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RPG Sales Ranking Based on Steam Gauge, SteamDB and SteamSpy Data


Jan 8, 2015
Lower Bavaria
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I just compiled a list of how many units of a specific game were sold per day since release.
Game (Bundled?) Units p. Day
Dark Souls 2 / 98
South Park / 64
Blackguards * / 50
Deus Ex: The Fall * / 53
D:OS / 76
Transistor / 62
The Banner Saga * / 28
SR:DF / 77
Wasteland 2 / 72
NEO Scavenger * / 431
Child of Light / 24
Agarest / 20
Van Helsing 2 / 22
Valkyria Chronicles / 82
Legends of Persia * / 19
Lords of the fallen / 58
MMXL / 10
Eschalon III * / 11
Lichdom: Battlemage / 24
The Legend of Heroes / 15
FFIII / 10
Quest for Infamy * / 11
Bound by Flame / 8
LOG2 / 22
FFXIII-2 / 80
Risen 3 / 12
Agarest Zero / 5
Final Fantasy IV / 12
Costume Quest 2 * / 13
Sacred 3 / 7
Unrest * / 6
Dead State / 29
Lords of Xulima / 9
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms / 9
SanctuaryRPG / 17
Elminage Gothic / 3
Pier Solar and the Great Architects / 2
The Sacred Tears TRUE / 2
LISA / 7
Rime Berta / 2
The list is still pretty useless since steam lists only the actual releasedate, not the date when game hit early access. Thus the ridiculous Neo Scavenger numbers. Also the Bundle problem wasn't tackled.
Still a bit more useful than dividing the total sales in two arbitrary lists.

If someone bothers to research all the dates when games first were sold as EA, I'll happily update the list.
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I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
As have the Beth Fallouts, both have been available for $5 multiple times.

Fallout 3 doesn't use GFWL and I don't think these things affects sales that much anyways.

Witcher 2 was on xbox.

Fallout 3 does use GFWL, but that's not the reason it sold less. It's just that New Vegas is the newer product and there were a lot more people on Steam when it came out compared to 2008. Yes, you need take into account the growth of the platform itself.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Fallout 3 does use GFWL, but that's not the reason it sold less. It's just that New Vegas is the newer product and there were a lot more people on Steam when it came out compared to 2008. Yes, you need take into account the growth of the platform itself.
To a degree. Fallout 3 is also being sold while Steam is huge.

Although, New Vegas was the first Beth game that was Steam-exclusive on PC, right?


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
To a degree. Fallout 3 is also being sold while Steam is huge.

Although, New Vegas was the first Beth game that was Steam-exclusive on PC, right?

Actually, that might be Rogue Warrior. :P


Mar 31, 2008
Both WL2 and Dragonfall would have had the built in kickstarter numbers though. Which means 36k for Dragonfall and 50k for WL2. I also thought WL2 had way more hype around it.
Only if you used the keys on Steam.


Mar 31, 2008
How did you redeem SRR?
I have SRR on Steam.

I'm still not sure what you actually want to do. I'm just pointing out that Kickstarter numbers cannot be completely translated into Steam numbers, although I guess it may be the majority.
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I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Turjan has a point. Among the general population, non-Steam users are negligible, but among Kickstarter backers the percentage of people who chose GOG could be significant. They tend to be that sort of gamer.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
Cases in point, some indie devs has revealed the proportion of GOG.

Defender's Quest (as of Feb 2013): http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/186940/defenders_quest_by_the_numbers_.php


Retro City Rampage (as of Dec 2014): http://retrocityrampage.com/casestudy2014.php

Steam composes the bulk of PC sales followed by direct sales (Humble Widget), then GOG and Humble Store which are comparable. Humble Store is already comparable to GOG despite its modest storefront.

