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Why the fuck is Witcher 3 #15 on the Codex top 101?


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
Glitcher 3 is still better than 90% of the trash you put on that list you retarted faggots. People who worship faggot age ,baldurs gape or wikipedia simulator aka morrowind are amebas and their opinions are worthless.


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
Glitcher 3 is still better than 90% of the trash you put on that list you retarted faggots. People who worship faggot age ,baldurs gape or wikipedia simulator aka morrowind are amebas and their opinions are worthless.
Witchur 3 is better game or better rpg?
The only role you are playing in baldurs gape or faggot age is the one of retard wrangler.


Apr 18, 2016
Players are more likely to judge game from first hours of gaming, because being burned from playing it more can dull your judgement. So you play 1 hour and have a blast and you think it's the best game ever to come out.
NGL, the opening presentation with White Orchard was good, decent in size and all, but the moment you hit Velen and get thrown in much, much larger open world, it kinda loses its touch. Can only tolerate it to get to sidequests.
Blood & Wine should had been ideal game world size for base game worlds.


Oct 7, 2020
Because there's very few decent open world games and people obviously like the idea of an open world game. Also because it features Slavic fantasy lore which is superior to both western and asian one. Its also not woke, which in current culture already makes it one of the best games by default.

I strongly prefer KC:D but i brought new pc to try W3(in 2018) and i've yet to see any game to come out since that would make me want to do it.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Because there's very few decent open world games and people obviously like the idea of an open world game. Also because it features Slavic fantasy lore which is superior to both western and asian one. Its also not woke, which in current culture already makes it one of the best games by default.

I strongly prefer KC:D but i brought new pc to try W3(in 2018) and i've yet to see any game to come out since that would make me want to do it.
Yes the fact its East European developers who arent that concerned with SJWism, the lore and the overall narrative are some of the reasons its my 2nd favorite RPG of all time :cool:


Oct 7, 2020
I am really surprised Kingdom Come: Deliverence isn't ranked higher. It's lower than Pathfinder, Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Divinity: Original Sin series.
There's nothing to be surprised about, most people played it in a state that was as buggy as Cyberpunk. Even now texture streaming is pretty shit still.
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah I'm not getting texture streaming issues in KCD with Ultra textures + HD enabled and my Samsung 980 NVMe SSD can only read/write at less than one third of its potential speed because of motherboard limitation, capped at about 900 MB/s. This is on fresh playthrough that isn't far in though, so haven't seen how it goes when running with fastest horses yet.


Jul 16, 2005
Small but great planet of Potatohole
by one of the greatest fantasy writers of the 20th century.

I agree with that. His is just an entertaining pulp writer - and even that only in some of his works. But then most of fantasy is like that, except often without the entertaining part.

I don't get Elric plagiarism claim. I've read two books of Elric series and honestly i don't see many things in common. At best some very superficial ones. Am i missing something? Can someone give some examples? Does it starts in later books or what? I assume we are talking about Moorcock's character.


Jul 16, 2005
Small but great planet of Potatohole
Polish people.

The P in RPG Codex stands for Poland.
You only say that only because there are so few Germans foot fetishists here. :hug:

I don't know if Witcher is bad, very bad, or worse because i never played it. Same with W2. W1 only for a couple of hours. And i'm a Potato. Not my kind of games. However considering how many overrated games there are on various Codex top lists, some higher than 15th place i don't really get the butthurt specifically because of W3. Popular games like W3 are played by a lot of people so they end up high. As simple as that and i'm not the first one to mention this truism in this thread.

Zed Duke of Banville

You mentioned making nationality as part of polls. I'm all for it, would be interesting.
I never liked Withers (see above) but i'm mighty pissed off when someone makes claims about what nationality plays what - without any solid proof. I suspect that Poles will play/like Witcher slightly more than most other nations but considering how popular it was everywhere i doubt i would be a big enough difference to move Wither 3 much on the lists.


Jan 18, 2022
By almost any reasonable standard, The Witcher 3 is an RPG. But I think the overall game would have been better served if it wasn't.
Aug 27, 2021
KCD was a fun game in a very interesting setting but it'll never be a top RPG.

