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Is CD projekt the company everyone can still trust?

  • Thread starter Duralux for Durabux
  • Start date

As a gamer do you trust CD projekt?

  • Yes (they are good against the bad EA, Activisition, bethesda)

    Votes: 22 14.0%
  • No

    Votes: 135 86.0%

  • Total voters

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
I never understood the CDPR hype to begin with.

I bought the entire Witcher series on a big, big discount years after release and couldn't finish either game as none of them were actually good. I'd say the first Witcher had good and interesting systems in place but overall too much jank and lack of fluidity to really be good.
The Witcher was a promising first RPG from a new developer that made attempts at creating interesting real-time combat, a character progression system, C&C, and exploration, even though it had limited success in each aspect.

The Witcher II was an attempt at emulating Bioware with the Witcher IP.

The Witcher III was an attempt at emulating Bethesda Softworks with the Witcher IP.

Cyberpunk 2077 was an attempt at emulating Grand Theft Auto with the IP of a previously-obscure tabletop RPG.

CDPR hasn't even been trying to create a good RPG after the release of the original Witcher in 2007; they've only been chasing the best-selling trends in gaming (admittedly with considerable commercial success).


Dec 25, 2020
Your moms panty drawer
What reason would anybody have to trust these hacks? All of the smoothbrains who jumped on the preorder hype-train for 2077 got what they deserved.


How can you look at this image and seriously be surprised that the game is a broken dumpster-fire? If you feel betrayed by CDPR for pushing out an unfinished falsely advertised product then you clearly didn't pay close attention to the company itself.


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
What reason would anybody have to trust these hacks? All of the smoothbrains who jumped on the preorder hype-train for 2077 got what they deserved.


How can you look at this image and seriously be surprised that the game is a broken dumpster-fire? If you feel betrayed by CDPR for pushing out an unfinished falsely advertised product then you clearly didn't pay close attention to the company itself.
imagine the smell


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
What reason would anybody have to trust these hacks? All of the smoothbrains who jumped on the preorder hype-train for 2077 got what they deserved.


How can you look at this image and seriously be surprised that the game is a broken dumpster-fire? If you feel betrayed by CDPR for pushing out an unfinished falsely advertised product then you clearly didn't pay close attention to the company itself.
imagine the smell
Of women?


Dec 25, 2020
Your moms panty drawer
What reason would anybody have to trust these hacks? All of the smoothbrains who jumped on the preorder hype-train for 2077 got what they deserved.


How can you look at this image and seriously be surprised that the game is a broken dumpster-fire? If you feel betrayed by CDPR for pushing out an unfinished falsely advertised product then you clearly didn't pay close attention to the company itself.
imagine the smell
Of women?
More like a Chinese fish market.


Sep 4, 2013
What reason would anybody have to trust these hacks? All of the smoothbrains who jumped on the preorder hype-train for 2077 got what they deserved.


How can you look at this image and seriously be surprised that the game is a broken dumpster-fire? If you feel betrayed by CDPR for pushing out an unfinished falsely advertised product then you clearly didn't pay close attention to the company itself.
That explains all the dildos in the game and also one more thing to add to the predictive signs of failure.
So let me sum it up: The leader of CDPR is a soy-vegan-boy. They payed at least 3x the usual salary for a slavic country instead of hiring more qualitative people from estern europe to kill it in the manpower department. They disrespect the genres synth music. They catered to the degenerates and enemies to their nation. They choose to comfort the console peasants with a simultaneous release instead of concentrating just on the PC Master Race. And now they hired more estrogen beings to destroy the few left testosterone drops and to eliminate any creative structuring introverted autism.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
I never understood the CDPR hype to begin with.

I bought the entire Witcher series on a big, big discount years after release and couldn't finish either game as none of them were actually good. I'd say the first Witcher had good and interesting systems in place but overall too much jank and lack of fluidity to really be good.
The Witcher was a promising first RPG from a new developer that made attempts at creating interesting real-time combat, a character progression system, C&C, and exploration, even though it had limited success in each aspect.

The Witcher II was an attempt at emulating Bioware with the Witcher IP.

The Witcher III was an attempt at emulating Bethesda Softworks with the Witcher IP.

Cyberpunk 2077 was an attempt at emulating Grand Theft Auto with the IP of a previously-obscure tabletop RPG.

CDPR hasn't even been trying to create a good RPG after the release of the original Witcher in 2007; they've only been chasing the best-selling trends in gaming (admittedly with considerable commercial success).

Sad as it may be, they never were the sort of studio capable of capitalizing on originality, like Rockstar Games. Followers, not leaders. With big bucks on their minds, repeating Witcher 1 for the same limited target audience wouldn't cut it.


