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In Progress Let's Play: Kaiserreich - Brazil


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Let’s play Kaiserreich, an alternate history mod for the Heart of Irons series from Paradox. Using HOI4 and the mod, we will roleplay as Brazil from 1936 following a social conservative ideology.

Heart of Irons is a grand strategy game/simulation where you control the politics, economy and military of a country during the WW2 era. Kaiserreich uses the game to imagine a scenario where the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary) won the Great War (a.k.a. Weltkrieg) instead of the Allies. I will roleplay as Brazil and as social conservative because that’s what I’m most familiar with.


Alternate History catch-up: Kaiserreich has a very intricate timeline that diverges from history in January 8th, 1917, with the German government decided against unrestricted submarine warfare. In real life, most historians consider the Kaiser's decision to approve unrestricted submarine warfare to be the major factor to turn America from supplier of war material to the Allies to a co-belligerent. From this date, many events begin to spiral in different trends than in real life and the Kaiserrech timeline reaches 1936 in a completely different world. Which is the world we will play in, and we'll adapt to this new reality as we play the game.





Main Screen:


Start New Game:


Here we are picking Brazil from the long list of playable countries, from the United States to Japan, passing through the Commune of France and the German Empire.

As we select country, we get the option to messing with hundreds of Custom Game Rules.
I'll just change a few, for preference, leaving the rest on default:


Mostly because I like Pius IX and X.



To give my social conservatives homies in Europe an edge.


Same thing but here in South America.


In this timeline he is much less of a cuck - hopefully.


I'm a big fan!

Now, onto the game itself. Let's play!


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936



Playing as Brazil

I start the game and the first gameplay screen is a huge map, which might surprise gamers not familiar with Paradox grand strategy/simulations. The only movable pieces are tokens representing military units (army, navies, air wings). We'll get to military affairs later. First, let's see this geographic features map:


Brazil on the game map.

Located in South America, Brazil takes up the most land area of the continent. To the northwest, there's the huge Amazon Forest/Jungle. To the northeast, dry hills and plains with few rivers. The coast from the northeast to the south concentrates the majority of the population with many ports, and the fertile plains of the south are dotted with chains of rolling hill and many rivers. The capital of the country is Rio de Janeiro in the southeast, near the country's second most important city, São Paulo.

Let's assess the Kaiserreich-Brazil political situation in January 1st, 1936. We have to click on the country's flag on the top left of the UI to open it:


We are greeted with the glorious visage of Otávio Mangabeira and his prestigious mustache, he's the President of the Republic of Brazil.

Mangabeira was a mulatto, of Afro-Brazilian descent.[3]
Interesting, he looks rather pale in this painting. In Brazil, it's chic for mediocre politicians to claim, true or not, that they are mulatos to score political points with the effeminate elites. I'm not the greatest fan of this Otávio dude, but he seems to be keeping the country steady as he has no significant weaknesses (also no major strong points).
In any case, we see his political party (PR - Partido Republicano / Republican Party), and we notice the next election is in November. We will have to prepare for that. Looks like PR has a third of the electorate and its main contenders are ED, PL, AID and to a lesser extent PLD. Who are these groups?


This is the group I want in power as I roleplay as Social Conservative, and I'm glad they have the highest popular support. The support of the producing elites (industrial and agrarian) is the ace in the hole for my purposes. By the way, I had glossed over Brazilian alternate history in Kaissereich timeline but it seems this pats civil war and its consequences will play an important role in the game, so we'll get to it eventually.


Well, well, well... if it isn't the social liberals, my eternal frenemies. Apparently they lost popular support in the most powerful region where most of the votes are, the Southeast. They control the media and the "intellectuals" but this is MAGA country, not librul lalaland. Positivism and classical liberal ideals are a thing of the 19th century, and not Kaiserreich Brazilian will miss it when it goes. A big yikes from me, chief.


Jesus Christ, how horrifying. Otávio's older brother João leads the leftards in Brazil, keeping it in the family. If I have a say in the politics of the country, these guys have no chance in the game. At 13% of popular support like the librus (not even the unions support them lol), the "moderate" leftists are only helping me keep the trash outside the decision control centers. The rest of the left could be a problem but thankfully they are divided and foreign influence will only waste their time trying to use them - hopefully.


These guys are whack. They have their heart in the right place but their brains are only so-so. Portuguese immigrants are ok, Catholicism is great, and their skepticism over democracy/republicanism is healthy, but I think can make Kaiserreich Republic of Brazil work without huge disruptions such as their barely disguised return to monarchy. We will see.


Honorary mention to these guys, the "Free Market" type of liberal capitalists. My dudes, the world is a dangerous place and trusting the invisible hand of the market will only leave you with a wedgie, if the the robber barons and international bankers don't take your underpants too. They have some good ideas on how to run some aspects of the economy that I will surely pick from, without going radical as they wished. Cuck losers, in summary. I will thread on them.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

Actually, before looking into more details of the political situation, it should be worthy reading what's going on in Brazil with this alternate history timeline. As the game starts, we are presented with the history of Brazil ever since the World War (Weltkrieg).


In a time of economic crisis in the mid-late 1920s, a conflict between powerful agribusiness elites in São Paulo and Minas Gerais states over economic policy escalate to civil war. Well, as much as the incipient military of Brazil could fight itself. Eventually most states sided with São Paulo against the federal government and a long conflict was avoided. The war caused considerable economic devastation in São Paulo and the surrounding states. The reconstruction of infrastructure was the immediate concern of the new government, and in this it was aided by the resumption of foreign investment. The main political result was that the the federal government remained relatively weak and the states retained much of their original powers.

