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KickStarter Mordhau - Monocled First-Person Medieval Melee Game



Aug 12, 2015

I've kept an eye on this project for a while, and since Codex is enthusiastic towards Kingdom Come Deliverance I imagined this might be of interest.

Short summary is that it's a Chivalry-esque medieval melee multiplayer with realistic and highly skillbased combat. :obviously:
I recommend watching these dev blogs, damn impressive stuff:

Mordhau is a multiplayer medieval fighting game where fights range from duels all the way to large, open battles of up to 64 players with horses, siege engines, and castles to be stormed. It features a skill-based free-flowing combat system that is easy to learn, but hard to master.

No Unity!
The game is being built on Unreal Engine 4 and will be released on Steam for Windows PCs. Other operating systems and platforms might follow post-release, but there are no concrete plans at the moment.

FREE-FLOWING COMBAT. Chain your attacks into combos, punish your opponents with quick counters, push them away with kicks, trick them with feints, grip your polearm closer to the head, use real halfswording techniques -- and much, much more. And the best part? You can combine it all, any way you want. Get creative with your play-style.


EXPRESSIVE CONTROLS. An entirely new dimension of input. Our melee combat system allows players to cut and thrust from a total of 240 different angles by flicking their mouse in the desired direction. If you prefer a controller over a mouse, or a more traditional control scheme, don't worry, we've got you covered.


REAL-TIME COLLISION DETECTION. Your blade will cut exactly where it looks like it should. Weapons can clash together, resulting in fast-paced exchanges and the occasional loss of hands.

BELIEVABLE FIGHTS. A game where fights look believable, Mordhau strikes a balance between gameplay and realism. Ballerinas and circus performers are replaced by carefully designed combat mechanics. We are confident that our system solves most of the common problems of this genre, and is also heaps of fun.

GORE. LOTS OF GORE. Decapitate your foes, cut off their arms, hands and legs and watch throats being slit while they gurgle their last breath away. And for those who prefer a more family-friendly visual effect, we will offer options to tone the gory visuals down a notch.


DEDICATED SERVERS. Bad netcode can ruin a multiplayer game, especially a melee title with a focus on precise timing. Peer-to-peer? No, thanks. Dedicated servers ensure a stable experience and low ping.

SIEGE ENGINES. Take out enemies from the safety of your catapult, scale siege ladders and fight on them, or pin enemies down with a well-placed ballista shot.


MAP INTERACTIVITY. Bring gates crashing down on enemies, chuck boulders off of castle walls, and pick up and drop equipment as you go. Interaction is a big part of the game, and it spices up every match.

FIGHT ON HORSEBACK. Plow through the enemy ranks on your horse and launch surprise flank attacks on the enemy archers. Take care not to get swarmed and overwhelmed by infantry!


VARIED BATTLES & ENVIRONMENTS. Our combat system is designed for fights ranging from duels all the way to large open battles of up to 64 players with castles to be stormed, and fields to be covered in blood. A variety of environments will keep each battle interesting, as we will take you from dusty deserts, to lush green forests, and even icy peaks.


RANGED COMBAT. The game’s arsenal includes ranged equipment such as bows and crossbows. You can also throw your sword, preferably into someone’s face. Projectiles will collide with other projectiles, and even attacks. See an axe flying towards you? Bat it away.

EXPRESS YOURSELF. Use animated emotes and voice commands to scream at the top of your lungs as you charge into battle, or simply sit back and laugh at your enemy's demise.

CREATE YOUR WARRIOR. Pick your gender, choose the type of body, adjust facial features, and even sculpt a face to your liking. We want you to be recognized from how you look, as well as from how you fight.


SUIT UP. Create your suit of armor: pick from gloves, arms, shoulders, chest pieces, legs, boots, helmets, and more. Color each piece to your liking and select a metal tint. Pick an emblem that represents you well, and you can even choose how polished you want the metal to be. Be anything from a viking to a crusader.

