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Incline The Sims 4


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I always really wanted a decent mod/method/excuse to make a vault in one of the Sims games. Feels like something that'd be great for an indie game-like take on it due to the smaller scale. Maybe 8-10 people in an enclosed terrible space, still get the drama and social aspects of the Sims but a lot more cutthroat and dire due to the small population and harsher requirements to live. I guess the problem is the main appeal of the Sims is the open sandbox/dollhouse nature of it, but vault-Sims would require a little more gameplay focus so you're juggling keeping the vault functional as well as keeping your sims alive and sane. A couple games already did something vaguely similar, 60 Seconds is somewhat like that (Family of up to 4 members hiding in a bomb shelter, then you get text sequences to try to keep them going) and Sheltered is the closest of all, though it has too much fucking grind, too much exploring outside the shelter, and too little social interaction.

Bit of a weird tangent to go on, but eating bugs in the Sims reminded me how I've always lusted after something like that.

It's called Rimworld
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018

Don't really care about Sims stuff, but it's cozy to watch LGR's Sims-related reviews since he has a soft spot for the series (while being quite critical of EA's shitty DLC practices).

LGR said:
So! Regarding my statement about future videos at the very end. To elaborate:
I do not plan on reviewing any more Sims 4 packs, other than full expansions most likely. There are only so many times I can say I'm disappointed or that something sucks, after all.

The Sims 4 continues to get new content all the time and I generally just don’t care, man. Over the past seven years and 50+ videos I’ve made about it, I have said everything that I wanna say about it, many times over. At this point I feel like I’m going nuts repeating myself. Like, we all know EA is a pile of turds and the core gameplay of The Sims 4 isn't gonna change all of a sudden, so I haven’t bothered talking about the last six or seven content packs because my heart simply isn’t in it anymore.

I value my time enough not to waste it on covering things I’m not fully invested in. Years ago now, covering this series went from “ooh, I get to make videos on The Sims!” to “ah crap, I have to make videos on The Sims.” It became an obligation, then a burden, and now it's just a pain in the dick to keep up with.

So yeah. I’m tired of this onslaught of products. Exhausted, honestly. The series has gone off in confusing directions with monetization schemes I don’t care for, and it's become clear the new content is being made for an audience different than me, someone that's a specific breed of old school simmer. I’d rather not waste my time and yours talking about overpriced products made by a corporation I dislike. So going forward I only plan to check in on the series when a full expansion comes along (if that), since at least there are only one or two of those a year. That's as much as I can stomach.

Thank you to all of you for watching over the years, and I truly appreciate all the messages you’ve sent in asking for more Sims videos. But for all intents and purposes, I've mentally checked out and left The Sims behind. Which is fitting, since it left me behind years ago.


Aug 1, 2013
It's sad. Clint is one of the go-to people for The Sims, but seeing the series run into the ground means that his bread and butter has gone stale and mouldy. I guess that if you want Sims stuff that's not done by a syncophant or a bought EA shill, you'd have to look at Carl, who has written extensive guides for both The Sims 3 and 4. https://www.youtube.com/c/CarlsTheSimsGuides/videos


Jan 20, 2017
At this point the sims is just a dollhouse for girls and a porn game for boys lol.


Aug 1, 2013
At this point the sims is just a dollhouse for girls and a porn game for boys lol.
A dollhouse they already did everything in that there is to do and now they have to rely on modding to get anything even remotely resembling good new content. The Cottage Living pack listed above for example is outclassed quite a bit by a fan-made farming mod.

The guys have discovered mods a long time ago, but they mostly use a... different kind of mods.


Aug 1, 2013
They're gonna do a "Refresh" of the Spa Day game pack, aka add in new stuff in a patch.

Carl sums up what you can actually do: in short it's morel ike the ability to make money off of wellness stuff.



Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis

new patch is out
Jan 12, 2012
I obtained a repack and playing this shit now.
Became a wizard in 5 min, learned a spell that let's you dupe pretty much any inventory item (including collectables you can sell for 10k a piece) and learned the potion that refills all your needs. And since learning a new potion gets you a free sample that you can dupe I have infinite needs and money cheat enabled in less than 1hr of gameplay.

I can recommend the Sorcerer mod for more broken shit.
My dude has achieved the sims equivalent of CHIM and I'm running out of shit to do since my idea of playing dollhouse is a basement with no wall paint, decorations, doors or stairs I can just teleport from. I can also quite literally summon in the bitches that run around the neighborhood. Or set people on fire from a distance.

I may attempt to build a drug empire with basemental drugs, if I can build a proper mansion and get a pet tiger Tony Montana style. I already tuned the Clubs functionality to set up a drugs&sex cult.
I will see if I can bring my "vibrant" gamestyle to the LolWars themepark.

I really have a more "moral" dollhouse play style in either rimworld or ck2 lol.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
The Sims 4: Werewolves has been revealed. Looks like it's great if you like furries. Not so great if you were hoping for.. well.. occult Werewolves.

Even the cat lady sims 4 youtubers are pissy about the furry tumblrina design of the werewolves in this pack.

Jack Of Owls

May 23, 2014
Never played a Sims game. I assumed it was for females and faggots like Late Bloomer. Kind of like playing electronic dollhouse.

You never experienced the magic that was The Sims 1 and that is why you'll forever be a loser.
Actually, Sims 1 is the only one I did play a few minutes of, and that's the one that formed my opinion of the series.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Never played a Sims game. I assumed it was for females and faggots like Late Bloomer. Kind of like playing electronic dollhouse.

You never experienced the magic that was The Sims 1 and that is why you'll forever be a loser.
Actually, Sims 1 is the only one I did play a few minutes of, and that's the one that formed my opinion of the series.

When you were already 30 years old and have lost your child-like imagination? So sad. There's just some things you'll never understand unless you were there.


Jan 10, 2011
What's the prophetic saying, the mods will fix this.

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