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KickStarter Feature Creep: The RTS (ZeroSpace by Starlance Studious)


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Featuring 4 factions, hero units, customizable subfactions, galaxy scale conquest, coop, branching narrative, global abilities, pre-rendered cutscenes and who knows what else, this kickstarter project can surely only succeed.

The studio is mostly composed of various SC2 community profiles (former pros, youtubers, modders), but they also seem to have a playable prototype so maybe it's not quite as doomed as it seems.


Note: All available reward tiers will receive a full copy of the game


ZeroSpace is a cinematic RTS with an epic sci-fi story where your decisions determine the fate of the galaxy. No two matches play the same thanks to nearly limitless combinations of factions, mercenary units and heroes, introducing unparalleled strategic depth and player expression to the genre.

ZeroSpace is driven by our profound love for Real-Time Strategy. This passion is our everyday fuel and propels us in our mission to reignite and redefine the genre, and key members of our team have roots in pro play and RTS game design.
We're excited to welcome you to a meticulously crafted universe of exploration and immersion; boasting one of the most diverse sets of factions seen in the genre amidst a galaxy-wide crisis in the Milky Way.
We're making an RTS that any gamer can approach and enjoy thanks to clever and intuitive interface design, while still giving hardcore RTS competitors a limitless ladder of skill expression to master in PvP, a campaign mode, and a massively multiplayer co-op mode.
We are crafting expansive lore that harbors deeply engaging stories - You’ll discover these in a campaign where your choices matter, featuring branching narratives and RPG elements similar to games like Mass Effect or Baldur’s Gate.
ZeroSpace is already well under development, and has been funded solely by our team up to this stage. We’re now opening things up to the community to help us refine and polish the experience. We need your help to make ZeroSpace your favorite RTS!
Keep reading to learn more about ZeroSpace, our team, and our goals.

ZeroSpace launches on Steam, and will deliver, including stretch goals:
  • An open world campaign with 13 main story missions, 14 hero loyalty missions, and 40 side story arcs.
  • 3 hours of cinematic cutscenes and interactive dialogs where your choices dictate the game’s outcome.
  • 4 main factions, with 10 units and 9 buildings each.
  • 6 mercenary factions, with 4-5 units each.
  • 14 heroes from various factions in campaign mode, or select one to lead your multiplayer games.
  • 1v1 and 3v3 ranked versus matches, or play against AI.
  • A truly unique cooperative multiplayer mode that includes a shared, persistent galaxy for an entirely new massively multiplayer experience.

As RTS players, we know that every voice and contribution is important, just like every unit on the battlefield. If you're as excited as we are about this project, please help us show strength in numbers by pledging any amount and spreading the word.
We truly value your support. Each stretch goal we achieve isn't just a bonus—it's a step closer to fully realizing the expansive experience we've envisioned. While our primary aim ensures the game's launch, it's with the stretch goals that its true depth and richness come alive. If you believe in the vision we're crafting, please consider contributing.

In the following video, our lead campaign designer, GiantGrantGames takes a deep dive into our 3 main gameplay modes: Campaign, Co-op and Versus.

Build a base, gather resources, train units, research upgrades.


Meet 14 heroes that have their own skills and play styles that stand out from the normal faction and mercenary units.


Gain experience and level up your faction by capturing Control Towers. Then unlock and unleash powerful support skills including:

Protectorate's Airstrike

The Grell's Tree of Life ultimate ability

Choose mercenary groups to support your army. Their units can be purchased at the Mercenary Compound. The chosen mercenary group also unlocks additional heroes and talents to choose from.

Dread Raider mercenaries


Dive into a world teeming with mystery and danger. Traverse diverse planets aboard your upgradable mothership, guided by a choice-driven RPG system. Face moral quandaries: do you save a once-hostile planet or leave it to perish against formidable forces? As you journey, enhance your vessel, recruit heroes, and navigate complex relationships. Will your allies admire or despise you? Are you ready to lead mankind?


Build deep relationships with your crew and the heroes you enlist during the campaign.


Navigate an expansive galaxy map, brimming with dialogue opportunities and regions to explore or dominate.


Cooperative missions is a mode where 3 players fight against AI in campaign-like missions. This open-ended mode is inspired by the success and replayability found in StarCraft II Co-op.