Mar 22, 2017
What reason would anybody have to trust these hacks? All of the smoothbrains who jumped on the preorder hype-train for 2077 got what they deserved.


How can you look at this image and seriously be surprised that the game is a broken dumpster-fire? If you feel betrayed by CDPR for pushing out an unfinished falsely advertised product then you clearly didn't pay close attention to the company itself.
It's an international women's day photo you dumbass.
The only devs you can trust are Cleve Blakemore, Trese Brothers, Sector D2, Logic Artists and The brotherhood. Everyone else is either incompetent, greedy, a cuck or a combination of the three.
Owlcat and Vault Dweller wants to know your location for such bold accusation.
You can safely write "major league" money-bloated AAA publishers off but indie sector is doing alright. Yes, even Hello Games have redeemed themselves.


Mar 30, 2015
No. There are like 20-25 devs in the entire world you can trust to deliver excellence on a consistent basis, and CDPR sure as shit is not one of them and never was.


Dumbfuck Bethestard
May 30, 2013
Cradle of Western Civilization
I do not trust them for the simple reason that they do not have a long history of making quality games. They have made 4 main games since 2007 (excluding mobile/tablet casual shit). And let's be honest, the Witcher trilogy was great mainly because of the book material. Sapkowski was right after all in that he really deserved a much larger cut of the profits of the games. Without the books those games would have been garbage. Remove the story and the characters and the world building from any of the Witcher trilogy, and you have nothing of substance there, just your average me-too clones of more succesful games on the market.

Witcher 1? I played it before the enhanced version, faggits. Before it was well known and cool. It was a nice crpg on the Bioware engine, charming and more "adult" than the usual garbage. Possibly the best budget/quality ratio of the trilogy. Witcher 2? It was garbage, honestly. Graphics and story aside, there was nothing there. Bad gameplay. Skyrim (and Dragon Age II) mopped the floor with it a few months later in everything except story. Witcher 3 was great, but in my opinion it never surpassed Skyrim as a video game. It certainly came close, and it is second to none in terms of attention to detail, story, characters, but as an RPG? As moment to moment gameplay, freedom of action, exploration, class building? Really, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are better, no contest.

And i am saying these things as a fan of the Witcher franchise. I have read all the books, i have watched all TV shows, including that shitty polish one with english subtitles on youtube. I surely believe that the trilogy is well worth to be played by any role playing/fantasy fan. But i was never really that impressed with CDPR's ability in game making.

Most people are feelings-creatures, can't really distinguish between what they feel and what they think. So when a game makes them feel great due to great story/characters/world building, they tend to confuse these warm fuzzy feelings with good game design. They tend to excuse a lot of shit in the process too. On the other hand, great gameplay can be totally ignored if its story is not as captivating, AKA Skyrim/Fallout 4. People are less forgiving of faults because they didn't make the same emotional connection with the game world. Hence, many people think that Witcher 3 was some kind of super-duper gameplay, while it wasn't. It was Geralt's and Ciri's stories that charmed you, the gameplay was lame. You can see this effect in many other games, from the Mass Effect trilogy (which sucked as gameplay but ruled as a space opera) to even some "classics" like BGII, Fallout 1/2 and Torment.

So, all in all, when i learned about Cyberpunk i wasn't really that much hyped about it from the very beginning. Even after Witcher 3 proved to be a success, i still didn't care much about it. I wasn't sure Cyberpunk would repeat the success of Witcher trilogy story/character/world building, and i have never seen truly great gameplay from that company either, so i always viewed it with cautious optimism, a "let's wait and see and hope for the best" approach. After i learned about the development hell and that many witcher devs abandoned the company, i knew that the project would be in jeopardy, years ago. Watching the trailers never impressed me. And the many delays sealed it in my mind, i knew the game was going to suck, hard. And i was correct. As always.

Does it make me trust CDPR less? Not really. I trust them about as much as i trusted them after Witcher 3. I do not believe they are capable of creating quality CRPGs in terms of gameplay, that much is clear and should be clear to anyone now. I do believe they are capable of creating cool quests, storylines, characters, dialogues though. Cyberpunk despite its shortcomings is not exactly "bad" on those areas. It is still among the best in the industry. Which says more about the state of the industry than about Cyberpunk's quality, lol.

What i would suggest to CDPR (not that they would listen to me, lol), would be to re-hire the witcher guys that left, and stop being so full of the smell of their own farts. Make a new Witcher game while being humble and understanding what their games' strengths and weaknesses are. Not overhyping it. Never overhype shit again, ever. It is better for people to not even know your game is coming out and be pleasantly surprised it is good, than promising the world to them and end up dissappointing them.

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