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Game News Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Update #74: Wizards and Druids + Paradox Distribution Deal


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Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: Josh Sawyer; Obsidian Entertainment; Paradox Interactive; Pillars of Eternity

After a three week hiatus, Pillars of Eternity is back with a hefty new Kickstarter update. You may recall that in Update #71, Obsidian asked people to vote on which pair of classes would be formally introduced next. Well, the winning pair were "The Mob Rulers" - Wizards and Druids. Here's the update's description of the two classes, with an accompanying video in which Josh Sawyer describes some of their spells and abilities in further detail. Check out the full update for a larger list of those spells.

Mob Rulers

While neither wizards nor druids are restricted to offensive spells that target groups or areas, they excel in that arena. Whether it's dishing out elemental damage or inflicting status effects on enemies, both classes have a wide variety of spells to whittle down the hordes. Rangers and rogues are the kings of single-target takedowns, but the mob rulers exist to soften up, slow down, hinder, or otherwise mess up groups of enemies. Both classes focus heavily on spellcasters, but they have slightly different mechanics to how they work. Together with priests, wizards and druids are the "traditional" spellcasting classes that can cast a certain number of spells of each level per rest. As they gain levels in their classes, they can access more powerful spells. Over time, their weakest per-rest spells become per-encounter spells. At very high levels, the weakest spells eventually become at-will abilities, capable of being cast indefinitely.


Wizards are researchers and experimenters. Like animancers, their understanding of the spirit world and soul energy is technical and scientific. For this reasons, wizards have a skill focus in both Lore and Mechanics. Also like animancers, wizards rely on special tools to achieve their effects. Specifically, wizards use grimoires, arcane books made with rare materials that can absorb and temporarily hold fragments of ambient soul energy. Unlike priests and druids, wizards do not personally shape the magic that is released. Instead, their grimoires' spell pages do most of the work. The wizard's specialty is in understanding how to help the magic flow in and out of the grimoire without going haywire. As wizards continue to research, more spells are created every year. Some spells remain in the private collections of individual wizards while others see widespread distribution and can be found in grimoires all over the known world.

In game terms, all wizards start with a single grimoire. Even as big as they are, grimoires can only hold a set number of spells from each level. Wizards have the potential to access many more spells than priests or druids, but that potential is restricted by what a grimoire can hold. As a result, experienced wizards carry multiple grimoires with subsets of spells to handle different situations. Grimoires can be switched during combat, but there is an opportunity cost to doing so -- the new grimoire needs to attune itself to the wizard for several seconds before its spells can be used. Outside of combat, wizards can outfit their grimoires with any spells that they have learned. If they come across a spell in an enemy's grimoire, they can choose to learn that spell for the cost (in copper pieces) required to research it.

As a result of their varied studies, wizards have access to both "meat and potatoes" spells and more eccentric effects. They excel at area attacks, but also have a healthy number of spells for personal defense and more than a few oddballs in the mix. Occasionally, wizards become known for a particular spell or family of spells that they've invented and their names are inexorably linked with their contributions to magical research.

[...] In addition to their per-rest spells, all wizards have two basic abilities that serve them well: Blast and Arcane Veil. Blast allows wands, scepters, and wands wielded by wizards to do a small amount of foe-only damage in a small radius around their target. Arcane Veil is an instantaneous ability that dramatically raises the wizard's Deflection for a few moments. Its one weakness is firearms; the Arcane Veil is not able to react to the speed of a bullet before it passes through.


Druids are animists, drawing power through the webs they believe connect all living souls in the world. When not casting spells and transforming into mythical beasts, druids spend a great deal of time in nature, giving them skill foci in Athletics and Survival. Much like priests, druids draw ambient fragments of soul energy toward them and shape their effects through practiced concentration. While druids do not have the diverse spell repertoire of wizards, they have more than enough to handle most problems that come their way. Druids' spells often take the form of natural phenomena -- storms, coiling plants, rapid decay -- to reflect their primal connection to the world. Despite their heavily-offensive nature, they do have a few defensive and healing spells to aid their allies.

[...] In addition to their spells, druids have two base abilities that assist them in dealing with single targets. At character creation, players select a damage type for their Wildstrike passive ability. Wildstrike adds a small secondary amount of damage to all damage-dealing attacks that the druid makes.

Druids also all choose a spiritshift form at character creation. This form represents a type of animal spirit with which the druid has developed an intimate level of understanding (wolf, great cat, bear, stag, and boar). A few times a day, they can use this understanding to transform their bodies into a hybridized form between their natural shape and the shape of the creature they are emulating. In these forms, they cannot use any of their normal equipment but can attack with powerful natural weapons. Each form also has a special passive ability that applies while the druid is in that form. Over the course of the game, druids can acquire additional spiritshift forms to give them more options.​

But that's not all! The update also has a bunch of images, including a screenshot and several backer portraits. The most interesting part, however, is the announcement of Pillars' inevitable distribution deal. Obsidian have chosen to partner with Paradox Interactive to distribute their game. To ward off potential butthurt from backers (OMG PUBLISHER) they've also written a FAQ explaining what it's all about.