BUILD YOUR WEAPON. Smith your sword out of individual pieces: pick from blades, crossguards and grips. Want a mace instead? No problem, pick your head and handle and choose the wood type. There are hundreds of possible combinations.


WATCH & LEARN. Spectate other players in first or third-person to see how they play and record your battles to watch them from different perspectives with our demo system. We even used it to record our gameplay trailer!

BUILT FOR PC. Choose your desired field of view, unlock your framerate, set all manner of control and quality options that have once been taken for granted, but are now missing in many recently released games.


OFFLINE PLAY. Mordhau is primarily an online game, but you can play the game offline against bots with different personalities and difficulties.

NO EARLY ACCESS. We aim to deliver a polished game that we will continue to expand with post-release content and updates.

END HIM RIGHTLY. Yes, you can unscrew and throw your pommel in this game.


Mordhau is being developed by Triternion. We're a young, 10-person international team driven by our passion for melee games and the medieval era. We've accumulated thousands of hours of playtime in awesome titles such as Chivalry, Mount & Blade, War of the Roses, the Jedi Knight series, and many others, too. Having been part of the community as players as well as content creators, we feel we’re in a unique position to use this experience to refine and further evolve the melee genre.

For the music behind Mordhau, we're collaborating with a team of three passionate composers: Viktor Alexander, Paul Keilhau and Lukas Gorris. Their music brings an element of grit and power to the already brutal setting.



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Nov 5, 2014
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Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath
That looks great, especially the jousting, but the multiplayer focus puts me off. I got War of the Roses and Chivalry based on them looking great but it just wasn't fun because other people. It would probably help if any of my friends play stuff like this


Jul 11, 2009
Kickstarter is littered with failed, promising projects, made by well meaning and ambitious amateurs. This projects looks great though, I have to give them that. I'll hold out for Bannerlord though.


Apr 8, 2015
Finded out about this game almost a year ago. Didn't peak my interest.

But now that it's more developed. Oh boy! A truly skill based combat. Horseback combat. Customizable classes. Siege weapons. Unreal Engine with good PC optimization. 64 player matchs. Bots. Dedicated servers. :bounce: :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

I hope they truly realease an amazing game.

And don't fall of the same traps as Chivalary and War of the Roses.

Also happy that they have shown to capture some sword fighting realism while rembering that is still a game and it needs to be fun to play (something that so far Kingdom Come hasn't showed). But both game have yet to be realesed so only then we will truly see

The lack of single palyer doesn't bother me much, since they have at least put bots in the game (something wich almost isn't in any multiplayer game).

Hope they manage to put trebuchets and siege towers.


Jun 22, 2013
lost me at multiplayer. i'm old. Plus I hate playing with kids.

I was playing Overwatch last night and some guy said "Out team has good meta" and "Damn, I wish our Reinhardt wouldn't YOLO so much" uninstalled
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Mar 16, 2008
Mordhau is widely regarded to be the next Chivalry style game, for related reasons it is very likely Mordhau won't be undermined with many of the problems that turned away most of Chivalry's playerbase. Feinting will still be in, a problem perhaps, it mostly depends on how this will be implemented and balanced


Apr 8, 2015
Just reached 200k strech goal wich is Mod Tools. :bounce::bounce::bounce::incline:

Can't wait to see the kind of shit people will come up with. Awesome battlefield like gigantic maps with 100 players.

Next strech goal is Competive Matchmaking at 275k. There is 9 days left so they possibily won't be able to achieve it.

They could however reveal what are the last 2 strech goals.



Apr 8, 2015
Mordhau's kickstarting just ended with $298,608 pledged.
This is what they acheived.


I pledged 25 jewros today eaning the game on realease.

They also realeased a new video recentely with only combat footage and no comments.

Shit's looking gud.:hero:


Dec 19, 2016
Mordhau's kickstarting just ended with $298,608 pledged.
This is what they acheived.


I pledged 25 jewros today eaning the game on realease.

