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Game News Wasteland 2 Project Update: Vision Document


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
Tags: Brian Fargo; InXile Entertainment; Wasteland 2

I just got a Kickstarter update mail from InXile (and I assume a lot of you did as well). It would seem Mr. Fargo is done typing up the vision document.

Today we are publishing our vision document for Wasteland 2 which details the sensibilities of the game itself. The ideas in this document come from things that worked in Wasteland 1 and are expected, things I have communicated previously, and suggestions/opinions from the fan boards. The role of a producer is often misunderstood and sometimes done poorly, but my role is to help shape a vision for a game, hit the right touch points and then watch it become bigger than any one person could make it. No one person can take credit for games of this size and intricacy, and for me it all starts with the vision document. My role is not to hammer on spreadsheets and task oriented management but to instead create a team that is excited and understands the totality of the game. I have been using this method since the beginning and it continues to serve me well. In the past I have had to rely wholly on my instincts but this new paradigm helps me to limit the surprises.​

You can read the vision document here.

Fargo also mentions a new piece of artwork by Andrée Wallin, which will be used for the game box. I assume this is it:



P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
"We give you the tools and the rules - then stand back and let you do the rest."

Now THIS is what RPGs are about. I just hope those guys can live up to their promises.


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire RPG Wokedex Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I just quickly read through it and well... THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ALL THESE YEARS!!!!!

If what he talks about within this document actually gets made we will truly be witnessing a new Golden Age of cRPGs. The amount of options to a given circumstance and how to go about achieving your goal is a breath of fresh air. This in turn has C&C not only in the short term but in the overall narrative. Not having the constraints of voice-overs and animations will allow them the freedom to achieve this far beyond any AAA title. I also love the talk of how customizing your Rangers abilities is a core RPG concept! All in all, I loved what I read and can't wait to learn more about the world-size, travel, and a closer look at the combat mechanics.

... and did he mention "you can type in keywords as part of your arsenal to unlock secrets and text fragments"?

Overall, this whole document is full of :incline: !



Mar 24, 2012
One could nitpick at this... not. Fantastic news, best in quite a long time.


No Shiiit?

I thought we wont see this for quite some time. heeeellll give it to meeee!


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I want a high res of the box art!


May 25, 2006
Fuck, why is 2013 so far away? If they can deliver half of the stuff in that document, WL2 will be one of the best RPGs ever!


May 8, 2003

Game Overview:
Who you choose for your team will add dimension to your party interactions, opening new possibilities for you to explore.
This sounds like unique quests and quest completion opportunities based on who you recruit. I hope that is so.

RPGs haven’t kept pace with time - they've regressed and even worse, taken pride in less role-playing than before. Important elements have been lost over time, sacrificed to technology, art constraints, voice-over expenses, and multi-platform console constraints. Wasteland 2 has noksuch limitations, it brings these RPG elements back, takes them out of the attic, and makes them part of gameplay again.
This section is going to see a lot of butthurt and nextgen apologists.

The following customisation subsection reads a lot like Mr Fargo rolled a speech check to convince larpers that assigning skill and stat points upon levelup would give them more roleplaying possibilities than before :lol: As opposed to dudes here who just pick an archetype and stick with it or assign points based on the outcomes they'll like to complete for quests. Right?

customizing and outfitting your own weapon from what you can scrounge from the environment
Awww yeaah weapon mod porn this better not be crafting entire guns because just no unless those are one time quest/service things

(Why settle for what we give you? Choose whatever you want, draw your own, or find something better on line, or even round out your party with pictures of your family members and co-workers!). Make the world, the interface, the playstyle, and your character yours, and role-play the way you want to.
there's that larper persuasion again :lol:

Interface that Caters to You: Wasteland 2 allows not only character and world customization, but interface layout and design customization as well. With the range of game mechanics permitted inside and outside of combat, we don't want to limit you solely to customizing your character - we allow you to customize your interface to match your playstyle and choose the "language" and format with which you communicate with the game.
This really needs elaboration. Are we talking resizable, moveable and toggleable elements with transparency and selectable numerical/bar readouts or something less amazing