What this means is that Kaiserreich Brazil is a very decentralized country in 1936. This is what we'll be fighting a political uphill battle against in the beginning of the game:


This has always been the central problem of Brazil, even in real life: an immense area and dispersed population with very little infrastructure and cultural connection to unite under a centralized federal government. We'll have to somehow work to unite the country if we want to get important areas of the government to work.


Less than a decade after a civil war, most people don't want to hear about military actions. I can't blame them. A big wound to heal, and that takes time.


Before or after the civil war, Brazilian military is kind of a joke, except locally. We will also have to work strenuously to get this "federal army" out of the paper.


This is the short term issue. Our Social Conservative bros of the Partido Republicano (PR) controls the federal government and the polling has them as top of the divided candidate field. However, anything can happen, this is alternate history and uncharted waters.

With this post I think we covered the political situation of this country. Now let's consider our economic and military situation.


We have a Volunteers Only conscription law, an Export Focus trade law, and a Civilian Economy economic law.
This is not very conductive to intense military build up, and that's ok for now. We might want to change it later on if we are threatened but meanwhile this means normal economic conditions.

The game begins in January 1st, 1936, and every tick of the clock means an hour passes. I will unpause the game now and deal with what happens as it comes. Feel free to comment and suggest strategies and actions to take.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

The clock starts ticking and we watch Kaiserreich world comes to live. Hour after hour, day after day... at the slowest speed settings 1 or 2 from the 1-5 scale, the game crawls. When you are at peace, nothing interesting happening other than small changes in indicators in the UI. I turn the speed to 3.

Suddenly, I get this alert,

Sad news for the people in the northeast, but nothing important gameplay-wise. It's merely lore fluff, and there will be a lot more of these on the game; they are great for immersion.

And then,

Now this is news! You see, in this timeline, the White Army won the Russian Civil War in 1920, and Kerensky became president of the Russian Republic for the next 15 years, surviving elections, scandals, coups and assassination attempts. Well, until he didn't. He's deed now, and Russia might be heading into political chaos. At least, this event doesn't affect us in the near term.


A couple days later, I get the first alert where I have to make a gameplay decision. I actually went to the wiki to read the Kaiserreich alternate history of Argentina to base my decision. So what the little event box doesn't tell us is that Argentina has a lot more problems with radical leftists than Brazil, including violent insurrections. If anything, this guy Carlés is doing an attempt to keep the country from falling to Syndicalism (a type of communism), which has already happened to Chile. I'm not a big fan of Integralists in Brazil, as they have lost touch with the common man, but in Argentina more extreme political measures seem to be necessary. Therefore, it's with a heavy heart that our great Otávio will support this "Christmas coup", despite not liking Argentina one bit. Let's hope this move doesn't come back to bite us in the ass.

A couple weeks go by with nothing happening and then, we get this from our trusty and informative International Herald Tribune newspaper:

These deranged fools! Our guy Otávio is feeling better for having supported Argentina now, as we can't have this mind poison spread further in South America. No doubt this enthusiasm for extreme ideologies will bring serious conflict all around the world.

A couple days pass and then,

Boom! The King of England dies and his son is crowned the same day (?) That's the interesting part, imo. Oh, by the way, in the previous news item, I was so disgusting by the socialist meeting that I forgot to mention that, in Kaiserreich, British Empire collapsed under a socialist revolution in 1925-1926. The royal family fled to Canada where they established the base for what remains of empire. As for this coronation news, most will remember Edward VIII in real for his infamous wedding scandal with an American divorcée and his abdication in less than a year that lead to the coronation of his younger brother, George VI, the stutterer. He was also rumored to be a secret nazi agent irl (lol). Let's see if in this alternate history timeline, King Edward will be less of a bluepilled cringelord.

About 10 days later of nothing happening, we learn through the paper about this

Like the message at the bottom says, who cares about this here in South America? Hopefully it will not negatively impact us, otherwise good luck to those fighting and may the best man win.

The following day we read much worse news!

Oh no! This is very serious! The German Empire in this timeline is probably the most powerful power in Europe and the last thing we need in Brazil as we run up to the elections is economic problems that could be used by our political opponents against us. How do we prepare for this crisis?

Also on the same paper, there's this news,

Like England, France has also gone through a successful socialist insurrection that overturned their government and turned the country into the leading "Syndicalist" nation, whatever that means. Apparently those lunatics had an election without a clear majority between those weird factions. Hopefully this will help in their downfall and a return to normalcy. The French situation is particularly for Brazil because their culture has heavily influenced our country and these bad ideas flow directly to our intelectual class, feeding problems downstream.

A couple more weeks of nothing important happening, we read news about China


As China is too far from Brazil, and not very influential, we barely follow what's happening on the other side of the world. Apparently they are in for major infighting, civil war, disasters, etc. May God have mercy on their souls.

In the next update, I'll show what I have been doing with Brazil, but don't get your hopes up as it's nothing special so far in late February, 1936.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

As promised, here is Brazil main screen, looking at the heart of the country, in February 27th, 1936. There is much to talk about, so let's start with foreign policy. We talked a whole bunch about domestic policy but what about our local neighbors?


Here in South America, Brazil borders practically every country except Equador and those weird Patagonian commies. Argentina has always been kinda of a rival and discussed their politics in the previous post. They like us now after we supported the Carlés coup (+20) but we are still cautious about them (-10). Of course, we have bad relations with all leftists governments, such as the Patagons and Chileans, but the worst relation is with Bolivia - they are claiming part of our western territory. We'll keep an eye on them. On the other side, most countries have positive relations with us, including the not shown Venezuelans. Of particular note is our relation to the Uruguayans, who are highly dependent on us - that little hand icon means we are guaranteeing their independence - for now.

