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TBS The Fall From Heaven Thread [Civ 4 mod] - 2016 Edition™ - 2022 Update!


Dec 19, 2015
FFH (and its modmods) is probably the one game I have spent the most time on by far. Amazing story, design, campaign, minigames, depth, graphics, and replayability like never before.

I don't think I can go back, because I don't have that kind of time anymore, but I highly recommend everyone to try it.


Jul 3, 2015
I've never played Civilization games before , but here's my experience with this mod .

Grigori seems like the way to go race for me .

- They are agnostic . You don't need to research religion , you also would not fall under influence of other religions .
- Over time you gain adventurers , free units that can turn into powerhouse . I bullied barbarians around , even destroyed some citites in early game with just one adventurer .
- Cassiel is an adoptive leader meaning , that you can adapt to the situation you are in and take trait you need .
- Grigori unique buildings give additional boost to great people production speed .

I tried Amurites before , but didn't understand their playstyle . They seem too dependant on the resources , you are fucked if you don't have acess to mana nodes .

Wish it was possible to summon Cthulhu if you choose octupus overlords as your religion .

P.S. Fuck archers .

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
The religions are pretty huge boons if you focus on them. They're not just civics; they give access to some spells, units, and some really awesome heroes, along with some other cool benefits like the treants defense offered by the way of the leaves (trees? I forget the name) or pulling the angels/demons into the war as your allies (or your new civ.)


Jul 3, 2015
After recent game , I became suspicious about AI cheating . To me it seemed like fog of war didn't exist for it , it also had a marvelous ability to pull military units out of it's ass . So I started a new game , disabled fog of war and what did I see ? The AI cities spread borders , produce units and gain population 3 times faster than they should . Holy shit , am I supposed find some way to game the system to be able to win ?!
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Feb 23, 2016
Great post and tips! Tried MOM and it was way too much and over-complicated for the AI to handle. Looking for a better AI! Gonna give this a try thanks!

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Yep. But at the same time, they've also always been handicapped in certain ways, to give them 'personalities' and to keep them from doing things egregiously annoying to the player (like efficiently plundering all the tiles in your empire during a war, or tech brokering like a player would.)

Plenty of things you can do to game the system even in normal Civ, in FFH it's even more extreme- make use of heroes and wonders and rare/unique map resources the AI doesn't value properly.


Jul 3, 2015
It's pretty sad . I seriously like this mod , but I will try to get better .

Old One

Jul 13, 2015
The Great Underground Empire
So, Eyestabber's enthusiasm got me to dust off my Civ4 Complete DVD, which had been sitting on my shelf for four or five years. I got it installed and working, downloaded FfH2 and EMM, and started playing.

I like it. The fantasy angle works better for me than the regular Civ4 BTS pseudo-historical nonsense. I mean, colonizing another planet with the Sioux nation or the Zulus is fun once, but it loses it's novelty pretty fast.

The general idea of FfH2 seems to be to incorporate some ideas from Master of Magic into Civ4, and that's a good idea to have started with, so it works quite well. If only they could have managed another plane of existence like Myrror in MoM...now THAT would be cool.

My one gripe so far is that the tech trees have been chopped off shortly after gunpowder. It would be fascinating to see technology continue to develop in a FfH2 universe where magic exists.


The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
So, Eyestabber's enthusiasm got me to dust off my Civ4 Complete DVD, which had been sitting on my shelf for four or five years. I got it installed and working, downloaded FfH2 and EMM, and started playing.

I like it. The fantasy angle works better for me than the regular Civ4 BTS pseudo-historical nonsense. I mean, colonizing another planet with the Sioux nation or the Zulus is fun once, but it loses it's novelty pretty fast.

The general idea of FfH2 seems to be to incorporate some ideas from Master of Magic into Civ4, and that's a good idea to have started with, so it works quite well. If only they could have managed another plane of existence like Myrror in MoM...now THAT would be cool.

My one gripe so far is that the tech trees have been chopped off shortly after gunpowder. It would be fascinating to see technology continue to develop in a FfH2 universe where magic exists.

They actually were at some point trying to see if there was a possible way to make hell separate from the main map. It was cancelled as it was simply not possible in Civ IV to do that.

Old One

Jul 13, 2015
The Great Underground Empire
They actually were at some point trying to see if there was a possible way to make hell separate from the main map. It was cancelled as it was simply not possible in Civ IV to do that.
I figured it was not possible. That's a pretty tall order unless the game is specifically designed to allow it. It doesn't surprise me they wanted to try though, because that's how Master of Magic does it.

I think I'm going to try to setup a FfH2+EMM game as close to a MoM game as I can get: four random competitors on a medium or possibly a small map.


Aug 5, 2004
Only the project lead is the same, Derek Paxton.

None of the amateur coders and asset creators who helped build FFH2 were part of the Fallen Enchantress team.

Lone Wolf

Apr 17, 2014
I thought the story was that he came on board for the 'reboot' of FE (Legendary Heroes)?


Aug 5, 2004
Fallen Enchantress is a reboot of Elemental.
Legendary heroes is an expansion to Fallen Enchantress.
Paxton led development on both.


Apr 10, 2013
Paxton was basically hired to salvage Elemental. He did improve it significantly imho, though it obviously remains a Stardock spreadsheet game.

Old One

Jul 13, 2015
The Great Underground Empire
So it seems my enjoyment of this game and mods depends a lot on how the generated map turns out. I few times I've created a Huge world split into three or four continents and lots of islands, and most of the other civs end up starting right next to me on one continent, while the others are empty. That was not so fun.

I made a Huge world, lateral wrap-around, fewer mountains, fewer jungles, medium sea level, marathon, barbarian world, minimal flavor, and living world. This is the most fun game so far. One really big continent with a huge bay in the middle. I started in a temperate area on the eastern shore of the bay. The water is to the west of me, while further east is a mountain range. Beyond the mountain range is a big desert. The Malakim are out there, but pretty far away. Early on they got destroyed by the Ashen orc dudes, but apparently the city rebelled because they're back and doing quite well. There are several other civs on the shores of the bay, too. It's a cool setup.

To the north is another mountain range with a vast forest beyond. Nice.

There are also some islands to explore on the edges, but to get to them I have to sail out of the bay and around the continent, so it will take a long time to explore them. I'm playing Elohim, BTW.


Feb 23, 2016
I've noticed that More Naval AI is up to version 2.7 and ExtraMod only has version 2.6.2. Can you update More Naval AI without breaking things?


Apr 21, 2013
Returning to FfH after long break. I play FFH2+NavalAi.

First play was Svartalfar. Did badly, because I did not know what I was doing. Abandoned.

Second play was Luchiurp. Their military is strong through the whole game. Wooden golems dominate early game, Iron golems with fireballs wrecks everything later. Essentially won the game on~300 turn, got bored.

Then started another Svartalfar game, now with more experience. Well, they are nothing special early game, but their economy explodes after reaching Guardians of Nature, and their military is unstoppable once you have mages - but only with default leader. Viccy's traits are Arcane Raiders, meaning that your mages (besides leveling faster) can move 6 squares on roads on enemy territory. In my first offensive war I took enemy capital on the same turn I declared, and then took another city each turn or two.

I also tried some other modmods, but without much luck. RiFE was not working (showed lots of XML errors on loading). MasterOfMana site is dead. Which is said, because I remember having a lot of fun with Scions of Patria.
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