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GTA4 was better than GTA5: When even the embodiment of DECLINE itself begins to decline.

Mar 18, 2009
That video is about how GTA 4 has better physics/animations and higher level of detail, which is obviously true. And which is why GTA5 is "better optimized" - it's simply much easier on CPUs. Of course people will be focusing on the misleading title.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
No idea to be honest, I was my favorite one until Vice City, which was really well done imho. Didn’t bother to play any GTA games that came after it though.


Jan 18, 2018
No idea to be honest, I was my favorite one until Vice City, which was really well done imho. Didn’t bother to play any GTA games that came after it though.
Pretty much same here, really liked 2 and VC, and I gotta admit I do like 5 quite a bit too. 2 had some neat little details that were honestly meaningless but still somehow fun. Like the whole "Idle smoking animation" and the smoke trailing after the char after starting to run. Also really liked the lighting and general art direction in it.


Mar 22, 2017
GTFO with crowcuck already. The only redeeming quality of GTA4 was physics engine, the story and it's addons. Otherwise it's a shoddy PC (and not great on consoles either) port and boring mission design with rookie mistakes galore game. Let's go bowlin'!

Mark Richard

Mar 14, 2016
GTA 2 was top down as well.
Oh yeah, I forgot that in my pursuit of edginess. It was actually pretty fun, too. Not quite sure, did it end up less well received than 1 and 3?
Yep. It was too similar. The changes and improvements weren't radical enough to attract attention, and the game had the misfortune of coming out during the height of the late 90s 3D graphics boom. Furthermore GTA 2 has the distinction of being the only main entry to the series that didn't cause major controversy. I still recall watching two stuffy presenters of a morning talk show denouncing GTA 1 - it made me want the game so much more.

Teut Busnet

Dec 31, 2016
Codex Year of the Donut
Are we talking story or gameplay?

V had by far the worst story and characters, but it certainly plays better, looks better and the exploration is pretty nice too.


Aug 14, 2017
I thought GTA 2 brought enough improvements over the first.
Looks far prettier than the first game. Save system - who doesn't remember that line?
The PC can survive being hit by more than one bullet (thought that does make the first game quite challenging)
Plus there's some fun moments with the gang system.

I really love the classic games far more than the new entries especially the in-house music and radio ads:

Have to go with Vice City out of the early 3D games. The soundtrack, the voice cast, all the film references. Don't remember there really being a boring moment in it - maybe the love fist missions?
San Andreas gets much better once James Woods and Peter Fonda get involved. I always remember the two plane missions #1 #2.
Don't know if the massive scale really improved the game in any meaningful way.

I think the newer games from GTA IV onwards have completely forgotten what made these games fun to play.
I'm not interested in dragging around a bunch of retarded, crybaby sidekicks/family members and having to complete hobby missions.

Teut Busnet

Dec 31, 2016
Codex Year of the Donut
Are we talking story or gameplay?

V had by far the worst story and characters, but it certainly plays better, looks better and the exploration is pretty nice too.
Worse story and characters than 4 without addons?

I hated family guy, who should have left - or better killed - his horrible family and whose interest in crappy movies didn't fit and came out of nowhere, hypocritical black guy who whines about his girlfriend leaving him because he's a gangster, but all he does is 'Gangsta-stuff' with his dumb friend while pretending to be sick of it all and smarter than everybody around him. Crazy guy was amusing for a while, but his all-crazy-all-the-time shtick got old pretty fast.

Main Story was 'meh', side missions dumb. Dumb in a bad way, plenty of 'dumb but funny' sidemissions in the predecessors. (Heists were nice, but I would put those under gameplay). Neither music nor talkshows were as good as before, if you want to add them to 'story'.

I wasn't a huge fan of Nico, but I could understand his motivation, the story was 'functional' and all of his sidekicks - he had to go on dates with - would have made far better main characters in V than the three clowns we got.
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Mar 25, 2009
Those games were fun when I was like 10-14 but I can't imagine playing one as an adult.

SA was the last 1 I sort of enjoyed, I played 4 briefly but thought it sucked. Never plan on playing 5 or any other new ones.

Teut Busnet

Dec 31, 2016
Codex Year of the Donut
I wasn't a huge fan of Nico, but I could understand his motivation, the story was 'functional' and all of his sidekicks - he had to go on dates with

I agree that it sucked, especially losing 'friendship points' if you didn't go, but I think it was only made into such a big deal because many players missed the info that you could turn off your cellphone and basically 'pause' story mode if they just wanted to cruise.

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