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Review Tons of KOTOR 2 reviews & opinions

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

We have a truckload of <a href=http://www.kotor2.com/>KOTOR 2</a> reviews today. We'll start with <a href=http://www.gamepro.com/computer/pc/19034/info.shtml>GamePro review: 4.5/5</a>. It's a 300-word review, so it must have been aimed at people with reading comprehension disabilities:
<blockquote>Aside from some new combat feats, the fighting in KOTOR II is the same blend of real-time maneuvering and turn-based strategy you remember from the first game.</blockquote>If only it was possible to maneuver in TB, than the system would have been perfect.
<a href=http://www.mygamer.com/index.php?id=78&page=gameportal&mode=reviews>MyGamer review: 8.2</a>:
<blockquote>It’s an effective sequel that makes the statement “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” ring true. Some sequels try to do too much and end up doing nothing for the improvement over the original. ... That’s the merit of the people down at Obsidian: make a sequel without changing the core elements, and just add to an already great game. </blockquote>He should have stopped after "make a sequel".
Another 300-word 8.2 review, courtesy of <a href=http://www.gmr-source.com>GMR Source</a>
<blockquote>The turn based RPG style fighting is still great as ever. ... Obsidion & Bioware did a great job.</blockquote>'nuff said
<a href=http://www.totalvideogames.com/pages/articles/index.php?game_id=3355&article_id=7197>Total Video Games review: 9/10</a>:
<blockquote>At the beginning of a new game, as with a lot of RPG titles such as Morrowind, players are given the opportunity to choose the class and attributes of the last Jedi. Whilst there may not seem much of a difference between the Guardian, Consular, and Sentinel classes on first glance, it’s worth pointing out one of the additions to franchise, the so-called Prestige Classes, which include Jedi Master, Sith Lord, and Sith Assassin .Of course the ability access the Jedi or Sith classes is entirely based on the character’s alignment to either the Light or the Dark Side of the Force. In a step-by-step manner, players are also given the choice to either manually or automatically set the attributes of their chosen Jedi, with these characteristics affecting the protagonist’s abilities in various skills including manipulating the Force, and combat. As with the choice of classes, the listed attributes are quite standard in these types of RPG titles and unless you are an advanced veteran of the genre or just the experimental kind, you’ll probably end up doing exactly the same as us and allow the game to automatically set the attributes of the character.</blockquote>I'd never understand why people who are trying to play an RPG would want to skip the character development part. That "there is no difference between the 3 classes" comment was pretty funny too.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I'm almost done with a LS Guardian, then I'll try a DS Sentinel, and then I'll definitely write something. Give me a week.


May 18, 2004
I'm not touching this until I see a Codex review and the arguments on these forums have gone on for a bit more.


Oct 1, 2003
How many reviews do you people need? Can't you see everyone says it's a lot like the first one? If you like that one, get this one too. Chances are there won't be anything better this year.


May 18, 2004
It's not the number of reviews, it's the quality, and you are also full of shit. It is way too early to claim there will be nothing decent this year. Not until we've at least had a chance to condemn what is coming out.


Jan 30, 2005
If it's like the first KotOR, then I'll pass. KotOR's game play was way too linear, too much hack'n'slash and not enough ROLE play. I was fooled early on with Mannan and Taris -- those were good levels, but then it got really fucking tedious.


Oct 1, 2003
Fez said:
It's not the number of reviews, it's the quality, and you are also full of shit. It is way too early to claim there will be nothing decent this year. Not until we've at least had a chance to condemn what is coming out.
It's funny that I'm being offended by a retard that can't tell the difference between " Chances are there won't be anything better this year" and "there will be nothing decent this year". And BTW, I played KotOR2 and I know a lot more how it is, compared to the RPG projects that have been announced, and I can't say the same about you, knowing nothing about either one, so STFU.

asa, role-playing is superior in KotOR 2, and closer to Torment's depth when discussing with other party characters. The story is inferior (I didn't expect it to surpass the one from KotOR 1) and while there's not that big "shocking" (for some) plot twist, there are many smaller ones. As for linearity, the light/darkside paths are more different compared to eachother than in KotOR1 but each path itself doesn't allow for much freedom.


Jul 15, 2004
i think KOTOR2 is better, being both better written and with better game-flow, than KOTOR1.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"i think KOTOR2 is better, being both better written and with better game-flow, than KOTOR1."

I can understand someone liking the writing in KOTOR2 more than KOTOR1; but better game flow? You jokin' right right?