We will need a military superior to our neighbors to protect ourselves from foreign invasion and also to help us exert our influence. However, as I mentioned before, Brazilian military is rather small due to the country being very decentralized and still wounded after the civil of the late 1920s. As it stands, the federal government begins 1936 with 5 infantry divisions and 1 cavalry division:


I'll get into that myriad of indicators and multipliers as they become relevant, if ever. At the beginning of the game, the armies start without generals assigned to them, so I picked some from the most suited of the list available to Brazil. As Field Marshal, I have selected Gaspar Dutra over his peers:



Dutra has the best stats, and as an infantry officer will have the best impact in our troops right now as they are mostly composed of infantry. He's also a conservative favoring neutrality which is another point in his scorecard in political terms. His traits are okay, and I'll have the option to choose between the "Organisation First" or "Charismatic" when I have enough Command Points available. For now, he will do. The other Field Marshal options might be of better political or military use as advisors later on.

Now, the generals:


Got the based Mascarenhas de Moraes to command the infantry army, as he is the best Brazilian general by far, having proved himself in the civil war. He's not politically active, he's a soldier, so that's a plus for the main army. For the cavalry army, I picked an older guy, Tertuliano Potiguara. He is also a very good leader and his commando trait will help extend the cavalry further from well supplies areas if needed. As a politician, he's popular for inflexible in opposing disorder and even lost an arm in a terrorist attack with a mail bomb.

For future armies, there is still a large list of decent generals to pick from.


My bro Júlio Marcondes Salgado is set to lead a future armored army. We'll see about the others when the time comes.

With the army in capable hands, I've instructed the generals to start exercising, which will lead to useful increased experience for the troops and start generating the army experience points, used to design divisions among other stuff. The only drawback from exercising is a certain attrition to material (weapons, etc.) which will have to be replaced by military production, which we will get into on the next post. Also, very importantly, I've began recruiting new general infantry and guard divisions (less brigades) to be deployed in the capital, and cavalry divisions to be deployed near the farthest border provinces, with less infrastructure and supplies.


Since we are at peace with seemingly no short term war in sight, we have no hurry to train and deploy these units.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Thanks, TBS. I'm glad you enjoyed! This LP does go in a different direction than expected, I believe in Kaiserreich the canon is the restoration of the Empire of Brazil. I'll try to keep the social conservatives in control with a republic going, and we'll see how this goes.

The Let's Play is casual-friendly because despite some hundreds of hours with this game I'm very much a casual, don't know how to min-max stuff and I'm still learning the details of the gameplay. I really like the lore in KR and I particularly like that, in it, countries can go in very different political ways. Can't wait to see how the whole world develops as I play this.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

In the last post, I mentioned that I'm deploying cavalry near the western borders, further from the center of the country. Here is the supply map, with light blue meaning high supply and dark blue meaning low supply - purple is very low supply. As I mentioned earlier, The demographic, economic and infrastructural center of the country is in the southeast, particularly the area between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The troops are currently spread between Rio de Janeiro and the south, and note a gap in supply between the southeast and the very south of the country - this will have to be fixed with the construction of infrastructure and railroads.

The federal government can direct immense infrastructure efforts contracting civil works factories in the construction industry.

Here is a view of the construction segment in Brazil currently. Out of the 13 civilian construction factories, 8 are used in the domestic market for consumer goods and 3 are used in the process for trade imports of resources. This leaves with a meager 5 factories to be used for construction and I started the construction of another factory in the beginning of the year, but this will take some time. Until we have a good number of factories for construction, the upgrade in our infrastructure (not to mention other grandiose projects) will be put on hold.

I mentioned 3 resources used for trade, so let's open the trade screen.

These are the important resources for economy of the country, from a military production viewpoint. Oil is different in that it's used by military vehicles, including aviation and the navy. Currently, Brazil only produces a shitton of rubber, which is mostly exported and a little bit of aluminum and steel. The later is by far the most important, and the country is forced to use 2 civilian factories to import enough steel. Another factory is used to import aluminum. We don't need much else for now.

Why is steel so important? We use it in military production. This is the main production screen.

Most of our military factories are producing basic infantry equipment, that is, rifles. We will use those to equip recruits and to replace existing equipment in active troops that are lost to attrition. We are also producing a couple of locally developed warplanes and support equipment. The single shipyard is making a submarine. All that costs steel, with the planes requiring aluminum and rubber.

The logistics screen is useful for keeping mind of the stocks of equipment.

We currently have a deficit of a little over two thousand rifles to supply our divisions in recruitment and the equipment lost in army exercises. Our oil stockpile is non-existent. Maybe we will find a way to remedy this eventually.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Hearts of Iron 4 has a gameplay tool called Focus Tree. Every country has a different one representing the political efforts that can be taken by the government to direct different aspects of the society/economy/military/foreign policy that use up political resources and every "focus" has a set requirement and time to be completed.

Between January and late February, I completed the first focus:

Radio is indeed a technology and infrastructure that will be crucial to the federal government if it has any dream of really controlling the country, instead of letting decentralized local governors do whatever fits their agendas. In particular, radios will be needed to control the army across a vast territory, so let's get some radios going. The effect mentioned in the Focus Tree screen is 1x100% Research bonus for Electronics.

Indeed, players can direct national research efforts as well through this interface:

Brazil has 3 "slots" for research, which can be directed to weapons or civil technologies. As the country is severely lacking in Kaiserreich (and in real life), we will begin by researching the most basic infrastructure technologies. Basic Machine Tools will improve military factory output, Construction I will speed up construction time and Electronic Mechanical Engineering is a pre-requisite to research Radio technology.

I mentioned earlier that we are producing some warplanes, which will become very important for war one day.

