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Anime Future Fragments (action/platformer/RPG) Public Demo Inside!


Oct 21, 2019
I tried demo several months ago and can say that it one of thouse rare bizarre adult games where adult stuff seems kinda redundant. I mean, it's a fine indie metroidvania/platformer as is (as far as I'm concerned) so h-scenes and such feels like a bonus, nothing more. And the whole concept "you play good - simply progressing the game"&"you play bad - got rewarded by a scene" feels weird. I'm aware that it's a common genre thing but isn't that... suppose to be the other way around?
I guess for that we had to play as a male char

The Red Knight

Apr 18, 2017
And the whole concept "you play good - simply progressing the game"&"you play bad - got rewarded by a scene" feels weird. I'm aware that it's a common genre thing but isn't that... suppose to be the other way around?
Maybe it's for the people going for that one-handed playthrough challenge thing, to make replaying badly timed jumps less samey for them?


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
I tried demo several months ago and can say that it one of thouse rare bizarre adult games where adult stuff seems kinda redundant. I mean, it's a fine indie metroidvania/platformer as is (as far as I'm concerned) so h-scenes and such feels like a bonus, nothing more. And the whole concept "you play good - simply progressing the game"&"you play bad - got rewarded by a scene" feels weird. I'm aware that it's a common genre thing but isn't that... suppose to be the other way around?
I guess for that we had to play as a male char

The sex content and sexuality in general is worked quite a fair amount into the plot; if you check out the databanks or talk to the NPCs you'll see a lot of it has shaped the culture of the world present in the game. (Also, if you played the demo many months ago, you should try it out again; https://gamejolt.com/games/FutureFragments/332701 we made a number of improvements to stuff, especially one of the bigger ones being that almost every NPC conversation is now manual rather than automatic, the collections menu has a ton of information about the game, enemies show HP damage numbers and health bars now, etc.)

As far as the "loss = sex scene" thing, believe it or not, when we ran polls a few times to ask people if they'd prefer if we set it up so that "sex = only on win", we overwhelmingly got bombarded by people freaking out that we'd even consider such a thing, and something like 90% of both voters on public sources like Twitter as well as Patreon and etc. overwhelmingly wanted sex to happen primarily on loss. It's a specific interest people have with these games.

However, we also understand that it's kind of a confusing, counterintuitive mechanic.

So for the full game, there's two ways we've combatted this to make everyone happy;

- First, sex scenes as a whole can be unlocked in the game's gallery by completing achievements, which will be entirely skill and exploration based, with no "fetch quests" or "grinding" required. These would be things like "Defeat two enemies with the same attack", or "Find the Fragment on the challenge map hidden in the level", or "Attack an enemy from behind before they see you", things like that. Each level will have 20 achievements, but you only need to complete 5 to get all the sex scenes in the gallery; the remaining 15 are to unlock other benefits and other fun things.

- Second, we've divided up the sex scenes in both the public demo and the full game into three categories;
1) Sex on loss, which you already know about; these are fast, simple, straightforward animation loops. These are roughly 75% of the individual sex events in a level, but only roughly 25% of the animation frames.
2) Sex on "exploration/neutral", which is sex scenes you just run across by playing the level; you can find Faye in the public demo for one example, in a sex machine, and choose to help her out or not, which has consequences later on in the game based on your choice (since pretty much every choice affects the ending to the game, and I don't mean "mass effect" levels of affecting things either, I mean it realy does significantly change things for one of the 21 endings).
3) Sex on winning, which only comes from beating a powerful enemy, or defeating a hard puzzle, or something else similar to that. These are the rarest kind in a level, making up probably less than 10% of the sex events in a level, BUT they contain probably 50% of the animation frames in a level, meaning that the animations for these are generally complex, long, with multiple variations/phases, and so on. The double sex-machine in the public demo is an example, with 9 different animation loops and phases for that one event, compared to the usual 3 animation loops with only a few frames each for the "sex on loss" animations.