Cooperative missions

Galactic Warfare takes your role beyond a traditional commander. Join guilds, form alliances, and partake in a galactic sized tug of war that is set on a persistent galaxy map that hosts thousands of players. Conquer space stations, planets, and more in either co-op or competitive style battles!

Galactic Warfare is a stretch goal. While our team has experience creating large, connected multiplayer worlds, achieving this ambitious goal requires the additional support from passionate backers like you.



Our core multiplayer philosophies revolve around player expression, match up variation, multiple avenues of engagement, streamlined gameplay, and well-paced game volatility. We’re building a game with lots of strategic depth - like mixing primary factions with a second faction and special hero to craft something unique to your play style - to make sure no match ever feels the same or meta-gamed.

We've been testing our versus mode for over 2 years with leaders in the RTS community like PiG, GiantGrantGames, CatZ and more recently, Scarlett. We're excited to bring you a truly deep and thrilling competitive experience. Here is a video of our lead multiplayer game designer, CatZ, going over our current game systems and gameplay design that helps achieve these goals.

Versus is set to be our primary competitive mode. Our goal is to release two major game-transforming updates annually, with periodic balance tweaks as needed. Right from the outset, players can expect comprehensive ranking systems and leaderboards. For the hardest of the hardcore RTS veterans, we've ensured fully customizable hotkeys and adaptable in-game menus tailored to meet your preferences.


Set in the Orion arm of the Milky Way in 4050, ZeroSpace thrusts you into a universe where diverse alien and human factions vie for dominance. The fragile peace, upheld by the inter-species Keeper Council, is on the brink, threatened by enigmatic events. As the human Prefect of the Protectorate, you're summoned to join the Council and unravel a cosmic mystery, encountering unknown aliens and journeying through uncharted space.


Command a diverse crew, each hailing from unique cultures. Engage them as mission companions, converse to uncover their histories, and embark on loyalty quests tailored to their personalities. Every hero crew member brings a distinct play style aligned with their character, enriching your tactical options.



Choose from 4 base building factions and 6 non-base building mercenary factions. Each one having their own unique gameplay style.

Protectorate: A military branch that is in charge of protecting human worlds. They are experts in all manner of combat environments.

Grell: A symbiotic alien bug species that aids in the growth of Koru plants by suppressing competing alien flora. In return, they draw nourishment from the Koru. Noted for their world-terraforming abilities, they exhibit aggression towards other species.

Plus two soon-to-be-announced factions! [Revealed upon reaching stretch goals]


Marran: A military faction that protects their worlds and hardly ventures beyond. They focus on community and security, but can easily be compared to the Protectorate in values.

Valkaru: A pro-war species that splits its people into two sides and battles to see which side is stronger. They are known for starting wars with other species as well.

Dread Raiders: A scavenger faction dwelling on the galaxy's outskirts. While broadly perceived as villains, they operate with a 'Robin Hood' ethos, redistributing wealth to ensure the prosperity of fringe human colonies.

Plus three soon-to-be-announced factions. [Revealed upon reaching stretch goals]


In addition to our standard backer awards, we also have special rewards that apply to every backer, regardless of pledge amount, as we grow our community. You can chip in by following us on Twitter, Facebook, joining our Discord, and so on. Each milestone we reach counts as a "point," which goes toward unlocking these community rewards!


For every social reward unlock there is 1 point given, for example when we hit tier 1 of all rewards on social media this would unlock the first hidden reward for all backers.


We've teamed up with another accomplished studio to bring you the best game possible. With top-tier expertise leading versus, campaign, and coop modes, our combined team comprises over 35 seasoned developers deeply passionate about both the RPG and RTS genres.

Our teams come with a proven track record in the gaming industry. Members from Starlance Studios contributed to the creation of 'Guardian Kingdoms', a head-to-head mobile RTS, notably featuring 20 vs 20 real-time guild battles. Ironward successfully developed the renowned 'Red Solstice' franchise, which has been well-received on Steam.

Marv - Team Starlance

Head and heart of our project, Marv has a vision for this game that deeply resonates with all of us at ZeroSpace and works hard at bringing it to life every day. Marv, with 21 years in the industry, has contributed to a diverse range of games, PC, console, and mobile. He feels most at home when developing their underlying technology. It’s easy to follow and get behind leaders who lead by example, the hard part is to find them.. and yet.. We did.

