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  • Welcome to rpgcodex.net, a site dedicated to discussing computer based role-playing games in a free and open fashion. We're less strict than other forums, but please refer to the rules.

    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.

Hostile takeover of shoutbox by substance abusing losers


Where did shoutbox go?


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
The "females" here are traps. Don't step in one. The whole point of their existance is to get you banned from the forum. I used to call this a fag's paradise but I finally understand the warnings. Do not even attempt to show any attraction to a female user here. They will get you banned . Vaginas only exist to ruin your life and remove you from talking platforms. Ban women from codex NOW or we're all doomed.

It's a little premature to denounce the whole world of vaginas because of some ugly troons who like to voice out their demented opinions as women. In fact, always assume that the loudest female-identifying individuals are troons, they get a kick out of the attention and don't mind if their whole personage is reduced into a bimbo stereotype. It's because they can fall back to their male chud identities if being a persona non grata gets too demeaning, assuming they haven't had their bodies mutilated with knives and estrogen yet.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Beware the Jabberthot, my son!
The manjaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Peepee Trap, and shun
The Stinkulous Colonsnatch!”

He took his Epic Schlong in hand;
Long time the man-trap pr0n he sought—
So rested he by the Bumbum tree
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberthot, with dicks aflame,
Came jerking through the tulgey wood,
And proslicated as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The Epic Schlong went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

“And hast thou slain the Jabberthot?
Lick my anus, my squeamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy.


I did nothing. I asked her if she was interested in being my girlfriend. That's it. It got me banned for a day. You think about that. Is that a world you wanna live in? Showing a tiny bit of attraction to the opposite sex and getting destroyed for it? Bullshit


Apr 16, 2020
I did nothing. I asked her if she was interested in being my girlfriend. That's it. It got me banned for a day. You think about that. Is that a world you wanna live in? Showing a tiny bit of attraction to the opposite sex and getting destroyed for it? Bullshit
That's what happens when you start simping.


I did nothing. I asked her if she was interested in being my girlfriend. That's it. It got me banned for a day. You think about that. Is that a world you wanna live in? Showing a tiny bit of attraction to the opposite sex and getting destroyed for it? Bullshit
That's what happens when you start simping.
Ban all females from the forum. I was one defending them but no longer. Get them the fuck out of here. They contribute nothing. Their whole schtick is "teehee i'm a girl, I love video games" and it's a giant lie. They don't give a fuck about video games. They just hang around to get us in trouble.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Showing a tiny bit of attraction to the opposite sex and getting destroyed for it? Bullshit

Self-awareness and good looks make a world of difference when propositioning the deadlier sex. You don't necessarily need both though.

See, a self-aware person wouldn't have done this in a codex shoutbox of all places. You're a barfly, right? So go to places where the beer is cold and women are warm.


Apr 16, 2020
I did nothing. I asked her if she was interested in being my girlfriend. That's it. It got me banned for a day. You think about that. Is that a world you wanna live in? Showing a tiny bit of attraction to the opposite sex and getting destroyed for it? Bullshit
That's what happens when you start simping.
Ban all females from the forum. I was one defending them but no longer. Get them the fuck out of here. They contribute nothing. Their whole schtick is "teehee i'm a girl, I love video games" and it's a giant lie. They don't give a fuck about video games. They just hang around to get us in trouble.
It's always like this with those hoes, at least you only got one day and didn't get forked for a month.


My point is I did nothing wrong, idiot sticks. Keep thinkin you will be better rewarded than me. You wont. I did nothing wrong and I got shit on. Fuck you and your mother too.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
OK who did he ask to be his online waifu?

This shit's hilarious. Reminds me of when Andhaira kept asking Scrooge her bra size :lol:


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
I did nothing. I asked her if she was interested in being my girlfriend. That's it. It got me banned for a day. You think about that. Is that a world you wanna live in? Showing a tiny bit of attraction to the opposite sex and getting destroyed for it? Bullshit
You do know there's an archive don't you?


