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Indie Evowok Breeder - CRPG inspired by pokemon (free & released)


Jul 10, 2018
Played it for 2-3 hours. If anyone thinks of trying the game don't pick the pokemon with the big eyes (the first option). His eyes get injured constantly and his accuracy plummets, which leads to constant misses and never ending fights. The start of the game doesn't offer anything to do beside grind fights to level him up, as you can't catch any new monsters or change your initial pick. There's only 2 attacks to chose from, and they both to the same thing (damage), so combat is completely brainless. The debuffs from injuries are interesting, but you have no control over them, at least at the start of the game. Fighting leads to injuries, which require gold to heal, so I have no money to buy a map to leave the first area. I'm sure the game will open up once I'll leave the town, and the combat won't suck so hard, but the start of the game is way way too slow, so I'm done with it.

hello friend

Feb 26, 2012
I'm on an actual spaceship. No joke.
Uh. You can manage the injuries just fine. Eye guy has higher dps, ends fights more quickly and usually attacks first. When you do the initial damage, you damage their accuracy too, and end up taking less damage. You have to take care not to attack anything that will damage his teeth though, as they take a long time to heal. It's a more difficult start than the slow armoured pokemon, but it's perfectly viable. The game opens up a lot once you leave the town. You're right about the game's slow start.


Sep 10, 2014
V4.1 is released.