Hrvoje - Team Ironward

Hrvoje is the head of Ironward, our partner studio and developers of the Red Solstice franchise. Hrvoje is a very driven individual who helps to push his team and ours forward. The Ironward team loves to experiment on the implementation of new systems and is always looking for new challenges.

ZeroSpace Design Team

We are fortunate to have an incredible team of Designers that actively gather to deliberate on all aspects of the game. Our flat operational structure encourages collaborative engagement in all areas of the game. With a successful kickstarter, we're going to define the roles in such a way that we're putting the experts we think will bring you the best game.

CatZ - Lead Versus Designer

A former SC2 Pro turned commentator for the SC2 Pro Circuit, CatZ was renowned for his eagerness to share his distinctive strategies and solutions with his peers. With 25 years of StarCraft experience, CatZ’s outspoken views and novel ideas led him to secure an on-site consulting position at Blizzard. Over the course of those 4 years, it became evident to him that game design was a path he needed to further pursue.

Grant - Lead Campaign Designer

If you’re into strategy games, there’s a giant chance that you already know Grant. He started playing WarCraft 2 when he was 7, and then went on to play.. Just about every other RTS. As a result, he has unparalleled insights into what succeeded, what fell short, and the reasons behind these outcomes. Grant runs the largest RTS custom campaign community and is a prominent YouTuber, best known perhaps for beating SC2 and WC3 without losing a single unit.

Scarlett - Lead Balance Designer

You may know Scarlett as a StarCraft 2 Pro today, but she has actually been playing RTS games for the last 25 years. At age 12 she was already experimenting on ‘balance’ through WC3 mods that she made herself. Today, she is an important part of the balance council for SC2. Working with Scarlett, it’s easy to understand how her uncanny attention to detail has earned her nearly half a million dollars in competition.

Maguro - Lead Co-op Designer

Maguro is the developer of a popular StarCraft 2 Co-op in-game overlay, which provides players the post-game information needed to experiment, analyze, adapt and improve. He is also loved in the community for work on his arcade maps, designing new mutators, re-imagining commanders, and more.

PiG - Design Consultant and Tester

The renowned SC2 commentator and former Oceanic Champion was our first design consultant and tester. His deep understanding of strategy games significantly influenced our early game design. He remains actively engaged, consistently offering valuable insights and feedback on our game's development.


We set out to build ZeroSpace based upon our love for the RTS genre with a vision of reigniting the real-time strategy genre. Our goal is to create a game that is not just about action and strategy, but also exploration and immersion in a richly detailed world filled with one of the most diverse sets of factions ever seen in an RTS game.

To elevate this immersive experience, we plan on weaving a deeply engaging narrative that is delivered with a Mass Effect-like RPG campaign. We believe that by crafting a game that blends with RTS action, immersive world-building, and a gripping narrative, we can provide a game that truly resonates with players.

With the support of Kickstarter, not only can we fund our dream project, but also involve the community of RTS enthusiasts! ZeroSpace is an ambitious project that has the potential of shaking up the RTS genre, which is why we would like for you to be a part of this project.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
It looks doomed already.

Some of the people in there are competent. They're for sure going for the Starcraft 2 look, but at least they're faithful to skin-tight suits, alien babes and bright colours. Can't say I'm much of a fan of the style, but again, SC2 look.

The only thing I fear outright is the insane focus on cutscenes and "cinematic" look, they aren't going to get the budget of late-age Blizzard for sure so they should focus tooth and nail on gameplay and MP functionality: and it's not like there's a RTS MP market out there to exploit. Let's see what happens when modders and youtubers try their hand.


Ask me about VTM
Mar 23, 2022
Yeah, I was put off by this too. The art direction looks like it was done by an AI trained on mobile game ads by The Asylum mockbuster company. The devs are insanely ambitious and have no prior games on their resumes. It’s a recipe for disaster.

The fact that this blew up so fast is a testament to the importance of marketing. As look as it looks pretty and has popular sponsors, you can con people into funding a rookie dev with a project they can’t possibly deliver.

I still backed it, but only because I don’t have better options. I’m morbidly curious to see if the payment was worth it. But I also expect they’ll flake after things don’t work out. That’s happened with several KS I backed.

If the gameplay isn’t functional, then they’re gonna crash and burn regardless. The video game industry isn’t forgiving in that regard. RTS is the hardest genre to design for and has the lowest RoI. Not a good combination.

