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Neverwinter new pics - OH GAWD ITZ HEAVAN


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
It was a fun casual game until they raised the level cap years ago.
Making old equipment completely useless while having every trashmob deal massive amounts of damage to force you into buying new stuff was so hamfisted it drove me away. Especially because their idea of balancing was just adding yuge amounts of extra hitpoints on the new armor as buffer.
It would have made J.E. Sawyer turn in his grave. Sad.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
Okaaaaay, when Norfleet starts having interest in a game he considered "that ship has sailed, no benjamins to be made" for years... it's time to get worried.
That's like Warren Buffet casually saying: "Oh I would buy stocks of this diamond mine that has been claimed to be empty for years now."



Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den

Is there still a Codexian Guild, what condition is it in, and can I has it?
No idea, no idea, and no idea. I mean, there was one, we didn't have much, and I have no idea if shenanigans have happened to it when no one was watching.
You are doing it WRONK! Let me rephrase that:

"The Neverwinter Codexian Guild is a very prestigious premium guild, with countless desireable features, like, a 100% fun resistance. Das rite, no fun will ever be had in this guild! It can be yours for a meager administration fee of 100 canadian dollars." :obviously:


Oct 7, 2014
Tried it for a few months. It's just a modern WoW type MMO without any of the charm of vanilla WoW. There's nothing D&D about it other than the setting and the named characters like Drizzt, they even got Minsc in there. Your spells and abilites are limited to whatever is on a gamepad because - console just like D3 and unlike other MMOs where you can have 2 quickbars full of buttons. Most of the combat is the typical spammy modern MMO attacks but flashier and faster paced. Leveling is alright, you get to visit locations around the Sword Coast and eventually venture out to places like Icewind Dale, Undermountain, Underdark etc but they aren't open world at all, just zones you teleport to. You can't run from one zone to another. Random dungeons are just rushing to the end boss and getting the daily currency. At the end, you'll find yourself just doing dailies after dailies in a big massive grind.
That said, this MMO is the most F2P friendly, you can get to max level without spending cash easily. You have the daily currency which you can get from randoms, AH and weekly quests which you can use to get almost anything in the game without paying real money. You just need to keep grinding.


Nov 5, 2007
>charm of vanilla WoW
Opinion discarded.

Also the game is not F2P friendly at all, the exchange has months of backlog because the rates are shit (even though they raised it to 750). Nobody sells Zen because there's nothing to buy with AD, all the important things are in the store.

A horse of course

best thing to come out of this game was confirming Viconia is alive and therefore romancing her is non-canon

Well, completing the romance is non-canon.

If you pick the Godhood route, the Viconia romance ends the same way as if you'd never romanced her. It's pointless caring about WOTC's view of Baldur's Gate canonicity anyway - c.f. the novels, Murder in Baldur's Gate, Heroes of Baldur's Gate.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
The story of Cryptic is a sad tale. From knocking it out of the park with their first effort, City of Heroes, they've slowly fallen to become a purveyor of loot-box-ridden IP knock-offs.

They're still actually quite competent at making MMOs mechanically, which is no mean feat, but CO, STO and Neverwinter have suffered sad declines over the years from the light-but-fun-MMOs they all started as, to what they are now.

I think the problem is that they bit off more than they could chew at one point, so they had to sell themselves to the chicken overlords, and it was all downhill from there.


Oct 7, 2014
>charm of vanilla WoW
Opinion discarded.

Also the game is not F2P friendly at all, the exchange has months of backlog because the rates are shit (even though they raised it to 750). Nobody sells Zen because there's nothing to buy with AD, all the important things are in the store.

What's wrong with vanilla WoW? Had great memories of it levelling up, learning the ropes of 5 men dungeons, and learning and dying through all the raids. There wasn't random matchmixing, cross-servers play etc, you either had friends to play with or it forced you to be social with other people. I loved it.

Being a new player in Neverwinter, so far the end-game rank 12-14 enchantments are sold in AD and they're like 3m-4m AD cost. It'll take a long while just to grind out that amount by doing daily randoms. I can buy companions, mounts and bags with AD as well. Got everything I have through NPCs, quests and AH. I did pay for one month VIP to compensate them for the time I spent in Neverwinter. Compared to SWTOR where I returned to play and can't even get bag space for my alt without subscribing, and I used to be a launch day paid subscriber for SWTOR.
Mar 3, 2010
I think the problem is that they bit off more than they could chew at one point, so they had to sell themselves to the chicken overlords, and it was all downhill from there.
the other way around: they were bitten. by a chinese overlord. and chewed, swallowed, digested and shat.


May 19, 2005
the other way around: they were bitten. by a chinese overlord. and chewed, swallowed, digested and shat.


They were brought by Atari (and this is why Neverwinter even exists), PW only come into place after 3 years under Atari and you only need to ask players from that time to know what they did to CO and STO, without PW they would be gone and I am a STO player, I read rumors about stuff that took place during that time and PW got nothing on what Cryptic wanted to implement on F2P model.

