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Is CD projekt the company everyone can still trust?

  • Thread starter Duralux for Durabux
  • Start date

As a gamer do you trust CD projekt?

  • Yes (they are good against the bad EA, Activisition, bethesda)

    Votes: 22 14.0%
  • No

    Votes: 135 86.0%

  • Total voters

Duralux for Durabux

As a gamer, I want to play RPGs and mostly good RPGs which obviously exclude Bethesda of course.
I'm a great fallout fan and I started the franchise with the first game, I was stunned by the incredible wasteland and when I encountered the inhabitants of the first city of the first game of the franchise as I described earlier, I was immediatly hooked and this city is all known to us as "Rivet city". Bethesda really outdone themself with this franchise.
But then I discovered the amazing Fallout new vegas, one of the best game ever made and it's surely the best fallout game as it captures the engine of the first game.
So after the release of the incredible, the astonishing, the wonderfull, the masterpiece that is Witcher 3, everyone was convinced of the incredible company that is CD projekt. Just look at this masterpiece of game design:

And such quest design:
A Frying Pan, Spick and Span
  • Break into the locked hut.
  • Look around inside the hut for a frying pan using your Witcher Senses.
  • Search the hut and use your Witcher Senses to determine what happened there.
  • Return the frying pan to the old woman.
Hidden Messages of the Nilfgaardian Kind
  • Read the note.
  • Find the next stash using your Witcher Senses.
  • Read the note from the dropbox.
  • Take the loot from the spies' chest.
And this gameplay:

Wonderfull gameplay design, pressing 2 buttons to win.
And AI.
They can do no wrong, they are the best for sure.
Thus I'm rightfully questioning codex, how can you not trust CD projekt?


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
CD Projekt is a publicly traded company. If you "trust" them in any way, you are naive beyond redemption. Treat each game as it is and make up your mind.

I liked all Witcher games. Cyberpunk is a total disaster and a disappointment, and only time will tell if it will become as good as CDPR said it would be (highly doubtful considering the extent of the damage).

GOG is still the best place to acquire games, despite they bending the knee to the chinks. While they continue to provide offline installers for all releases, there is hardly any competition in this segment. However, for the past couple of years, there are many cases of neglect towards offline installers in terms of updates, in part because of shitty devs, but also because GOG doesn't put much of an effort anymore. Once this is gone then GOG loses any reason to exist.


I can't... I just... I can't trust you anymore, CDPR.

You see it's different, you're different. Something changed. You're not the company I knew, the company I would look at and write notes to pass to my friends about how cute you were. It was so innocent back then, it felt right.

Not anymore. You hurt me, CDPR. You promised you wouldn't and you did. You wounded me. I'm crying, I'm crying and you don't even care. You don't care about me and you don't care about us. I can't do this anymore, this isn't fair, this isn't what we should be doing. My head is in so many places at once with you, CDPR. On one hand I just want to play Blood & Wine and forget this ever happened the way it did but then I remember... I lay awake at night and think of the corrupted save files and the poor optimization and all the bugs hurled my way. You can't leave me apology notes and expect it to be okay, don't you understand? I deserve better than that, WE deserve better than that.

I don't trust you, CDPR. I don't know if I ever will. I'm going out tonight with Owlcat. They want to take me dancing. I know you don't like Owlcat, but I need to let loose. I need to have fun and focus on myself. I'll be shutting my Steam updates off so you can't hotfix whenever you want, don't even try.

See you soon, maybe.


Apr 17, 2020
Trusting a company is a good way to get yourself fucked, if the product is good buy it, if its shit refund or don't even buy it you already know the damn answer.


Sep 13, 2017
I trust them in the way I trust any other company. Not the management and PR you should trust, but the product. Product never lie

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
they're good at crafting nice landscapes, but the actual game mechanics and systems that populate it always kind of suck.


Aug 26, 2014
I was never caught up in the hype related to Cyberpunk in fact I barely followed the game at all. I trust them in the sense I never felt betrayed and still view them as an overall positive force. It's called weighing the scales of justice evenly good still far outweighs the bad as of now.

That's not to say damage hasn't been done perhaps irreparable but I'm convinced Cyberpunk will be a great game in two years after all the patches and DLC. I've seen games start out mediocre even bad but then become phenomenal after a couple years of rework & improvement.


Nov 10, 2020
I never understood the CDPR hype to begin with.

I bought the entire Witcher series on a big, big discount years after release and couldn't finish either game as none of them were actually good. I'd say the first Witcher had good and interesting systems in place but overall too much jank and lack of fluidity to really be good.

Apart from that I never saw CDPR as anything more than another company which seeks to manipulate public opinion long before the whole CP fiasco. They put microtransactions into games they released after clearly saying they won't be putting microtransactions in games they release. But that's just an example.


Dec 28, 2018
RPG Wokedex
It’s incredibly naive to idolize a company.

All CDPR games had bad launches and needed a lot of post-launch support.

Outrage culture in the internet has reached a level that borders on criminal behavior.

Gamers are incredibly gullible.


Game Analist
Apr 18, 2016
The good-natured dorks who obsessively made a Witcher video game because they liked the books and made it a janky, mmo-y labour of love and then took a stab at doing a AAA game doesn't exist anymore. After The Witcher 2 and the launch of GOG and the purchasing of the rights of the Cyberpunk game license they became a corporation. You can tell, if you look at the early marketing for TW3 they openly and kind of proudly slagged off other projects in the industry. There was an open and proud "We're gonna kick Bioware's and Bethesda's asses" attitude.


Aug 13, 2003
I'm a great fallout fan and I started the franchise with the first game, I was stunned by the incredible wasteland and when I encountered the inhabitants of the first city of the first game of the franchise as I described earlier, I was immediatly hooked and this city is all known to us as "Rivet city". Bethesda really outdone themself with this franchise.
But then I discovered the amazing Fallout new vegas, one of the best game ever made and it's surely the best fallout game as it captures the engine of the first game.

Even knowing this is bait, I still felt myself triggered.

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