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Completed Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark and Aielund Saga



RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Fixed several misspellings of REDOUBTABLE. In my head that's what I was saying, but the keystrokes were retarded.

I underestimated the pirate captain cuz I got the jump on him, then foolishly kept going for the Knockdown and he resisted everytime, getting in a nasty crit. I hope the module features more duels like this, and more battles against a few interesting toughies instead of trashmobs.

That armor is leather +3, yeah. Same with Maggie's, I can't find armor in Fairloch better than what they already have.

Maggie won't Wildshape when asked to in dialogue (it says "test wildshape" and "remove use" as options), any ideas Dreaad?

And yeah, the writing. Not too wordy, but still full of flavor and character. Funny, too. Generic NPCs make comments, different ones for the time of day even. Just another nice touch. Love the clip-clop as mounted knights ride by on the Fairloch cobblestone streets, too.


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
Maybe I missed something plot-wise, but GOOD GODS, the whole Alchemist's fire thing made me laugh like a madman.

First, Lilura requests a keg of Alchemist's fire from Admiral Frazer, COMPLETELY out of context. I can imagine the expression on Admiral's face. But he sucks it up, and tries to polite, explain that that is kinda... Inconvinient? To carry a KEG of Alchemist fire around. Which Lilura masterfully parries with:"I don't care. Maybe it will come in handy. GIMME". I laughed so hard. You are a true pyromaniac. Who would have guessed?

Your enemies - that's who! The bastards have FORSEEN it! They bribed the City Watchman guarding the Navy Storage Building! Oh, I can imagine this scene:

- You! Corrupted Watchman!
- Aye?
- Here ye go with 10 gold. Take it. When Lilura comes for a keg of Alchemist's fire, lock the door and blow her up.
- Err, why would she come for this keg?
- Coz, err. Oh, shuddup. She will come.

The whole Saga just keeps getting better and better. Keep going!


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Context is pirates -> explosive ballista bolts used on their ships -> alchemy barrels store the "fuel" for that -> mmm... lets get some.

The barrels weigh 50.5, about the same as the keg of ale (the node of iron was twice the weight, and we lugged that through the wilderness). But yes, carrying even one around "just in case we can use it" would be ridiculous. However, we do have ox-drawn wagons at our disposal - maybe we could have organised their transport some place, who knows... too late now, though.

We're also sort of being watched by both the thieves and 'Sin guild, it isn't a stretch for them to know where we're going/what we're doing. What isn't so plausible is the speed of coordinating the attack, but I've seen this shit in many RPGs over the years - the designer hasn't taken into account a bee-lining player so there's no indication that suitable time has passed.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
You can always use the barrel to open some locked door. Just RP it :lol:.
"Damn it Ronan we don't have time for you to lock pick the door to the secret lair of the assassins guild, just stand back, Torm bless this barrel."

I suppose if you haven't done so already you could also set it up in the ork fortress, see how many of those pesky guys you can get with one blast. I actually struggled a bit with fortress, there were so many orks, they chip away at you, block your movement etc. Really wished at that moment I had a wand of fireballs for my bard.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
You can always use the barrel to open some locked door. Just RP it :lol:.
"Damn it Ronan we don't have time for you to lock pick the door to the secret lair of the assassins guild, just stand back, Torm bless this barrel."

Door to orc fortress has like 15 damage soak, fucking insane. I'd use the barrels, but that weight. Horses don't let me carry more either... speaking of which, when Maggie mounts her Light Warhorse it adjusts size to a Light War-Pony lol.

I actually struggled a bit with fortress, there were so many orks, they chip away at you, block your movement etc. Really wished at that moment I had a wand of fireballs for my bard.

Probably because you didn't have Maggie, she killed off the orcs on the fortress walls with Ice Storm, Flame Strike and Call Lightning. The orc captain inside fortress is capable of 60 dmg crits, so yeah, it can be touch and go.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Good to know the end-game might be a challenge, but I'm a long way from there - I've done maybe half of Act 2, I'm level 11.
Last edited:


Glory to Ukraine
Jun 8, 2010
Sic semper tyrannis.
I think I had trouble mainly because my character was a one trick pony (super high AC) and it suddenly wasn't working. I didn't know about nice things like Concealment at that point either, I'm sure that would have made it a lot easier to handle.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Well, yeah. Concealment is a big deal - I learned that in Hordes. And the other survivability concept that carries over from Hordes: special abilities on items you only equip to activate - very key. You basically hang on to these items, preferably in Bags of Holding. Will be posting an update in a few hours, I'm almost at the point of unhittableness at this stage with 40+ AC (Lvl 14). I hope enemy AB rises soon, and by alot.