Neverwinter is just taking the same drain as STO and CO, simply Cryptic doesnt have the manpower to fully develop now 4 MMOs (well 3 MMO +1 MOBA) so the lastest one drains the rest until they have just a skeleton crew, NW is just better on the sense for whatever reason Hasbro/WotC kinda pays attention to it and since M:TG MOBA also hangs on Hasbro/WotC its not suffering the same as STO or worst, CO as they are clearly in maintence mode.

And then we have Turbine you racist prick ... wanna talk about how well they fared under Warner Bros?
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Read about the crafting system which seemed interesting so I sunk some hours into the game to get to the point where I can craft things.

You get a workshop where you hire artisans/explorers to work for you. Each one has their own stats and a special perk. You can upgrade the workshop to be able to hire more, the default lets you hire up to 8. You can send the adventurers out to gather resources or task the artisans to craft stuff. It's not just "artisan", each one is an artisan in their own craft so you'd need a big roster to cover everything as you want a couple artisans per tradeskill type due to the stats/perks.
The artisans/explorers themselves level up from doing their job.
You have to actually hire the artisans/adventurers btw. They apply for a job occasionally and you can accept/deny them from the management desk in your workshop. I assume you get 1-2 apply per day based on how many I got while playing. And you have to actually pay them for their services.
The people you hire actually appear in your workshop(the adventurers disappear when sent to gather) btw. It's a nice touch to go to my workshop and see them walking around or working on stuff.
It's actually pretty neat, really didn't expect Neverwinter of all games to have a crafting system like this.

Combat is popamole. Kinda fun popamole I guess, probably some of the better action MMO combat now that I think about it. The story dungeons(seems to have about as many as DDO) were well designed and had a lot of hidden stuff for people who actually explore. Lore items(they add detailed journal entries) everywhere, if you're a forgotten realms nerd I guess it might be worth playing.
Biggest gripe is the lack of customization/classes in a D&D-themed game. Feels pretty barebones.
Graphics are decent, above-average for MMOs. Performance is good.

Can't say I recommend the game, but nothing seemed particularly bad so it might be worth checking out if you have nothing to play. It's nice that an MMO tried something different than just copy-pasting WoW's crafting. But everything else except perhaps the decent action combat is very, very bland.
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2005
No, it's really not worth checking out, especially if you have nothing to play, bceause apparently, just trying to play the game and the massive catch-up effort you'd need to do anything meaningful in the game gets you declared a bot.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
No, it's really not worth checking out, especially if you have nothing to play, bceause apparently, just trying to play the game and the massive catch-up effort you'd need to do anything meaningful in the game gets you declared a bot.
Wouldn't know, I had no intention of ever getting near anything that would require being geared. I just wanted to check out the crafting system.


Jun 17, 2012
The problem with Neverwinter is everything in the game used to be better. It's one of those MMOs that "evolved" by getting worse over time. I think the original staff must have left, because all the launch philosophies have been totally reversed with updates. Over time they removed all the features that made it popular on launch.


Jun 3, 2005
Wouldn't know, I had no intention of ever getting near anything that would require being geared. I just wanted to check out the crafting system.
Last time I was there, crafting was basically a waste of air as every single craptable item either was actually part of the guild system and thus locked to advanced guild members only, or outclassed by stuff you found on the floor.


Sep 14, 2018
Wouldn't know, I had no intention of ever getting near anything that would require being geared. I just wanted to check out the crafting system.
Last time I was there, crafting was basically a waste of air as every single craptable item either was actually part of the guild system and thus locked to advanced guild members only, or outclassed by stuff you found on the floor.
Still true. As far as I am aware, the current crafting system was last updated 2-3 years ago and so none of the crafting stuff (even the guild locked recipes) are any good. The system also has a massive number of bugs, as with pretty much anything in Neverwinter.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
So it's pretty much like Star Trek Online duty officers then. A really cool system they just left to rot.

That's disappointing. It's one of the better crafting systems in any MMO for sure.


Aug 28, 2013
Read about the crafting system which seemed interesting so I sunk some hours into the game to get to the point where I can craft things.

You get a workshop where you hire artisans/explorers to work for you. Each one has their own stats and a special perk. You can upgrade the workshop to be able to hire more, the default lets you hire up to 8. You can send the adventurers out to gather resources or task the artisans to craft stuff. It's not just "artisan", each one is an artisan in their own craft so you'd need a big roster to cover everything as you want a couple artisans per tradeskill type due to the stats/perks.
The artisans/explorers themselves level up from doing their job.
You have to actually hire the artisans/adventurers btw. They apply for a job occasionally and you can accept/deny them from the management desk in your workshop. I assume you get 1-2 apply per day based on how many I got while playing. And you have to actually pay them for their services.
The people you hire actually appear in your workshop(the adventurers disappear when sent to gather) btw. It's a nice touch to go to my workshop and see them walking around or working on stuff.
It's actually pretty neat, really didn't expect Neverwinter of all games to have a crafting system like this.
Its a garbage facebook game. Just skip it by paying to get the best workers, or grind those timers for a couple years as a free to play.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Read about the crafting system which seemed interesting so I sunk some hours into the game to get to the point where I can craft things.