The promise of an epic story is… I don’t expect good writing from video games and their promotion looks like the most generic claptrap that AI can generate. “We’ve got generic space hero guy! That redhead in the white catsuit! A purple asari!” Why should I care about these shallow caricatures obviously designed by AI?

The only bit that sounds even vaguely novel is that they support playing the campaign on an evil path. Given how often devs botch that, I’m not impressed. I’ll give them credit for trying, at least.

They don’t give a lot of information on their actual design, so there’s no way to know what to expect until it actually releases. But I’m not impressed by what little I’ve been given.

“You can play aggressive space bugs who hire mercenaries!” Excuse me, what? The aggressive space bugs that explicitly invade planets to overwhelm their ecologies can hire mercenaries? Why would they do that and why would anyone be stupid enough to work for the planet destroying space bugs?

I can already tell their “epic story” is gonna repeat all the same stupid tropes I’ve seen a million times already. Why do devs keep doing this? The RTS genre is three decades old and the writing quality is still firmly in the “a six year wrote this” territory.


Jul 11, 2019
I mean you still payed for it right? But yeah indie game dev is basically NFTs. If you have the early cash to get some mockups and a Unity prototype and then the community connections to get word of mouth people shell out any amount of cash. Meanwhile a better game without the same social clout would get basically nothing. Consumers are their own worst enemies.


Oct 21, 2022
This looks great but I hope the 4 main factions aren't just 2 flavors of human and 2 flavors of bug.

Feyd Rautha

Apr 17, 2009
Nestled atop the cliffs
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Ugh lowest pledge tier is 30$ but it sounds very interesting. I'm not a fan of Starcraft 2 competetive gameplay or the fugly blizzard artstyle but I guess it could be fun despite those flaws.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Ugh lowest pledge tier is 30$ but it sounds very interesting. I'm not a fan of Starcraft 2 competetive gameplay or the fugly blizzard artstyle but I guess it could be fun despite those flaws.
Yeah. If they're trying to be SC3, I'm way more interested in the coop/sp than the competitive modes. The lead campaign designer has done some good design work on various sc2 mods (like real scale), but it remains to be seen if he can design something cool from scratch, and if the team can implement it with a presumably limited budget (unlike blizzard).

This looks great but I hope the 4 main factions aren't just 2 flavors of human and 2 flavors of bug.
The two factions seen so far seem to just be not-terran and not-zerg, so I would assume one of the remaining ones is not-protoss and if I had to guess I'd say the last one will be not-UED.


Ask me about VTM
Mar 23, 2022
Yeah. If they're trying to be SC3, I'm way more interested in the coop/sp than the competitive modes. The lead campaign designer has done some good design work on various sc2 mods (like real scale), but it remains to be seen if he can design something cool from scratch, and if the team can implement it with a presumably limited budget (unlike blizzard).
The campaign doesn’t look like anything I’d be interested in. They look like they’re copying all the stuff about starcraft and mass effect I hated. Romance? Seriously? Go make a dating sim! I play RTS to simulate wars and politics. After SC2 focused on the romance of Asari!Hitler×1000 and Male!Eva in space, I’m just sick of any hint of romance.

The RTS genre is a complete shithole now. The only games that look even remotely interesting to me don’t receive any attention because they actually focus on the nationstates and don’t use purple asari boobs to advertise.

The two factions seen so far seem to just be not-terran and not-zerg, so I would assume one of the remaining ones is not-protoss and if I had to guess I'd say the last one will be not-UED.
You’re misremembering. UED is terran. They live on Terra. Use same tech tree. There’s no meaningful difference.

anyway, The Protectorate are described as a space police force, so they’re not comparable to terrans or UED in whatever way that comparison makes sense (beyond gameplay, I guess?). Although I guess you could argue the Protectorate is supposed to fulfill the fans’ heroic UED fantasy? Also, the writers are using the term “protectorate” wrong: A protectorate is a client state of an evil empire.

Since one of the revealed heroes is a robot (they might’ve hidden it since I looked), I think the fourth side will be robots.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
You’re misremembering. UED is terran. They live on Terra. Use same tech tree. There’s no meaningful difference.
I'm not misremembering, I know they are the same in sc1, but in the original design docs they weren't. So I could totally see low tech hillbillies and high tech imperials as separate factions.

