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Preview Oblivion preview at VGL


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Zufuriin said:
Is it possible that all of the advertisements/hype/announcements thus so far have been directed to the mainstream, yet what has not been revealed could potentially be the framework of a decent RPG?

Of course it CAN. Noone is saying that is not possible. What people is saying is that things they want the focus on is likely to be the things THEY focused on. and obviously that is all we know so that is all we can go from.

We got very sparse details on some things that most posters here consider to be the most important things in a RPG they like.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Zufuriin said:
Is it possible that all of the advertisements/hype/announcements thus so far have been directed to the mainstream, yet what has not been revealed could potentially be the framework of a decent RPG?
Depends on your concept of a "decent RPG". If it's the same as what's commonly accepted here, then the answer is highly unlikely.


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Well, okay, Zufuriin (whoa, two consecutive 'i's, that's pretty wild), let's say that's true. Why, then, would they not even mention in passing the really meaty stuff? Surely there's room for a paragraph or so on how dialog is actually going to work, so why no concrete information beyond "PATRICK STEWART!"?

Well, I don't know, but of course Bethesda does apparently have that policy of not discussing elements of their games before they've actually realised those elements. Could this mean that so far, Oblivion consists mainly of flashy graphics and bows with AWESOME PHYSICS! and no actual content? I can't really know for sure, but it sounds about right if you drop the "so far".


Bethesda Game Studios
Sep 24, 2004
It's not that we don't say things before we've actually realised them -- we just don't say things so we have something to say later.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
It's not that we don't say things before we've actually realised them -- we just don't say things so we have something to say later.

It's absolutely free. Just a dollar. Get's unwanted lipstick stains out of your collar.

Combats the heartbreak of psoriasis.


Aug 4, 2005
Why, then, would they not even mention in passing the really meaty stuff? Surely there's room for a paragraph or so on how dialog is actually going to work, so why no concrete information beyond "PATRICK STEWART!"?

Think about it: if you were out to make as much money as possible, it would make sense to appeal to the masses. And how would you go about doing that? That's right, with flashy graphics and features that can hold the attention of the ADD-afflicted twitch gamers, at least until they buy a copy.

The more copies sold = more profit, to put it simply.

Sadly, making an RPG that meets or exeeds the ideals held by 'hardcore RPGers' in what constitutes a Pure RPG is not a profitable investment. The time, capital and the creative minds needed to carry out such a project would not be a wise business strategy. Gamers such as yourselves comprise a tiny fraction of the possible consumers, and there is always the chance that you won't like the game because of one or two minor differences than that of the 'perfect' Pure RPG.


May 19, 2005
The problem is risk, the mass audience shifts its interest too fast.

Besides making niche games works, The Longest Adventure was a classic adventure game released on a time the gender was (and is) dead and it recived great praise from both the players and the reviewers.

The market is saturated with "mass audience" game so they are not attractive, so the hype machine comes in and go blasting the game that eventually is exactly the same as everyone else.

What are the major diferences of Oblivion and Gothic 3?

I dont see any, in many ways they look exactly the same and even if I know there are subtancial diferences on gameplay I know that essencialy they will play exactly the same.


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Also, in Gothic 3 you do not raise skills, you learn individual "feats" - a concept the devs have been toying with since Gothic.
I really liked that about Gothic 2, where you could learn a lot of different abilities, only the combat skills and attributes used a traditional scale.
It'll be interesting to see how it turns out, especially combat-wise.

I still don't love the new Orcs, though.


May 19, 2005
Gothic 2 combat bored me, perhaps it just me but when I was send to kill the dragons I got tired of the combat model and end up stop playing.

But that was not my point, my point both games look very similar and I know there are substancial diferences (Oblivion will have race and gender selection as Gothic will not) but still they look the same.


Oct 21, 2004
Naked_Lunch said:
Claw said:
I still don't love the new Orcs, though.
Yeah, the Orcs in the first two were cute and cuddley. They had fur and stuff, too. Awww!

These new ones? I dunno, they look a lot more like deranged monkeys. It's the boggy creek creature!

I like the new ones better, it fits Gothic's "realistic fantasy" setting. Orcs are just beast-like humans with larger then average muscles and only fighting and eating on the mind.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
PrzeSzkoda said:
I'd also like to point out that Sarvis is a pretentious moron, but I won't do it because he'd go on yet another rant then.

I'm the pretentious one? Funny, I don't THINK I've ever uttered the phrase "lowest common denominator" around here...

But remember guys, if you don't like it it's not an RPG! :roll:


Jan 29, 2005
Norway, 1967
Tintin said:
Naked_Lunch said:
Gothic III has crossbows and axes.

Crossbows + Axes = BEST GAME EVA LOLZZ

Way to completely miss the joke, buddy. CONGRASGUDHANS!

Llama Deity - I dunno, to me, the change in the art/graphics just doesn't seem to retain the style that the past 2 games have. Of course, if the gameplay is as kick-ass as it seems, then it won't bother me much but I'd hate having be christened an "oblivion wanna-be" on it's graphics or such.
Aug 4, 2005
I live in your mind.
Well OB will be the best RPG ever because I can steal everyone's food so they all go out hunting and then get arested. And because I can roll sheep down hills (it was confirmed along time ago)

But seriousely:

Bethsada is targeting the lowest common demomenator because no matter how jaded you guys are, if you have a PC that can run it or an Xbox 360, you'll probably end up picking up oblivion (G3 isn't going to be out for a while, and I'm sure you guys will take OB over Fable: Lost chapers any day)

VD, morrowind atracted alot of stupid people because it had pretty screenshots. Not that pretty graphics are bad, they just happen to atract stupid people. It's like the fact that annoying emo obsessed teenagers like Being John Malochovitch (sorry if I misspelled that, kinda tired), it's still an awsome movie dispite the fact that annoying people like it.