Full changelog :
New content:
Added five new locations to the world map, complete with new facilities, characters and quests!
Added fifteen new random encounters to the world map!
Added four new variants to existing random encounters.
Added three complete new evowok lineages!
Added new barding for four existing evowok breeds.
Added various new general and task-related inventory and equipment items.
Added multiple possible conclusions to Ebany's storyline.
Added multiple possible continuations of storylines relating to Lord Hadley and Queen Gemma in the event of a coup.
Added new completionist objective to win an Arena Tournament with every evowok breed!
Added two new courier tasks available through Taniel in Sardonyx.
Added new missions related to the Church of Almighty Tup in the City of Zircon.
Added opportunities to learn skills which could previously become unavailable in particular circumstances.
Added one new battle music track!
Added and modified game interface features:
Added "Other Achievements" list, accessible from the player's character sheet.
Added the ability to view the current music track information at any point by pressing # in-game!
Added icons in the breed details window to show breeds which the player has fielded successfully in Arena Tournaments.
Enabled use of the right mouse button to display the submenu for items in the inventory.
The new task notification now specifies if multiple new tasks have become active.
The breed details window now remembers the chosen list sorting style.
The task list can now be opened directly from the new task notification.
The in-battle evowok states list now lists exact values for relevant states.
Camouflage, excretions and preparation evowok are now included in the in-battle evowok states list.
Base chance to miss is now listed for sensory injuries.
Improved glossary entries for clarification and to include further information.
Added a glossary page for the battle interface.
The Skill details window now lists the current success chance for the Skill.
The targetting interface now lists calculated chances of hitting each location.
Updated and revised glossary entries for readability and consistency of terminology.
Expanded information given in initial controls dialogue to include all usable keys.
The Speed bar in the match interface now displays exact Agility values.
It is now possible to purchase multiple items from shops in one sale.
Updated & changed content:
Changed music for two existing map locations.
Expanded and improved inventory trading system to add functionality for new features.
Increased the amount of stock potentially carried by traders.
Increased base success chance for all Skills.
Improved accuracy of calculation for move success, slightly increasing likelihood of success and making every Skill point count!
The Skill Level of an Ability no longer affects the amount of Stamina required to perform it and no longer grants a bonus to damage dealt.
Endurance and Stamina are now restored automatically at the end of a match.
Standardised and reduced cost of barding repairs.
Failed attempts at haggling now slightly reduce Bravado.
Some traders will now offer better or worse prices for particular items.
Some trainers now impart a bonus to initial skill for a newly taught move.
Evowok suffering crippling injuries now sustain lasting damage to those body parts (in the form of reduced HPs) even if later healed, meaning that body parts with old injuries are slightly more likely to be injured in future.
Very drunk characters are now incapable of using inventory items or coherently conversing with NPCs.
Characters with injuries or other impediments now walk more slowly in local maps.
Bravado can now be temporarily limited by certain impediments, such as injury or excessive alcohol intake.
Using First-Aid Kits no longer increases First-Aid Skill with every use.
Evowok rods are now available in two new locations.
It is now possible to pry open hatches on the deck of a hulk when rusted shut.
Added additional speech to one spectator in Ruby Villa to give hints on the Scambur Dash minigame.
Harris in Zirconium will now purchase a wider range of jewelery items.
Frieda in Pyrite will now purchase all types of luminescent mushrooms.
Simon in Jasper now gives new characters first-aid kits, and additional first-aid kits are available around Jasper for new characters.
Cherry bushes no longer sometimes contain evowok.
Changed the location of the Telepathic Stadium.
Changed location of one character previously only available in a random encounter.
Added explicit starting tasks for new characters starting in Jasper.
Changed breeds and lowered Prowess levels of some evowok encountered by new characters in Jasper.
Filter cloths can now only be used once the player has learned their purpose from Harid in Tourmaline.
Some fissures in the volcanic wastes now require a filter cloth to enter.
Removed all matches from the game which were limited to two-evowok-per-side.
Removed stimulant and analgesic potions from the game entirely (replacing these with antidote and coagulant potions respectively for existing characters).
Minor revisions and clarifications to some dialogue with characters from the Western Empire.
Minor revision to dialogue with Taniel in Sardonyx to clarify conditions for one courier task.
Minor improvements and expansions to several scripts relating to the Priests of Tup.
Minor modifications to evowok populations and rarities.
Small tweaks to existing breed statistics, capabilities and injury models.
Renamed one existing evowok breed.
Added additional morphological traits and corresponding statistics and capabilities for some breeds.
Modified and expanded character achievement descriptors.
Increased starting Skill levels for evowok purchased from Simon in Jasper.
Updated Renown and Training Skill statistics for existing PCs.
Miscellaneous graphical optimisations and improvements.
Miscellaneous code and scripting tidying and optimisation.
Fixed existing bugs and issues:
Fixed bug causing barding to continue to appear in an evowok's injuries list even when destroyed.
Fixed two bugs causing incorrect text to be shown regarding damage to barding in an evowok's injuries list.
Fixed bug causing physical defenses to be calculated incorrectly, with the result that many evowok could catch fire far more easily than intended!
Fixed display bug affecting display of the inventory scrollbar when discarding or expending items towards the end of the inventory list.
Fixed potential bug causing a crash when walking on particular surfaces.
Fixed potential bug affecting colouring for one breed.
Fixed bug causing some messages to be displayed incorrectly when a character was killed by a dangerous wild evowok.
Fixed bug causing some damage notifications to be incorrect when attacker received penetrating wounds from defender's physical defenses.
Fixed bug preventing learning of "one-legged kick".
Fixed bug preventing access to injury list for evowok whose only injury is damaged barding.
Fixed bug causing some attacks to inflict poison damage even when blocked by armour.
Fixed bug causing woknip not to degrade correctly in all circumstances.
Fixed bug causing additional comma in one message during matches.
Fixed bug preventing player injury in one situation.
Fixed bug causing some traders' stock to be incorrect, and expanded engine to allow for stock-tracking of more traders in a given location.
Fixed bug causing evowok Endurance and Stamina bars to be drawn incorrectly under some circumstances.
Fixed bug causing incorrect message when certain attacks caused the target evowok to slip over.
Fixed bug causing Bravado not to be correctly adjusted upon winning/losing games of Shithead.
Fixed bug causing colours to display incorrectly for weabels when wearing barding.
Fixed bug in display of targetting interface.
Fixed bug causing playtime to continue to be displayed for erased career slots.
Fixed bug causing chrysalises to sometimes display incorrectly.
Fixed potential bug causing Speed bar to over-extend.
Fixes for several pluralisation bugs.
Added preload workaround for unidentified issue causing some music tracks not to play correctly on first load.
Prevented keystrokes on loading screen from skipping update notifications.
Fixed scripting bug causing filter cloths not to function correctly in one encounter.
Fixed scripting bug affecting pricing of armour repairs for one armourer.
Fixed scripting bugs affecting two characters when receiving evowok as gifts.
Fixed scripting bug causing strange behaviour under one circumstance when the player was killed during a robbery.
Fixed scripting bug causing one task to be erroneously cancelled upon discarding a particular item.
Fixed scripting bugs causing Stadium display matches to be unavailable until all trainers had been defeated.
Fixed scripting bug causing Taniel to become aware of mail interception erroneously in one circumstance.
Fixed bug allowing entry to Peridot without a Gate Pass!
Fixed minor scripting bug with no current effects in one task.
Fixed several potential minor scripting bugs relating to one storyline.
Fixed mapping bug causing odd behaviour of the Pits doormen in Aquamarine Docks.
Fixed issue causing incorrect Skill Training levels for evowok in the care of NPCs.
Fixed minor graphical issue affecting unconscious weabels.
Corrected evowok fielded by Barker in the Brawling Stadium.
Corrected prize amount displayed for Bronze Tournaments at the Arena.
Corrected ante amount for one breeder in Jasper.
Removed potential dead-end from one task.
Minor typo fixes in various scripts.
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May 13, 2018
Endurance and Stamina are now restored automatically at the end of a match.
Base chance to miss is now listed for sensory injuries.
Nice. Good changes.