GOG sales relative to Steam seem to vary widely for developers. Some games move a small fraction of their units on GOG while others move a very worthwhile percentage. Store promotion surprisingly doesn't seem to be the strongest factor here, but rather that the GOG customer base is more akin to certain types of games and genres. In RCR's case, GOG accounts for 6.7% of its PC sales, with Steam being 80.5%.

Although both are not Kickstarter games, both are somewhat a good fit for GOG audience.


Sep 4, 2014
Fallout 3 does use GFWL, but that's not the reason it sold less. It's just that New Vegas is the newer product and there were a lot more people on Steam when it came out compared to 2008. Yes, you need take into account the growth of the platform itself.

Fallout 3 also has a bunch of negative reviews saying that the game doesn't work on anything other than Vista. Even the store page says it isn't optimized for Windows 7 or later. I'm sure that's taken away a decent amount of sales.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
I MIGHT do this monthly, probably, maybe.

:takemymoney: Monthly RPG Sales Ranking: January 2015

- Data sampled from 330,024 users.

- This is based on SteamDB Data, obviously the data doesn't includes direct, GOG or console sales etc..
- Some games(*) were featured in bundle(s), and their numbers are largely inflated. The number in the last column indicates how many times it was bundled.
- "Peak" indicates peak concurrent players to date recorded by SteamCharts.
- All prices are list price and in USD. Many games do pre-order and/or release discount, so you may want to take it into account in terms of sales.
- All data (SteamDB data, peak concurrent players, price, review) are retrieved as of Feb 1st, 2015.
- Games are ranked by the sampled owners data.

- edit: Oops. :oops: I've omitted Neptunia. Fixed.

(With bundled games)


(Without bundled games)


So...the fun goes on...


...or not?

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I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
Blackguards 2 beat the Venetica re-release? Deadalic should be very happy about that.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
I found that IsThereAnyDeal, a game deals aggregator, have Most Waitlisted Games list: http://isthereanydeal.com/mostwaitlisted/

This is a pretty interesting sample. Number 1 is Divinity: Original Sin (3985), which followed by GTA V (3599) and Middle-earth (3493). This sure indicates many people want Divinity, and also want it more cheaper.


Dec 5, 2003
This doesn't necessarily tell you too much - M&MX for example is not Steam dependent so unless you bought the title from Steam, it's not going to show up in your Stem library (we'd need the figure from Uplay to know the true user base). I don't know how the Beamdog EEs work but I'm presuming the community is split there too (and that's not even counting IOS/Android customers).

Older titles are similar - the bulk of the copies sold would have been at retail on release not via Steam, so showing the Steam userbase isn't telling us much.

It's a decent way to track games which only work on Steam but other than that it's not that useful.


Jan 22, 2015
I found that IsThereAnyDeal, a game deals aggregator, have Most Waitlisted Games list: http://isthereanydeal.com/mostwaitlisted/

This is a pretty interesting sample. Number 1 is Divinity: Original Sin (3985), which followed by GTA V (3599) and Middle-earth (3493). This sure indicates many people want Divinity, and also want it more cheaper.

Very interesting data - notice Dragon Age Inquisition wayyyyyyy down there - coming in beneath Kingdoms of Amalur and a bunch of games I've never even heard of.

Not entirely sure how to parse that, other than it seems to indicate that the DA:I audience is really concentrated on consoles and that the demand is really weak on PC, at least among plugged-in PC gamers. That would explain the extremely deep discounts that EA has been offering on Inquisition, but it would complicate their claims of Inquisition being Bioware's most successful launch. If I recall correctly, Bioware was conceding that DA:I fell off the retail charts but was doing really well on digital. Still, I don't see much evidence of the demand and I'm increasingly given to think that EA was blowing smoke up our asses and using "launch" in some extremely creative sense to hide something they weren't thrilled with.


Nov 13, 2013
DA:I isn't on Steam, and this website imports your Steam wishlist but also supports manually adding extra games. If anything I would say it's quite high considering that.


Jan 22, 2015
DA:I isn't on Steam, and this website imports your Steam wishlist but also supports manually adding extra games. If anything I would say it's quite high considering that.