We're hoping that, along with a lot of other adjustments to things in general, allows the playerbase to have their cake and eat it too; people who like the traditional mechanics for these games (sex on loss) can be fulfilled, as can people not as ingrained in the old ways who want sex on victory, and in both cases, the sex scenes can be achieved if you want without having to eat up your time losing and restarting from the spawn point, both by player skill or player exploration, catering to all skill levels while not dumbing down the game to be too easy.


Oct 21, 2019
Thanks for clarification. I think you've picked quite fair balance for pleasing basically everyone. As for trying out new demo, I'd rather wait for a release, so hopefully at the end of this year?
2) Sex on "exploration/neutral", which is sex scenes you just run across by playing the level; you can find Faye in the public demo for one example, in a sex machine, and choose to help her out or not, which has consequences later on in the game based on your choice (since pretty much every choice affects the ending to the game, and I don't mean "mass effect" levels of affecting things either, I mean it realy does significantly change things for one of the 21 endings).
So it means story consequences, not gated by 1 playthrough content, right?

Btw I'm one of thouse weirdos who was totally okay with ME3 endings, in my opinion Bioware has provided enough consequenses during the game, number of possible deaths w/o saves import for example is impressive, although the fact ME3 takes in that case pretty grim tone isn't appreciated by many is understandable.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
So it means story consequences, not gated by 1 playthrough content, right?

Yeah, story consequences; every choice you make (or don't make), and a good amount of people you kill (or don't kill) will raise or lower your values in one of 7 emotional/moral values, like "pessimism", "optimism", "hatred", "justice", etc.
Those values will then alter other cutscenes (for example, if your highest value when a cutscene comes up is "pessimism", you may not have the ability to "trust this person" when they ask you to take a leap of faith in them), and there will be direct effects as well (for example, if in cutscene A, you chose to destroy a generator within the facility, when you run into cutscene B, the enemy may be able to get the jump on you because you'd destroyed the lights in the area by way of destroying that generator, but if your sense of "violence" is high, you'd defeat all the enemies as the one exception to that cutscene's events).

Events spread through levels too; if you help out a person or do this or that in the first level, it may affect someone or something or somewhere in level 3, which then could affect something in level 5.

Finally, your maximum value come the end of the game out of the 7 is what will decide which of the endings you get, but only after it's been "mixed" with your maximum sexuality value; for example, getting "max pessimism" while avoiding sex for most of the game may result in an ending where (among many other things, the ending epilogues are pretty detailed) Talia has decided that the world is full of useless people, and she feels that sex is the culprit, so she ends up enacting a policy similar to the WORM herself through vigilante justice, as she has no faith in others to enact such change (pessimism effects).

But if you got that pessimism as max value and got a very high sexuality value, you'll get a variation where she's convinced that the world is full of depressed, useless people because they're without love and sex and people are too prudish, so she goes out and starts campaigning to try and erode traditional values on sex in a desperate bid to energize everyone's happiness.


The endings will mostly have a very "Twisted Metal 2" vibe to them though, where what *initially* seems like a good idea or good intentions, can end up as very bad results as the epilogue goes on; for example, Talia might choose to grow tons of crops using her magic, dedicating her life to feeding the world. She succeeds easily, but as a result, the world, requiring strife to advance, focuses on another resource besides food... which ends up being the organs of people, given that obesity becoming widespread around the globe with hunger ended, is the cause of everyone dying early due to awful organ health. So the black market for organs explodes, and more people end up dying from this than they ever did from world hunger. Talia then tries to combat this by refusing to help out with crop growth... which results in all the "new organ", healthy people (usually the rulers of society with power), not having the fat reserves required to survive such a famine, which uproots the entire monarchies around the globe and causes anarchy as the "bottom of society" are the main survivors of this new famine, living off of their fat reserves. Talia ends up being hailed as an anarchist hero, with the remaining populace convinced she's responsible for all of this intentionally as some grand master plan; she ends up embracing the role, guiding the people who were originally uneducated/inexperienced plebians on how to best manage and take care of their new society, for better or worse.