Evowok suffering crippling injuries now sustain lasting damage to those body parts (in the form of reduced HPs) even if later healed, meaning that body parts with old injuries are slightly more likely to be injured in future.
Potentially not so nice. The game doesn't feel balanced enough to go for permanent damage, though this level of detail in regard to pokemon anatomy is part of the charm.

Are there any changes that make the starting village easier, or rather, quicker to get through? I got semi stuck there and got too bored to slog through it.
It's good too see the dev keeps working on it. One day I'll give it another shot.


Sep 10, 2014
Are there any changes that make the starting village easier, or rather, quicker to get through?
Yes, from the announcement of the forum of the game :
I've spent a lot of time in particular tweaking the initial part of the game in Jasper to (hopefully!) allow for a smoother difficulty gradient (in terms of both combat and finance!) and better introductory gameplay for new players.

hello friend

Feb 26, 2012
I'm on an actual spaceship. No joke.
Increased base success chance for all Skills.
Improved accuracy of calculation for move success, slightly increasing likelihood of success and making every Skill point count!
Increased starting Skill levels for evowok purchased from Simon in Jasper.
These are the most important changes.

I hope it's possible to turn off the music now, but there's no mention of it.


Dec 27, 2008
Is this playable to the end? Is there a storyline, or is it one of those "open games" like Kenshi?


Sep 10, 2014
I don't know if there's an actual (completionist) ending but there is a fixed world with a set of objectives, including one obvious main one, and side quests, no dynamic or too-big-to-fully-explore world.


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
Man, the first time I played this was close to 15 years ago. I still remember how rough around the edges it was, but I had more fun with it than Pokemon. Can't wait to play this updated version; I just need to find the time for it lol (I had more free time as a student back then :()


Sep 10, 2014
v4.2's out.