SumDrunkGuy: Theodora i would clean my place for you Yesterday at 4:46 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im sorry i was mean. Im just super lonely Yesterday at 4:33 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo will you be my gf? Yesterday at 4:30 PM
SumDrunkGuy: If theo agrees to be my gf ill go to sleep Yesterday at 4:05 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im lonely. Will u be my gf? Yesterday at 4:02 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Do you even worry about me theo? Yesterday at 1:12 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Wtf theo Yesterday at 1:11 PM
SumDrunkGuy: You tried theo. You brought it up Yesterday at 12:35 PM
SumDrunkGuy: We're not gonna turn this into a pity party for me theo. People complained about it and i agree it got old Yesterday at 12:27 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I dont call them satan theo Yesterday at 12:24 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo Yesterday at 11:44 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Mdbs isnt tranny. Theo tho.. Yesterday at 11:41 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Aint that right theo Yesterday at 11:36 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if i confess my love will u send me pics Yesterday at 11:06 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im not asking you to show your cock. Im just asking if you have one Yesterday at 7:19 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo do you have a cock? Yesterday at 7:18 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo, im pretty sure u have a weiner Yesterday at 7:16 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Bi women have nothing to do with the lgbtq community theo Yesterday at 7:06 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if me an chad were standing side by side, cocks out, whose cock would you suck? Sunday at 10:11 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Well i view you people as my followers. Except mebs and theo. They can be my concubine. Im clearly the most confident codexer ya derp fuckin retards Sunday at 9:46 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Hi theo Sunday at 9:42 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if you need a man, im single. Still chiseled and big. Out of shape but i know how to change that in 1 month time Sunday at 9:38 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im clearly the most chill merc here. Lay with me and have pillow talk Sunday at 9:25 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I just need a woman to grope my battle hardened bod and listen. Im here theo Sunday at 9:23 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Btw theo im sorry for anything mean i ever said Sunday at 9:22 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Im not theo Sunday at 9:22 AM
SumDrunkGuy: No theo Sunday at 9:11 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Oh snap theo just posted nudes Saturday at 4:01 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Seems the whole codex turned against you theo. No choice but to self eject now Saturday at 3:44 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a terrible personi have frends Saturday at 3:14 PM
SumDrunkGuy: IBM stuck up for theo earlier. This is how he gets repaid Saturday at 2:59 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Seems that theo got offended by your tranny shaming IBM. Maybe she isn't like us after all Saturday at 2:55 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Alright i'll leave theo alone. Still wanna bust chads ass tho Saturday at 11:12 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Just cant stop pokin the bear can ya theo. This is why you will leave Friday at 4:33 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo your insults are 8th grade tier Friday at 3:48 PM
SumDrunkGuy: You and theo must atone for your sins Friday at 3:48 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo stahp u goona hurt my feewies Friday at 3:39 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you are useless in this convo. Beat it before i put you back on ignore Friday at 3:37 PM
SumDrunkGuy: HI THEO Friday at 3:16 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I'm takin a break. Good night everyone who isn't chad and theo Friday at 2:01 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Lol if fluent had theo on ignore then you know shes fucked Friday at 1:53 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo gonna put you on ignore so i can focus on chadley. You will be tomorrows project Friday at 1:38 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im not having a conversation with you right now Friday at 1:34 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I can assure you from the bottom of my heart that theo started the whole thing. He i mean she was being rude and obnoxious Friday at 12:31 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Mebs are you ignoring me because i got into a fight with theo?
SumDrunkGuy: Balls McGinty: what happened there? > theo is a evil sex pervert pretending to be a girl and he's trying to molest mebs Friday at 12:10 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is bad news. I just have a feeling. I can read people Friday at 12:07 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a evil troon Friday at 12:06 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Mebs needs to learn that theo is not her friend Friday at 12:05 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I don't percieve theo to be female. The exact opposite in fact
SumDrunkGuy: Theo your words are spitballs hitting a GOD. Get off of the forum Friday at 10:04 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Get of the forum theo Friday at 10:02 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo everybody is sick of you. It's unspoken. The best thing you can do for yourself is self eject into the sun Friday at 9:58 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Imagine if we got rid of theo AND chad. Ooo noice win for the codex Friday at 9:57 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I think we can all agree that the theo account needs to go buh buy. Nobody will miss ole theojohnson Friday at 9:55 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I wasn't talking to you theojohnson Friday at 9:35 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Maybe dont admit you're sending noodies to every horny codexer theo Friday at 9:32 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theodora: I do know what gender I am. In fact you're one of the only people confused about this anymore. I'm not dumb enough to trust a raging alco with photos of me though, sorry.
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you admitted to sending nude pics to 99% of the guys here Friday at 9:26 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo plz just swan dive into a wood chipper Friday at 9:22 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you don't even know what gender you are. Don't lecture me boy Friday at 9:13 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I was only talking to theo Friday at 9:00 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you are the most subhuman thing here Friday at 8:59 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a man. It's 100% obvious. Mebs is more believable Thursday at 2:33 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a buttfucking moron Thursday at 1:27 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a harbinger of decline Thursday at 1:27 PM
SumDrunkGuy: You can always tell when theo is gone because everyone is less retarded Thursday at 1:26 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if thats true then why are niggers worthless? Thursday at 11:25 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo's insults are about as effective as canada's military Wednesday at 5:49 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Don't walk into any of those churches theo. You'll burn up Wednesday at 5:02 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Hey theo Wednesday at 4:55 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Almost as sus as theos womanhood Wednesday at 12:54 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Trying to figure out if theo is womband? Wednesday at 12:20 PM
SumDrunkGuy: theo im gonna help you believe in men again. I'm gonna help you worship the cock once more Wednesday at 11:58 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo Wednesday at 11:21 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Know i want theo to prove shes a woman. She wont bcuz she LIES Wednesday at 11:06 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Wasnt talking to you theo. Tits or gtfo Wednesday at 11:01 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo I think we got off on the wrong foot. Lettuce start over Wednesday at 10:55 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo i sai HI Wednesday at 10:53 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Hi theo Wednesday at 10:49 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Who got kicked off discord fedora? Theo? Wednesday at 10:04 AM
SumDrunkGuy: What kind of a lesbian are you theo? You butch? You wear the strap on in the relationshit? Wednesday at 10:03 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Oh give me a break. As if any guy in his right mind would bother sexually harassing u theo Wednesday at 9:57 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo we're not gonna have sex. Get over it Wednesday at 9:54 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you would lose. Bad Wednesday at 9:43 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Reflect on what theo. I didn't make my ps4 pro take a shit. It killed it's self Wednesday at 9:38 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Hes saying you cant spank her ass because she doesnt have one theo. Jesus ur like slow in the brain Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: It's a timeless word theo. Because it's true Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo just admit you want my dick Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Also theo iv maybe been here for an hour tops. "Spent the day" is a gross exaggeration Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Thats fine theo because i dont date men Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Does theo have a crush on me? He's always the first one to reply to my shit talking. It's like he has to be the first one "OO OO me first me first" Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: UGH will you let it go theo Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo seems like a bad person Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is trying to glamorize drug addicts Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if the was true you could buy heroin in a gas station. I never seen a gas station that sells heroin Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo just because your parents were drug addicts doesn't mean you can go harassing drunk codexers Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo identifies as woman? That explains a lot Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: I disagree theo Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: No theo. Stop acting like a virgin
SumDrunkGuy: Obviously theo Jul 25, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Im sorry theo that came out wrong Jul 25, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: I'm not encouraging anybody to harass theo. Hes entitled to his beliefs Jul 25, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo Jul 24, 2022