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
Damn. Those screenshots. You make NWN look good.

I'm almost at the point of unhittableness at this stage with 40+ AC (Lvl 14). I hope enemy AB rises soon, and by alot.

It seems like you faceroll through main storyline, but optional quests are still fairly challenging (like the orc buisness and such).

This one made me lol:


Those sinister gnomish contraptions! Ultimate killing machine!

Ronan's warcries are the best. I have no doubt that downtown is full of rampaging Spikers. And that he's gonna take it's stuff once he kills the damn thing.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
It seems like you faceroll through main storyline, but optional quests are still fairly challenging (like the orc buisness and such).

Yeah, it's like Dreaad said earlier: author isn't afraid to throw a few harder enemies at the player. Veerak and the Orc Captain in the last post can ruin anyone's day at that level with a couple crits (I'd still like to see less trashy mobs on the whole, though).

Note when Swiftblade surrendered, I didn't heal up before speaking with him. See my health and the damage he does to me before I crit-kill him, he also had a chance to paralyse (but only 5%, I'd have to roll a 1)...

Ronan's warcries are the best. I have no doubt that downtown is full of rampaging Spikers. And that he's gonna take it's stuff once he kills the damn thing.

The funny thing, too, is that Ronan's not even in that room - he was trapped outside and doesn't unlock the door until the fight ends.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
The trash mobs thing is pretty bad in Act 2. Mind you though, for some builds, some of the trash mobs can be a nightmare. Those sneak attacking assassins are a good example, all fine and well if you have the AC to tank them but they do tones of damage if they can hit. You do end the module at level 17-18 I think and overall you still fight a few challenging enemies.

I think part of the problem was the open ended nature of act 2. First thing I did was go exploring after leaving the city, ended up having to fight off numerous ice giants at level 11. It was doable and gave me tonnes of xp. I had to spend a lot of gold on scrolls for my bard but got through it. After that of course most of the enemies in the module seemed a bit under leveled.

:lol: Poor assassins guild leader though. I let him go, but told him he had to give me all his items first, que mostly assassin dude fleeing through the sewers in white underpants.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Apparently there is some minimal level scaling, HD-based and maybe added spawns. I'm still encountering some beefed up minions in the Feybourne (+220 EXP) along with trashmobs (+7 EXP). So I don't mind too much, yeah.

I noticed if you let Swiftblade go that he won't give you his Ring of Resistance +2, cheeky bastard. Not a big deal, though.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
The plot thickens. As far as main antagonists go, a god's soul locked in a golem made out of Mcguffin material x is actually pretty sweet.
That naked duel :lol: I guess Torm wants what Torm wants.

Those wisps were sooooooo annoying for my group when I encountered them. I had no one with any capability of surviving 8+ fear checks in a row. Especially since it's not based on a timer but activates EVERY time you walk into the aura. So if you are running away.... then stop.... and they catch up.... it's another 8 fear checks. Due to poor saving decisions I did not wish to reload, especially since the wisps couldn't hurt me just made me run around.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
The plot thickens. As far as main antagonists go, a god's soul locked in a golem made out of Mcguffin material x is actually pretty sweet.

Indeed. Plot is thickening and I sense it's gonna get better. I'm marching strongly through this act now, mainly cuz of the interesting narrative drive. And despite the combat getting easier in the latter stages (due to the openness of Act 2 and the CR thing), it's still managing to be fun. Maggie is regularly opening cans of whoop ass now, which is amusing to watch a Halfling Druid doing so much AoE dmg.

That naked duel :lol: I guess Torm wants what Torm wants.

At that point I was just amused at all these effeminate foppish men wielding rapiers and daggers, thought I'd play fair and square in this case. Plus he called me "girl", so he was in need of a bitch slappin'.

Those wisps were sooooooo annoying for my group when I encountered them. I had no one with any capability of surviving 8+ fear checks in a row. Especially since it's not based on a timer but activates EVERY time you walk into the aura. So if you are running away.... then stop.... and they catch up.... it's another 8 fear checks. Due to poor saving decisions I did not wish to reload, especially since the wisps couldn't hurt me just made me run around.