Since one of the revealed heroes is a robot (they might’ve hidden it since I looked), I think the fourth side will be robots.
This seems like a good guess.


Ask me about VTM
Mar 23, 2022
I'm not misremembering, I know they are the same in sc1, but in the original design docs they weren't. So I could totally see low tech hillbillies and high tech imperials as separate factions.
What design docs? You mean a throwaway statement in one interview where one representative said “oh, the UED is actually the most powerful empire in the universe” in an obvious attempt to cover their ass because they had no idea what the fuck they were doing?

The starcraft lore is an incoherent mess so putting any stock in one random interview is setting yourself up for disappointment. The devs admit they made shit up as they went without regard for continuity. The UED weren’t originally planned for BW anyway (according to the website at the time the original plan was apparently a Dominion Civil War) and their existence is a huge retcon that renders the backstory completely nonsensical. Don’t take my word for it: Check out the wiki citations if you can find them.

From a game design perspective, a UED tech tree is completely unnecessary and destroys the aesthetic distinction between the terrans, zerg and protoss. The protoss were already the high tech empire (read their incoherent retconned backstory on the wiki if your eyes don’t explode from the awfulness) until they got retconned into worthless wimps chasing prophecies. Oh my god, fuck these idiot writers who can’t make up their damn minds!

*deep breath* *sigh* But I digress.

In any case, the high tech empire versus low tech hillbillies comparison you make doesn’t seem valid in ZS. The Protectorate are basically the Federation or Mass Effect’s Citadel, not hillbillies.


Jul 2, 2022

They put a literal cowboy hat on a space cowboy so we would know he's a space cowboy and named him Yearl Hexlan. I guess Earl was too normal of a Western name they had to put a Y in front of it.

"Her opulent past molds her fierce present" reads like something I'd expect from a teen romance novel.

"Shadowed by past betrayals." This isn't even a sentence!

At least they had the decency to hide the 8 fingered mutations in the AI generated artwork.

The studio is mostly composed of various SC2 community profiles (former pros, youtubers, modders)

Dunning-Kruger in action.


Ask me about VTM
Mar 23, 2022
I can understand being inspired by StarCraft and even recycling the same tropes, but this is definitely mobile game AI generated ripoff territory. I've seen several spiritual successors to dead RTS franchises and none of them were mockbusters like this. It's got body doubles of Raynor, human Kerry, and infested Kerry in the cover art! I'd expect this from a mobile game dev, but it's completely unprofessional for a dev who's trying to make a triple A game. ZS is in the same territory as those early SC ripoffs like Atrox, Dark Planet: The Battle for Natrolis, Conquest: Frontier Wars, and StarFront: Collision. I mean ripoffs: all of those games had obvious 1:1 ripoffs of the terrans, zerg and protoss. Or those Russian Dune RTS ripoffs.

Tempest Rising is obviously a spiritual successor to the Command & Conquer universe, with obvious analogues to GDI/Allies (the GDF), Soviets/Nod (Tempest Dynasty) and Tiberium (tempest vine), but they look like generic modernish military in aesthetics rather than an obvious ripoff. None of the characters they've shown look like ripoffs of C&C characters (although to be fair, Kane is the only recurring character in the franchise so it's not like they had many characters to ripoff).

Immortal: Gates of Pyre outright started as an SC2 mod, but the sides have clearly different aesthetics from starcraft and none of the characters revealed so far look anything like Starcraft's main characters.

Silica started as a mod for Emperor: Battle for Dune, but it doesn't look anything like Dune or Starcraft.

The ZS team was so obsessed with creating SC3 that they completely skipped out on giving their game its own identity. I'm not a lawyer, but I wonder if they're opening themselves to litigation by being so blatant in copying. They filed the serial numbers off, but I doubt that's enough. Not that I expect Activision to sue since they seem to have abandoned RTS entirely.

They put a literal cowboy hat on a space cowboy so we would know he's a space cowboy and named him Yearl Hexlan. I guess Earl was too normal of a Western name they had to put a Y in front of it.
To be fair, Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop outright have people wearing literal 19th century fashions centuries in the future and give them 19th century names like Jean or Jim Hawkins. But those are dramedies. Outlaw Star has a beach episode where an assassin repeatedly fails to kill Jean due to absurd bad luck (such as running off a cliff, or being washed out of a train by a flash flood, none of which Jean even notices) and Cowboy Bebop has an episode where a centuries old forgotten death laser satellite AI gets so lonely that it recreates the Nazca lines which causes the government to issue a bounty on it.

