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Is 3D still relevant in 2024

Is 3D still relevant in 2024?

  • No

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Never has been

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • There are still some fringe cases for "3D"

    Votes: 7 41.2%

  • Total voters
Oct 26, 2016
We have seen so called 3D video games titles largely drifting into the irrelevance event horizon since at least the past 10 years. Will 3D make a comeback beyond niche titles like KKD2? Indeed will 3D in "games" ever make a comeback? Can it ever? Fixed camera projections are of course the future of good games.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
always has been


Dec 29, 2010
It's not about 3D, it's a fetishism to push hardware and see it "fall apart"


I remember well the MPEG artifacting in games started with crysis2, basically weapon grade fetishism. Followed by poles, swede etc.

This stuff is fading into irrelevance because realtime lighting is simply no replacement for precompute nor it ever will be because optical phenomena out of silicon machinery is simply tall order.
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Jun 5, 2023
Newer rpgs would be better if they used sprites and more attractive forms of graphics rather than the ugly uncanny valley graphics they're stuck in. Plus, they would perform better and take up much less disk space.
Oct 26, 2016
Newer rpgs would be better if they used sprites and more attractive forms of graphics rather than the ugly uncanny valley graphics they're stuck in. Plus, they would perform better and take up much less disk space.
Exactly. I find something pornographic about all this hyper realistic 3D stuff. Crude and single purposed. It doesn't really exist beyond its presentation.

3D is now tiresome, its not exciting. Games were better before 3D.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
3D is handy for things like physics, honestly. Before that, it was largely a gimmick since there's quite a few games that used it that didn't really require it for anything beyond publishers thinking all games had to be 3D to sell. Obviously first person games can benefit from 3D if not outright require it since most people tend to expect a certain amount of looking around(except blobbers). Also, there was a time when there was an argument for 3D being space savings since pre-rendered graphics take up a lot of space, but since 3D cards can handle high resolution models with insanely large textures now, that argument is pretty much null.


May 29, 2010
3D doesn't have to be fancy and require a 2000$ graphics card. It could be practical, like focusing on physics and creating interactions that are impossible in 2D games. I think in that sense 3D has still new things to be invented, because this far it has been more or less a race to make the game look as cool as possible.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
It could be practical, like focusing on physics and creating interactions that are impossible in 2D games.
Just wanted to toss this in here. The last time I upgraded the graphics card in my computer, it wasn't for the 3D. It was so it could handle physics simulation better. Graphics are nice, but they're not gameplay. Physics can add a lot to gameplay, particularly in games like Space Engineers, which is the reason I upgraded that graphics card.


Jan 3, 2024
It could be practical, like focusing on physics and creating interactions that are impossible in 2D games.
Just wanted to toss this in here. The last time I upgraded the graphics card in my computer, it wasn't for the 3D. It was so it could handle physics simulation better. Graphics are nice, but they're not gameplay. Physics can add a lot to gameplay, particularly in games like Space Engineers, which is the reason I upgraded that graphics card.
If you don't mind me asking, and I'm kind of curious now (yuuuuge love for SE) what GPU you get?

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
It could be practical, like focusing on physics and creating interactions that are impossible in 2D games.
Just wanted to toss this in here. The last time I upgraded the graphics card in my computer, it wasn't for the 3D. It was so it could handle physics simulation better. Graphics are nice, but they're not gameplay. Physics can add a lot to gameplay, particularly in games like Space Engineers, which is the reason I upgraded that graphics card.
I was watching someone play the Demon's souls remake the other day and I noticed the gargoyles of 3-2 no longer rag doll. Those dumb little fucks used to stick to your feet and fly off god knows where as you moved. It was stupid but it was fun. The new ones just die.. Bad physics can be so much better than good physics. I think most of us enjoy a good rag doll fuck up and it's a shame as games get more realistic we get less corpses stuck in the floor.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
If you don't mind me asking, and I'm kind of curious now (yuuuuge love for SE) what GPU you get?
I got a 2070, and this was a while back before there was a 30x0 series. The 2080 was absolutely ridiculously priced and the 2070 was pretty cheap. I also left in the 1070, since apparently Space Engineers will use everything you have.

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
If anything, 3D is more relevant now since people actually seem to not mind PSX-era polygon models too much now. Model animation is a heck of a lot easier than sprite animation, which means less work for indie developers who can make 3D models or even get enough good models elsewhere.


Ask me about VTM
Mar 23, 2022
We've long since reached the point of diminishing returns. While Triple A companies continue to promote increasing graphics power due to inertia, 2D and low fidelity graphics continue to be popular in the indie space. However, I have noticed that 3D is overwhelmingly preferred by most players. The top 10 RTS mods on moddb are all 3d games, for example.


Dec 29, 2010
You can count on one hand how many ppl play D2 resurrected in 3D perspective instead of isometric and draw your own conclusion if 3D was ever important to these ppl or compare SC2 popularity to brood war how badly its blown out of water.
Not to mention 2D is equivalent of 256x MSAA while 3D still sucks hard for far rendering with LOD issues left and right and epic even oversold nanite and kept quiet about VSM issues and slowly admits they donthave as much shadow casting lights as would be ideal and without that 3D is not the hot shit you should buy accelerators for in the first place ( not to mention these act as deccelerators with advent of "realtime" raytracing).


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
You can count on one hand how many ppl play D2 resurrected in 3D perspective instead of isometric and draw your own conclusion if 3D was ever important to these ppl
This might be a completely different result if they didn't screw up the 3D player models and textures as much as they did. I'm kind of annoyed they didn't have a 3D terrain with a 2D sprite mode.

Is 3D important? Not when you have a better option that's 2D. That's the take away from D2R.


Dec 29, 2010
You can count on one hand how many ppl play D2 resurrected in 3D perspective instead of isometric and draw your own conclusion if 3D was ever important to these ppl
This might be a completely different result if they didn't screw up the 3D player models and textures as much as they did. I'm kind of annoyed they didn't have a 3D terrain with a 2D sprite mode.

Is 3D important? Not when you have a better option that's 2D. That's the take away from D2R.
I'm not mentioning sprite vs. 3D but this:

note perspective gets you minimal motion parallax / occlusion effect and that's about it,
it would be up to the display to present perspective better than isometric but it can't.

Then you have isometric haters/perspective apologists like Nutmeg telling you perspective is superior because isometric is prone to depth confusion/inversion
and noone seems to have the issue when the shading is correct ( yeah it can be an issue in mid 90's hw).

So with that out of the way you can go all the way with isometric and 200 units on screen with zero fps drop. But you can't because some entrenched 3D BULL SHIT.

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