They have their own opinions they’ll act on over the course of the game. They don’t always blindly follow you into radiation-infested buildings, they may quietly hoard drugs and money that they find, or even possibly decide to borrow things from you as needed. They may have a childhood fear of rats that causes them to burn SMG clips in fury whenever those creatures appear. If they don’t like someone in the party, they won’t be shy about it – or they may actively encourage you to send certain characters on solo missions provided they leave their canteen and supplies behind. The feeling is that you’ll be traveling with characters, not drones with certain skill sets, and knowing their personality strengths and motivations is one of the most important tools for survival.

It can be heard whispering and begging in the frequencies on your radio, bristling with threats from unseen enemies or people begging for help
Sounds like an nice way of initiating random quests.

Many of the greatest moments in Wasteland were communicated via text and lore paragraphs, and it elevated the story, not detracted from it. We’re not afraid of text, and we’re not afraid to use it to emphasize and support the world in ways the environment can’t show visually. We want to use it to provide a deep narrative experience, and we’ll have a strong conversation system to support it – you can type in keywords as part of your arsenal to unlock secrets and text fragments… paying attention to the world and key words can often create new paths in a conversation or give you new clues, hints, and even passwords to unlock new areas for you to explore.

Words as Weapons: There’s nothing like the threatening urgency that comes when a guard with an itchy trigger finger stops you to demand the password, and you’re wracking your brain to try and find the right word that comes to mind - and for those looking to provoke a firefight, the wrong word dropped at the right time can cause an effect-chain that even a gunfight would be hard to top.
I am okay with this added implementation of player skill based conversation checks. There better be an ingame notepad though.

encountering a horde of Leather Jerks shortly after being bloodied and out of ammo from an unexpected Reagan Hover Tank fight is going to spark a much different reaction that rolling onto the scene with upgraded automatic weapons and proton axes while riding the same Hover Tank you were fighting previously. On the flip side, entering a room with security robots while wearing normal clothes and no weapons displayed may allow safe passage where a fully-tricked out party bristling with weapons may trigger a much different experience…

Thanks to you, we hit our mod tools goal, and we're eager to see what the community can develop with the toolset.
Maybe even Wasteland 2 1.13 :dance:

gangs of Midwestern-style housewives packing arsenals of guns, clown gangs, robots with the slow drone of a modem connection establishing as they roll in to attack...

One Goal, Multiple Rangers: Your party isn't designed to be bunched up like a pair of panties after 5th period competitive wedgie class. You can control up to seven individuals (four rangers and three NPCs), all of which you can command (and in the case of companions, suggest) to perform specific actions toward a higher goal. Split them up to cover more ground, perform multiple tasks at the same time, reform them, and then strike while your opponents are trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
it's like baldur's gate direct party control with fallout npc AI!!

Also man he likes referring to those proton axes.

we received hundreds of requests to get involved in building this rich world. If you're a talented artist, writer, sound engineer or any other discipline that can improve the game for all who pledged, we want to allow you to leave your mark. We are opening up a thread on our forums where you can post work samples and have a chance to work on, and be credited in, Wasteland 2.
Work that businessman diplomacy Mr Fargo

Flank opponents, switch gear, learn to use fog of war and line of sight
Once combat is initiated, turn based progression begins, but if you have the overwhelming advantage you can just let your guys go to work without micro-managing the tactics.
delicious LoS will make up for the autocombat because hey there's no chance of slipping up with superior numbers rite
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
I have just read the vision document, and I must say, that I'm very impressed and happy, and hope they can pull it off. Man, he just says everything so perfectly, I couldn't think of a better dream game if I created it in my head. That worries me a bit actually... :(

Man, I haven't been excited for a computer game like this for, I don't know, a decade? That 2013, or 2014 is so far away... :mad:


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Fargo really knows how to court us fickle ladies. :love:

Here's hoping the vision document can be realized.

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