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Titan Outpost Release Thread


Dec 24, 2018
Was there a second Hershel module shell? It flew off somewhere off-screen and after I went to base because of low battery the first shell that I looted disappeared and I can't find the second one. I could use the polymers.

Also not sure if bug but when exploring Menvra Crater the second point of interest - the one after chinese crates with a note - I think its called Menvra Crater Cistern, I did a third thorough search with 4 exploration but uniquely I recieved nothing for it. So far that never happened anywhere else and I assumed that it was a design choice - to always reward players for spending time on exploration, even with token amounts. Or there are actually places that yield zero resources for exploration?
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Dec 24, 2018
Found some more strangeness. You can spam dialogue choices and break progression and make it all too gamey. For example that german scientist dude, you can leave dialogue and then go to his tech sale and ask for a discount pretty much infinetly if you are friends with him, I thought it was because of how many computers I build, but no. Instead of 4 I asked for discount 15 times already. Also hired the indian girl and you can just farm her disposition to you in a minute by spamming "How do you do?" question, set a 24h cooldown at least.

Unfortunately, found a lot of bugs. That rover location? I think I read that its new content. 3 bugs so far. All at the same place. That rock formation the banished china dude sends you to check out. First of all, when you look from first-person camera angle some rocks are floating mid-air. Then there was this sound that usually means there is an exploration point - the exploration icon never appeared on screen. I left the game hoping to fix it and now the save is corrupted and I spawn as a black manikin under ground texture with no way of escaping. Lost about 20 minutes of progress. I assume it happened either because of bad optimization on best quality or because the game dislikes alt-tab. Redoing the area on minimal settings without alt-tabbing fixed most errors.

Also the dude said he will unload the thing from my rover but after I finished the quest and drove to area exit it was still attached.

Another bug I saw is when you do all 3 exploration missions for Hershel and you ask for more he says Nope and gives you 50xp, this can be spammed for infinite free XP. Same thing for reporting Magnus to Ling in a certain way.

When using Ling reward he wrongly comments on food when you trade minerals.

Tried charming Ekta for Rutger with 4 CHA On the Spectrum char. She said her failed the check line but sway meter still moved by +8.

Sattelite crash site is bugged too. Two music tracks playing at the same time and on thorough search I found "0 processable minerals". Same zero minerals on 3d level search of Hershel module in Tollan Terra.

Ending through singularity terraforming Titan showed same ending screen twice, one for Titan's and one for AI's but they are identical resulting in redundancy.
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Dec 24, 2018
MF do you need all of those? I have more just don't to waste my time if its pointless. I heard you are making another one, so do you actually have the time to fix the first one?


Dec 27, 2017
So far he's been fixing every bug report even as late as a couple of weeks ago, so I don't think it's a waste of time to report them.


Dec 24, 2018
Just want to hear from the man himself. It's easy enough to report but not so much to fix. If I really get into it I can paralyze him for weeks.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Also not sure if bug but when exploring Menvra Crater the second point of interest - the one after chinese crates with a note - I think its called Menvra Crater Cistern, I did a third thorough search with 4 exploration but uniquely I recieved nothing for it. So far that never happened anywhere else and I assumed that it was a design choice - to always reward players for spending time on exploration, even with token amounts. Or there are actually places that yield zero resources for exploration?

That's right. You're supposed to get 10 minerals on that search tier at that location. Just checked and due to a typo you get 0. Will fix.

Found some more strangeness. You can spam dialogue choices and break progression and make it all too gamey. For example that german scientist dude, you can leave dialogue and then go to his tech sale and ask for a discount pretty much infinetly if you are friends with him, I thought it was because of how many computers I build, but no. Instead of 4 I asked for discount 15 times already. Also hired the indian girl and you can just farm her disposition to you in a minute by spamming "How do you do?" question, set a 24h cooldown at least. After going to 10 it resets to zero anyway.

The stacked Horst discounts are intentional. If he likes you a lot, you can ask for discounts until they're practically free. I agree that it's a bit gamey, I'll limit that. If you have enough computers powered, you're paying Herschel with their own money anyway. I'll limit favor farming with Jade.