We currently have a small fighter force near Rio de Janeiro - we began the game with 25 Gloster Gladiators and have produced 5 F4B-4s. They are doing air exercises.

Also, very important for a country with a huge coast like Brazil, we have a decent navy:

With 2 battleships (granted, they are old) and more warships, our surface fleet is much better than our local peers. The 4 modern submarines are also good. The Navy would like to be doing more fleet exercises but we are limited so far by our low oil stockpile - we really have to improve this.

To better organize the navy, my current political focus is in that direction.

Here it is important to point out that Brazil in Kaiserreich can't select political focuses before the election in late 1936, so we will be doing a lot of military focuses for now.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

We are having a very calm game so far, so I hit up the unpause and let the time pass, and then,


Boom! I should have anticipated that the economic crisis in Germany would eventually hit us and now I have no choice but to react to mitigate damage. We'll have to hold fast until the election comes later in the year and we can begin to fight this.



This economic crisis is a godsend for the leftist leaders, who can capitalize on the social problems by introducing their well-oiled chaos strategies. We must be firm, use the army if able and combat the outbursts of insurrection.

Here is the political situation two weeks after Black Monday hit Brazil:

The stability of the nation at 12% is very bad, giving maluses such as lower political power gain and much lower factory/dockyard output. You can imagine our production and construction has slowed to a crawl. We are not getting anything done until the situation improves. The war support at 9% means we have a much harder time recruiting units and we have to be thankful we are not in a war, otherwise our population would demand surrender much sooner if we were losing it. On the other hand, there's good news there in that the popularity of our social conservative party has not taken a dent. I have no idea why the people in general are not blaming the government for the economic problems but this is a blessing, for we are still set to win the elections.

Global tension has increased to 9% since the game began, from the significant events that have happened.

There were some important events that happened in the two first weeks of March and I will summarize them in the spoilers:

Goodbye, Mexican "democracy". It's good to see some serious people trying to overturn the chaos brought in by leftism, now it's a mystery if these generals will be able to control Tequilaland.


Now this is the opposite of good news. Australasia is the combined Australia and New Zealand, and who would have thought the Aussies would cuck and elect a Labor Party, only for even more radical leftists to take control in a coup. Oh well, another country falls to syndicalism and Asia will become a more dangerous place with their influence around. The British Empire is really falling apart.


Speaking of the decline of the British Empire, take a look at this. lol/lmao a woman Chairman now heads the Union of Britain, to impose a precious clown world feminist agenda. The bongs really deserve it.


On more serious news, the Pope has gone to Heaven. Now we wait for the election of the next - but we already know who will be elected, since I selected that before the game started in the custom rules.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

Let's keep playing from mid-March to the end of April.

We completed our second focus, related to begin the organization of the Brazilian navy for future engagements.


With the navy taken care of for now, let's organize the air force.

Finally, our first recruitment troops has been deployed: a guard division at Rio de Janeiro.

I created an army for the guard divisions and assigned Humberto de Alencar, aka Castello Branco, to lead it. Humberto is a no-nonsense, young officer of good family from Ceará. Here in Rio we call the Cearenses cabeças chata - flatheads, and if you look at his pic you can see why. He will lead this army to protect the major cities and infrastructure if we ever go on an offensive. The guard division has way less men and equipment than the general infantry division and we will only be training like half a dozen of them, will also be used as reserves if needed.

Speaking of guarding the cities, we finally ended the general strike here in Rio de Janeiro, crushing some skulls in the process.

Apparently some people got upset with that. What should I do? Condemn the army or blame the other guys as well? Easy pick, I make like Trump during the Charlottesville debacle and don't upset the military.


Let's put this unfortunate episode behind us and move the focus of the press to

Wow! This looks amazing, congratulations and thanks for your show, Portuguese bros. A lot of Brazilians want to do tourism in your exotic colonial locations now. It's a big fad.

Speaking of fads, we had received this newspaper in March, with Europe's latest craze

No one can say these leftists can't throw a party in Gay Paree.

Meanwhile in China, things are heating up.

We can't see through the fog of war but there are at least 5 battles going on at the moment in this fragmented land, with several cliques vying for supremacy and unification of China. Who will win? It seems a long way from any victory here.

And... we finally have our first technological breakthrough!


With this baby we are on the way to manufacturing vacuum tubes for a nascent domestic radio industry!


This is the research tech tree for electronic engineering, and we know what we will pick to research next. There is a branching with radios and later radars on one side and on the the other side there's a path to computing machines.

We have a 100% research bonus in this tree from our first focus "Bridge the Brazilian Archipelago", so we will use that to research the Radio technology.

Don't get me wrong, the Mechanical Computing technology is juicy as well and will be one of the next we will pick.

We also finish our third focus, establishing the Brazilian air force proper.

Let's pick the next focus.

After giving some love to the navy and air force, it's time we put some support behind our infantry soldiers, they will need all the primo equipment they can get their hands on.

So many good things going on, of course we receive bad news.

There has to be a way to make our economy to depend less on agricultural exports.



I agree.

Let's finish the April 1936 post with the best news we received.

Deus Vult!


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

May, 1936: The syndicalists continue to wrack havoc on the urban centers, now it's São Paulo:

I was expecting them to act on May 1st, a sacred date for the leftist. Let's pray it gets resolved without much bloodshed and disruption to the local populace.

While chaos descends on the streets, engineers stubbornly try to push the country forward.

For a first world country, this is basic. For a backwards and trailing industrializing nation like Brazil, this is crucial. Our factories are in a dire state with the whole Black Monday crisis thing and every improvement in productivity is welcomed. We'll have to continue investing heavily on this line of technology in the future if we want to produce anything at an acceptable pace.