I don't get the sense that ZS realizes how silly its own premise is. I get the sense they're taking everything with a 100% serious tone without a hint of irony.


Mar 16, 2015
This looks interesting. It is some mix of SC2 and WC3 but looks cheap due to indie production budget. I hope it turns out good if it ever releases.


Jun 7, 2020
I mean, this is still going to be mile better than whatever nu-blizzard is going to released titled SC 3.


Mar 16, 2015
In last few days I figured out there is a ton of interesting new RTS coming, I have not seen this since golden age of RTS. I do not understand why all these studios think RTS is what general public wants.
Dec 24, 2018
In last few days I figured out there is a ton of interesting new RTS coming, I have not seen this since golden age of RTS. I do not understand why all these studios think RTS is what general public wants.
If you're a massive publicly traded publisher then you make what the general public wants. If you're a game developer not beholden to one of the aforementioned publishers, then you're free to limit your scale to a particular genre's fans. There are enough RTS players to be a good sized market. Just not enough for the greedy kike publishers. But enough to do business with.

Feyd Rautha

Apr 17, 2009
Nestled atop the cliffs
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
If you're a massive publicly traded publisher then you make what the general public wants. If you're a game developer not beholden to one of the aforementioned publishers, then you're free to limit your scale to a particular genre's fans. There are enough RTS players to be a good sized market. Just not enough for the greedy kike publishers. But enough to do business with.
Why doesn't one of them big publisher just release a great game for every fan base and thus take home the whole market?


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
If you're a massive publicly traded publisher then you make what the general public wants. If you're a game developer not beholden to one of the aforementioned publishers, then you're free to limit your scale to a particular genre's fans. There are enough RTS players to be a good sized market. Just not enough for the greedy kike publishers. But enough to do business with.
Why doesn't one of them big publisher just release a great game for every fan base and thus take home the whole market?
Risk aversion, corporate inertia, being beholden to ignorami....

All companies are somewhat dysfunctional, big ones tend to be more dysfunctional. There's lots of "valid" reasons they are unable to seize these opportunities.


Mar 16, 2015
In last few days I figured out there is a ton of interesting new RTS coming, I have not seen this since golden age of RTS. I do not understand why all these studios think RTS is what general public wants.
If you're a massive publicly traded publisher then you make what the general public wants. If you're a game developer not beholden to one of the aforementioned publishers, then you're free to limit your scale to a particular genre's fans. There are enough RTS players to be a good sized market. Just not enough for the greedy kike publishers. But enough to do business with.
I do not think there is enough for all these RTS games unless this one group of players is going to play all of them (which they will not as they are of different kind - some are blizzard like, some are C&C like, some are CoH like, some are something on their own).
Dec 24, 2018
If you're a massive publicly traded publisher then you make what the general public wants. If you're a game developer not beholden to one of the aforementioned publishers, then you're free to limit your scale to a particular genre's fans. There are enough RTS players to be a good sized market. Just not enough for the greedy kike publishers. But enough to do business with.
Why doesn't one of them big publisher just release a great game for every fan base and thus take home the whole market?
Why make a bunch of great games when you could just release one pile of slop for the masses? Less work.


Apr 29, 2007
This looks better than that SC2 clone former blizzard devs are working on, what the fuck?


Mar 16, 2015
This looks better than that SC2 clone former blizzard devs are working on, what the fuck?
This is also by former blizzard devs and took some sc2 pros to help them. Ex blizzard devs basically split into two dev teams and both decided to make sc2 rip off games :D

And there is a 3rd game that is being made by some sc2 modders that is also sc2 rip off. That one looks weakest out of these 3.


Apr 29, 2007
This looks better than that SC2 clone former blizzard devs are working on, what the fuck?
This is also by former blizzard devs and took some sc2 pros to help them. Ex blizzard devs basically split into two dev teams and both decided to make sc2 rip off games :D

And there is a 3rd game that is being made by some sc2 modders that is also sc2 rip off. That one looks weakest out of these 3.
Isn't this one made by the modders & pro players? What's the third one then?

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