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Preview IGN takes a look at Dungeon Lords

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Dungeon Lords; Heuristic Park Inc.

<a href=http://pc.ign.com>IGN</a> has posted a <a href=http://pc.ign.com/articles/505/505434p1.html?fromint=1>preview</a> of <a href=http://www.heuristicpark.com>Dungeon Lords</a> stating that <i>there'll be no more turn-based battles from the days of old, but the real-time hacking, slashing, blocking, shooting, and casting of spells that a game such as Diablo II is known for</i>
<blockquote>This doesn't mean that the game will be short on the usual character complexity that is associated with RPGs. Characters will still have to be crafted according to gamer needs. Skills in several areas such as weapons (light weapons, pole weapons, throwing weapons, etc...), defense (parry, heavy armor, medium shield, etc...), general (athletics, bargain, repair, etc...), magic (elemental magic, rune magic, magic resistance, etc...), thief (pick locks, disarm traps, backstab, etc...), and "diabolic" (inflict wounds, critical strike, ninjitsu, etc...) will be able to be selected and upgraded as characters increase in experience.</blockquote>Since when RPG's complexity=lotsa skills? Morrowind had a lot of skills and was a very dull game
<blockquote>The basic idea behind the game is to combine the depth of a normal RPG with the relative ease of use that most action RPG games provide. What you get on screen is a lot of game world with almost zero interface. In fact, while you're playing, the only thing on screen will be health and mana shown in the upper left corner. Aside from that, all windows will live underneath the game only to appear at the push of a key. They're hoping this allows players to immerse themselves into the world a bit more than is usually possible in an RPG full of bars and tabs and buttons.</blockquote>Yeah, don't you hate all those stupid RPGs full of bars and buttons.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPG Dot</A>

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Yes, let's get rid of bars and buttons by hiding them!... Idiots. Excessive bars and buttons are a problem with bad desing of the interface, not with RPGs themselves. And hiding them doesn't solve the problem, as the player still has to manage them all the same.

Is it possible we're one of the last remaining sites on Earth who can still see the obvious when it comes to games?

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