For now, I'll direct the best Brazilian engineer minds to this project:

It may seem far fetched but if we can start a computing center in Brazil this early, we will reap great fruits in the future. That's the positive side of not having to deal with military threats this early in the game.

While foreign enemies are far from us, the internal enemies are very active.

The tenentist uprisings that keep cropping up were very common of this period. These junior officers group together in their localities and try to subvert the government. It's pleasing to hear that when this happened in Salvador right now that they loyalist group was stronger than the rebels. In any case, I will listen to their demands of a better economy and democracy and keep them in mind as we put in practice our policies later on, after the elections. I want to create a prosperous political establishment that really uproots the Brazilian nation to new highs, and serves as a beacon of hope to more conflict-ridden countries.

The next political focus has been completed. If you remember it's the one about supporting the military industry:

With that taken care of for now, let me present you my plan for the next focuses.

I think Kaiserreich Brazil has a decent starting navy but I think we can it to the next level. The left path leads to smaller stuff like submarines and destroyers. Don't get me wrong, submarines are amazing weapons but they are more of a cope from small navies in fighting larger ones. Brazil will be better served in the long with a huge investment in a superior surface navy. I know that in this era the battleship became obsolete, but maybe we can take some value out of it and other larger warships. We'll see. The best focus in the right path of the navy tree is the naval infrastructure expansion which will allow us to have a real ship producing industry. To the sea!


This focus is amazing and will put us leagues ahead of any local regional navy.

After some days, we have news of further escalation in revolutionary action.

The anarchists in the capital contributed heavily to spreading a sense of disorganization in the Federal government. Our country's stability is now on the floor. We have to survive this terrible period or all my long term plans will go underwater.

Good news! This game is a roller-coaster.


Now we need to start making radios and spreading them around to massively extend our communication nets and improve military actions all around. You can see in the Global stats that there's some bonus to reinforce rate (the rate at which divisions join battles) and coordination (ability of the navy to hit the correct targets).

After having researched the Radio technology, we will turn back to our industry development again.

We have a bonus available to research one industrial technology at double speed and we will be going for concentrated industry. The other branch of the tech tree is the dispersed industry path where the factories are harder to hit by bombs but I don't think that and some other little bonuses from that path outweigh the superior bonus to factory output in the concentrated industry line.

Now we close the post relating to the months of May and June 1936 with an update on the presidential campaign:


The state governors really like our boy Getúlio Vargas. In this timeline, he didn't get the chance to take control of the government by force but we know he's a mega centralizer. If he is the one the Republican Party is running and we want him to win, we'll have to make sure to curb any excess by this Gaúcho!


Where are my integralist fans? It seems the AIB has taken the Portugal fad too far and are now openly courting a return of the House of Bragança. What do you guys think?


Esquerda Democrática. Democratic Left. They have sure capitalized on popular support with the economic crisis right now, and President Otávio's brother João seems to be the name of the hour. Will their popularity keep rising while fomenting unrest? Will they turn the tide on the social conservatives fast enough?

Meanwhile, around the world, a couple stories developed:

The north of Italy is taken by the socialists, and they are firmly in control. Darn it.


The king of Thailand has accepted a constitution, the first for his country. I guess he wanted to avoid some surprising coup or worse. These days, political violence are widespread. We'll see if they have any relevant part to play in our game.


We will begin the second half of 1936 with stability on the floor and, after Syndicalist France announced a rearmament effort, 10% of world tension.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

Well, that's how the second half of the year starts. The military leader we supported long ago in the beginning of the year has finally managed to control all of Argentina. So far, we have been looking inwards, not without cause thanks to the widespread social-economic crisis, but maybe it's time to take a look at what's happening outside our borders.

So what's going in Argentina? What can we really know with our zero espionage skills?

We know Manuel Carlés is the leader of the Military Junta that now fully controls Argentina. LP stands for Liga Patriótica, which began as a right-wing paramilitary group following a National Populist ideology of, obviously, Nationalism and Populism, and also Corporatism and Scientific Racism. They are what cucks and commies would call Nazis/Fascists. Clearly, they are very popular now that they control the country, at 56%, with other right wingers factions having 21% - notably no social conservatism, darn - and the aforementioned cucks and commies comprising the rest 21%. No issues in terms of popularity for these guys. However, their country is split, with Patagonia territories having formed a syndicalist commune, and Argentina's proper stability is on the floor much like Brazil. The difference is that they have higher war support to be used to retake the patagonian territories through civil war and crush the syndicalists. On the negative side, Argentina still hasn't recovered from Black Monday economic fallout and their military is a mess despite the military junta's government, with the navy in particular exerting strong political influence over the economy.

We can see more of that in the few intel bits we have gathered so far.

Estimation of the data is not without major uncertainty, reflected in the large range of possibility. In my analysis, based on what this shows, is that their economy similar from Brazil in that they seem to have a little more of a civilian industry but way less military factories. Military-wise, they might have more deployed divisions - around 14? - including 3 or 4 mountaineer special forces, very useful in that type of terrain. Their navy might be a strong rival to ours, at around 18 or 19 ships and subs, as they also have battleships. We will need to increase our navy substantially to claim superiority. I'm not counting warplanes yet because no country in south america has them in significant numbers yet, but I'll surely come back to it later on to assess the air force threat and make sure we are not lagging behind.

Now, Argentina's imediate enemies, the Patagonian Syndicalists.

