is nobody here to impress. RPG forum is full of type people, and the 'General Gaming' forum is full of console type monkey people. I only post because it pops up when someone posts something new. I could unsubscribe but I like to keep an eye on things. Unlikely but if someone made a 'total conversion' of W3 it might be worth checking out.


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
There's a reason everyone gushed over Gwent, and that's because the main game that surrounded it is a plodding mess that's fundamentally busted in many ways.

Why did I slog through it? likeable characters I grew with over 3 games, the Elric wannabe story and setting, and the art direction lifted straight out of old Warhammer. The art and music carried that game 100%

Heart of Stone was an alright yarn, never made it through Bretonnia and Wine.

What filler content ?

Vesemir's dick in your faggot ass.


May 13, 2018
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Well, after revisiting vanilla game, it's definitely too long in same parts. Too many fetch quests within fetch quests within fetch quests hard gating during the main quest.

I've skipped most of side content and that made it A LOT more bearable. Those question marks are evil.

I guess the difference between this popamole and other Western and Asian popamoles is that Witcher series still provides artistic values, rewards with quality choreography, music and great writing at times.
Captures little moments in between slogs.

Gameplay is atrocious consolitis popamole, and easily it's worst flaw. And they've not allowed for more direct C&C, often there are meaningless choice timers and minute rewards for player decisions (that still get fanfags slobbering like mentally retarded).

Don't think it really qualifies as an RPG, it's a storyfag experience.

Deleted Member 16721

I'm one of those who just have no interest in the game or the series. Geralt does not excite me as a main character and I don't really want to delve into the lore because of that. Just not my thing.


Mar 3, 2019
The only Witcher game I enjoyed was the first one.
The emotional sountrack and immersive atmosphere were top notch. The main story grabbed me right from the beginning till the end.
The sequels failed to deliver. Specially The Witcher 3 which aimed to a massive public. That's a thing that cannot be good... but well, it was and still is a top seller. So they clearly achieved what they wanted.

But I miss the passion that you could feel behind the original Witcher game. The first game by CD Projekt RED was special.
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