Unfortunately, found a lot of bugs. That rover location? I think I read that its new content. 3 bugs so far. All at the same place. That rock formation the banished china dude sends you to check out. First of all, when you look from first-person camera angle some rocks are floating mid-air. Then there was this sound that usually means there is an exploration point - the exploration icon never appeared on screen. I left the game hoping to fix it and now the save is corrupted and I spawn as a black manikin under ground texture with no way of escaping. Lost about 20 minutes of progress. I assume it happened either because of bad optimization on best quality or because the game dislikes alt-tab. Redoing the area on minimal settings without alt-tabbing fixed most errors.

Yes, that is relatively new content. I'll double check that rock formation with different settings. The game doesn't like alt-tab, although sometimes it's fine. It's a native fullscreen problem in every game using Unity on the 2017 branch.

Also the dude said he will unload the thing from my rover but after I finished the quest and drove to area exit it was still attached.
That's purely cosmetic. Haven't been able to reproduce this yet, but should be easy to fix.

Another bug I saw is when you do all 3 exploration missions for Hershel and you ask for more he says Nope and gives you 50xp, this can be spammed for infinite free XP. Same thing for reporting Magnus to Ling in a certain way.
That should only happen once, I'll double check all the orders in which you can get to that node.

When using Ling reward he wrongly comments on food when you trade minerals.

Tried charming Ekta for Rutger with 4 CHA On the Spectrum char. She said her failed the check line but sway meter still moved by +8.

Sattelite crash site is bugged too. Two music tracks playing at the same time and on thorough search I found "0 processable minerals".

Managed to reproduce these, will fix.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
MF do you need all of those? I have more just don't to waste my time if its pointless. I heard you are making another one, so do you actually have the time to fix the first one?

Yeah, definitely. I still fix any bug that pops up and try to do so as fast as possible. Thanks for taking the effort, some of these require some digging.


Dec 24, 2018
Hmm, well cool, I respect a dev who is committed to their game. So far not dissapointed in purchase. Another one I have is with coffee thing. It bugs out for me on any reload or zone transition. Like at first you have normal +1 Awareness buff, zone transition/load and bam you get +1 Str and +2 Awa for some reason.

Discovered while trying to see if I could kill Val at the start. How do I actually disarm her whithout damaging her kill swtich? Seems bugged. I need 10 natural awarenes to spot it in her hand and coffee boost does not work, but you can't have 10 Awarness even with the spectrum and enough Str to finish the check.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
I don't know what's happening with the coffee there, might be a rebuff from a fatigue level that is misrepresented as a buff. I'll check it out.

If you have 10 in physicality you don't need to spot the device and can just lunge at her succesfully. If you have enough awareness to spot it, you only need 8 physicality. Shouldn't be 10 though, I believe you need 8 AWA to see it.
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Dec 24, 2018
Wanted to check it, restarted the game, made a quick char: after waking up in the outpost UI completely disappeared and I got achievement "Die from asphyxiation" :lol: Don't bother trying to catch that one, surely that one is rare.

Anyway, 8 Phys was not enough - I failed the check. Made many restarts and for some reason everything breaks down. Either alt-tab breaks the stats or my game is corrupted at this point. First try - 8 P and 8 A - spot the thing, still fail phys check. Second restart can't get the awareness check even when I had 8. Just crazy. Oh and stats froze this time for some reason, coffee did not boost awareness. +1 buff was listed, but the stat line was still 8. Third restart stats don't go up after rest. Damn, I thought alt-tab before game start or soon after breaks it but 4th try without any alt tab still did not work. The game failed to give me the correct check even with 8 Awarness.
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The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Wanted to check it, restarted the game, made a quick char: after waking up in the outpost UI completely disappeared and I got achievement "Die from asphyxiation" :lol: Don't bother trying to catch that one, surely that one is rare.

Anyway, 8 Phys was not enough - I failed the check. Made many restarts and for some reason everything breaks down. Either alt-tab breaks the stats or my game is corrupted at this point. First try - 8 P and 8 A - spot the thing, still fail phys check. Second restart can't get the awareness check even when I had 8. Just crazy. Oh and stats froze this time for some reason, coffee did not boost awareness. +1 buff was listed, but the stat line was still 8. Third restart stats don't go up after rest. Damn, I thought alt-tab before game start or soon after breaks it but 4th try without any alt tab still did not work. The game failed to give me the correct check even with 8 Awarness.