Damn, a lot to unpack here. The alternate history of these guys in the Kaiserreich timeline begins with a series of strikes and uprisings by Argentinean workers manipulated by the Third International (Syndicalist organization dedicated to spread it around the globe). Our guy Manuel Carlés was directly responsible for fighting and massacring several of these rebels (and poor workers), leading to an escalation campaign. That campaign was particularly successful in the south the country, where the syndicalists managed to take control out of revolting ranchers and dominate all important cities in the region. The Commune de France (major syndicalist country) sent all the weapons and equipment needed to keep the Argentinean government from recapturing the region. In the stalemate the followed, Argentina was de facto split. Patagonian Worker’s Front is the name of "country" now, recognized by no South American nation except Chile, the main syndicalist country in South America, on which Patagonia is heavily dependent. As the Patagonian coast is under a naval blockade by Argentina, Chile and the Third International have been propping up Patagonia for a conflict to take the rest of the country. We can see that in the National Spirits of Patagonia, where higher division limits, increased weekly manpower gain, increased surrender limit, counterbalanced by terrible stability malus. Indeed, the country's stability is negative 10%, even as the popularity of the main political party Unión de Sindicatos Argentinos (USA) is 25% and the combined leftist popularity is 85%.

But how dangerous are these guys really, of right now?

Well, for now they have barely any industry and only some divisions, 6 or 7. These guys have no navy and barely any capacity to manufacture anything right now, not even weapons. Without external support they are sitting ducks. However, therein lies the danger. Chile and the Third International.

Chile, Chile, Chile... The first and hopefully last Syndicalist nation in South America (Patagonia barely counts)

So Chile is lead by this Britbong bloke, whose dad was a rabble-rousing lawyer and who was himself always a troublemaker in the military. Finding his place fighting for what would become the Union of Britain, the Syndicalists there supported him when it was time for Chile to suffer a military revolution during an economic crisis in the mid 1920s. Leftists have 77% support in Chile and the country has a decent stability for South America at 49%, which means the country has gone full schizo and is a major threat in the region.

Let's see what little intel we have on them.


The Chileans are certainly no pushovers. With 8 or 9 army divisions, including mountaineers, they can make Argentinean life hell by helping the Patagonians, fighting over such large borders while protected by the Andes. I also worry about their navy, which looks sizable and includes battleships. The worst of all is them being able to attract Third International volunteer units, particularly well trained and equipped troops from Union of Britain and Commune of France.

So, we will have to keep an eye on this Argentinean-Chilean situation that looks like a powder keg ready to blow. But what else about our other neighbors, should we be concerned about any of them? Let's take a quick look at them.

U-r-gay! Our friendly neighbors to the south whom we have the honor of guaranteeing their independence


They are very peaceful and want to maintain neutrality. The ruling party, despite being left-leaning, has a president who is himself a conservative.

Terra is a guy we can work with and Uruguay itself has a healthy dose of social conservative popularity.

Uruguay a very small country with population of only 2 million, with little infrastructure.

Not much in the way of army and navy, but it's not completely defenseless.

Paraguay, landlocked between Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina.

Another important event in South America in Kaiserreich's timeline was the Chaco War, which started seven years after Paraguay's own 1922 civil war. In that military confrontation between Paraguay and Boliviaover a territory supposedly containing oil reserves, the former ended up victorious in 1933. Brazil and Peru mediated the peace deal. The fruits of victory last to this day, as the country is led by war hero José Félix Estigarriaba. Note the huge support for social conservatism.

The country is heavily militarized, but unlikely to initiate any new wars for now as they suffered greatly even winning the last one. Bolivia pays humiliating reparations to Paraguay, which could spark a rematch of the previous war.


Despite the Paraguayan army being a respected and powerful institution inside its own borders, its size is not that great. Of course, they are well trained and supplied as best as they can by the government. However, the country is very modest in its industrialization efforts.

Now, let's look at Bolivia, this one is kinda important.

We just read the Bolivia lost the Chaco War, and we know they are paying reparations to Paraguay, at least until 1938. The defeat in said war led to the collapse of civilian government and the supremacy of the military in the country. However, the current leader of the country is just a hero soldier who couped the previous government and not capable administrator, and the future political direction of the country is unknown. This is important for Brazil for a couple of reasons: one, Bolivia is has claims in a lot of territory around its current borders, from Chile to Paraguay and even Brazil. They have never relented on the territory of Acre in the Amazon region, from where we currently produce a good amount of rubber. The other reason is that Bolivia could fall into the hands of Syndicalists and ally with the Third International.


As we see in our limited intel, they have only a few factories, military or civilian, and some divisions.

Lastly, we have Peru.

This fish face weirdo has actually had a career in the military before being involved in Peruvian politics of coups and countercoups in the early 20th century. Óscar Raimundo Benavides rules Peru during another authoritarian streak in a government without elections, punishing any revolts.

Benavides is filling the void of the previous dictator Sanchez Cerro, whose life still inspire the population against the syndicalist. In Peru, the syndicalists are particularly dedicated to their cause, having been suppressed only with high effort by the military. Thus the Peruvian population is being held hostage between the an almost open conflict between the army and the syndicalists.


Peru has a mediocre industrial base and a modest army, but their mountaineers are should perform well in the heights of the Andes. The navy is lacking, they'd be defeated by Chile in a war, likely.

This wraps up the most relevant countries in the near term based on the brewing conflict involving Argentina and the syndicalists to the south. It might worth nothing that Argentina has good steel resources, with Paraguay and Bolivia having some too. Argentina also has good source of oil along with Peru. There are other metallic resources in the region but nothing relevant for the near term.

What should be our foreign policy here, considering conflict is incoming without a doubt? We will wait and see for now, but as stabilize ourselves we eventually have more and more capability to interfere in the region. But what should be our goals? Which countries and factions should we ally with and support, if any? Which should we be oppose or sabotage? Do we do anything else about these countries? Feel free to post suggestions and observations. I'll be continue following the situation on the southern cone of South America and posting about it. I'll cover the northern parts of South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, etc.) if they ever become relevant.
See you next post.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

Leaving aside considerations about foreign policy in the southern cone of South America and let's play the game, beginning the second half of 1936.

