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Might and Magic Might & Magic X - Legacy


Dec 24, 2007
Why is this game so shit?

I cried :(


May 8, 2010
That's weird. Any other spells you get from shrines/stones are weaker than when you cast them yourselves even if they don't last as long.

For the GM spell of Arcane to be actually weaker than the one you get everywhere is...poor handling.

You can still use spells while you have a shrine blessing of the same type, though, and the results stack.


Jan 8, 2009
Level 6, did stuff in the general area and now in the Lighthouse. Luke the Bandit was a challenge on Warrior but handily beaten once I worked out my tactics. Enjoying it a lot so far, though there doesn't seem to be a huge breadth of character development.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
No activity on this thread for a whole day? Outrageous!

So, couple of questions:
1. Can you prevent the fire elementals from blowing up in your face?
2. Where is the 5th target for the crossbow GM quest? I found the first four instantly and for some reason can't find the last one.... is it hidden somewhere or am I missing the obvious?


Dangerous JB
Nov 24, 2012
Globohomo Gayplex
No activity on this thread for a whole day? Outrageous!

So, couple of questions:
1. Can you prevent the fire elementals from blowing up in your face?
2. Where is the 5th target for the crossbow GM quest? I found the first four instantly and for some reason can't find the last one.... is it hidden somewhere or am I missing the obvious?
Don't engage them in melee, just shoot spells and arrows from afar.


Oct 9, 2012
No activity on this thread for a whole day? Outrageous!

So, couple of questions:
1. Can you prevent the fire elementals from blowing up in your face?
Finishing them up with a gust of air/tusnami sounds like the obvious way, but i haven't tested it (i just have regen up).
2. Where is the 5th target for the crossbow GM quest? I found the first four instantly and for some reason can't find the last one.... is it hidden somewhere or am I missing the obvious?
I heard you need to think vertical.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Thanks, found it as soon as I went back.

ION, after spending a few days trying to figure out the shrine quest, I finally broken down and googled it, which brought me to this very thread with a very nice comprehensive list by cvv. Except that, when I went to Arkath shrine on Arda I still couldn't use the shrine and was told to come back on the Day of Arkath. I thought I had finally snapped and gone insane. So I just sat there, kept resting and trying to use it.... and then it worked.

Then I noticed that I had gone through only 16 rations, which wasn't enough for a whole week.

Then I noticed that the in-game clock doesn't update the day, so the clock lied to me and told me that the next 3 days in a row were all Arda.

Oh Limbic.
Oct 4, 2010
I just finished the Light shard alemental forge part, but not without some hair pulling.
There was a bug in the graphics, so even after i
lit up all the pressure plates, the stairs to the plateau wouldn't come down - or so i thought. The stairs actually had come down, but it appeared like they were still up. Great stuff :rage:


Sep 3, 2010
Never managed to find the light shard in my last game, so I couldn't be arsed to finish all the elemental quests. Too much fucking backtracking.

What do you get for finishing the elemental quest?


Dec 9, 2011
What have they done to you Dark magic :negative: Where is my Dragon Breath

found this cool topic http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.ph...-magic-and-other-simple-tips-before-I-started
Seems there are more ways of play than "pump rapedancer with all spells, Carnage everything in 2 hits" like I did. MagFocus seems interesting now, if I'd choose it I'd go with Fire probably, since it's so maddening to see every human monster to block your 400-800 chain lightning crits 3/4 times

yeah instead of waiting a year I formatted my C: and re-installed Windows x64:M and shit... all to play the game
still got occasional crashes, missing textures, missing objects (!) and looping music. I even got that damned combat music once with music completely muted (!) when fighting shadow dragon in a cave
Having Winamp play M&MVI-VIII&Heroes OST makes game a LOT better

What do you get for finishing the elemental quest?
I'd say perma secret detection is the most handy, which is the last blessing (Darkness). Can't think of anything else but green items, barrells and some XP. also additional ending slide.

a longy post about MAGIK I've made as reply on official forums, my teh opinionz on magical shools and their use:

1) Earth. It's great. What makes it great though is not oomph power of spells, but versatility. It features great healing spells, great debuffs (poison spells sucks out Evade, Acid Splash - Armor), removes one of the most annoying illments in the game (poison) and has reasonable damage spells. Most of them work best at the beginning and midgame however, although Acid Splash passes through even most resistant enemies, making it a skill of choice for your "1" key.

2) Fire. Either Expert (Burning Determination) or GM, in my opinion it is the school of choice for DPS spellcaster, including one with GM Focus. You well spend a lot of time in the game killing undead, various elementals, orcs, nagas and human-type enemies who are surprisingly resistant to Air. Sucks to be a GM Air-Freemage when a pitiful blackguard resists 3/4 damage your GM AoE does. With Fire, it seems a lot easier to burn through everything. I mean, just how many dwarf-type enemies you've met with innate fire resistance? How many Fire Elementals? Like, ten, counting the boss and some at the mountains? Shadow-type also seems vulnerable to Fire (naturally).
I would probably combine GM Fire with M Light, since usually you'd use Light when your Earth support can't hold, and if you meet Fire-resistant enemies, you can just spam Celestial Shield.

