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Infusion Dev Log #5: Character Model Customization


Stygian Software
Aug 18, 2010
Hi guys,

In this dev log, I'm going to give you a little sneak peek of what character customization will be possible in the new engine. Today, I'll only be showing and discussing male characters, but you can expect analogous customization for females as well.

As I mentioned in the previous dev log, we're now using PBR (physics based rendering) for characters. Might not be that apparent in the screenshot below, as all the characters are naked, but it'll definitely make a lot of difference once we start equipping them with gear made of different materials..


Of course, first and foremost, you'll finally be able to pick a skin color. Then you'll be able to select your hair style, beard and mustache styles and colors. Both skin and hair colors will be chosen from a predetermined list, so no orc, alien, or other unnatural silly characters will be allowed.

You'll also be able to choose a face from a predetermined list, though this will probably have the least visual impact due to the size at which models are rendered.

Characters also support having piercings, tattoos, scars and the like, but we'll see how we're going to make these accessible to player. For the most part, you'll probably not be able to choose these at characters creation, but will instead have to earn them along the way.

The most important feature, for me at least, is the body type variety. This you will not be able to pick freely, but instead, your visual body type will correspond to your physical attributes: strength, agility, and constitution. Strength will make you bigger, while agility will make you leaner. Constitution has a more complex interaction with your visual appearance as it is both a measure of physical sturdiness and endurance.

These things will also, generally, apply to the NPCs, so you'll be able to gauge their physical properties from their appearance.

That's it for now. I know a lot of you are very interested to see some environment screenshots, so hopefully we can get those out relatively soon as well. I think you'll be quite impressed with the upgrade from the previous game.



Nov 15, 2015
The most important feature, for me at least, is the body type variety. This you will not be able to pick freely, but instead, your visual body type will correspond to your physical attributes: strength, agility, and constitution. Strength will make you bigger, while agility will make you leaner. Constitution has a more complex interaction with your visual appearance as it is both a measure of physical sturdiness and endurance.

sneak peek of low STR + low CON builds



Oct 1, 2018
I was going to rate Decline for dress-up mechanics, but character stats affecting model appearance is pretty cool.


Apr 16, 2004
Characters also support having piercings, tattoos, scars and the like, but we'll see how we're going to make these accessible to player. For the most part, you'll probably not be able to choose these at characters creation, but will instead have to earn them along the way.

Piercings and tattoos at the start seems reasonable enough, at least a subset of all possible. I guess it depends on how blank slate the character is.

For scars, it would be fun if they were accumulated through some combination of critical hit and HP falling below a low threshold, like 2% of MAX.

Will there be localized damage / damage tracking in Infusion? If so, that opens up scaring to be dynamically assigned to whatever bodypart(s) took the hit that triggers scarring.


Jun 30, 2019
Can't wait to make a character with an absolutely abhorrent stat distribution that, however, looks like an absolute bombshell, and take her through the game on max difficulty. After meta-builds and RP-builds, we'll finally have coom-builds too.


Apr 16, 2004
Heh, another fun scarring idea: every reload after death gets you a new randomly placed scar. That would make for some interesting end of game screenshots!


phase-based phantasmist
Mar 14, 2011
The most important feature, for me at least, is the body type variety. This you will not be able to pick freely, but instead, your visual body type will correspond to your physical attributes: strength, agility, and constitution. Strength will make you bigger, while agility will make you leaner. Constitution has a more complex interaction with your visual appearance as it is both a measure of physical sturdiness and endurance.
the feature that first appeared in Fable :D

on one hand, what a horrible game

on the other hand, you can use some (not all) of the fingers of that other hand to count some non-horrible ideas, strength making you bulkier and agility making you taller just possibly being one of them


Feb 29, 2012
Hi guys,

In this dev log, I'm going to give you a little sneak peek of what character customization will be possible in the new engine. Today, I'll only be showing and discussing male characters, but you can expect analogous customization for females as well.

As I mentioned in the previous dev log, we're now using PBR (physics based rendering) for characters. Might not be that apparent in the screenshot below, as all the characters are naked, but it'll definitely make a lot of difference once we start equipping them with gear made of different materials..


Of course, first and foremost, you'll finally be able to pick a skin color. Then you'll be able to select your hair style, beard and mustache styles and colors. Both skin and hair colors will be chosen from a predetermined list, so no orc, alien, or other unnatural silly characters will be allowed.

You'll also be able to choose a face from a predetermined list, though this will probably have the least visual impact due to the size at which models are rendered.

Characters also support having piercings, tattoos, scars and the like, but we'll see how we're going to make these accessible to player. For the most part, you'll probably not be able to choose these at characters creation, but will instead have to earn them along the way.

The most important feature, for me at least, is the body type variety. This you will not be able to pick freely, but instead, your visual body type will correspond to your physical attributes: strength, agility, and constitution. Strength will make you bigger, while agility will make you leaner. Constitution has a more complex interaction with your visual appearance as it is both a measure of physical sturdiness and endurance.

These things will also, generally, apply to the NPCs, so you'll be able to gauge their physical properties from their appearance.

That's it for now. I know a lot of you are very interested to see some environment screenshots, so hopefully we can get those out relatively soon as well. I think you'll be quite impressed with the upgrade from the previous game.


Will we get some answers: who is 3rd Godmen, for example?

Or how exactly monoliths made it inside of planet (i am not sure that this is Earth)?


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
The most important feature, for me at least, is the body type variety. This you will not be able to pick freely, but instead, your visual body type will correspond to your physical attributes: strength, agility, and constitution. Strength will make you bigger, while agility will make you leaner. Constitution has a more complex interaction with your visual appearance as it is both a measure of physical sturdiness and endurance.

sneak peek of low STR + low CON builds


Do it devs!


Oct 21, 2019
Half the fan in UR to me is build tinkering/minmaxery and the stats corresponding with the appearance means minmaxed chars will be wonky, unnatural-looking, compared to NPCs unless the translation won't be strictly proportionnal i.e. extreme values won't result in totally freaky looks. Either way, idk, man. It's like seeing introduction of yet another cool armour while knowing that you'll be using rat-infused jacket anyway except this is worse.


Dec 22, 2018
Half the fan in UR to me is build tinkering/minmaxery and the stats corresponding with the appearance means minmaxed chars will be wonky, unnatural-looking, compared to NPCs unless the translation won't be strictly proportionnal i.e. extreme values won't result in totally freaky looks. Either way, idk, man. It's like seeing introduction of yet another cool armour while knowing that you'll be using rat-infused jacket anyway except this is worse.
Nah, that's actually great. It's the price of power, if you want to reach godlike level, you need to abandon your humanity and accept looking like a freak. It's like Star Wars, dark side warping your appearance.

Would be even better if the NPCs reacted to it and were increasingly disgusted/afraid as your build gets more and more ridiculous, so minmaxing combatfaggotry would result in less and less opportunities to talk and engage in diplomacy/roleplaying, and sooner or later would basically lock you into a path of destruction, with no other way to progress than by force. Actually brilliant design, pure incline.


Oct 19, 2013
Been replaying underrail, when the fuck can i start giving these people money? Hurry up before I die


Feb 6, 2019
oh nice new underrail devlog
start reading
pretty much the same shit as the last devlog
serps lazy again
theres already my comment in the thread
severe confusion
after rolling for some time finally pass the int check and realize someone bumped the old thread

you should be banned

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