They also realeased a new video recentely with only combat footage and no comments.

Shit's looking gud.:hero:

Looks fun, though armor apparently does nothing and a massive maul just bounces off a sword blade easy haha.
Wonder if they'll put in some kind of armor system that can then be modded via mod tools, would be nice. Esp. if kingdom come turns out to be less than stellar.


Apr 8, 2015
... though armor apparently does nothing ... Wonder if they'll put in some kind of armor system

It does have an armor system.

Besides they are still in pre-Alpha. This will only released in March of the next year.
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Dec 19, 2016
... though armor apparently does nothing ... Wonder if they'll put in some kind of armor system

It does have an armor system.

Besides they are still in pre-Alpha. The will only released in March of the next year.

That's something at least, I watched their explanation at the end.
Certainly a step up overall vs. what games we have now as far as I can tell.
Great to see you can grip halberds etc higher up the shaft for close-in fighting. M&B doesn't have that and it completely fucks up polearm troops.
Also forgot to mention in my previous post that I noticed some of the attacks in the pre alpha melee combat footage featured the character boosting themselves forward (lunging attacks?). That's really nice, M&B for example had that issue where all characters moved like UT bots and just swung wildly from only the upper body. No way to quickly close distance/lunge forward. Add the slow startup on directional movement and well, super awkward gameplay as a result.
Wonder if Mordhau has a modifier button for that or if particularly strong attacks do it automatically. Also hope kingdom come will have such a function...
Dec 17, 2013
What's the point of these games? I mean, no matter how good the combat system might be, you just run around and fight people, over and over, without any real meaning. I have enjoyed some competitive-type multiplayer games in the past, but they really don't need a cool historical setting or a realistic combat system. This kind of stuff would be much more fitting for a meaningful single player game.


Mar 16, 2008
the game looks just like what Chivalry 2 should have been, but there are reasons to be apprehensive, the developers are making the game for a much smaller subset of the Chivalry population, being the players who stayed after the mechanics were taken to new levels of exploitation. This is not quite the feedback loop to rely on when trying to gain the popularity Chivalry once hand. The full every night servers became one and a half full regional servers when everyone but the hardcore players left after the discovery of reverse overheads

the developers really need to understand the more these asynchronous attacks (i.e. dragging where the attack does not even connect but still registers) remain and become central to gameplay the more the hardcore players will perfect these techniques and consequently the quicker everyone else will leave; they need to take a new trajectory using the same fundamental design but avoid mechanics that are going to lead to what in the eyes of many will only be glitchy play styles- and many of these players will already be wary after the downfall of Chivalry

even reading the official forums people are stating without irony their 'training regimes' where they intend to train for weeks or months learning chambering (I knew chambering would be at the top of the list) before even bothering to try multiplayer. This is just that type of game that makes people play with a need to win which is going to quickly give others the wrong impressions, even now people are buying alpha keys for $200+ US...these hardcore players will be in every serving, thriving on the influx of new players, this already happened, hopefully the developers do not mistake the positive feedback they are receiving from a particularly segmented group as generally representative of the overall populating they are intending the game for

tl;dr the first video shows everyone swinging out wide, on what seems to be all their attacks, this tells me dragging is a little different but has a similar function, and similarly how many of these 'telegraphed' (dragged attacks) are not being blocked


Apr 8, 2015
It has been quite sometime, but there's been developments.

The game is due to release somewhere in the Q2 of this year.



May 13, 2013
Is it gonna be f2p or am I gonna have to "buy" this?

Also, I think the name is shit, hard to pronounce, hard to remember. Why didn't they just go with battlefield 1066?


Apr 8, 2015
You have to buy it. The name is alright, it's fitting - mordhau is the german word for murder-strike/murder-blow, which is a technique of medieval fencing. Battlefield is copyrighted.


Apr 8, 2015
The devs were inspired by Chivalry, Warband, Jedi Academy and other similar games.
But unlike Chivalry this game has polish and refined mechanics.

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