Took me a while to figure it out. I changed one of those stat checks earlier this year, and accidentally put an awareness and physicality check on top of each other so the route where you see the switch is impossible. Right now you can only subdue her with 10 physicality. I'll fix it.

As for making many restarts and things breaking down, that sounds weird. Did you create a new character every time?


Dec 24, 2018
Did you create a new character every time?
Yes, sometimes even with a full restart. Just checked again, start the game, skip cutscenes and go straight to bed to sleep to get rid of tired stats debuff. Slept for a day - stats are still red. Perhaps it's not about restarts and the stat bugs just trigger when you completely skip contact with the base?

Ready for some more? When you set up methane deal with Karen where you sell some resources on the side there will be a new UI element on freighter shipments as "amount set by Karen". It does not go away and shows in other places. I have a screen of Hesiod station with set by Karen slapped on it.

Another bug happens after you hook up the first pump and contact Karl about it. When you speak with him about investigation you can provoke him by choosing "hey I still survived". He will say that Val is dead and gives his line "crash a station on you". If you push him further by using the line "use escape module atleast" scene gets fucked. Basically he threatens to kill you with a secret killswitch and Karen rushes in to shut his trap before he says too much. Thing is the model change never happens, Karen speaks through Karl's head.

Also when you fix the tower and choose dialogue option with Karen that it's an ancient tech there will be a special science dialogue there if its high enough. Not sure if bugged but this scene could use some love. Basically she says some sort of garbled line about science but there are no subs on screen for it and it gets interrupted too abruptly by Karl.

Another thing I want to mention is that task Karen gives you to find some fuel for the generator where you have to use the bot thing to pick it up. In her dialogue she says that you will need to bypass the limit on bots range to drive it that far from outpost but nothing like that in game happens. Is that a remnant from earlier iterations where there was supposed to be a hack check or you just forgot to put one in?


Aug 22, 2014
Hey MF.

Just purchased, is it possible to force this game into Ultra Wide (21:9) resolutions somehow even if it's not officially supported? Like via an ini or something.

I don't mind somewhat broken UI and whatever else may happen.

Also clicking ultra bright mode causes a crash to desktop. Win 7 / AMD RX 480.

It would be nice if the 10 key worked for dialog choices too.
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The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Yes, sometimes even with a full restart. Just checked again, start the game, skip cutscenes and go straight to bed to sleep to get rid of tired stats debuff. Slept for a day - stats are still red. Perhaps it's not about restarts and the stat bugs just trigger when you completely skip contact with the base?
I don't want to risk sounding patronizing, but I have to ask. Did you check the 'rest while tired' box? The setting of that box does transfer over from other game states because it's purely interface driven.
Ready for some more? When you set up methane deal with Karen where you sell some resources on the side there will be a new UI element on freighter shipments as "amount set by Karen". It does not go away and shows in other places. I have a screen of Hesiod station with set by Karen slapped on it.
Doesn't always happen, apparently, but managed to reproduce and fix.
Another bug happens after you hook up the first pump and contact Karl about it. When you speak with him about investigation you can provoke him by choosing "hey I still survived". He will say that Val is dead and gives his line "crash a station on you". If you push him further by using the line "use escape module atleast" scene gets fucked. Basically he threatens to kill you with a secret killswitch and Karen rushes in to shut his trap before he says too much. Thing is the model change never happens, Karen speaks through Karl's head.
Also when you fix the tower and choose dialogue option with Karen that it's an ancient tech there will be a special science dialogue there if its high enough. Not sure if bugged but this scene could use some love. Basically she says some sort of garbled line about science but there are no subs on screen for it and it gets interrupted too abruptly by Karl.
Good catches, thanks, both reproduced and fixed.
Another thing I want to mention is that task Karen gives you to find some fuel for the generator where you have to use the bot thing to pick it up. In her dialogue she says that you will need to bypass the limit on bots range to drive it that far from outpost but nothing like that in game happens. Is that a remnant from earlier iterations where there was supposed to be a hack check or you just forgot to put one in?
There was a check that I removed because it would block a few builds from getting something most players would really need. Some character based content gating can be good, sometimes it's a bad idea. You could still get it by making a couple of batteries and going on foot but that would only work for a few builds.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Hey MF.

