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Decline The Crew -- Ubisoft's now released MMOCARPG

Mar 10, 2011
No ones talking about console version though. BTW it's pretty funny how defensive you guys got over this. :lol:


So, the game's out already and you can rebind your gamepad. I dunno why the community manager said it's impossible.

Anyway, the game is exactly what i wanted. I could spend hours jsut tuning my car trying to find "the right look". Car handling is fine in my book. It's arcade'y but requires some skill. You definitely need to get used to your cars. The map is gigantic, there's a lot to do and plenty of cars to buy and upgrade. It's fun both solo and in co-op. I played for something aroud 3 hours so far and haven't noticed any bugs, glitches or server problems.

One thing pissed me though. One fuck invited me to a race, i agreed. I'm not an extraordinary driver, but this dude sucked hard. I immidietely left him far behind, he had no chance of catching up with me. Fucker restarted, then when he was losing again, he simply quit the race. And then he wanted to add me to his friends list... the nerve. This kind of shit should have severe penalties, or should be disabled altogether. Fucking cunts who can't lose are god damn annoying.
Mar 10, 2011
It's pretty fun actually. I bet people complaining about driving model never looked into options, you can change a lot of stuff regarding handling in there. Most importantly you need to turn off steering aids (all on by default) because with them cars do feel sluggish and unnatural. In hardcore mode + steering tweaks it's much better than any NFS I played. You actually have to slow down before corners and depending on car you may also need to watch your throttle in the corner or you'll spin out. Sure it's not simulation but it doesn't have to be. Graphics look bit dated to be honest but I'm long past seriously caring about fluff like that and on the other hand traffic in big cities can be rather impressive.

One big complaint I'd have is that game is bit unfinished and rushed out the door. Amount of cars is rather low, most cars don't have more than 2 specs available too which I'm sure will be added later. If you pay attention to AI cars you'll notice stuff like dirt spec mini. I'm sure there will be more cars coming as well. Look up unofficial car lists compiled before release from digging through promotional material or game files (even credits, for example Subaru). Question is if those cars will come as DLC or in normal patch (frankly considering it's clearly outlined what is part of season pass I'd expect to get some more cars in patches without forking over more money).

There are numerous smaller issues too, like generic rear wheel burnout animation before race even for FF cars. Game not recognizing my cheap, crappy steering wheel. Police chases are utter crap. Inevitable server problems and bugs/crashes happen but aren't much of issue for me at least.
Anyone organizing Kodex Kool Krew?


One big complaint I'd have is that game is bit unfinished and rushed out the door. Amount of cars is rather low, most cars don't have more than 2 specs available too which I'm sure will be added later. If you pay attention to AI cars you'll notice stuff like dirt spec mini. I'm sure there will be more cars coming as well. Look up unofficial car lists compiled before release from digging through promotional material or game files (even credits, for example Subaru). Question is if those cars will come as DLC or in normal patch (frankly considering it's clearly outlined what is part of season pass I'd expect to get some more cars in patches without forking over more money).
All those removed sepcs were available in the beta. But Ubisoft gonna Ubi, so they removed them and they'll add them later for free. Why? Because that's how Ubisoft works. Pre-release Splinter Cell: Conviction screenshots showed some weapons that were not available on release. Month later Ubisoft announced that they're gonna release free DLC content every thursday or sth. And they slowly started to add missing weapons. This kind of bullshit wokrs on most dumb people butt grants Ubisoft some Kool Kredits, because retards think they're getting free shit when they're actually getting cut content.

Anyway, add me and let's derp together.


Nvm, i take it you'er "JohnTheRevalato" on Uplay? I already sent you a firend request.


Jun 3, 2005
This kind of bullshit wokrs on most dumb people butt grants Ubisoft some Kool Kredits, because retards think they're getting free shit when they're actually getting cut content.
It's not even cut content in this case. Cut content implies that the content was removed because it was incomplete, of poor quality, or removed because it didn't fit in. This is intentionally withheld or locked content: It's completed, used in the game, and actually already on your computer, but locked off from YOU.


Douchebag! Repressed Homosexual
Feb 15, 2014
For a game with the tagline "Never Drive Alone" I sure spend a lot of my time in it driving alone.


Jun 3, 2005
It's for the best. Once you drive with others, driving alone will seem like an improvement.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Yeah this really is best enjoyed solo with the occasional n00b dork getting in your way and you ramming him off the road and speeding off.

Any of you try the Xfinity Speed Challenge yet? Holy crap that's tough. I almost finished first a couple of times but the final stretch is insane.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
You mean Silver? Well, nice job. I think I drive too politely. I should just go balls out hoping for no head-ons.

Will keep trying.
Mar 10, 2011
No, I mean platinum, like better than gold. You may not know about it's existence yet since you are noob that ain't level 50 yet. Git gud.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Is that a special reward for that? I've only seen gold, silver, and bronze awards so far...

Edit: lol I see. I have no problem admitting to being non-pro at this game. I drive "clean" and just enjoy myself.
Mar 10, 2011
Level 50 unlocks it for all skills/missions. You also get platinum parts, random level from 40-50. Getting max level on car can be bit of grind thanks to that.


Douchebag! Repressed Homosexual
Feb 15, 2014
It's almost criminal how much better Dirt spec cars are over Street spec. You can't drift in Street cars because all they do is understeer

Last edited:
Mar 10, 2011
They aren't better on regular roads, if you want to complain about street spec complain about how they're just slower perf spec (I mean sure, ride is lower and suspension is stiffer but going over curbs and such still isn't much of a problem like in circuit). Also My 69 Camaro drifts just fine, they just don't slide quite as easily as dirt spec and you need to be on point with counter steering or you'll just spin out. In any case drifting just makes you go slower so kind of counter productive stuff outside of free ride to earn bucks.

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