You seem to have a good memory of your run, how long ago did you play this, evil Bard right? The more I play, the more I think this Saga is suited to a Paladin or at least a noble type. But that could just be the authors gift, to make each role seem like it's highlighted. I've seen some tasty evil responses, and have at times really felt like choosing them for the lulz... there are also many non-aligned responses that seem very flavorful.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
Hmmm a while ago, over a year. Not so much a good memory I think, just your playthrough and amazing screenshots remind me of my own run through the game. Probably helps that it was the last set of modules I fully went through. As for PC yeah he was a bard/dragon disciple, I actually think I planned on taking several levels of barbarian but was having too much fun with the use any item skill and didn't want to half ass a 3 way split including 2 classes that require high levels. Still just thinking of that improved barb rage with the +6 Str from dragon disciple + items + buffs, ah well next time. As for alignment I don't think he was evil just chaotic neutral, the smartass mercenary stereotype and you are absolutely right in that the author managed to make the whole thing work around any class/alignment.

Question... did the Mage dude with the sleepy dragon familiar give you a treasure map at any point? At least I think that's the mage that gives you one. You get a pretty neat item from that quest in any case. Not overly powerful or anything, in some ways a bit cliche even for a D&D setting, but still pretty fun.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Bard would have been fun, I think there's a Bard-only quest in Fairloch. Ronan has solid UMD, too, meaning he can be tricked out with a few spell scrolls. Pretty cool to have a Rogue summoning stuff and casting Greater Stoneskin on himself. I'm saving all arcane scrolls for that purpose, have like 20 or so from loot.

Yeah, I got the Treasure Map and did briefly mention it in the second last update. I have "Guenhwyvar" now (well, Astral Panther) - very strong and dexterous (sort of rogue/monk), but does leech my +EXP. It also doesn't unsummon when you rest, will be in next update.


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
First though, we pay a visit to Peri in the thieves guild, who admits working with Swiftblade in setting us up

Eh? Is he talking about this:
Because that is probably the Worst. Setup. Ever. I mean, look at this:

- You ask him where to find the AG headquaters. He tells you the exact location.
- He warns you that the place is defended heavily. Tells you to be "paranoid" if you'll go there.
- He tells you about the second secret entrance, somewhere in the sewers.​

Good gods, wasn't he supposed to promise you an easy victory? Tell you that there is just one entrance (the one where assasins were expecting you)? After all, couldn't assasins and thieves make a more thoughtful setup, somewhere, I don't know, NOT IN ACTUAL HEADQUARTERS??

I like the overall writing and plot, but these moments make Aielund Saga even more entertaining.

The butler encounter was the most :obviously: yet. It takes some balls ethics to engage in dual-wield combat with that line: "Official you say? Well, in that case there is something I have to do".

And the whole Shadow Druids storyline was simply epic.

Great writing, great screenshots. Waiting for further updates!


Barely Literate
Nov 11, 2014
So far so good. Would any of you guys be willing to team up on some (any) nwn servers and play online maybe? or even play some modules on a server that we (the codex) can start by ourselves?


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
My plate's pretty full atm doing this Let's Play, after which I'll probably be doing a bug report for someone on the BioWare forums who is making improvements to the Saga, and/or playing through yet another SP mod. You could try that other RPG forum, I think they have some dedicated NWN multi-players there, and I think there's also a few PWs still going...


Update coming up in next couple hours.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
Ever the problem in NWN, if you loot everything, you get filthy rich. In fact it's a problem for the D&D setting in general from Golden Box to BG2. It does often get to the point where the NPC's get all dramatic about rewarding you with 10,000 gold pieces, meanwhile you have 500,000 in the bank. I suppose if one only looted gold, unique items and gems you could probably achieve a balance. Certainly stripping the clothes of your own comrades backs as you move on is unnecessary (even if the module advises you to do so).

Just think of the hundreds of naked corpses left in your paladin's wake :salute:


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
So, you decided not to use panther familiar? Does it work like a regular mage familiar (levels up with you, give you penalties if dead, etc), or just like a common summoned creature? If latter, why not use it?


Glory to Ukraine
Jun 8, 2010
Sic semper tyrannis.
Mmmm, this reminds me of how well they've build up the saga. You always feel like you're fighting enemies of just the right size for you. As you get more epic and epic, you see more and more of the world, and the scale of what you're battling gets bigger and bigger. First you save villages, then cities, then kingdoms and then... bigger things.

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