Gameplay revisions, changes & new features:
Carrying firewood now increases travel speed on the world map (but gradually depletes the firewood!)
There is now a limit to the amount of weight that can comfortably be carried in the inventory. Being overloaded causes a reduction in travel speed and reduced Bravado!
The player's horse can now be optionally saddled as a mount (increasing travel speed) or as a packhorse (decreasing encumbrance).
Traders now carry a limited amount of money with which to purchase items.
Items sold to traders now appear in their inventories (and can thus be rebought if desired!)
The player's coin-purse now appears in the inventory, and money can be discarded if desired (to save weight when overburdened, for instance).
Nets torn or burned by evowok now become damaged rather than destroyed, and can still be used until replaced (but with a reduced chance to catch evowok).
It is now possible to carry multiple nets of the same type.
Improved accuracy of timekeeping while travelling.
Evowok no longer need to prepare poison in advance for defense or for venomous attacks.
Slightly reduced the amount of poison received from venomous attacks or attacks on poisonous evowok.
Sachets of evowok venom can now only be applied to claws.

New content:
Added three complete new evowok lineages!
Added one new Talent!
Added new music track for Fight Commissioner Morton's office in the Arena (reintroducing Bill Finlay's Pre-Action Intermission menu music from the Evowok Breeder V2 Evowok Arena addon!)
Added a character to teach one move not previously available outside of a specific storyline.
Added a character to teach better travel packing, increasing the player's encumbrance capacity.
Added a storage chest in Room 2 at the Tooth & Claw Inn.
Added two new bank branches, in Feldspar and Peridot.
Added four new Other Achievements.

Updated & removed content:
Removed the evowok merchant from Peridot.
Removed pouches of nails from the game.
Removed carriable copies of the rules of Shithead from the game.
Removed Poison and Venom abilities from the game in line with new poison/venom system (updating all existing evowok trained in these abilities).
Revised one evowok lineage, replacing one instar with a new evowok breed!
Renamed Gunk Squirt to Mucus Squirt.
The evowok pit in Diamond Villa now gets the player's attention on passing, and matches encountered here now feature a wider range of evowok breeds, with scaled antes.
Randomised matches are now available at the evowok pits in the basements of the Black Quag Tavern in Sardonyx and the Mandrake Root in Port Alexandrite.
All banks now offer safety deposit boxes, in which items can be stored for later retrieval.
Reduced Bert's debt to Luciel.
Bert will now eventually repay his debt to the player instead of offering hospitality dividends.
Doctor Foster in Tiger's Eye is now sometimes available to ply his trade.
Revised random evowok naming possibilities.
Modified evowok population types for some environments.
Updated anatomical models for several breeds.

Interface updates & new features:
Added additional information to the evowok breed details window for known breeds.
Worn items are now marked in the inventory window.
The view mode for the inventory window is now remembered.
Inventory items can now be reordered when choosing items to store or sell as well as from the main inventory interface.
It is now possible to sort and reorder items stored in chests.
The Escape key can now be used to cancel teaching an Ability from the evowok details interface.
The list of teachable Abilities and Talents now displays Abilities and Talents separately and the total number of Abilities or Talents not yet learned, and can be sorted by name (ascending or descending).
The list of teachable Abilities and Talents is now accessible from the character details interface.
The character details interface no longer lists the player's Coins (which are now viewable in the Inventory).
Improved notification texts in trading screens.
Updated and reordered glossary information for the character details interface.
Venomous attacks are now marked with an icon in an evowok's Abilities list.
The Ability details interface now lists attacks as venomous.

Fixes for existing bugs & issues:
Corrected inconsistent use of terminology for Abilities in the evowok details interface.
Fixed bug in the inventory interface causing selection to move outside the visible part of the list when switching between view styles while buying, selling or storing items.
Fixed bug in inventory interface allowing items to attempt to be moved past the end of the list and to behave differently depending on the number of items in the inventory.
Fixed bug exploiting which allowed items to be duplicated.
Fixed potential major bug causing the player to disappear into a dark void while traversing the world map!
Fixed minor bug causing incorrect price to be reported when buying firewood in one location.
Fixed bug preventing completion of task to collect tourniquets for Doctor Lazarus in Diamond Villa.
Fixed update bug causing some removed items to potentially persist when they were not carried by the player.
Fixed bug causing chest to be closed following retrieval of items rather than returning to the menu.
Fixed text in prompt for number of items to drop when discarding items.
Fixed nonsensical interface behaviour asking for confirmation for selling/discarding items when not possible anyway.
Fixed bug potentially causing a crash if the player were to be eaten by a grindel.
Fixed bug causing eye injuries to have no effect on vision for several breeds.
Fixed bug causing applied venom not to work correctly.
Fixed bug causing evowok with large tongues not to always receive additional poison when licking a poisonous evowok.
Fixed bug potentially allowing duplicate player names to be created.
Fixed bug allowing numerics in evowok names.
Fixed minor scripting bug in one random encounter.
Corrected proportional information for body layouts for several breeds.
Corrected centering of character details interface.