Ah, I didn't realize that. Good point, in that case.

Still impressive to see Divinity topping GTA5, particularly with Divinity being somewhat old by this point and particularly with GTA5 presently topping the Steam charts. Not a perfect game by any means but it warms my heart to see that much interest in an RPG.


Fallout 3 does use GFWL, but that's not the reason it sold less. It's just that New Vegas is the newer product and there were a lot more people on Steam when it came out compared to 2008. Yes, you need take into account the growth of the platform itself.

Fallout 3 also has a bunch of negative reviews saying that the game doesn't work on anything other than Vista. Even the store page says it isn't optimized for Windows 7 or later. I'm sure that's taken away a decent amount of sales.

You can easily patch everything out. You can even emulate a graphics card, because there are also compatibility issues in that front. The game is still buggy as fuck, even more than vanilla NV (!). I do wonder if people played 3 on consoles and don't really want to go through the fuss of patching.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
Well, SteamDB have removed the Top Owned Games page for...um, technical reason: https://steamdb.info/forum/279/

I've already answered this question on twitter. The reason is gone because our owned games table is horribly unstable, every time I do something to the database, that table gets corrupted, or crashes or whatever. So I've removed that page to minimize impacts on that table.

This thread is dead, Jim.



Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014

Kyle Orland necroed the thread!

Divinity: OS sold over 800K and Wasteland 2 sold almost 400K (on Steam in 2014)

...according to Ars Technica's new and updated Steam Gauge data: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/03/steam-gauge-measuring-the-most-popular-steam-games-of-2014/

From the most popular games of 2014 ranking (ranked by actual players, not owners):

Rank / Title / Players / Owners / Total Hours Played
17 / DARK SOULS™ II / 887,517 / 964,266 / 70,448,700
20 / South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ / 855,397 / 929,442 / 14,157,000
27 / Divinity: Original Sin / 744,500 / 802,315 / 24,263,500
47 / Transistor / 392,874 / 526,762 / 2,060,090
56 / Wasteland 2 / 332,354 / 384,760 / 11,076,800
72 / The Banner Saga / 261,015 / 343,511 / 2,424,930
75 / FINAL FANTASY® XIII / 239,714 / 327,959 / 4,518,220
105 / Child of Light / 177,165 / 257,295 / 1,629,080
107 / Lords Of The Fallen™ / 174,122 / 193,394 / 1,863,380
125 / Valkyria Chronicles™ / 156,541 / 210,299 / 1,945,540
142 / Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut / 134,226 / 313,082 / 1,752,990
144 / Blackguards / 131,183 / 304,968 / 2,501,850
177 / Agarest: Generations of War / 107,516 / 138,622 / 1,542,120
181 / Might & Magic X - Legacy / 103,121 / 131,183 / 4,269,920
187 / The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II / 99,740 / 153,836 / 1,078,710
197 / Lichdom: Battlemage / 89,597 / 111,912 / 495,826
210 / The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky / 78,440 / 107,516 / 1,523,650
213 / Risen 3 - Titan Lords / 77,087 / 85,878 / 2,619,040
228 / Legend of Grimrock 2 / 71,339 / 88,245 / 2,378,210
234 / NEO Scavenger / 67,282 / 91,287 / 1,437,240
242 / FINAL FANTASY® XIII-2 / 64,916 / 159,922 / 849,413
256 / FINAL FANTASY III / 59,168 / 91,964 / 743,824
259 / Deus Ex: The Fall / 57,477 / 304,968 / 234,813
274 / Bound By Flame / 50,715 / 62,211 / 513,306
290 / Sacred 3 / 44,968 / 49,025 / 237,787
320 / FINAL FANTASY IV / 37,191 / 75,397 / 505,361
323 / Dead State / 36,515 / 42,263 / 1,017,150
327 / Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok / 35,501 / 133,888 / 207,323
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