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Where did my Trump fists go?

Mar 18, 2009
DarkUnderlord giveth, DarkUnderlord taketh away.

I am sure this was already covered somewhere and I just missed it, but might as well take this occasion to inquire - why do many people have a bunch of buttons that I don't? Is this some sort of donating privilege? Would be nice to have at least "nice!", "no!", and "nuke it from orbit!" ratings available. Instead of useless shit like "fabulously optimistic", which I have no reason to ever use. Split that into "fabulous" and "optimistic" and I could use both, now it's just pointless gibberish. Or "doggy", I really don't need that one. Or that dumb Avellone face. Can I exchange these three?
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█▓▒░ ░▒▓█
Oct 14, 2012
Might have something to do with Trump playing Israel's bitch? At least, that's the way it looks right now.

Also, the last batch of the JFK files has just been postponed by him to 2021 (and some of it probably until 2063). Probably to protect Daddy Bush and Kissinger.


Feb 21, 2018
The evil liberals censored them to stop RPGCodex from becoming a bastion of anti-liberalism in the entire world, from one flat edge to the other.

It's like a part of us was stripped away from us as well.

Speak for yourself, Trump buttons look like Simpsons to me.

Might have something to do with Trump playing Israel's bitch? At least, that's the way it looks right now.

Lol perhaps. But I don't like thinking mods are so fragile emotionally. Trump has been Israel's little buddy since day 1. He is a Republican, after all.


Aug 26, 2010
DarkUnderlord giveth, DarkUnderlord taketh away.

I am sure this was already covered somewhere and I just missed it, but might as well take this occasion to inquire - why do many people have a bunch of buttons that I don't? Is this some sort of donating privilege? Would be nice to have at least "nice!", "no!", and "nuke it from orbit!" ratings available. Instead of useless shit like "fabulously optimistic", which I have no reason to ever use. Split that into "fabulous" and "optimistic" and I could use both, now it's just pointless gibberish. Or "doggy", I really don't need that one. Or that dumb Avellone face. Can I exchange these three?

Was wondering same thing. I'd use "interesting" and "meh" ratings a lot, but sadly I don't have them :(

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