Under-the-hood improvements:
Implemented the ability to store items in multiple locations.
Implemented the ability to wear multiple items of the same type.
Unified code for all inventory management interfaces and made additional minor text and aesthetic tweaks.
Removed duplicate data in evowok statistics module.
Combined breed data stored across multiple files to a single file.
Various other miscellaneous code tidying and efficiency improvements.


Sep 10, 2014
Evowok Breeder update 4.2.1


Following on from the recent 4.2 update, this version fixes some bugs, makes some tweaks and changes, and (of course!) adds some more new evowok breeds to the game:
  • Added three complete new evowok lineages!
  • Added two new Abilities!
  • Added in-flight graphics for all flight-capable evowok breeds.
  • Added new colour variants for three lineages.
  • Modified one character to teach a new Ability.
  • Injuries to bodyparts causing additional attack and defense damage are now taken into account in calculating damage bonuses.
  • Adjusted and corrected breed characteristics and injury models for several existing evowok breeds.
  • Fixed bug causing a crash when attempting to view music information before loading a career slot.
  • Fixed potentially serious bug causing some characters to interact incorrectly when the player is extremely drunk.
  • Fixed non-functioning flight abilities for electricoms and stormicoms.
  • Fixed minor graphical issues for nine evowok breeds.
  • Added capability for pinning attacks to do increased damage on first hitting a target.
  • Added capability for evowok injury models with no core body.
  • Better specified body location data for certain anatomies.
  • Miscellaneous code and efficiency improvements.
The update can be downloaded here, and a full changelog can be found in the usual place.

Of course, please feel as welcome as always to post below with any and all additional thoughts, comments, questions or suggestions.

Have fun!



Jun 30, 2019
How the hell does one make money in this game? I spend pretty much all my winnings on healing


May 13, 2018
The start of the game is awful. It could be a 15 minutes tutorial, but instead it's 90+ minutes of grinding. It actually has more hand holding than Pokemon, which lets you roam, sets objectives, and lets you catch monsters from the beginning. And this a fan game where the players are already familiar with the genre, so there's no reason to bore them with dozens of fights that are nothing but stat checks.
Does anyone have a save file after they leave of the first village?

Also, after you beat Angus at the start he gives you a free med kit every time you talk to him, so you can get an unlimited amount of them. It's clearly a bug, but is there some way to sell equipment?
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Jun 30, 2019
there's no reason to bore them with dozens of fights that are nothing but stat checks.
Does anyone have a save file after they leave of the first village?
From what I can see so far, it wasn't a tutorial. That was the game. Past first village there are just more villages with more fights.

Also, after you beat Angus at the start he gives you a free med kit every time you talk to him, so you can get an unlimited amount of them. It's clearly a bug
I thought the same, but he vanishes if you return to the village later, so I think this was intentional and part of the tutorial to make sure the player doesn't soft lock the game for himself by running out of money

is there some way to sell equipment?
Yes, but it seems really rare? Basically, in none of the villages or towns I visited did I see an option to do it, but I once got some rare random encounter where I could sell my shit to a trader


Sep 10, 2014
Very important, I know at the very beginning of the game it's expensive but identifying the evowoks you catch is very important, you're much stronger against evowoks you've identified. By the way unless you know an evowok is weak (like those yellow balls from outside the first town) or strong (the three starting evowoks are strong) it's a good idea to choose the ante-matches against evowoks you've identified rather than the others.

