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Torment So is Tides of Numenera actually worth a damn?

May 4, 2017
In KotOR 2 it makes perfect sense for you to strife to be either good Jedi or good Sith. Normal person would be a shit Jedi and shit Sith. But IRL game worthy Shepard would look like a madman who regards every issue in the same way, either everything makes him angry or nothing does.

The issue is that leaves no room for effective decision-making; you always pick the decision that is either totally selfish or totally selfless; they might of as well just made the decisions for you.

You can pick neutral answers or even balance them and RP game as grey/fallen Yedi instead; choices and consequences in this case not being allowed to take YEDI/SITH prestige classes.
agree. In fact the issue is that the role of a grey jedi wasn't fleshed enough. But I think it was due to the fact that if you were able to be a grey jedi, they had to articulate and write more dialogues from kreia. And that would have been extremely hard, especially considering that when she asks you the questions right after the meeting with the jedi, you seem unable to give her a decent statement that can make you roleplay the way you think.

Also, when it comes to good and evil, Kotor is not so straightforward as you imply. Vaklu is a perfect quest where you could help him for a moltitude of reasons.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
In KotOR 2 it makes perfect sense for you to strife to be either good Jedi or good Sith. Normal person would be a shit Jedi and shit Sith. But IRL game worthy Shepard would look like a madman who regards every issue in the same way, either everything makes him angry or nothing does.

The issue is that leaves no room for effective decision-making; you always pick the decision that is either totally selfish or totally selfless; they might of as well just made the decisions for you.

You can pick neutral answers or even balance them and RP game as grey/fallen Yedi instead; choices and consequences in this case not being allowed to take YEDI/SITH prestige classes.
agree. In fact the issue is that the role of a grey jedi wasn't fleshed enough. But I think it was due to the fact that if you were able to be a grey jedi, they had to articulate and write more dialogues from kreia. And that would have been extremely hard, especially considering that when she asks you the questions, you seem unable to give her a decent statement that can make you roleplay the way you think.

Also, when it comes to good and evil, Kotor is not so straightforward as you imply. Vaklu is a perfect quest where you could help him for a moltitude of reasons.

You implore I see Yedi as Good and Sith as Bad Comrade? Vaklu and Czerka are clean cut better choices unless you are Hippy/Globalist scum and you can aid the settlers too even playing as Sith for reasons you add another stable agri-world to the sector of space you are going to conquer later and you got even huge ass statue for this. :positive:Its not like they will be able to resist proper military invasion or something while aiding mercs gives you what? planet full of nomadic Barbarians.... Valid choice of course but for WH40K not SW universe.
May 4, 2017
He is just a nationalist looking to do what's best for onderon, and if that means cleansing queen talia, good.

To be honest the question that arised now in my mind is: does Kreia tells you in the game's ending, after choosing Vaklu, that Onderon will have a good standing in the future?


Apr 27, 2011
it's kind of sad that it seems so mediocre, despite not having huge expectations, maybe someday I'll give it a try though.

Guess I should prioritize playing Tyranny over this


Apr 10, 2013
He is just a nationalist looking to do what's best for onderon, and if that means cleansing queen talia, good.

To be honest the question that arised now in my mind is: does Kreia tells you in the game's ending, after choosing Vaklu, that Onderon will have a good standing in the future?
As I recall, Onderon does well under Talia but loses its identity as it gets absorbed into the Republic, under Vaklu it doesn't do as well but retains its uniqueness


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
It is real shame thou,the game had some potential,only if the writing was good and there was more gameplay and if the encounter system didn't such balls. Still,well drawn levels.


Apr 28, 2016
It is real shame thou,the game had some potential,only if the writing was good and there was more gameplay and if the encounter system didn't such balls. Still,well drawn levels.

Why don't you just use them as desktop wallpapers and forget that there was ever a game called T:ToN?


Illiterate Village Idiot
Oct 17, 2016
The levels aren't that good. They're thematically inconsistent. I understand it was the point - ninth world and all that jazz. Still when I look at those maps I see random stuff, not ruins of past civilizations adapted to be barns. It's not an amalgama of styles, it's lack of any style.


Apr 28, 2016
The levels aren't that good. They're thematically inconsistent. I understand it was the point - ninth world and all that jazz. Still when I look at those maps I see random stuff, not ruins of past civilizations adapted to be barns. It's not an amalgama of styles, it's lack of any style.

I think fantadomat might have meant that they were good looking when taken individually, devoid of any external context and clues that they are supposed to go together.


Illiterate Village Idiot
Oct 17, 2016
I think fantadomat might have meant that they were good looking when taken individually, devoid of any external context and clues that they are supposed to go together.

Even so I'm not seeing this.

Look at those screens. They look like lifeless crisp 3D world. Maybe the last one, on a spaceship, is OK - but mostly because you expect spaceships to be clean and boring. All the other places - like this one look like they're cheap theater decoration made yesterday, not something that was there for millennia.

And the color scheme is all over the place, it is like there's no lighting on most of those pictures. And, again, they're inconsistent. On the same screen you have airships, ancient-looking brick buildings (on top of the mountain, yeah), sci-fi thing on rocks, biological thing in the distance. This looks like an old meme.

Look at similar place from Tyranny.

Just look at this picture, it's a freaking art compared to previous, lifeless one. Those buildings look older and more lived in than those ruins of ancient civilizations on a previous screenshots. You can see wooden structures build around stone buildings, some walls are broken, there's stuff laying on the streets, and it's not all dusty brown. It's an interesting place even though there's nothing on it apart from some buildings. Numenera shows me ancient artifacts and strange technology on the same screen and it all looks more boring and artificial than barrels and boulders in Tyranny.


Illiterate Village Idiot
Oct 17, 2016
I'd say ToEE looks almost as good as Tyranny, though it's probably lower res. And much better than Numenera.


Aug 23, 2005
the thing that puts ToEE massively head and shouldvers over most isometric RPGs (aside from its impeccable adaptation of D&D mechanics) is the soundtrack.

I'm the first one to call ToEE "art", but if you take away the amazing music from Homlett it loses 90% of its appeal.


Well, D:OS 2 isn't so good...

but write that T:ToN is better than Planescape: Torment. I dare you. :cool:


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Let me tell you a sad little tale about Blaine and T:ToN.

  • T:ToN is announced and pitched. A Torment successor, by Fargo's company? I pledged $500 on the spot.
  • The RTwP vs. turn-based poll goes up. I vow to double my pledge if TB is chosen. It is, so I double my pledge to $1,000.
  • The development team roster begins to emerge. I research many of them, and learn that some of them have a strong background in SJWing and hack not-really-game-development/fan fiction-tier "experience." Uh-oh.
  • A bunch of them donate money to Anita Sarkeesian, and also to that scam artist running a gender-baiting Kickstarter to fund her 10-year-old daughter to "develop" a "game." No.
  • Wasteland 2 is released. It's mediocre garbage. Oh no.
  • The backer early alphas are released on Steam. Oh no, not like this. Please, not like this.
  • The game is finally released. RIP

Time was, I considered Fargo to be a god among dweebs... now I try to never think about him or inXile at all.
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Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Even Gods must fall.

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