You get a workshop where you hire artisans/explorers to work for you. Each one has their own stats and a special perk. You can upgrade the workshop to be able to hire more, the default lets you hire up to 8. You can send the adventurers out to gather resources or task the artisans to craft stuff. It's not just "artisan", each one is an artisan in their own craft so you'd need a big roster to cover everything as you want a couple artisans per tradeskill type due to the stats/perks.
The artisans/explorers themselves level up from doing their job.
You have to actually hire the artisans/adventurers btw. They apply for a job occasionally and you can accept/deny them from the management desk in your workshop. I assume you get 1-2 apply per day based on how many I got while playing. And you have to actually pay them for their services.
The people you hire actually appear in your workshop(the adventurers disappear when sent to gather) btw. It's a nice touch to go to my workshop and see them walking around or working on stuff.
It's actually pretty neat, really didn't expect Neverwinter of all games to have a crafting system like this.
Its a garbage facebook game. Just skip it by paying to get the best workers, or grind those timers for a couple years as a free to play.
If you don't think it's a cool system then idk what to tell you.
Yeah, it's monetized because it's a cryptic game and they're jews. But it would be awesome in another MMO where it's not monetized.


Sep 14, 2018
So it's pretty much like Star Trek Online duty officers then. A really cool system they just left to rot.

That's disappointing. It's one of the better crafting systems in any MMO for sure.
When the system was last relevant it was actually fun to use, barring the headaches it induced when you were trying to work out what exactly bugged when something bugged. It had some unintuitive faults though which could have been very easily fixed if someone other than cryptic was managing the system. For example, to unlock some of the crafting recipes, there were quests which you had to complete, which required you to craft certain items. When you crafted an item, it could produce either the ordinary version of the item, or the enhanced version of the item. Cryptic being Cryptic, only the ordinary version (not the enhanced version) counted for the quest turn in. The items themselves had no purpose outside of being used for that quest and so it was possible to craft items which was completely useless in the process of trying to complete the quest, which was labelled as the "better" version of the quest items.


Aug 28, 2013
Read about the crafting system which seemed interesting so I sunk some hours into the game to get to the point where I can craft things.

You get a workshop where you hire artisans/explorers to work for you. Each one has their own stats and a special perk. You can upgrade the workshop to be able to hire more, the default lets you hire up to 8. You can send the adventurers out to gather resources or task the artisans to craft stuff. It's not just "artisan", each one is an artisan in their own craft so you'd need a big roster to cover everything as you want a couple artisans per tradeskill type due to the stats/perks.
The artisans/explorers themselves level up from doing their job.
You have to actually hire the artisans/adventurers btw. They apply for a job occasionally and you can accept/deny them from the management desk in your workshop. I assume you get 1-2 apply per day based on how many I got while playing. And you have to actually pay them for their services.
The people you hire actually appear in your workshop(the adventurers disappear when sent to gather) btw. It's a nice touch to go to my workshop and see them walking around or working on stuff.
It's actually pretty neat, really didn't expect Neverwinter of all games to have a crafting system like this.
Its a garbage facebook game. Just skip it by paying to get the best workers, or grind those timers for a couple years as a free to play.
If you don't think it's a cool system then idk what to tell you.
Yeah, it's monetized because it's a cryptic game and they're jews. But it would be awesome in another MMO where it's not monetized.
Its shit.

"Wait 20 minutes" "Wait 2 hours" "wait 8 hours" "wait" "wait" "wait"

Literally fallout shelter before fallout shelter. You are too easily impressed. Try black desert, you can set up production lines, in workshops you build and upgrade, you can set up mining stations if there are actual resources in the world map, you can move materials between cities, you can scout and train people and sell them in the market. Its so incomparably more complete and complex and it is integrated with a living economy system where you can trade stuff between cities for big profits, kind of like uncharted waters.

I remember making a heft profit scouting for good prospects, training them and selling their contracts to other players. I remember specializing my production to mine for specific materials used to build specific weapons that i would then build with blacksmiths specifically upgraded to that end, with employees that had an specialization in the kind of product i wanted to make.
And this was just 1 side activity out of several you could engage in.

For instance you could become a farmer, a cook, tame wild horses raise them and breed them, play the market (There was no teleportation in that game, this allowed an entire living economy where you could buy goods on one end of the map, and sell them on a city that needed them.) And these were all fairly complex, with tricks of the trade like minding the weather, the location, or taking your horses out of the stable and training them yourself, creating artificial demand for specific goods along with other players.


Nov 5, 2007
But Black Desert is literal pay 2 win shit so yeah.

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