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Divinity Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
"Diablo level scaled loot", you mean diablo 3. Itemization in D3 and D2 and D1 are vastly different.

Anyway, after looking more into it, DoS1 seems great. I think that I will gonna buy it. Their system seems great. At end game, you can learn 6 Novice Skills, 4 Adept Skills, 2 Master Skills, some skills can only be used once per combat like Invulnerability.
May 31, 2018
The Present
"Diablo level scaled loot", you mean diablo 3. Itemization in D3 and D2 and D1 are vastly different.

Anyway, after looking more into it, DoS1 seems great. I think that I will gonna buy it. Their system seems great. At end game, you can learn 6 Novice Skills, 4 Adept Skills, 2 Master Skills, some skills can only be used once per combat like Invulnerability.
I had a lot of fun with DoS1. Ran a party of 4 mages. It was very satisfying. Everyone should be dual element + witchcraft. I also found that it was a good idea to have each character speced with opposing elements, like Fire + Water and Earth + Air. This way the next character down the initiative line will be able to combo effects. To elaborate, putting Water+Air on the same mage reduces combos because you won't have enough AP. It also alleviates situations with enemy immunities.
Jan 7, 2012
Trying this now and holy shit it pisses me off in so many ways.

- There's no button to highlight interactable objects. Serious wtf. It's like I'm playing Baldur's Gate 1 again needing to mouse over every fucking thing, except worse because its a 3d world far harder to notice things in than a 2nd map.
- Having no resource for spamming spells, just cooldowns, is always an awful system designed for retards.
- One of my characters starts with the ability to buff damage. Obviously I want to fucking use that on my other character to boost them. But the game's initiative system doesn't let you delay your turn properly. It's either win initiative and do a bad order or wait to the end of the round to take an extra turn of getting pummeled by enemies.
- This character also has a summoning spell. Since there's no limit to the number of times I can use it per day, there's no reason not to always have summons while out of combat before you enter combat. In every competently designed game this is basic combat 101 strategy that everyone should be using. Except the spell lasts only 5 rounds. This means that literally every 30s while playing this game I need to cast this spell again to get ready for combat. Great fucking job ruining the flow of everything, I imagine this only gets worse with more spells. And combat has been coming out of nowhere so far, I don't have warning to pre-buff before it.
- Did I mention cast times are long out of combat? Have fun waiting a full 6 seconds. Wait, no, not even 6 seconds, because you cast a spell in 6 seconds then have to wait for the effects of the spell (e.g. a spider climbing down from the ceiling) until you can actually perform another actions.
- Did I mention that you can't even do multiple fucking things with your party at once? Say you want one character to cast a summon while another preps ground with oil. You have to spend about 18 seconds doing that, 6 seconds for one character to cast the summon while the other stands around watching because you can only control one character at once, then that extra wait time, then the next 6 seconds casting your oil and then more wait time. I am literally in awe of how shit this is. I can not think of another RPG so poorly designed. Larian you absolute fucking retards stop sucking dicks and learn how to make a fucking game.
- This also extends to healing outside of battle. Have fun spending like 30s-1m spamming spells at each other. Again, there's literally NO FUCKING MANA OR CAST LIMITS IN THIS GAME. INSTEAD YOU JUST PISS YOUR LIFE AWAY WATCHING STUPID SLOW ANIMATIONS AND COOLDOWNS.
- You can't even individually maneuver people before combat. Have a fighter and a mage? Your mage will always start combat 5 feet behind your fighter because that's just how this game rolls. It's absolutely hilarious that they implemented formations in this game when all it will do is move your mage to the side 5 more feet. Thanks, that's what we needed.
- The character attributes and abilities are explained awfully. My Shadowblade starts with intelligence as their highest stat. Intelligence says it improves your offense with intelligence-based weapons. I have no idea what those are. Are they daggers? None of the abilities she starts with seem to care about high intelligence. I have a sneaking suspicion that intelligence is actually useless for a rogue type character and I actually got duped by this premade build, but what the fuck am I supposed to do with a game that just throws me every stat and ability in the game in character creation and says "yeah, you can make your own with these poorly described abilities"?

I legit have never experienced an RPG that has felt so amateurishly put together. Even indie games release in their 1.0 state more competently designed. And this is supposed to be the "Enhanced Edition" I'm playing, the perfected version of the game after years of testing and feedback and updates.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
You can press the Alt key to highlight stuff.

You can ungroup your party. You can put your characters all over the place.
Jan 7, 2012
You can press the Alt key to highlight stuff.
Useful to know but only highlights like 20% of things (objects in the game world you can pick up but not containers... which contain things). It's so useless that I didn't even notice it doing anything when I tried out the keys.