May 18, 2004
Hory said:

I'm sorry you'll have to shout louder, your penis is too small.

It's funny that you are crying about people wanting reviews. If you don't want them you don't have to read them. Moron. :roll:


Jul 15, 2004
Volourn said:
"i think KOTOR2 is better, being both better written and with better game-flow, than KOTOR1."

I can understand someone liking the writing in KOTOR2 more than KOTOR1; but better game flow? You jokin' right right?
KOTOR2 didn't have that drop off in the middle that KOTOR1 had. Everything seemed to flow together better and feel more cohesive. Sadly, KOTOR1's areas all felt really static from one another.

KOTOR2 also makes ranged weapons a more viable gameplay style, letting non-jedi characters be worthwhile sidekicks to have around. KOTOR1 was all about having just jedi sidekicks when you could.

Maybe it's just me, but i felt that KOTOR2 flowed better gameplay wise then KOTOR1.


Jul 18, 2004
Karlstad, Sweden
Re: Tons of KOTOR 2 reviews & opinions

Vault Dweller said:
That "there is no difference between the 3 classes" comment was pretty funny too.
Whilst there may not seem much of a difference between the Guardian, Consular, and Sentinel classes on first glance,
Oh noes, there's one of them nuanced statements again, one that's not completely white or black and must therefore be white if you're pro-black or black if you're pro-white. ;)

Or was it funny because at the first glance anyone would see much difference between the three classes? When I played the D20 Star Wars RPG we had a jedi knight and a jedi guardian, and I remember that the guardian was the brainy jedi and the knight was the fighty jedi, though both could of course fight reasonably well. But from the names of those three classes in KotOR 2 it sounds as if the guardian is the fighty jedi, the consular the brainy jedi and the sentinel the sneaky jedi. Is that much difference though? I couldn't tell without first playing the game. In Diablo 2 there is much difference between the barbarian and the sorceress though. :)


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"KOTOR2 also makes ranged weapons a more viable gameplay style"

Eh. I find missle weapons weaker in this game? Why have missle weapons when I cna have a light sabre that does 40+ damage or fists that do mondo damage as well.

"Sadly, KOTOR1's areas all felt really static from one another."

Hmm.. Outside of one side quest, and the mainq uest; all of KOTOR2's worlds are static from one another. You were more likely to travel back and forth between planets.

Not to mention the main quest of 'collect the 4 jedis'!


Don't get me wrong. I ahven't elaborated much; but there are some things that KOTOR2 does better than KOTOR1. I already mentioned skill checks; but there is more.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Re: Tons of KOTOR 2 reviews & opinions

RGE said:
Vault Dweller said:
That "there is no difference between the 3 classes" comment was pretty funny too.
Whilst there may not seem much of a difference between the Guardian, Consular, and Sentinel classes on first glance,
Oh noes, there's one of them nuanced statements again, one that's not completely white or black and must therefore be white if you're pro-black or black if you're pro-white. ;)

Or was it funny because at the first glance anyone would see much difference between the three classes?
Exactly. There are many things in D20 games that aren't clear at the first glance, but the difference between classes aint one of them.

But from the names of those three classes in KotOR 2 it sounds as if the guardian is the fighty jedi, the consular the brainy jedi and the sentinel the sneaky jedi. Is that much difference though?
Yep, that much. I doubt that anyone would say that there is no difference between fighter, rogue, and mage classes. Anyway, if "at the first glance" refers to looking at the names and trying to spot the visual difference between the models at the class selection screen, then the guy is an idiot. If it refers to something else, well... let's just hope that me meant something else.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"sentinel the sneaky jedi."

What's hilarious is that I'm a Sentinel, and my lowest skill is sneak" and the only reason i put *any* points in it is because Kreia reccmmended it. One of the few times she actually sounded intelligent. <> (the little boost as an award helped too.) <>

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Volourn said:
Eh. I find missle weapons weaker in this game? Why have missle weapons when I cna have a light sabre that does 40+ damage or fists that do mondo damage as well.
I don't find missile weapons weaker in this game, in fact, having Ion damage blasters is a good way to get rid of bots without risking the skin of your melee fighters. When you run into the middle of a room you become the target of just about every enemy. Having a support character with ranged capabilities saved my skin a lot of times.

