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Divinity Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
I can't remember the specifics although I think someone explained earlier in this thread (like in the first few pages). But basically they removed a bunch of spells and abilities, made the battles a bit easier in general, basically gave it a console-tard streamlining pass. I had no idea, so I played DoS original to the end and kind of enjoyed it and planned to do it again someday with a different party. I played it a second time years later with the enhanced version and something felt off, it was really boring, too easy, etc. I thought it was just because I'd seen it all but then I read this thread and saw all the various changes they made which even on paper sound stupid.
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Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
I kinda want to play DoS2 a second time but there are some problems I have with it which I don't think are fixable, even with mods. I might try but I'll probably just wait for BG3... I really liked the DoS engine and graphics and they have at least some talent. I just thought the combat was fun but too shallow, a bit of a gimmick. Blowing stuff up is really satisfying, the first 50 ish times... Then not so much. Needs more depth. I hoped DoS2 would do that but they didn't really add any more depth. So hopefully DoS3, I mean BG3, will have the good engine but finally have some depth too. These modern RPGs with 10 spells on a character are just no good. I could pick from a huge selection every single time I levelled up in AD&D! So why expect me to go backwards? But if you put that in DoS engine, and with a more interesting (and less cartoon...) world, and it could be really good.


Dec 6, 2019
I think the most under the radar, but influentetial thing, is that the spells in DoS Classic are partly itemized - a lot more of them have exclusive sources, so if you want to have multiple mages, at least with the expert level spells, you can't just casually achieve everything on everyone, and some spells had a charather level requirement above the one I finished the game with.

In DoS Enhanced, all spells have been assigned level brackets in exact multiples of 3 (3,6,9,12,15) (Seperate from the Novice/Intermediate/Expert tags) so the stores in the first Town basically have ALL level 3 spells, second Town have all level 6/9 intermediate spells , The Homestead has all level 12/15 Expert spells.

It's a big part of why - on 2nd+ playthroguhs, i think EE is a lot easier even though the enemy scripts have more variety - I can have oil field or summon spells on the entire party by the first town (while the game can really handle AoE CC on 1 member of the party + a sprinkling of single target CC on the other guys) The player tool kit just gets too wide too fast for the game to handle


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
It seems like this game will continue to haunt me forever. I started another playthrough, this time with another person, and I must say it's a bit more fun that way. We don't read anything, I just tell him what the story and the quests are about, so that cuts out half of Cyseal (the town) right there. It's true the game is much easier if you diversify your characters, especially since the vendors in Cyseal offer *all* possible skills, making it very convenient to put every kind of overpowered skill on everyone. I'm playing a fighter/rogue/aerotheurg thing, and he's playing basically an archmage (hydrosophist, pyrokinesis, witchcraft, geomancy). The only fight in which we had to reload was the very first one. I kinda wish we started with the Epic Encounters mod, but I didn't know how good he is (and how mods interact with online play), so I decided against it. Anyway, yeah, it's more fun, at least for now. We stopped yesterday after defeating the ghoul at the lighthouse. It's possible to miss a star stone if you don't go to Evelyn's room in the hospital before investigating Jake's murder btw.


Jan 24, 2019
I just reset my password to this forgotten account I don't even remember when I made it to type the following message:

What a fucking mess this game is. You know the evil guys since almost the beginning, they have dumb and plain lore and the choices you make through the game, be them your build or your decisions with your companions, don't matter in the endgame. Jesus Christ.


May 22, 2011
In EE, is there any way to use a single attack when dual-wielding? For example, if my 2-wand mage has 3 AP left over from attacking or casting, is there a way to use those three AP for her to attack with the main hand only?

Also, why did they feel the need to change all or almost all the voices in EE? The vast majority are atrocious.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth

Divinity: Original Sin is now available in Brazilian Portuguese!
We’re excited to share with you that Divinity: Original Sin is now available to play in Brazilian Portuguese on Steam and GOG!

This localization was made possible by fan and translater Mundo Nasher, originally responsible for the Brazilian-Portuguese localization of Divinity: Original Sin II in 2021. Obrigada!

ultra loser

Nov 24, 2018
How important story- and gameplay-wise are companions in this game? I'm thinking about playing with Lone Wolf perk because I hate micromanagement and soulless sidekicks.


Dec 8, 2013
How important story- and gameplay-wise are companions in this game? I'm thinking about playing with Lone Wolf perk because I hate micromanagement and soulless sidekicks.
Story-wise, relatively little. IIRC people could beat the game viably with Lone Wolf too.
Jan 21, 2023
Is there any particular reason why I'd want to play the original, non enhanced version instead of the enhanced one? I remember that the remote control thingy with the giant robot never worked properly in the enhanced one, for starters.


Oct 21, 2019
I remember that they've reworked ranger so it became ridiculously powerful. Not sure if full VO was in the original but maybe that was added before EE. Also, overall EE became easier somehow which wasn't great at all. Finally, they replaced the meme cheese VO.
Jan 21, 2023
I remember that they've reworked ranger so it became ridiculously powerful. Not sure if full VO was in the original but maybe that was added before EE. Also, overall EE became easier somehow which wasn't great at all. Finally, they replaced the meme cheese VO.
Some classes were reworked. I read that rogue types were nerfed too. Tactician in EE is also easier due to more enemies being present, so you get more XP from fights and level up faster as consequence. I guess I'll try the Classic one just because I'm curious, and because I really want to try a rogue.

Old One

Jul 13, 2015
The Great Underground Empire
FWIW, I just finished the EE on Tactical. The game grew on me as I played it. I wouldn't say it has a learning curve (it's not hard enough for that), but it did take me some time to figure out how to approach it, if that makes sense - by which I mean it took some time to figure out the way things work.

I did enjoy the final two battles.

I still strongly dislike Larian's Diablo-inspired equipment and loot system. It only ever worked in Divine Divinity. On principle I don't like any system where you find hundreds and hundreds of magic items throughout the game, and you have to sift through them all to find the best ones. It's like, "Here's a pile of 300 magic swords. Check the stats of every one, pick the one you like the best, and discard the rest." It takes all the fun out of loot and makes magic seem cheap. Plus it reminds me of Diablo, which I don't want.


Jun 7, 2008
Do people do the crafting? The sheer number of uncategorized components seemed kind of a pain in my partial playthrough.


Nov 21, 2012
I'm playing it now for the 1st time. I do crafting, but only in Homestead. I have a specialised companion there just for that. I find crafting especially useful for two-handed swords. Every couple of levels I can make a better weapon than almost anything I find. So far, after some 40 hours, there was only one exception to that rule.


Jun 7, 2008
I just wish there was some better way to automatically organize and display the components and other inventory. Like a glow around ones which can be used in formulas/recipes/whatever they are called that you have right now, ones which are never used for crafting, ones which could be used for recipes that you haven't found yet etc. Yeah might be slightly spoilerish but I'd prefer to know what I am carrying that is absolutely useless and should be jettisoned. Trying to remember if you can store them in chests like in Arcanum, I don't think you can.

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