VD: Anywho on the magic system, I'm pretty sure we will have the same kind of mix n' match spell creation system as morrowind with afew different efects, though probably tweeked for balance and visual/audio prettiness. So if you like morrowind's custom spell system, I think your set.


Mar 31, 2004
Tintin said:
Naked_Lunch said:
Gothic III has crossbows and axes.

Crossbows + Axes = BEST GAME EVA LOLZZ


Tintin, you're slow, aren't you?

Bethsada is targeting the lowest common demomenator because no matter how jaded you guys are, if you have a PC that can run it or an Xbox 360, you'll probably end up picking up oblivion (G3 isn't going to be out for a while, and I'm sure you guys will take OB over Fable: Lost chapers any day)

try avoid using of the term "lowest common denomenator". it smacks too much of elitist. The truth of the matter is, majority of people do not have the time to invest in researching a game carefully before buying it, so the first thing that impresses them most is the pretty graphics. Publicity and hype machine helps alot too. Gothic 3 feature just as nice graphics yet it is receiving much less attention.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Maybe it is because I am 30, but I only once ever heard a guy that bought a game because of graphics.

I would say it is a bigger chance people buy it because there is a RPG drought.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
kris said:
Maybe it is because I am 30, but I only once ever heard a guy that bought a game because of graphics.

I would say it is a bigger chance people buy it because there is a RPG drought.

I've heard of lots of people on various forums who wouldn't buy a game because of lackluster graphics.


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Screaming_Dude_In_Vegas said:
Bethsada is targeting the lowest common demomenator because no matter how jaded you guys are, if you have a PC that can run it or an Xbox 360, you'll probably end up picking up oblivion (G3 isn't going to be out for a while, and I'm sure you guys will take OB over Fable: Lost chapers any day)

Or perhaps, in a shocking twist, I'll buy neither! I'm not going to buy a crap game just because everything else on the market is even more crap. That kind of attitude just encourages developers to make crap games, gosh darn it.
Aug 4, 2005
I live in your mind.
Spazmo said:
Screaming_Dude_In_Vegas said:
Bethsada is targeting the lowest common demomenator because no matter how jaded you guys are, if you have a PC that can run it or an Xbox 360, you'll probably end up picking up oblivion (G3 isn't going to be out for a while, and I'm sure you guys will take OB over Fable: Lost chapers any day)

Or perhaps, in a shocking twist, I'll buy neither! I'm not going to buy a crap game just because everything else on the market is even more crap. That kind of attitude just encourages developers to make crap games, gosh darn it.

I don't think it will be crap. At worst it will be buggy, mildly repetive, and underwhelming. At best it will be the best thing since sliced bread. It will probably be somewhere in between.


Aug 4, 2005
Spazmo said:
Why, then, would they not even mention in passing the really meaty stuff? Surely there's room for a paragraph or so on how dialog is actually going to work, so why no concrete information beyond "PATRICK STEWART!"?
The really meaty stuff is just how dialogue works? Well, they have said a little about that. They even showed persuasion in action at E3 (which is more involving to the player than simply choosing 3 options this time around). Another thing they've been saying a lot is that the plot lines are much more in depth. I'd call this very important. Supposedly ech of the guild plots are like another MQ.

You guys like to bash the AI, don't you? Everybody (not these forums necessarily, as I wasn't around here back then, but other places at least) hated MW's AI, or lack there of. Oblivion is largely trying to 'correct' all the fualts of MW. Haven't any of you taken a moment to think about what the new AI could mean to even the simplest of actions? Stealing something can be done in so many different ways. There is the possibility for you to choose between breaking and entering, pickpocketing, etc. In MW you basically had one of those options open to you (as NPCs never set down items) and murder as your other option.

Now even murders can be more interesting and change every time. By studying an NPC's routine you can ambush them in a secluded alley, instead of running into the crowded bar to kill them.

And I also like what I've heard about char creation. I wondered why a stupid golfing game has such a detailed char creation system and an RPG like MW only let's you pick and choose between a few faces and some hair.

I like most of what I've heard about OB so far (though there are some things that I'm not looking forward to) but then again, you could call me a Beth fan-boy.

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
WillyBubba said:
Haven't any of you taken a moment to think about what the new AI could mean to even the simplest of actions? Stealing something can be done in so many different ways. There is the possibility for you to choose between breaking and entering, pickpocketing, etc.

So, what you're suggesting is that the Radiant AI in Oblivion will allow me to do the same I could already do in Morrowind. Curious.

Actually more character choices are not made possible because the AI is improved, because the characters' actions are up to players, not the AI. Wheter Torg the NPC walks, runs, studies wildlife at 2 AM and goes to dry hump his furniture at 8 PM or not doesn't influence if Barf, my Khajitt ninja can rob him or kill him. It just affects how I will do it due to the new behaviour patterns which appear to be a step up from Morrowind, not a step beyond.

Now even murders can be more interesting and change every time. By studying an NPC's routine you can ambush them in a secluded alley, instead of running into the crowded bar to kill them.

Just like... Morrowind.

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