Right off the bat we have the finished the deployment of the 2nd cavalry division near the western border of Brazil:

It will exercise more before joining border guard duty.

Then, we finished research of Construction tech.

We are under so much malus from the Black Monday economic crisis that this will barely push our construction effort right now, but it will make a huge difference in the long term. It will open up more tech in construction and resource extraction tree.

Next up, improved excavation in 6 months.

Our Cruiser Renewal focus is finishing and I'm taking some timo to decide which doctrine our army should follow. We have two options, and they are mutually exclusive.

This is the safe option. Brazil has experience with cannons dating back from its colony days. We have a backbone of infantry troops, the queen of battle, and artillery is the king of battle. The devastation that superior firepower can supply is hard to be overlooked.


The more modern option. This means investing in motorized and eventually mechanized infantry, also relying on fast maneuvering with tanks to break up fortified positions. I can see it working, but I also think it would be a break from tradition and would require a change in the military mindset and use of extensive industrial capabilities to get so many vehicles on the battle field.

In the end, I decided for Battlefield Control. This doesn't mean that eventually I will make use of motorized/mechanized infantry and armored divisions, it's just that I will not make that a priority. We are going to produce cannons and mortars first. Hopefully this will shake up the battle lines of any conflict we take part of.

After 35 days...

Now that we decided following the path of emphasizing infantry and artillery firepower, let's focus on improving our national light weapons.

This will increase the value of our basic infantry equipment, currently mass produced in our military factories.

Speaking of weapon production, let's see how deep the the political crisis and the Black Monday economic crisis is affecting it.

Not only is our Production efficient cap lowered by the economic crisis, but factory output itself has crated from low stability too.

The quickest we get out of both crises, the fastest we will be able to fully use our factories.

How's our domestic political situation? Let's see what the major factions are cooking for the election late this year.

The Republican Party, that's me, has announced the official candidate.

I noted before that he's a centralizing politician but I will strive to put restraints on him, if he's elected. As of now, Getúlio Vargas is popular not only in the Brazilian south border but in most major demographic centers and the rural countryside. He has proved himself able to defeat local rebellions and insurrections, which is a feat considering how martial the Rio Grande do Sul state is. With a good rhetoric live or on radio, Vargas is able to convince voters that he has what it takes to stabilize Brazil and make it great again prosper.

Meanwhile, the leftist opposition is taking their steps as well.

We posted a couple updates ago that the Esquerda Democrática (Democratic Left) had announced President Otávio's brother, João Mangabeira as their candidate, based almost only in name recognition. Now, the unruly CGT, a bunch of syndicalists organizing protests and strikes around the country and hurting our stability, have acquiesced to accept João as their candidate as well. This isn't a big move in terms of voters but it will give power and reduce chaos in the leftist coalition.

The integralists-monarchists makes their move as well.

There it is, a very strange political platform indeed. Regardless of their dissonant views, I have to take these opponents seriously, as they are gathering popular support. If they win, they will certainly replace the republic with a monarchy, which is not in my plans for this LP.

Oh, I had forgotten about the Liberals!

Despite this recent improvement in popularity, no doubt caused by equivocation of the economic crisis with government's fault, the center-left libruls are not a serious threat as the two previous opposition factions. Positivism really needs to be buried, and we will bury Júlio Prestes with it.

The leftists are not done yet!

I cut off his ugly mug because this unholy alliance between the "democrat" left with anarchist is too much to bear. These guys are terrorists and not a political faction that you are supposed to appease. João Mangabeira is very naive, and he must not win at any cost.

On the other side of the political spectrum... You couldn't pull a bigger contrast than this one.

More like the last ball of the Empire. The integralists sure are loaded with money, and it is helping a ton with their popularity in São Paulo and elsewhere. I continue to be of the opinion that they are short-sighted, wanting to relive the glories of the 19th century and without the eye on the ball. When I defeat them, I will show them how to make Brazil great again, as a socially conservative republic!

These two last moves by the opposition prompted a reaction from the Republican candidate.

This is what I am talking about! This guy gets it, and the speeches show why he is so popular everywhere and why he was chosen as the candidate. Vargas, in his coloquial language for all the people, has clearly expressed that utopias are a false song to fool the population and then bite them. Beneath the surface of their promises, the utopians hide a sting. This is obviously the case with the syndicalists, who will enslave the population in a dystopia, but is also the case for the integralists/monarchists, who will ruin the country trying to revive something that is gone and ruin Brazil in the process, bringing even more political chaos than we are currently facing. A+ Vargas

The speeches and the vast popularity of the Republican party despite attacks from the opposition have not been overlooked.

Yes, talk about difficulty. You've seen the damage the economic and political crisis brought to our military industry. It wasn't only those factories that were affected, it's widespread. The more cunning minds in the country have coalesced around Vargas and the Republican Party, in a slow burning round of support negotiation. It goes without saying that once elected, Vargas will follow a protectionist industrial policy.

After all this transpired in two months, July and August, Brazil is currently looking like this.

No stability or war support, but the Republican Party still has 31% of popular support entering September, and if nothing changes in the following months, it will sail through to reelection, with us saying goodbye to Otávio Mangabeira and hello to Getúlio Vargas.

Other notable international developments in the period for those interested:

Talk about global news! New Zealand is on the other side of the globe from Brazil. If you remember, Australasia (Australia + New Zealand) had a syndicalist coup after the naive aussies elected the Labour Party. Now the New Zealanders got pissed and rose up in rebellion, lead by a conservative general. This means war in Oceania!