The start of the game is awful. It could be a 15 minutes tutorial, but instead it's 90+ minutes of grinding.
I thought the same, but he vanishes if you return to the village later, so I think this was intentional and part of the tutorial to make sure the player doesn't soft lock the game for himself by running out of money
Yes, I am not sure it is intentional or not but when I played the game I did run out of money twice of thrice in the first town, basically you had to choose the good order for fights and not heal your evowok between each of them. I really liked this tough start but I guess I can't blame the guy for making it easier if everybody else stopped playing here. Don't think it's the only time the game will fuck you, some event and some dialog or quest results are harsh (although' I never had to restart the game after the beginning sequence).

Discovering which fights to choose or when to poison your claws, and at the beginning you often have to do it the hard way and then unfortunately grind to earn back the money you lost, is very central to the game. I think it's fun because there's a lot of learning, planning and also catching the right evowoks.

About grinding (I mean catching and selling evowoks) it's complicated because there are several things. First you want to catch evowoks to get some good ones (which means good ones but also with good skills), and when you find a good one with some level you need for several fights it can be very satisfying and make you gain a lot of money. I loved this part. I think I never grinded for experience, just used an appropriate evowok I had for a couple of fights then switched to another.

For the rest first you will find places where catched evowoks are expensive so you won't have to spend much time grinding and secondely, eventually, you have to grind if you suck (and I suck hard so I know what I'm talking about :)) but if you don't suck then you would not have to grind as much, just defeat characters from pits and arenas then your renown raises which is very important because then ante-matches are worth more money. These characters can be strong but that's clearly something I did not do early enough, leaving a lot of renown matches for later while the economy of the game is likely balanced around winning those as soon as possible.
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Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
In my opinion the game does not have a lot of flaws. [...]

On more technical aspects, graphics are under average, but the game has a lot of different songs (I think there are like 100 but I can't remember where I've seen that), from what I remember I didn't like all of them but it's still impressive and I did like most of them anyway.

17 years of development, and the game is huge. I put about 200 hours on my main playthrough. The game is free and is very easily the role-playing game with the most content I've played in a long time. I've seen most of what the game has to offer during one playthrough, but can't talk about quest branchings. There are some quests I refused to get involved into, some others I didn't solve, often because I could not, and I didn't try to deal with the completionist aspects (you gain a trophy for catching every evowok, and another for reaching maximal fame I guess). I have no idea if there's an actual ending to the game or not. I liked the hard and complex approach to Pokemon, the fights don't involve big parties but as far as small party fights go the game is complex, and the preparation part especially. The open-ended quests with no way to save your game were also somewhat interesting. Overall they're tons of little systems and the game tries to take into account many things that most other games don't. The game incorporates features which couldn't work in a traditional RPG but work very well in a Pokemon-like, like the level cap for battles and the forced ironman mode (your character can't die in combat). More than often the game seems to be a very polished and well thought combination of many features the developer wanted to see in a game. It couldn't really be more niche, Pokemon being very easy while this one is quite hard, lighthearted while this one is dark and, although Fallout is specifically described as the inspiration for open-ended quest by the maker of the game, the first game you would present to some Fallout fanboy is clearly not a game inspired by Pokemon, and it's not like the character stat-based gameplay is any deep in Evowok Breeder unlike in Falout by the way. Also the high amount of content may not totally justify the 200 hour playtime, the game is particularly slow, and you'll probably end up needing to grind if you've not played the game before. This game is a game which appeals to noone, and which requires some time to get into, but for me at least it was totally worth it.

Finally the developer is currently working on more content to add to the game.