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
SB archive

So what level of attention is allowed then?
The real issue here is that in sexual dynamics men are the ones who have to engage in behavior that will lead to attention from the female, as cringe as SumDrunkGuy behaves, you will not change sexual dynamics by banning the men from the shoutbox.

It is not reasonable in the least to have men bear the responsibility for this alone, there is a kernel of truth from the "women are bad" crowd in that there is no reason for a Person in this forum to tell anyone their sex, there is a reason why avatars and Nicknames exist and saying ones sex does not help in debate, not in GD nor regarding RPGs.

The only purpose for a female to say that they are female is to get attention for that. That the reaction looks like this, in a forum full of unsuccessful men is not only to be expected it is most likely the goal of the women in question. The few times I had the "pleasure" of engaging with theodora in the shoutbox (in which i rarely take part in) always circled around how she gets unwarranted attention from some users while actually engaging in promoting herself sexually to others, i think fluent and atlet were the last discussion.

I do not think it is unwarranted to curb behavior like above with SDG what I do think however is that you DarkUnderlord are better than buying the victim blaming card, women are responsible for their actions and that is including baiting men into this behavior and should face equal repercussions.

At some point you guys really have to ask yourself if this returning "problem" is truly as one-sided as it seems or if this is a gynocentric issue where the men, with their moderation powers, try to protect a woman, who should be capable to do this herself, especially with ignore functions in place.

Yes, I am as uptight regarding this as it seems.


Nov 15, 2015
I did nothing. I asked her if she was interested in being my girlfriend. That's it. It got me banned for a day. You think about that. Is that a world you wanna live in? Showing a tiny bit of attraction to the opposite sex and getting destroyed for it? Bullshit
You do know there's an archive don't you?