Hmm.. Outside of one side quest, and the mainq uest; all of KOTOR2's worlds are static from one another. You were more likely to travel back and forth between planets.
No they aren't. A few of the quests are related to each other and characters like GO-TO give you good reason to 'save the republic' by solving all the problems on the various planets. They are all a part of a larger whole. In KOTOR1, most of the quests were limited to the local area and there weren't many of them, either. Taris was the only large area in KOTOR. Whereas most of KOTOR2's planets are as big as Taris was.

Not to mention the main quest of 'collect the 4 jedis'!

There's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't seem as trivial as NWN's "collect the 4 items".

On top of that, the degree of interaction with the NPCs, like changing the alignment of your party members, making them into Jedi or Sith, upgrading their skills, learning abilities FROM them, and so forth makes KOTOR2 a far superior game to KOTOR.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"I don't find missile weapons weaker in this game, in fact, having Ion damage blasters is a good way to get rid of bots without risking the skin of your melee fighters. When you run into the middle of a room you become the target of just about every enemy. Having a support character with ranged capabilities saved my skin a lot of times."

Bah. I just light sabres, stun/destroy droid, force lighting. Much eaiser than wussy normnal weapons.

"No they aren't. A few of the quests are related to each other and characters like GO-TO give you good reason to 'save the republic' by solving all the problems on the various planets. They are all a part of a larger whole. In KOTOR1, most of the quests were limited to the local area and there weren't many of them, either. Taris was the only large area in KOTOR. Whereas most of KOTOR2's planets are as big as Taris was."

No. A plain and simple no.

"There's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't seem as trivial as NWN's "collect the 4 items"."

Huh? It's evn more trivial as it is trivializing the non existent Jedi. R00fles!

"On top of that, the degree of interaction with the NPCs, like changing the alignment of your party members, making them into Jedi or Sith, upgrading their skills, learning abilities FROM them"

Some ways yes some ways no. As for leanring things from them. Big friggin whoop. All it is is another way to pad your character and make the game even easier. Woopity do dah.

"KOTOR2 a far superior game to KOTOR."

No. They are about equal though I give the edge to KOTOR since it was obviously cafted with more care. Some things (like Kreia's so called 'master plan') are so obvious.

I am NOT the Last Non Jedi Jedi.

That is all that has to be said to destory the overratedness of KOTOR2.

And, no amount of fanboyism by a Flip Flopper or anti BIOweenies is gonna change that.

BL is a better game than KOTOR2. Heck, BL would be a better game than KOTOR1 if it wasn't for the shitty combat and the bugs. :roll:

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Oh, wow. Calling me a flip flopper (Might I remind you that Bloodlines was good in the first hub and steadily declined later on, as I played.) disproves my argument in its entirety. You win, Volourn.


I have a feeling that people don't actually care that I 'flip flopped'. It's just a way to shoot down my far superior arguments without actually addressing them.


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
I guess it deserves those scores. It isn't really anything profound(maybe for the Star Wars universe), but it is pretty fun. :o


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Oh, wow. Calling me a flip flopper (Might I remind you that Bloodlines was good in the first hub and steadily declined later on, as I played.) disproves my argument in its entirety."

No where did I say that. In fact, if you actually read the entire post and not zone in to the flip flop thing which wa sjusta nice little side jab; I didn't discuss your 'arguments' on "their own merits'.

Here's a quote to prove it:

""There's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't seem as trivial as NWN's "collect the 4 items"."

Huh? It's evn more trivial as it is trivializing the non existent Jedi. R00fles!"

Unlike you, i don't to use insults like 'fucktard' or 'flipflopper' to disprove someone's arguments. I use insults as an added bonus; nothing more.


Feb 4, 2005
KOTOR2 is awesome. Period. Volourn is just being a biowhore and a cocksucker if he thinks KOTOR is a better game, which it fucking isnt.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"KOTOR2 is awesome. Period. Volourn is just being a biowhore and a cocksucker if he thinks KOTOR is a better game, which it fucking isnt."

Yeah, that must be it. That must explain why I'm not celebrating finding heavy armour in cannoks; not celebrating the fact that I'm NOT the Last Non Jedi Jedi; not celebrating the easy combat where you can kill major bosses in two hits; not celebrating whiney characters like Atton; not celebrating the fact that dialogue loops exist; not celebrating dialogue chocies thatr emain and so you have toc ycle through upwards of 10+ to get to the new stuff.


Yes, that must be it. :roll:


Feb 4, 2005
What the fuck are you talking about idiot?

Rule #58 in the "How Not To Be A Cocksucker Handbook": Don't stuff cocks in your mouth when attempting to speak.

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