I hope they like sea battles and naval invasions.


The New Zealanders are ruled by a military government that is backed by a minority of the population but somehow they have a 97% war support. I guess even the leftist kiwi hates Australians!


This motherfucker is the face of the syndicalists who couped Australasia. Note that political situation here is almost the exact opposite of New Zealand, the syndicalists have only a minority of popular support... Social conservatives are the majority! Maybe that explains the -48% stability and 0% war support lol Don't count these guys as losers because they have the superior army and economy as New Zealand is a backwater. They also can get help from the Third International (New Zealand can get help support from British and their allies).

Speaking of Third International

LMAO I've always found Avant-Garde stuff risible and ridiculous but no doubt these guys will use their trickery to use art for propaganda, spreading the cancer of syndicalism throughout their channels. Let's put a wall on that.

On a slightly more serious note

Who doesn't love the Olympic Games? The sports, the energy, and the best part: no women! The Third International boycotted the Olympics as expected meaning the Germans and Americans raked in medals. Of course, Brazil won nothing. Meh. Next time we'll prepare.

Time for weird China news!

I have no idea where the Yunnan Clique is located, it's somewhere there in China, they have the most bizarre stuff in Asia. Let's hope this chaos is contained in the region.

Check this transmission.

As I was saying, truly bizarre places. A Khanate? Is this the middle ages? Am I playing EU4? No, it's a real place in Kaiserreich.


I have no idea who will benefit from this war and if I'll ever hear about these guys again. Let's get our eyes back to South America ASAP


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Thanks, Kaufobro!

I'm beginning to write that short story, should be cool. A ton of hard work on research, though, but I'm learning a lot about that how that era went in Brazil (and what to adapt to the alternate timeline that Kaiserreich is based on).


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Rio de Janeiro, December 31st, 1935

The protocol for the New Year's Eve reception at the Catete Palace – seat of the federal government, in Rio de Janeiro, capital of the Republic – required guests to wear a jacket, black vest and white tie. Military personnel should wear full dress uniform. Lieutenant Colonel Wilfrid Bertram McCullough, the freshly disembarked ambassador from United Kingdom wearing an elegant red uniform, arrived with his entourage strictly at 3 pm, as indicated in the invitation. After passing through the sequence of six neoclassical columns in the entrance hall and climbing the cast-iron staircase to reach the main floor of the building – where the hall of honor was located, McCullough came across images that were certainly familiar to him. The sculptures, frescoes and stained glass with motifs from Greco-Roman mythology and iconography of imperial Rome, no doubt reappropriated by the young Brazilian nation in the same manner as the Americans had done. At the top, in a red niche, the Aphrodite of Capua from the Catete Palace was a metal copy of the real masterpiece, in marble, held by the National Archaeological Museum of Naples. The paintings on the walls displayed reproductions of works by the Italian Renaissance painter Rafael Sanzio and referred to the famous villas of Rome. Leading into the Yellow Room, McCullough could take in the sumptuous ornamentation and heavy, antique Venetian-inspired furniture. It was as if a piece of ancient Italy had been transported to the tropics, giving a more trained eye a sense of artificiality. Guided to the hall of honor – decorated with more replicas of paintings that also alluded to themes from Greek-Roman mythology, the diplomat sent by King George V was announced and taken to the presence of President Otávio Mangabeira.

Lieutenant Colonel McCullough, his chest puffed out and piled high with military medals, stood in front of the Brazilian ruler. Stiffly, he suddenly raised his right arm, stretching it out and placing the palm of his hand over his eyes, as is the custom of the military salute. Otávio hesitated for a few seconds, and smiling, extended his hand to him for a welcome greeting, in contrast to the superb scenery and the martial posture of the guest, doing the same with the rest of the entourage coming from Canada. After all men had shook hands, McCullough removed his hat and said, 'I am honored by your hospitality.'

'Welcome, sir,' replied the president. 'We are delighted to receive you here. I trust you the news about Your Majesty's ill health are unsubstantiated.'

'Indeed, Mr. President, they are not. But we have some very serious matters to discuss: the war in Europe; the peace conference; trade negotiations.'

The president nodded. 'Perhaps during dinner?' After a few more introductory remarks, the two men went back to their respective delegations to start preparations for dinner.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
While I'm waiting for Kaiserreich mods to update it to the new expansion, I've been reading a ton of Brazilian history from the late 1800s to the 1930s (this, for example) to help build a narrative for the LP. Cool stuff.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Hace El Oso I'm going to restart the LP with the new patches and I have the opportunity to pick more paths for countries again. First time I had left Colombia at default, but do you want to choose any of these paths for the second try?






Do you want to give inputs on other countries of the region? Any changes you'd like to see?

Hace El Oso

Jan 5, 2020
Historically speaking it should be a conservative victory, the 'state of emergency' happened in '53 when we had the only coup in our history, installing a military dictator for a few years before he stepped down. But you should set the region up for whatever situation you think is interesting. Maybe our 'emergency' came early. :salute:


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Historically speaking it should be a conservative victory, the 'state of emergency' happened in '53 when we had the only coup in our history, installing a military dictator for a few years before he stepped down. But you should set the region up for whatever situation you think is interesting. Maybe our 'emergency' came early. :salute:
Well, I haven't followed kaiserreich history for Colombia, but I'll check it out. I can put in the conservatives, of course. More allies for Brazil!
Last edited:


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
Restarting the game with the new patch 0.23.3

Many things have changed, from Global politics to Brazilian infrastructure and military units. I'll try to play it up to the last played date (31 Aug 1936). The country paths chosen and the gameplay will try to follow as closely and similar as possible what I wrote before; so you can read the LP continuously from the first post to the next.

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