3) By the way, Light. Celestial Shield is a spell of choice for many, but there is also one little spell called Radiant Weapon, an Expert DPS spell. It's damage is weak (~100 for GM if you hit Light-vulnerable creature), it's not cheap (20 mana), but what is that... "does not allow enemy to block this turn"? Yeah, the turn you casted it, enemy can't block. And since it's Light spell, it almost never gets resisted. So what I did was I cast this spell and then attacked target with my Blademaster. No Warfare skill needed. Add an Acid Splash and you can reliably mow through anything with little mana&effort.

4) Dark. Oh Dark, woe has done they to yeth... where is my Dragon's Breath? GM spell does 22 damage per turn, for 2 turns? Is that a typo, shouldn't it be 220? And 20% damage reduction does not seem that much when enemies damage is double or trible time your health...
A properly build party should outdamage various regenerations, imo, so Purge is only a no-brainer for Crystal Spider fight, since it's buff is so obviously overpowered. Casting Agony seems like a poor man's replacement for a decent cast of good DPS spell, and let's face it, your DPS monsters would probably kill that mob anyway if you devuff evade/block/armor away. Sleep is semi-useful in midgame when you are outleveled, but if you go where game's plot wants you to go, you probably could work around it, plus there are other various abilities to CC enemies (from Primordial, Earth&Water). And there is detection of secrets... which is useful, but you don't need to pump school too much for it, and you get one for free once you finish Elemental Forge.
So, Dark. I GM'ed it out of old-school feelings, better I did't.

5) Air. The DPS choice for Freemage, since he can't GM anything else of worth. It is almost purely made of various attacking spells which, if not get resisted, hit pretty hard. Shadow-type enemies which you will fight a lot would get blasted by it, so a Freemage with GM Air, built to last, can basically waltz through Tomb of Terrors & whole endgame laughing maniacally throwing both AoE spells (Cyclone&Storm) and Chain Lightning which does obscene crits if enemies are grouped together.
When Air gets resisted you are a very sad Freemage though, and it probably will get resisted quite a lot during game (I'd say 30-40% of monsters seem to enjoy good Air resistance, but maybe it depends on a time you actually start using Air extensively, which is when you reach Crag/GM it).

A hint about Eagle Eye. Since ranged weapons seem to suck big, usually characters will have easy time to open Might&Magic secrets, but not Perception passages. For that, exists this spell, which you can cast on your DPS guy with high PER to open a passage with 100% of sucess.

6) Water. A fairly reasonable damage school with de-buffs, but with notorious reputation for poor design in it's learning. Good thing characters who can GM it can also GM Earth/Air and dabble into Light/Primal, meaning you don't have to be greedy on skill points.
It's damage is good, particularly from Tsunami. There aren't many creatures who are completely resistant to Water, except obvious water elementals/nagas.
The problem with Water though is it doesn't work well with other DPS schools. Fire likes your enemies clustered in a row or around you, and Air loves when they are near you under various ticking AoE's. So, that's that. Water, you are fine, but I could do without you - a focused Earth/Light support char is enough to overheal even when being surrounded without Liquid Membrane, and Water Flows Freely can be replaced with Burning Determination/Items.

7) Primordial. This school like Earth focuses on versatility, but instead of healing and debuffs it's about buffs, CC and utility. Generally one can do without it, but having it at least on Master makes life a lot easier since you can teleport your way around to shops and taverns, repleneshing supplies and jumping back to quest givers.
A GM at Primordial will always have something to do around, either popping enemies with Implosion/Mana Surge (which DOES get resisted a lot, but is still better than doing nothing), keeping Hour of Power/Heroic Destiny running for your melee's, CC'ing stuff and so on.
For my Druid I GM'ed Earth&Water, but I noted Druid can also GM Primordial. Since it's so easy to get promotional quest for Druid I am leaning towards GM Earth/Primordial druid now. Primordial spells can, or should like Beacon/Identify, casted outside of combat, so having Druid cast them and then just keep Regen flowing makes for an ultimate support.
And of course it means Hour of Power at GM level as soon as Act II.

As for other skills, they are more for tweaking characters. For example, Shaman can probably get away without Mysticism at all. And Focus is probably only good if you go full DPS. There are sure more winning combinations in game than "buff Blademaster, kill boss in 2 hits" I used, I wish game was more challenging so you'd want to use them and positioning skills more.
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Dec 28, 2011
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera BattleTech I'm very into cock and ball torture
Somehow I missed all of the shards except water/earth right up to Karthal Jail, so I'm finally dicking around in the mountains at the moment. I didn't understand at all the complaints about performance until now, holy shit every step takes 3 seconds.


Sep 2, 2013
Dark and Water combination seems really good for preventing damage with liquid membrane and weakness. Water spells don't do much damage but they got nice attack number reducing debuffs, pushbacks and freezes. I have some fantasies about this one with some ranged characters.
Cyclone is good but don't over use it, gives quite a headache thanks to its loud noise :) It is bugged now, if its come to your group by itself it wont hurt, only hurts if you step in it manually.