You are stuck with one, specific, voiced protagonist.
The "RPG" aspects are actually fairly minimal, yeah there are skills to improve but it's all incremental improvements to stuff you could do at the beginning of the game.
The story is completely on rails.
The combat is... a bit weak, and the different weapon skills don't make it much different.

It was basically skyrim in a more interesting setting and with a more cohesive and well told story.

I'd say the witcher 3 was more of an RPG than KCD, at least in witcher it seemed like you could actually play through multiple times with fairly different 'builds' and the combat would actually play differently. Although I do think combat in the witcher kind of sucked anyway.


Apr 16, 2004
You are stuck with one, specific, voiced protagonist.
The "RPG" aspects are actually fairly minimal, yeah there are skills to improve but it's all incremental improvements to stuff you could do at the beginning of the game.
The story is completely on rails.
The combat is... a bit weak, and the different weapon skills don't make it much different.

This describes Witcher 3 though?
Aug 27, 2021
You are stuck with one, specific, voiced protagonist.
The "RPG" aspects are actually fairly minimal, yeah there are skills to improve but it's all incremental improvements to stuff you could do at the beginning of the game.
The story is completely on rails.
The combat is... a bit weak, and the different weapon skills don't make it much different.

This describes Witcher 3 though?
Perhaps, but less so. Like I said, witcher 3 felt like you could play through it a couple times with different builds, maybe focused more on magic or what have you. Admittedly I don't consider either one to be great examples of cRPGs but what can you do?


Mar 28, 2014
Easy answer.

Highest heights, lowest lows.

Pillars of Eternity is an RPG in which there are no parts that are super bad. At the same time there are no parts that are absolutely amazing. Overall it is shit game. Not because it was poorly made but because there was literally nothing about it that excelled even in one area. Companions were boring aside from 1-2 yes men, story full of wonder was told in most mechanic way possible, choices and consequences barely existed and even its combat while on surface looked competent died in grazes, 2 second degens and other garbage.

This is the kind of game you can completely forget that you even played. There is nothing in it that will stay with you longer. There are no companios like Minsc that you will repeat his quotes.

TW3 on other hand is flawed. There are some smelly parts like its loot system that should be scrapped completely. But on other hand there are some super high heights that stay with you when you finish game for years. People mentioned Bloody Baron quest line which was completely optional and had decent C&C which wasn't your choose good/evil garbage. The world was fantastically designed with plenty of art that could be argued is high art, like design of crows. Plenty avenues to roleplay even in non premade character scenario. And with its expansions literally 200h of quality content not count stuff like bandit camps etc.

PEople at the start of thread mentioned the void. And The Void actually is another great example of that. Its mana system is grindy as hell, there are like few maps but there are stuff in it that completely blows out of the water those issues like making player question everything, color talking to you and so on.

TW3 while flawed in many ways achieved exceptional highest hights despite being AAA game.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
KCD was a better RPG because it provided better roleplaying opportunities, simple as.
Yes you're forced into an overall role but I never felt like I was "henry the monster-slayer" and had my entire character defined for me

tbh the witcher games are probably better if you never read the books so yeah, a lot of the choices they give you don't really make sense for geralt(or some other characters) but are put there for RPG purposes
just remembered the witcher 3 dijkstra quest and got angry, so, fuck you guys


Mar 28, 2014
KCD was a better RPG because it provided better roleplaying opportunities, simple as.
Yes you're forced into an overall role but I never felt like I was "henry the monster-slayer" and had my entire character defined for me

tbh the witcher games are probably better if you never read the books so yeah, a lot of the choices they give you don't really make sense for geralt(or some other characters) but are put there for RPG purposes
just remembered the witcher 3 dijkstra quest and got angry, so, fuck you guys

Interesting part about game is exactly the difference between book readers and non book readers in how they shape their choices through game, second one is early book version of geralt which is much more ruthless and later version where he is much more nice due to basically changing his life.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
I hate the Witcher games because of the gameplay.

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