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Has Fallout 3 become a legitimate topic of discussion?


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Engine bugs are true, both for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.

But after two decades of modders tinkering it with it like monkeys in warehouse, most bugs are squashed.

What's left is the limitation of engine (and default design) itself, which so far is impossible to overcome.

Ugly graphic? That's because low res. Get HD/upscaled graphics in and it's good. Too few characters? Spawn mods to increase people and it's crowded. Tired of the default (and designed) trees and plants? Get the new pack of graphic for tree plants in. Hell, even rock and asphalt roads has new graphics if you bother about that.

Most of that can be helped much more by modern rig. Because most of current F3/FNV complaints come from installing too many mods with not enough resources to run them.


I had the urge to play Morrowind again. Made a Dunmer Sorcerer. Just started him Yesterday


You know what I haven't had the urge to play? FO3, FONV, FO4, Oblivion, or Skyim. Morrowind is pretty much the Bethesda's peak. The design quality has continually degraded each game after.

It's indicative of the quality of FO3 when Bethesda let Obsidian do a rushed "spinoff" of the numbered game and it turned out better than 3+4 combined. FO3 is just trash.

Jack Of Owls

May 23, 2014
Don't know what mod was responsible for it but in my recent playthrough of FNV (Viva New Vegas), I encountered many more, varied and super-aggressive super mutants trying to traverse up Black Mountain to the radio station. Even with 3-4 companions, including Lobo-Ceasar (Lobotomite Caesar) that I had constructed with Caesar's extracted brain using the Robco Certified mod, it was tough but very gratifying. It brought the game to a whole new level. I'm thinking with this kind of modding for FO3, it could be quite fun to do another run, maybe with TTW. I don't worry about how bad the main quest is. I tend to ignore it.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Fallout 5: Revenge of the Daleks starring

as your mother. Witness your glorious gorious birth as she presses you through her vagina and go on an epic tale recording her progressive efforts to save the Wastedlands from the menace from outer space while building Tardises all over the map. It just works!


Oct 18, 2021
Fallout 5: Revenge of the Daleks starring

as your mother. Witness your glorious gorious birth as she presses you through her vagina and go on an epic tale recording her progressive efforts to save the Wastedlands from the menace from outer space while building Tardises all over the map. It just works!
Will you be able to micromanage her?

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
The only reason to replay Fagout 3 is to make some gimmick run to demonstrate once more how shitty the game is.

I had plans to make "1 skillpoint in every skill" run because skills in Fagout 3 really don't matter, but no time so far

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