SumDrunkGuy: Theodora i would clean my place for you Yesterday at 4:46 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im sorry i was mean. Im just super lonely Yesterday at 4:33 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo will you be my gf? Yesterday at 4:30 PM
SumDrunkGuy: If theo agrees to be my gf ill go to sleep Yesterday at 4:05 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im lonely. Will u be my gf? Yesterday at 4:02 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Do you even worry about me theo? Yesterday at 1:12 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Wtf theo Yesterday at 1:11 PM
SumDrunkGuy: You tried theo. You brought it up Yesterday at 12:35 PM
SumDrunkGuy: We're not gonna turn this into a pity party for me theo. People complained about it and i agree it got old Yesterday at 12:27 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I dont call them satan theo Yesterday at 12:24 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo Yesterday at 11:44 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Mdbs isnt tranny. Theo tho.. Yesterday at 11:41 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Aint that right theo Yesterday at 11:36 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if i confess my love will u send me pics Yesterday at 11:06 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im not asking you to show your cock. Im just asking if you have one Yesterday at 7:19 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo do you have a cock? Yesterday at 7:18 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo, im pretty sure u have a weiner Yesterday at 7:16 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Bi women have nothing to do with the lgbtq community theo Yesterday at 7:06 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if me an chad were standing side by side, cocks out, whose cock would you suck? Sunday at 10:11 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Well i view you people as my followers. Except mebs and theo. They can be my concubine. Im clearly the most confident codexer ya derp fuckin retards Sunday at 9:46 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Hi theo Sunday at 9:42 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if you need a man, im single. Still chiseled and big. Out of shape but i know how to change that in 1 month time Sunday at 9:38 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im clearly the most chill merc here. Lay with me and have pillow talk Sunday at 9:25 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I just need a woman to grope my battle hardened bod and listen. Im here theo Sunday at 9:23 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Btw theo im sorry for anything mean i ever said Sunday at 9:22 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Im not theo Sunday at 9:22 AM
SumDrunkGuy: No theo Sunday at 9:11 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Oh snap theo just posted nudes Saturday at 4:01 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Seems the whole codex turned against you theo. No choice but to self eject now Saturday at 3:44 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a terrible personi have frends Saturday at 3:14 PM
SumDrunkGuy: IBM stuck up for theo earlier. This is how he gets repaid Saturday at 2:59 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Seems that theo got offended by your tranny shaming IBM. Maybe she isn't like us after all Saturday at 2:55 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Alright i'll leave theo alone. Still wanna bust chads ass tho Saturday at 11:12 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Just cant stop pokin the bear can ya theo. This is why you will leave Friday at 4:33 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo your insults are 8th grade tier Friday at 3:48 PM
SumDrunkGuy: You and theo must atone for your sins Friday at 3:48 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo stahp u goona hurt my feewies Friday at 3:39 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you are useless in this convo. Beat it before i put you back on ignore Friday at 3:37 PM
SumDrunkGuy: HI THEO Friday at 3:16 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I'm takin a break. Good night everyone who isn't chad and theo Friday at 2:01 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Lol if fluent had theo on ignore then you know shes fucked Friday at 1:53 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo gonna put you on ignore so i can focus on chadley. You will be tomorrows project Friday at 1:38 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo im not having a conversation with you right now Friday at 1:34 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I can assure you from the bottom of my heart that theo started the whole thing. He i mean she was being rude and obnoxious Friday at 12:31 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Mebs are you ignoring me because i got into a fight with theo?
SumDrunkGuy: Balls McGinty: what happened there? > theo is a evil sex pervert pretending to be a girl and he's trying to molest mebs Friday at 12:10 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is bad news. I just have a feeling. I can read people Friday at 12:07 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a evil troon Friday at 12:06 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Mebs needs to learn that theo is not her friend Friday at 12:05 PM
SumDrunkGuy: I don't percieve theo to be female. The exact opposite in fact
