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Company News Herve Caen talks as does California Labor Director


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Herve Caen; Interplay

<a href="http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a> CEO <b>Herve Caen</b> has decided to answer <a href="Http://www.gamespot.com">GameSpot</a>'s recent probings in to the stuff surrounding the company in <A href="http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/06/04/news_6099957.html">this article of doom</a>. Here's a clip:
<blockquote>That is, until now. Last night, GameSpot talked with the surprisingly affable Caen, who denied the end was nigh for Interplay. His proof? "You can see our stock is trading, so we're still here," said Caen.
But when asked whether or not Interplay was facing eviction from its Irvine, California, offices or was laying off staffers, Caen's answers grew less direct. "I can't comment one way or the other," he said. "I'm bound by disclosure rules because we're a publicly traded company, so I can't say anything outside of press releases or official SEC filings." When asked when the next official SEC filing would be, Herve said, "I can't answer that. If I tell you, I'll have to tell everyone." </blockquote>
Yeah, the stock is still trading, but it's nigh worthless, isn't it?
And about those disclosure rules, <b>Herve</b>, aren't you late with filing your earnings report for Q1 by several weeks now? I think you are.
Also, a company that's in business tends to pay their employees, something <A href="http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a> is getting in a bit of trouble with the California Labor Board over right now. Whoops. Here's a bit from <A href="http://www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/section.do?section=BUSINESS">OC Register</a> on that:
<blockquote>Five employees of the computer-game developer filed reports this week with the state's Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement claiming <u>Interplay hasn't paid them several thousand dollars in wages in the past month</u>. Interplay resolved two employee complaints over bounced paychecks in April.
"<u>We've got seven claims in, which is enough for us to believe that the problem goes beyond these seven employees</u>," said Dean Fryer, spokesman for the California Labor Commissioner. "We want to find out if indeed employees haven't been properly paid and have proper workers compensation. <u>If not, we could close the business down</u>."
Interplay already faces eviction from its landlord, Arden Reality, which hasn't received a rent payment on the 81,000-square-foot Irvine office space since January. Interplay, which has said it would run out of money by July, <u>also owes $179,000 in payroll taxes and penalties</u>, according to regulatory filings.</blockquote>
Five months behind on rent, that's <b>$750,000</b> right there in back rent alone.
Thanks, <b>MageDragon</b> of <A href="http://www.planetbaldursgate.com">PlanetBG</a> and <b>Briosafreak</b> from <a href="Http://www.nma-fallout.com">NMA</a>.


Now, now, everyone selling worthless stock will certainly bounce Interplay back! Next thing you know they'll be working on sequels to smash hits to such as...oh wait..

Err...new games using our popular licences...oh wait...


Codexia Lord Sodom
Dec 5, 2002
Jersey for now
You know, I can't believe Caen's optimism over the most recent events. Really pisses me off. Just once, I'd like to see him stutter and sweat.


Aug 20, 2003
North of the Glow
Why? This is all one big confidence scam where Caen goes from company to company pretending to be a CEO.
Nov 5, 2002
The Lone Star State
Personally, I think Herve's just in it for grins now. I mean, why else try these low-level cons. He sounds like some crack addict trying to scam the landlord into letting him stay another month. He wants to see just how far he can push it. I can see him just going home every night and laughing his ass off in his gold-plated jacuzzi with five whores.


Jan 25, 2004
All that trading is probably from the people who are dumping the IPLY stock before it goes from worthless to less than worthless.


Dec 5, 2003
In addition, it is being sued for $156,000 in back Baldur's Gate royalties by BioWare
I know which licence I want them to settle for instead, "Fallout 3 : Hordes of the Shadowy Tilesets" here we come.


Heh, that put the image of Fallout on the Aurora engine into my head. That gave me a chill right down to my very soul, you're a very evil man.


Dec 5, 2003
Exitium said:
Better Bioware than a console oriented company. Do you really want a Fallout: A Post Apocalyptic Shooter?

Except Bio now has 2 console titles in development (Jade Empire + "Secret Console Project") and only 1 PC title (Dragon Age). You could argue that they are pretty console-orientated right now.


Apr 25, 2004
I wish they'd just hurry up and die already. When that's done they can't rape Fallout's corpse anymore.

Transcendent One

Nov 21, 2003
Fortress of Regrets
It seems like with every new bit of news about IPLY the quotes from Herve get more and more ridiculous. Especially in that other newsbit. The guy's so full of shit.

Fallout by Bio:
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game Wannabe
Nov 5, 2002
The Lone Star State
Exitium said:
Better Bioware than a console oriented company. Do you really want a Fallout: A Post Apocalyptic Shooter?

Didn't we already get that? Why would anyone want to make another Fallout console game anyway? When PC-only players think of Fallout, they remember a really good game and a pretty good game. When console-only players think of it, if they do, they remember a turd.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
DK: That secret console game target is slated for PC as well, IIRC. Also, DA is PC as you mentioend. KOTOR was both. NWN was PC only including its expansions. Jade Empire is the first BIO game sicne they entered the PC market to be console only, and they haven't completely ruled out porting it to PC (highly doubtful they will though).

I'd say BIO is a rpg company who will make rpgs for whichever gaming machine 9PC, xbox, or otherwise) they see fit. They aren't PC or console focused which is a GOOD thing.

As for BIO making FO3; the only other companies who'd I'd give a chance are Troika and Obsidian and neither one could probably afford it. FO3 developed by BIO would be a good solid rpg. It would have differences of course; but I'd think they'd keep the spirit of Fo alive. At least they better. :twisted:


They aren't PC or console focused which is a GOOD thing.

Are you retarded? When you do this, one gets fucked over by the other. Remember KOTOR's great controls and interface? Or you get a Console game with shit removed. It just doesnt work..

FO3 developed by BIO would be a good solid rpg.

Okay, you are retarded.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
1. What ya babling about? Never did I say that it was a good diea to make KOTOR both PC and console. Example: DA is PC only. JE is x-box only. Otehr than someone not owning a PC or an x-box; how is that a bad thing?

Oops.. You are retarded. :cry:

2. Nope. I just speak the truth and you cna't see it.

Oops... You are retarded. :cry:

In my infalliable conclusion, are friend Llama who used to be a genius is now showing signs of extreme retardation from playing too much DS. 'Tis a sad, sad day. :cry: :cry: :cry:


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Volourn said:
but I'd think they'd keep the spirit of Fo alive.

Well of course you think so. It's a good thing nobody cares what you think. A BioWare developed Fallout game has zero chance of keeping the spirit of the original alive. Between real time combat, lame BioWare design and the expectable unwillingness to talk to the Fallout fanbase (that'd be the guys who have been bitching about how crap BioWare tends to be), there's no realistic reason to expect BioWare to make a decent sequel. They've said they prefer to work within their own IP so they get greater creative freedom and that's a damn good idea. They really ought to stick to that.

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