So there won't be any "truly good" or "truly bad" endings (and the above is just an example I made up for this post, not canon).

Not sure what you mean by "1 playthrough content", though.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015

Wishlisting the game helps us a lot with the Steam algorithms and pushes our game up to be more visible on suggestions and search lists!


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
Massively updated the OP and fixed broken images and outdated information on it!


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I am disapointed ,probably not the only one, someone has to say it . I was expecting something EXTREMELY NSFW. That's false advertisement , just a platformer with hentai pic, something not uncommon and tame nothing deserving such superlatives.
Why even ask if you are breaking some rules here, there's none , the worst sin here is using a bot to give ratings . Owner of the site dont give a fuck about the place, and the guy running it and posting news is still at the"what the fuck is a rpg " stage .
What the hell man, don't slam a dev for being cautious about NSFW warnings. They've prob been burned in the past for not being careful enough.

Personally, I completely support devs who are not making mere straight up hardcore porn, but actual games that have porn in them. Don't listen to the hate, HentaiWriter. Though Mortmal is quite correct that you are not going to get in trouble on RPGCodex, only real rule is don't do anything literally illegal and keep nsfw content inside spoiler tags.


Jun 15, 2009
I am disapointed ,probably not the only one, someone has to say it . I was expecting something EXTREMELY NSFW. That's false advertisement , just a platformer with hentai pic, something not uncommon and tame nothing deserving such superlatives.
Why even ask if you are breaking some rules here, there's none , the worst sin here is using a bot to give ratings . Owner of the site dont give a fuck about the place, and the guy running it and posting news is still at the"what the fuck is a rpg " stage .
What the hell man, don't slam a dev for being cautious about NSFW warnings. They've prob been burned in the past for not being careful enough.

Personally, I completely support devs who are not making mere straight up hardcore porn, but actual games that have porn in them. Don't listen to the hate, HentaiWriter. Though Mortmal is quite correct that you are not going to get in trouble on RPGCodex, only real rule is don't do anything literally illegal and keep nsfw content inside spoiler tags.
There's no hate there you are getting it wrong, if hate i have it's for the overall puritanism in gaming and making everything suitable in content and gameplay for the dumbest american kid.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
Personally, I completely support devs who are not making mere straight up hardcore porn, but actual games that have porn in them. Don't listen to the hate, HentaiWriter. Though Mortmal is quite correct that you are not going to get in trouble on RPGCodex, only real rule is don't do anything literally illegal and keep nsfw content inside spoiler tags.

Thanks a lot :) yeah we really want to make this a legit game as much as possible!

There's no hate there you are getting it wrong, if hate i have it's for the overall puritanism in gaming and making everything suitable in content and gameplay for the dumbest american kid.

I understand; we definitely aren't striving to do that, we want to make fair, but challenging gameplay, as well as obviously not suitable-for-everyone content.

For example, here's one of the boss battles; I wouldn't say it's the hardest thing in the world, but I wouldn't say it's the easiest either.



Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015



Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
imagine using VLC for audio

I prefer to have programs that are "one-stop-shops", which is why I use VLC for all my media (audio and video both).
But I'm also a boomer, and I've been using it since nearly the first version, so if anything else has came out in the meantime that's better and will play practically any file types, I'd be interested in trying it out.

I use other programs to actually edit the audio though, of course.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015

I really hate to post this, but it is what it is; this will be, absolutely, objectively, the final delay for Future Fragments, and you'll see why when you read it.

Inside of the post is a list of the things we have yet to get done, in pretty robust detail; I encourage you all to read it so you know what's left, as well as the new, final, unchangeable date we'll be submitting it to Steam.

If we don't submit to Steam by December 31st, 2021 or EARLIER (as we will be trying to get it out much earlier than that), the game will BE RELEASED FOR FREE.

If you've got any questions, feel free to ask here or on the Discord where we're a lot more active, at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm

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