SumDrunkGuy: Theo your words are spitballs hitting a GOD. Get off of the forum Friday at 10:04 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Get of the forum theo Friday at 10:02 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo everybody is sick of you. It's unspoken. The best thing you can do for yourself is self eject into the sun Friday at 9:58 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Imagine if we got rid of theo AND chad. Ooo noice win for the codex Friday at 9:57 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I think we can all agree that the theo account needs to go buh buy. Nobody will miss ole theojohnson Friday at 9:55 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I wasn't talking to you theojohnson Friday at 9:35 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Maybe dont admit you're sending noodies to every horny codexer theo Friday at 9:32 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theodora: I do know what gender I am. In fact you're one of the only people confused about this anymore. I'm not dumb enough to trust a raging alco with photos of me though, sorry.
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you admitted to sending nude pics to 99% of the guys here Friday at 9:26 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo plz just swan dive into a wood chipper Friday at 9:22 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you don't even know what gender you are. Don't lecture me boy Friday at 9:13 AM
SumDrunkGuy: I was only talking to theo Friday at 9:00 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you are the most subhuman thing here Friday at 8:59 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a man. It's 100% obvious. Mebs is more believable Thursday at 2:33 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a buttfucking moron Thursday at 1:27 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is a harbinger of decline Thursday at 1:27 PM
SumDrunkGuy: You can always tell when theo is gone because everyone is less retarded Thursday at 1:26 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if thats true then why are niggers worthless? Thursday at 11:25 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo's insults are about as effective as canada's military Wednesday at 5:49 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Don't walk into any of those churches theo. You'll burn up Wednesday at 5:02 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Hey theo Wednesday at 4:55 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Almost as sus as theos womanhood Wednesday at 12:54 PM
SumDrunkGuy: Trying to figure out if theo is womband? Wednesday at 12:20 PM
SumDrunkGuy: theo im gonna help you believe in men again. I'm gonna help you worship the cock once more Wednesday at 11:58 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo Wednesday at 11:21 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Know i want theo to prove shes a woman. She wont bcuz she LIES Wednesday at 11:06 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Wasnt talking to you theo. Tits or gtfo Wednesday at 11:01 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo I think we got off on the wrong foot. Lettuce start over Wednesday at 10:55 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo i sai HI Wednesday at 10:53 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Hi theo Wednesday at 10:49 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Who got kicked off discord fedora? Theo? Wednesday at 10:04 AM
SumDrunkGuy: What kind of a lesbian are you theo? You butch? You wear the strap on in the relationshit? Wednesday at 10:03 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Oh give me a break. As if any guy in his right mind would bother sexually harassing u theo Wednesday at 9:57 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo we're not gonna have sex. Get over it Wednesday at 9:54 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Theo you would lose. Bad Wednesday at 9:43 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Reflect on what theo. I didn't make my ps4 pro take a shit. It killed it's self Wednesday at 9:38 AM
SumDrunkGuy: Hes saying you cant spank her ass because she doesnt have one theo. Jesus ur like slow in the brain Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: It's a timeless word theo. Because it's true Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo just admit you want my dick Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Also theo iv maybe been here for an hour tops. "Spent the day" is a gross exaggeration Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Thats fine theo because i dont date men Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Does theo have a crush on me? He's always the first one to reply to my shit talking. It's like he has to be the first one "OO OO me first me first" Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: UGH will you let it go theo Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo seems like a bad person Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo is trying to glamorize drug addicts Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo if the was true you could buy heroin in a gas station. I never seen a gas station that sells heroin Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo just because your parents were drug addicts doesn't mean you can go harassing drunk codexers Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo identifies as woman? That explains a lot Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: I disagree theo Jul 26, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: No theo. Stop acting like a virgin
SumDrunkGuy: Obviously theo Jul 25, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Im sorry theo that came out wrong Jul 25, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: I'm not encouraging anybody to harass theo. Hes entitled to his beliefs Jul 25, 2022
SumDrunkGuy: Theo Jul 24, 2022
SumDrunkGuy didn't know you're into dudes.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
The only purpose for a female to say that they are female is to get attention for that.
The only purpose of a gay guy is to say that they are gay to get attention for that.
The only purpose of a weaboo is to say that they are a weaboo to get attention for that.