I played it for a bit and i like it BUT ...
  • A lot of QoL adjustments are needed (moving pace in town x4 already, instant messages display, buying in bulk)
  • Some features are really annoying, like encumbrance which reduced bravado when traveling while it's such a pain to store anything, specially since you don't know about the limits. Is it the number of items, is there a way to increase it?
  • Combat, maybe there's a reason but instead of having all the trainers and their monsters displayed already, you have to click every trainer to check their minions and attack them, it's fast but so many mouse buttons could have been spared (maybe not that much, nobody is playing the game after all)
  • This needs SOUNDS options like NOW! Not just for turning the music off, which would work but fine tuning SE and music volume would be better.
  • To reduce the grind, minions could also gain as much distributable Skill points as they gain Training points (for level ups)

About grinding (I mean catching and selling evowoks) it's complicated because there are several things. First you want to catch evowoks to get some good ones (which means good ones but also with good skills), and when you find a good one with some level you need for several fights it can be very satisfying and make you gain a lot of money. I loved this part. I think I never grinded for experience, just used an appropriate evowok I had for a couple of fights then switched to another.

I'm not a grinding fan so i just started to use cheat engine for walking speed/combat speed/message display X5 and i used it to increase Trainer XP to learn moves faster instead of grinding 20000 hours to get there, specially since early on, you need the right minions combination to be allowed to fight other trainers and gain XP.
It's an interesting feature but it's often annoying.

Also, the 2 minions limit is annoying as well, specially since early on, the only way to store them is a trip to the arena, north of the second town, would be nice to be able to drag one or two more along even if you can't switch or make them fight.

I like the game and with a lot of QoL improvements and maybe a reskin, it could be quite successful, i like the minions artstyle and also the intro but the in-game pokemon-ish graphics are terrible, i don't care much but a "legacy of kain" like type of graphics would be quite fitting and with a good art-direction, like the art from the intro, it would be ready for selling thousands and thousands of copies through steam.

Also, i found an odd fight in the third city where you fight a lot of children and their caretaker or something, one big minion and a lot of low level ones, with little effort, it can turn into a massacre, specially if you buy the snail in the same city and teach him headbutt or tailwhip.

It's quite rare to get even one kill otherwise so i just tendered the meat with trash about, letting them hit each other just a bit and then, headbutt.

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Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Playing it a bit further.
  • There's an encumbrance indicator in the inventory but as far as i know, there's no way to know about items encumbrance except for trial and error (discarding them or dropping them in the bank)
  • The puzzly fights which were a mere nuisance at first became a major problems later on because you can't have more than 2 minions with you.
  • Managing items it a nightmare, you have to store them in the bank but before, you have to ask for the key and then you have to return it, it's just retarded. Of course, not every city has one to make it more of a pain.
  • Managing Minions is pretty much the same, no key though but the kennels are pretty much the furthest point in every city that has it aside maybe the first one which is locked for some reason...
  • Capturing them is a nightmare too because you have to go all the way to the targeted area and of course, there's no kennels and monster identifier around so it's all the way there and back, it'll take you at least 10 minutes to capture one fucking minion if you're lucky and a an interesting one shows up and you can catch it.
  • I want to like this game but it looks like every single feature is designed to waste the player's time in the worst possible way.

The only positives are :
  • The main menu + roaring
  • The intro art-style and atmosphere
  • The minions design and different body part you can more or less aim at. Mostly less because it's only a matter of the move you use that's mostly going to land on some specific body part like a headbutt is supposed to land on the head and if your opponent is a gigantic floating eye, it'll land on the eye more often.


So, after a couple of hours, not sure how many because speed x5 multiplies game time as well, i'm done, it's an interesting mess but a mess nonetheless.
The worst part is the puzzly fights associated with the limited "followers" and the time needed to get to a kennel to switch.
On top of that, you also need a competitive minion/couple of minions for each level/combination of levels because your opponents are competitive and will crush you if you bring an untrained goon.
Nice try to mix a darker Pokemon-like with a cRPG but he should try to do one right before mixing them together...

This is one of these games where level scaling would not just be a huge improvement but real miracle!
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