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Dec 11, 2018
Has anyone tried this thing yet? It is basically a mod to make non-VR games VR compatible. As expected, it's a logistical nightmare that has dozens of different variables to tweak in order to get things working just-so. The very idea of hacking a game to make it VR compatible sounds to me like a full on vertigo assault waiting to happen, but I can't help but be intrigued by the idea. Maybe it could be cool in some niche cases.

If anyone ever gets around to trying this thing and discovers a really optimal setting that gets a game working well, post it here. They have presets for certain games like New Vegas and Morrowind and all that but I haven't tried anything. Myself, I put too much work into making my VR games an optimal experience to try to mess around with this thing for a good long time, but I still want to know.


Mar 28, 2014
I have it. It is pretty awesome software i used non stop for first 2-3 years of my VR journey. Obviously it is not super plug and play. Yes often you don't need to do anything you game just runs but at the same rate some other game will need some heavy tweaking. At times game runs fine but you have annoying stuff like part of UI at incorrect depth level. All of games naturally don't support motion controls.

Stuff i did with VorpX:

- Finished FNV with all expansions fully in VR (100h+), slight modding for VR like FOV adjustment for Pipboy.
- Spent like 150 hours playing Monster Hunter World in VR
- About half of Dragon's Dogma in VR, some issues with shadows but minor ones.
- Dolphin has SBS mode and it works amazing in VORPX. All wii games support proper 3D
- Sims 4 VR works really well.
- Tried Cyberpunk77. It works but even my 3080 is not enough.
- Fallout 4 non VR version works well in it
- All Bioshock games work well
- Dishonored1/2 works well
- way more stuff than i can remember
- if game is unity or unreal engine then you can just copy profile from other game and 90% it will work out of the box. I did that with that viking survival game that was popular lately V something and it worked out of the box.

The best part about it is that there is database in program which allows for uploading and downloading of custom profiles for games. Which means if game isn't supported officially by VorpX then some user can create his own profile and share it. This is why for example i could play Dragon's Dogma in VR as there is no official profile for it.

Overall for 30$ i got like 500-800 hours in various games maybe more that would never work in VR.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
I have it. It is pretty awesome software i used non stop for first 2-3 years of my VR journey. Obviously it is not super plug and play. Yes often you don't need to do anything you game just runs but at the same rate some other game will need some heavy tweaking. At times game runs fine but you have annoying stuff like part of UI at incorrect depth level. All of games naturally don't support motion controls.

Stuff i did with VorpX:
I used VorpX way back in the day like 2016-2017 and it was very hit & miss as far as immersion factor. I think things are probably better now as they have made massive updates to the software, API, etc.

It still is definitely not a magic bullet as you pointed out and needs lots of fiddling and simply will never hold up against a native VR game. Asgard's Wrath simply trounces any RPG made for immersion as an example or Half-Life:Alyx vs. any FPS you attempt to hook with VorpX but its better than nothing I suppose.


Dec 11, 2018
I've only had about 15 minutes with it so far and only tried two games but here is my initial impression.

Fallout 3's settings were pretty bad and gave me a serious case of "fishbowl eyes". The default F3 setting definitely needs some tweaking and was overall pretty much unusable as it was.

Fallout New Vegas on the other hand, was plug and play. Looked great, controlled great. I guess that shouldn't be surprising given that NV is the more popular title and there are more guys out there fiddling with the settings. But it was what I was looking for.

I'm going to try Morrowind next, and then maybe some 3rd person titles.

Can you adjust the control scheme on VorpX? My only complaint is that I want a different setup there.

Edit: Morrowind also works great
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Mar 28, 2014
I've only had about 15 minutes with it so far and only tried two games but here is my initial impression.

Fallout 3's settings were pretty bad and gave me a serious case of "fishbowl eyes". The default F3 setting definitely needs some tweaking and was overall pretty much unusable as it was.

Fallout New Vegas on the other hand, was plug and play. Looked great, controlled great. I guess that shouldn't be surprising given that NV is the more popular title and there are more guys out there fiddling with the settings. But it was what I was looking for.

I'm going to try Morrowind next, and then maybe some 3rd person titles.

Can you adjust the control scheme on VorpX? My only complaint is that I want a different setup there.

DEL is vorpx setting menu where everything is.


Dec 11, 2018
I've only had about 15 minutes with it so far and only tried two games but here is my initial impression.

Fallout 3's settings were pretty bad and gave me a serious case of "fishbowl eyes". The default F3 setting definitely needs some tweaking and was overall pretty much unusable as it was.

Fallout New Vegas on the other hand, was plug and play. Looked great, controlled great. I guess that shouldn't be surprising given that NV is the more popular title and there are more guys out there fiddling with the settings. But it was what I was looking for.

I'm going to try Morrowind next, and then maybe some 3rd person titles.

Can you adjust the control scheme on VorpX? My only complaint is that I want a different setup there.

DEL is vorpx setting menu where everything is.

Explain what you mean and how I do this like I was a retarded child.


Mar 28, 2014
press DEL when you are in game. It pops out vorpX menu from which you can change stuff.


Sep 22, 2014
Has anyone tried this thing yet?
you will get your moneys worth and way more IF you are a tinkerer and IF you are like me and dont really think motion controls are a must have. Two things you will become very familiar with dealing with vorpx profiles is FOV and anti aliasing. For the first it is most of the time dicking around in .txt files configuring FOV parameters or adding lines like lets say for FNV to stop the stupid camera zoom on face when entering dialogue. For the second I mostly use Nvidia profile inspector to force SGSSAA whenever I can. The jaggies might be less noticeable in flatties with original bare bones AA but are really in your fucking face in VR. It is a custom program that is based on the standard nvidia control panel but with extended configuration options. For example vid:

Note for older games like DX:HR it depends on what drivers you have available for you vidya card. For example on my old GTX 970 profile inspector worked perfectly and made the butt ugly original look like a adopted for VR fidelity running through vorpx. On my never 3070 it is not working anymore no matter what I try. It is just to note that if it does not work on one game it does not mean it will not work for another. Counter example Dishonored 1 works perfectly with profile inspector and vorpx. While D2 has a limited Z3D because the profile is unfinished due to the ungodly loading times because of Denuvo DRM bottle necking. The reference library on what bytes to configure for different games are given in this list:


Final highlight I would bring out is that vorpx works great for unstandard VRing for entires that generally will never get dedicated VR mods. Like HL2 mods or long forgotten source codes like FEAR 1/Condemned:criminal origins. Used Vorpx to play through Entropy Zero 2 from start to finish for example.
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