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire RPG Wokedex Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
They (this new publisher) better not suddenly become stingy on my physical boxed copy just to save a few more cents!! Obsidian, don't pull a "Harebrained Schemes" on me... :rpgcodex:
Aug 16, 2006
Mr. Sawyer seems too serial, they should get Sven to do some updates after/during the Divinity wrap press tour!


Village Idiot
Aug 16, 2012
Looks like Obsidian ran out of money! Feargus the next Tim Schafer???


Nov 27, 2012
how did you come to the conclusion that they ran out of money? if i were obsidian, i would outsource my marketing and physical publishing too and use the profits from the game as funding for it (a percentage of profits).

This way, if the game doesn't sell well, I didn't waste my own money and if it does, I'll still make money (assuming an expert would brgin in more market share than a self-published game).


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
What's the spell he mentions before flameblade at 4:55? I'd prob recognize it written down.

Nevermind, found it. Decastave. Don't think that ever got updated past 3.0.
Last edited:


Village Idiot
Aug 16, 2012
how did you come to the conclusion that they ran out of money?
Indeed. I'm interested to see how the Codex handles smart marketing spin like this. I'm 90% sure they'll buy it hook, line, and sinker.


Jan 8, 2009
Roguey will appear in this thread soon and point out that in his infinite wisdom, he predicted that Obsidian would partner with Paradox seventeen years ago.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
Is Paradox on GOG?

Paradox has decided to never publish Paradox Development Studios games outside of Steam again because non-Steam purchases were "only 5%", according to them, obvious bullshit, and I suspect they removed their old games catalogues from DRM-free digital stores in a total dick move, but not certain, and they try to push the same Steam exclusive shit to everything they publish. They also are the EA of niche genres, DLC milkers extraordinaire and a shitty monopoly holder in the niche of Grand Strategy.

Not that I care about Dragon Age: Sawyer Edition.



Oct 30, 2006
Paradox never been on GOG. I expect, Pillars of Eternity will be released on Steam only whatever Obsidian may have said in the past. Not that it will matter for the most people.


Apr 12, 2011
Good news, I don't think anyone was interested in having a software-focused company handle their physical goods.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Welllll I am pretty sure Obsidian promised a GOG version, so hopefully that doesn't change.
Paradox never been on GOG. I expect, Pillars of Eternity will be released on Steam only whatever Obsidian may have said in the past. Not that it will matter for the most people.
why do you need a publisher to go on steam - ffs?
FFS people, Paradox is handling the physical distribution of the game, and the making of physical rewards. Why do you have to spin every news in the wrong way? Obsidian promoted the GOG version and Paradox (not being a publisher, but a distributor) has no say in that. I just can't get it into my head how you equaled Paradox with PoE being Steam only, after all the stuff that been told about the project by Obsidian.


i didnt equalize shit.

Im only asking because someone up mentioned that paradox will be doing the steam version too and i cant figure out why they hell would you need a publisher for that. If its even true.
It can only be a part of the deal... but sounds stupid anyway.


Oct 30, 2006
FFS people, Paradox is handling the physical distribution of the game, and the making of physical rewards. Why do you have to spin every news in the wrong way? Obsidian promoted the GOG version and Paradox (not being a publisher, but a distributor) has no say in that. I just can't get it into my head how you equaled Paradox with PoE being Steam only, after all the stuff that been told about the project by Obsidian.

'Cause words are cheap and whiskey costs money.

If they've made a deal for physical distribution it makes sense, but hardly worth mention. How many physical boxes there will be? Apart from kickstarer bakers which is more then 10k admittedly. And it's funny, but PI iitself stopped physical distribution of it's own games like years ago focusing on digital and lately went Steam.

Also this:
This partnership actually puts Obsidian in a better position to create more Eternity content (DLC/Sequels).
hints on something bigger then just physical copy distribution.

All this doesn't mean that anything changes on DRM-free position and distribution on GOG, but panic is good.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
i didnt equalize shit.

Im only asking because someone up mentioned that paradox will be doing the steam version too and i cant figure out why they hell would you need a publisher for that. If its even true.
It can only be a part of the deal... but sounds stupid anyway.
They don't need a publisher to go on Steam. But I assume if they got that distribution agreement anyway, they slammed the steam publishing deal next to it. One less thing they have to deal with, and can focus on making the game instead.


Sep 1, 2013
Seems like Druids are gonna be also tough physically...
And a like the idea of low level spells being basically permanent. It's the same idea as in 3rd DnD edition with permanent spells but much more elegant.

BTW, how Rangers turned out in the end? Does anybody know? I know Sawyer said something about considering melee skills...

Also, butthurt about publishers - how fucking typical... :thumbsup:


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
why they hell would you need a publisher for that.

Paradox is only handling physical distribution as far as I understand. But, Logic Artists told us that publishers usually have direct lines to Steam where developers have to submit their games to stuff like Greenlight or other channels with very little actual feedback from Valve as to whether or not their product will end up on there. When Logic Artists went through BitComposer, their game was approved for Steam almost instantly. Dunno if the same is true for Obsidian, but you asked.


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Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
inXile didn't need Deep Silver to put their game on Steam for them, and they're a much more obscure outfit than Obsidian.

I see no reason to believe this deal is any different than that.

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