Just purchased, is it possible to force this game into Ultra Wide (21:9) resolutions somehow even if it's not officially supported? Like via an ini or something.

I don't mind somewhat broken UI and whatever else may happen.

Also clicking ultra bright mode causes a crash to desktop. Win 7 / AMD RX 480.

It would be nice if the 10 key worked for dialog choices too.

Cool! It should be possible if you run it native and force fullscreen, but it's not supported. It won't just somewhat break the UI, it will push things offscreen. I looked into it, but supporting that is easier said than done at this point, I'm afraid.

Ultra Bright Mode tries to adjust the hardware gamma among other things. Crashes have been reported earlier and were driver related. Not saying you need to update your drivers or anything, it's just something that doesn't seem to work on some systems for some reason. Still looking into that, but it's not an essential option and I don't think I can fix that without taking a different approach to making the game brighter.

I had to look it up, but apparently 10 key is a way to call the numpad I wasn't aware about, correct? That's certainly doable.


Dec 24, 2018
I don't want to risk sounding patronizing, but I have to ask. Did you check the 'rest while tired' box? The setting of that box does transfer over from other game states because it's purely interface driven.
Nah, I'm not that careless but I rechecked it one extra time. Maybe I missed something? Seems like a bug and it still happens. Did you try to reproduce it? Nothing? Same pattern on my end: new game, double ESC, skip the comms, hit the bed for one day, this is the result:



The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Nah, I'm not that careless but I rechecked it one extra time. Maybe I missed something? Seems like a bug and it still happens. Did you try to reproduce it? Nothing? Same pattern on my end: new game, double ESC, skip the comms, hit the bed for one day, this is the result:

Finally reproduced it, thanks. Debugger was refreshing something that doesn't get refreshed in an actual build so I got nothing at first.


Dec 24, 2018
Finally reproduced it, thanks. Debugger was refreshing something that doesn't get refreshed in an actual build so I got nothing at first.
Its good that you see it but what do I do now? How do I fix this? This is pretty game-breaking, I'm failing my stat checks because they are stuck in the red and the rest does nothing. I can't progress the story because of that bug.
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The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Its good that you see it but what do I do now? How do I fix this? This is pretty game breaking, I'm failing my stat checks because they are stuck in the red and I rest does notrhing. I can't progress the story because of that bug.

Well, I'm working a fix into the next update that I hope to get done this week, but that won't help your current game.

You can't change fatigue status in the console, so if you want to continue that run you can send your savegame to info@titanoutpost.com so I can fix it and send it back to you. Savegames are stored in drive:/users/yourusername/AppData/LocalLow/The Boar Studio/Titan Outpost/ depending on your system. You may have to turn on 'show hidden files/folders'.


Dec 24, 2018
So update is possible next week? I can wait for it then, thanks. Also that coffee stat bug is probably connected to this one.
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Sep 21, 2016
Did GOG just reject this game and that's the end of it? Any chance it will be on GOG anytime in the future?
I added a comment, and an upvote on the GOG wishlist thingy, but I know these things almost never work.
I don't have a Steam account, I was bravely holding the line for so long (which is retarded, I know) and games rarely push me into even thinking about installing it, but this one really hurts...

Maybe there is a way to purchase directly? I don't see one on the homepage.
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The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Did GOG just reject this game and that's the end of it? Any chance it will be on GOG anytime in the future?
I added a comment, and an upvote on the GOG wishlist thingy, but I know these things almost never work.
I don't have a Steam account, I was bravely holding the line for so long (which is retarded, I know) and games rarely push me into even thinking about installing it, but this one really hurts...

Maybe there is a way to purchase directly? I don't see one on the homepage.

Pretty much, yeah. GOG didn't even bother with a reply to my last question. They might reconsider if I could show some numbers that would make them salivate, but I can't ;) Other than that, nope. Still looking at itch.io but haven't committed to that yet. It would require restructuring a few things and I haven't had time.


Nov 25, 2016
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
I am still amazed how fun is this game. I think I will play it again and try some crazy stuff.

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