And guess what.

The only purpose of a drunk failure is to say that they are a drunk failure to get attention for that.

People on the Internet lie. Some weave the lies with truths. Truth doesn't really matter, at least not on a role-playing forum. What does matter is when they get obsessive and become annoying.

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
The only purpose for a female to say that they are female is to get attention for that.
The only purpose of a gay guy is to say that they are gay to get attention for that.
The only purpose of a weaboo is to say that they are a weaboo to get attention for that.

And guess what.

The only purpose of a drunk failure is to say that they are a drunk failure to get attention for that.

People on the Internet lie. Some weave the lies with truths. Truth doesn't really matter, at least not on a role-playing forum. What does matter is when they get obsessive and become annoying.
great oversimplification that makes a solutions impossible. It does not matter if it is a role-playing forum or not, what does matter however is that it's not only the men being annoying and obsessive.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
great oversimplification that makes a solutions impossible. It does not matter if it is a role-playing forum or not, what does matter however is that it's not only the men being annoying and obsessive.
Well d'uh? What is your solution, ban people for revealing anything about themselves? No? Oh, ban people for only revealing certain things about themselves?

Obsessive behavior, regardless of the subject, should not be acceptable. Doesn't matter what it is. If someone doesn't do anything else than go around posting "tee-hee, I'm a girl", they'd probably get the same treatment. We did have at least one real tranny who got the boot for that reason.

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
great oversimplification that makes a solutions impossible. It does not matter if it is a role-playing forum or not, what does matter however is that it's not only the men being annoying and obsessive.
Well d'uh? What is your solution, ban people for revealing anything about themselves? No? Oh, ban people for only revealing certain things about themselves?

Obsessive behavior, regardless of the subject, should not be acceptable. Doesn't matter what it is. If someone doesn't do anything else than go around posting "tee-hee, I'm a girl", they'd probably get the same treatment. We did have at least one real tranny who got the boot for that reason.
They clearly do not get the same treatment, that is my point. They should get it, they don't.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Coward fags fall down prettending to be okay LOL. Fuck you. Die and rot we rollin.

You're not the completely innocent victim either. You said you've defended women here before, but it seems that you're willing to stop doing that when facing rejection. I think it's fair to say you expect sex in return for being nice to women, correct? You should drop this kind of dishonesty, it doesn't suit you.

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Coward fags fall down prettending to be okay LOL. Fuck you. Die and rot we rollin.

You're not the completely innocent victim either. You said you've defended women here before, but it seems that you're willing to stop doing that when facing rejection. I think it's fair to say you expect sex in return for being nice to women, correct? You should drop this kind of dishonesty, it doesn't suit you.

well this is somewhat to be expected in society so I have trouble blaming him for that. Still the retaliation out of some rejection (of what honestly on a forum) is definitely a bad thing.

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