You can ungroup your party. You can put your characters all over the place.

Alright, figured out how to do this. Fucking awful UI though. Larian have apparently never played any other RPG. And still doesn't let you use multiple characters at once.


Jun 17, 2012
You can lead a retard to the solution, but you sure can't make him able to think.
Jan 21, 2023
The interface changes if you're playing with a controller, I think usable stuff is highlighted as you approach it (plus it's way easier to not fuck up a possible click due to the pixel hunting autism that might happen with tiny stuff in the game world)


Aug 17, 2006
Half of the mechanics are designed for coop.

I don't understand Larian's obsession with co-op. TB RPGs are some of the last type of games I would wanna play in co-op.

And yes, I'm aware of the whole "simulating muh dnd session" thing. Fuck that!
Last edited:
Jan 21, 2023
Half of the mechanics are designed for coop.

I don't understand Larian's obsession with co-op. TB RPGs are some of the last type of games I would wanna play in co-op.

And yes, I'm aware of the whole "simulating muh dnd session" thing. Fuck that!
Co-op was one of the main reasons why DOS was so successful and contributed to its longevity. It's not just two human controlled characters, they are meant to actually cooperate.


Oct 21, 2019
- Did I mention cast times are long out of combat? Have fun waiting a full 6 seconds. Wait, no, not even 6 seconds, because you cast a spell in 6 seconds then have to wait for the effects of the spell (e.g. a spider climbing down from the ceiling) until you can actually perform another actions.
Yeah that's really retarded. Just install speedhack. Ironically though it's obviously unusable in the coop which this game was basically made for.


Oct 1, 2018
Yeah it's probably the worst UI in any CRPG. I can't think of anything that comes close.
Jan 7, 2012
The interface changes if you're playing with a controller, I think usable stuff is highlighted as you approach it (plus it's way easier to not fuck up a possible click due to the pixel hunting autism that might happen with tiny stuff in the game world)
You know, I didn't want to complain about this because it smacks of "git gud", but the fact that there's no soft lock on enemy targets is annoying. Like 95% of games in the RTS/RPG genres will give you some kind of soft lock on where abilities default to the nearest target within a few inches of what you click, and if you want to specifically target the ground then you hold CTRL or something. Not D:OS. Everything can end up targeting the ground if you are even 1 pixel off even if its ability with no AoE that does nothing when targeted at the ground. It's not something that happens terribly often but it does happen whenever you aren't paying attention to remind you "oh yeah, this game lacks basic player accomodations everything else has".

- Did I mention cast times are long out of combat? Have fun waiting a full 6 seconds. Wait, no, not even 6 seconds, because you cast a spell in 6 seconds then have to wait for the effects of the spell (e.g. a spider climbing down from the ceiling) until you can actually perform another actions.
Yeah that's really retarded. Just install speedhack. Ironically though it's obviously unusable in the coop which this game was basically made for.

It doesn't truly fix the problem of spending 1 out of every 5 seconds re-buffing, worse if you want to keep up more than one thing. With a speedhack you're still at that same ratio of time wasted:useful time.

I do normally/often speedhacking my SP RPGs but I've never been tempted to do it like this before playing like 20 hours at least.


Exploring and Enjoying
Jul 23, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
With everybody chewing on BG3 I've decided to give the other not so old Larian titles another go. Did never finish OS2 and the same goes for OS1. Still on the fence of which I should pick 1 or 2.

Checked the multiplayer on the first one and it's filled with Slavs. Not a bad thing, but Slavs tend not to be very reliable. So does anyone want to play through this with me? No voice chat required and no rushing through the content. Would want to play it on Tactician Mode. Message me or reply here if interested in playing.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
From the few snippets of the game I've seen, BG3 seems to be full of cliches and overdone tropes. Astarion's "vegetarian" vampirism and the creepy surgeon who vivisects people are great examples. I'm sure that every short clip I can find will be some sort of familiar trope. That's why I'm in no rush to play it even though I can also easily pirate it if I wanted to.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
From the few snippets of the game I've seen, BG3 seems to be full of cliches and overdone tropes. Astarion's "vegetarian" vampirism and the creepy surgeon who vivisects people are great examples. I'm sure that every short clip I can find will be some sort of familiar trope. That's why I'm in no rush to play it even though I can also easily pirate it if I wanted to.
Quoth the castrati paladin


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
From the few snippets of the game I've seen, BG3 seems to be full of cliches and overdone tropes. Astarion's "vegetarian" vampirism and the creepy surgeon who vivisects people are great examples. I'm sure that every short clip I can find will be some sort of familiar trope. That's why I'm in no rush to play it even though I can also easily pirate it if I wanted to.
Quoth the castrati paladin
At least you still remember my castrati paladins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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