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Crispy™ Will Cyberpunk 2077 make us cry?


Nov 25, 2007
Will there be any emotional storybeats where we start crying, like the ones in The Last of Us (that reportedly made manly reviewers tear up) or the emotional bond between Geralt and Ciri that reportedly tugged at our heartstrings?

Since the PC of Cyberpunk is not premade and you actually have chargen (even if its Skyrim type chargen where you choose everything BUT your stats/skills/talents) and there won't be a little girl you have to save or escort throughout the game, I don't see how they could incorporate the type of father/daughter relationship that would make us so emotionally investe we end up tearing up.

But again, we also didn't expect Keanu Reeves so who knows. What do you think?

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
Will there be any emotional storybeats where we start crying, like the ones in The Last of Us (that reportedly made manly reviewers tear up) or the emotional bond between Geralt and Ciri that reportedly tugged at our heartstrings?

Since the PC of Cyberpunk is not premade and you actually have chargen (even if its Skyrim type chargen where you choose everything BUT your stats/skills/talents) and there won't be a little girl you have to save or escort throughout the game, I don't see how they could incorporate the type of father/daughter relationship that would make us so emotionally investe we end up tearing up.

But again, we also didn't expect Keanu Reeves so who knows. What do you think?
There will be manly tears because
Will there be any emotional storybeats where we start crying, like the ones in The Last of Us (that reportedly made manly reviewers tear up) or the emotional bond between Geralt and Ciri that reportedly tugged at our heartstrings?

Since the PC of Cyberpunk is not premade and you actually have chargen (even if its Skyrim type chargen where you choose everything BUT your stats/skills/talents) and there won't be a little girl you have to save or escort throughout the game, I don't see how they could incorporate the type of father/daughter relationship that would make us so emotionally investe we end up tearing up.

But again, we also didn't expect Keanu Reeves so who knows. What do you think?
If the villains are well made they can use manly tears like HNK.
May 19, 2018
Only child, so yeah. Big ouch there, med-nog. You didn’t answer my question, though. I clarify - Witcher 3, not a bad game by any means, but also an indication of how CDP will design their future big releases.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015

"Can a Computer Make You Cry?" advertisement by Electronic Arts, 1983

Can a Computer Make You Cry?

Right now, no one knows. This is partly because many would consider the very idea frivolous. But it's also because whoever successfully answers this question must first have answered several others.

Why do we cry? Why do we laugh, or love, or smile? What are the touchstones of our emotions?

Until now, the people who asked such questions tended not to be the same people who ran software companies. Instead, they were writers, filmmakers, painters, musicians. They were, in the traditional sense, artists.

We're about to change that tradition. The name of our company is Electronic Arts.

Software worthy of the minds that use it.

We are a new association of electronic artists united by a common goal—to fulfill the enormous potential of the personal computer.

In the short term, this means transcending its present use as a facilitator of unimaginative tasks and a medium for blasting aliens. In the long term, however, we can expect a great deal more.

These are wondrous machines we have created, and in them can be seen a bit of their makers. It is as if we had invested them with the image of our minds. And through them, we are learning more and more about ourselves.

We learn, for instance, that we are more entertained by the involvement of our imaginations than by passive viewing and listening. We learn that we are better taught by experiences than by memorization. And we learn that the traditional distinctions—the ones that are made between art and entertainment and education—don't always apply.

Towards a language of dreams.

In short, we are finding that the computer can be more than just a processor of data.

It is a communications medium: an interactive tool that can bring people's thoughts and feelings closer together, perhaps closer than ever before. And while fifty years from now, its creation may seem no more important than the advent of motion pictures or television, there is a chance it will mean something more.

Something along the lines of a universal language of ideas and emotions. Something like a smile.

The first publications of Electronic Arts are now available.We suspect you'll be hearing a lot about them. Some of them are games like you've never seen before, that get more out of your computer than other games ever have. Others are harder to categorize—and we like that.

Watch us.

We're providing a special environment for talented, independent software artists. It's a supportive environment, in which big ideas are given room to grow. And some of America's most respected software artists are beginning to take notice.

We think our current work reflects this very special commitment. And though we are few in number today and apart from the mainstream of the mass software marketplace, we are confident that both time and vision are on our side.

Join us. We see farther.


Sep 6, 2020
I'm keeping expectations low so if this turns out to be decent I'll probably enjoy it. Never really understood the hype surrounding CDPR but I only played Witcher 1&2 so yeah.


Apr 17, 2020
I have 0 expectations of Cyberpunk being something new and ground breaking, the bringer of incline or whatever you want to call it, it will be your run of the mill casual FPS RPG that has a AAA budget behind.
What I expect is lots of high scores some media outlets baiting with retarded opinions because Xir wasnt Xir enough or whatever fucking woke take they plan behind the scenes, lots of retarded fanboys forcing in cancerous way to be the second coming of christ and people here sort of having a negative view of the game because of the cancer fanbase the game will attract.
So to answer OP nope, unless you are this fella here:

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Mar 3, 2010
I have 0 expectations of Cyberpunk being something new and ground breaking, the bringer of incline or whatever you want to call it, it will be your run of the mill casual FPS RPG that has a AAA budget behind.
these days, i'd glagly pay for an average game without retarded writing.

Kev Inkline

Nov 17, 2015
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I'll give it 5 points in the next GOTY poll in any case. That'll make a few people cry. :positive:


Aug 11, 2014
You see one FPS game, you see them all.

I see Cyberpunk 2077 just like i see Call of Duty, a glorified shooting gallery but this time with light rpg element.

The Story will be just typical corporate bullshit like corporate evul and anarchist rule ect.

So don't expect the game will bring your emotional engagement, at best it just bore you out by usual shooting and killing bad guys.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
deterministic system > RNG
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