Hour of Power rocks late game, 25+ to for 11 turns.
HoP spell is +11 for 12 turn. 25 is from the statue I think.

About Dark and Water - Terror do not seem good to me. Agony - depends on your team I guess (could be good with 3 melee characters), but has this spell any turn time limit? Weakness - if u have Light GM then I think it's better to have offensive spell instead of that. Water membrane - people say it's great but u have to cast it every turn (does it work against range attacks?) and if u have Light Shield then it's the same thing like with Weakness + Light GM. Tsunami could be good in some situations but it requires space for pushing and when u have Crusader and Ranger or other meele classes pushing enemies is not what u want to do (except some though monsters like ghouls maybe if u are not strong enough - but if u have 2 meele characters and 2 for magic then u can use only one char for dealing some good dmg after pushing enemy away - and pushing do not work every time because of possible resist). So it seems that water + dark is good rather with something like all magic party. But maybe I am wrong.
Terror is awesome. When you find some tough melee monsters, use poison, terror, push and root to posion them all and avoid getting hit even once. Then you just run away from them until they die from poison. I found 3 blackfang bandits who were tougher than a wolf boss (boss died after ~9 firebolts and 3 implosions) in the same area, so I did it to them. Terror should be even more useful on large monsters since push doesn't work on them, but I only got 1 mage with dark magic atm to try it.


May 8, 2010
there is also one little spell called Radiant Weapon, an Expert DPS spell. It's damage is weak (~100 for GM if you hit Light-vulnerable creature), it's not cheap (20 mana), but what is that... "does not allow enemy to block this turn"? Yeah, the turn you casted it, enemy can't block. And since it's Light spell, it almost never gets resisted. So what I did was I cast this spell and then attacked target with my Blademaster.

Wait, that spell actually works for you? I tried it a few times, making sure to cast it immediately before anybody else attacking, and my attacks were blocked anyway. Then I never touched it again, because it's so weak that even enemies with weakness to light are barely damaged by it.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Acid splash is better for lowering the number of enemies block attempts, it also lowers armor, mix this with other poison spells which lower enemies evade and you barely miss/blocked.
And yeah radiant weapon is clearly bugged, I used it maybe 10 times and got blocked anyway after most...


Dec 9, 2011
Yeah it seemed to work for me fine, I used it on annoying shield wielding enemies a lot

Imma trying something completely different now, my old party was Crusader/BD/Druid/Freemage, now I want to try some mobility and magical DPS (and extra dungeons), so I rolled Merc/Hunter/Druid/Runemaster. With merc I will try to exploit GM Warfare and mana leech or whatever, Hunter is going for 3 might/1vit and max spear for -50% armor and gm vitality/dodge to compensate, druid for GM Earth/Primordial/Mysticism and Runemaster for GM Focus/Fire/Light, with wand in one hand and shield in another.
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Jul 3, 2013
Do you remember when everybody was whining about the assumed 15h playtime? It seems most finish it in 40-50h ...


Oct 9, 2012
Do you remember when everybody was whining about the assumed 15h playtime? It seems most finish it in 40-50h ...
Only a certain sombeody believed this would be as short.

The game is still fairly short, but it's definitely longer than 40hrs for your first playthrough.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Do you remember when everybody was whining about the assumed 15h playtime? It seems most finish it in 40-50h ...
Only a certain sombeody believed this would be as short.

The game is still fairly short, but it's definitely longer than 40hrs for your first playthrough.

People were whining about it being 25 (not 15) hours, though.

A lot of people exaggerate the gameplay times of games from their childhoods because they played them over a long period of time, a couple of hours every day after school.

"It took me two months to finish this game, playtime must have been 300 hours!" Yeah, no it wasn't.
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Jul 13, 2009
Okay, I wasn't awae that the gaming-experience was crippled for 32-bit users. Someone please tell me that there is a way to somehow make ingame character/monster voices enabled, as well as raising the texture details higher than medium/normal. Shit is pretty fucking ridiculous (which is a shame, because other than that the game looks like good fun).


Aug 8, 2012
There isn't, but that is not a big deal; the game running like ass, heating the gpu and crashing every 5 minutes is though, I'm not going to bother with it for a year or so.


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
A lot of people exaggerate the gameplay times of games from their childhoods because they played them over a long period of time, a couple of hours every day after school.

"It took me two months to finish this game, playtime must have been 300 hours!" Yeah, no it wasn't.
cool. 365.242 days in a year => 52.1774285714 weeks => 4.34811904762 weeks per month
so let's assume you do 2 hours per workday after school, 5 hours between sunday and saturday for a total of 15h per week. for two months that gives you ~130 total hours which really isn't far off from your exaggerated 300 figure.
i know for a fact i spent more than that on u6...


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
130 total hours which really isn't far off from your exaggerated 300 figure.

Uh. :M

I'm not denying that games in the past were generally long (cumbersome interfaces and lack of access to walkthroughs and FAQs on the Internet contributed to that) but I think the degree to which they were is easy to exaggerate.

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