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Dev Log #56: Experimental Branch with Version


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
How did you get that many mutants and dogs there? I leave the door open and wait for either enough space to sneak through the dogs or if one wanders in alone kill it quietly after closing the door.


Aug 2, 2017
I sneaked, lockpicked and hacked my way through. Just the way I like it.

I don't know how you do it ... I have max stealth skill for my level but the fucking dogs are aggro-ing like crazy. Also there are oddities hidden in the mutants rooms therefore I had to kill them.

I grab the easy oddities and head relatively straight for the drill parts. You can always come back later at a higher level if you want to wipe out the depot or when you can handle big crowds with confidence.
Having 60 hacking to shut down all the turrets is nice too.

Though I do not know what build you got probably not the same as mine.

Yeah. Your approach is better ... I already acquired a lot of oddities and I'm out of utilities.
Try starting the fight from behind the fenced area near the southern map transition, that's what I did with a sniper build.

Only mutants will be able to open the door, blocking the dogs in the process. If you put a bear trap in front of the closed door you will buy yourself some more time. You could also make use of the explosive barrel in front of the fence by throwing a grenade at it when there's a decent amount of enemies near it. I also put 2 mines besides the door to the small house. If I had to retreat that far, I could throw a grenade and the 3 combined explosions would kill the mutant instantly.

Once all mutants are dead, you can simply close the door and take potshots at the dogs unable to reach you.

Also, mutants and mutated dogs have no mechanical DT/DR whatsoever, you should be using frag grenades/mines and JHP ammo.

I have a screen left from back then, maybe it will give you a better idea:



Apr 14, 2009
How did you get that many mutants and dogs there? I leave the door open and wait for either enough space to sneak through the dogs or if one wanders in alone kill it quietly after closing the door.

Just my luck.

At the beginning I actually went on through the south entrance but I exited the map during combat then I did some other shit and I could not enter the map again without getting killed cause 2-3 Mutants were waiting for me. Instant gib.

So, I went around using the tunnel from the Black Eels, killed everything in the underground and then I used a ladder to enter the map above.

As you can see I managed to aggro all the mutants from that map ... but it doesn't matter now cause I got the Drill part :)


Apr 14, 2009
It is. Just an advice in case he decides to kill everything instead.

In the end I actually sneaked around cause I got all the oddities from the dogs and the mutants and killing them was only wasting resources :salute:

By the way: I just reached lvl 10 after I gave the Drill Part to Tanner. Basically I earned ~3 levels just doing the Depot quest. In other words, it really pays off to kill the mutants.

PS. Sorry for double and triple posting but I want to say that Domination is worth the effort until now. It's like Underrail on steroids. I already encountered Goliath Psi-Beetle and the Warrior Burrower and maybe the experience will break down further down the line but honestly it was incredibly tight until now.

I guess I fucked up with the Doctor feat and the lack of INT but we'll see. I really enjoy the game until now. Of course things might change when I encounter the infamous Death Stalker :)
Last edited:


Apr 14, 2009
Yeah. Your approach is better ... I already acquired a lot of oddities and I'm out of utilities.

If you set trap in front of the door, that can be a great place for Ambush feat.

I cannot set shit cause I got 0 skill points in Traps :)

PS. Also I already left Junkyard. I will return once I got 50 Hacking.


Feb 9, 2016
K&H MP6 is incredibly useful with burst.

Last time I played on hard with a pistol/smg build I kept using the MP5 even as late as DC, its main appeal is probably that it allows you to combine Spec Ops and acid bullets.

Yeah. Your approach is better ... I already acquired a lot of oddities and I'm out of utilities.

If you set trap in front of the door, that can be a great place for Ambush feat.

I cannot set shit cause I got 0 skill points in Traps :)

Didn't simple bear traps require no skill to use?


Apr 14, 2009
K&H MP6 is incredibly useful with burst.

Last time I played on hard with a pistol/smg build I kept using the MP5 even as late as DC, its main appeal is probably that it allows you to combine Spec Ops and acid bullets.

I don't like this cause it means that I found my second weapon for the entire game. On the other hand, it's simply a good weapon.

Yeah. Your approach is better ... I already acquired a lot of oddities and I'm out of utilities.

If you set trap in front of the door, that can be a great place for Ambush feat.

I cannot set shit cause I got 0 skill points in Traps :)

Didn't simple bear traps require no skill to use?

I don't know. However I know min 20 Traps is needed to plant Burrowers traps. I will try it again when I play.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
K&H MP6 is incredibly useful with burst.

Last time I played on hard with a pistol/smg build I kept using the MP5 even as late as DC, its main appeal is probably that it allows you to combine Spec Ops and acid bullets.

Yeah. Your approach is better ... I already acquired a lot of oddities and I'm out of utilities.

If you set trap in front of the door, that can be a great place for Ambush feat.

I cannot set shit cause I got 0 skill points in Traps :)

Didn't simple bear traps require no skill to use?

I never found it because I avoided almost all combat in Depot A. :(


Apr 14, 2009
Spawns on Domination are quite crazy.
Arent they the same as in the new Hard?

I would say that on Domination they are bigger: the old spawns are still there but they are beefed up with new mobs. Not drastically but something like 25% bigger ... which is enough.

Something like this:
1) Where there were Rathounds before now there are like additionally 1-2 Alpha Rathounds.
2) On Silent Isle there are no Goliath Psi-Beetle on Hard while on Domination there are at least 2 of them (and many more Rathounds).
3) Now it seems there is a Burrower Warrior everywhere there is a Burrowers "safe zone".
4) More raiders than on Hard.


Aug 28, 2013
No, i mean the new hard and the dominating difficulty have the same spawns now. I thought that was the case.


Apr 14, 2009
No, i mean the new hard and the dominating difficulty have the same spawns now. I thought that was the case.

The spawns are different between new Hard and Domination. I'm pretty sure about that.

Maybe Sykar Fenix or Tygrende can confirm this.

PS: From Experimental branch description:

Quests/Maps - Reworked a lot of encounters to scale with game difficulty (from easy to dominating). Normal was mostly kept as it is, but some encounters (typically mid-late and late game ones) were made more difficult on that level.


Aug 2, 2017
I haven't played the new Hard yet either, but I'm pretty sure there's more enemies on DOMINATING, often replaced with their superior version. I highly doubt Hard has 6 goliathuses outside Hanging Rat, almost 30 lunatics on the 1st floor of Emporion, 12+ death stalkers in the black crawler lair, etc.


Jan 26, 2016
I haven't played the new Hard yet either, but I'm pretty sure there's more enemies on DOMINATING, often replaced with their superior version. I highly doubt Hard has 6 goliathuses outside Hanging Rat, almost 30 lunatics on the 1st floor of Emporion, 12+ death stalkers in the black crawler lair, etc.
3 Goliathi, like 8-9 Stalkers and way less than 30 Lunatics.

There's like 6-7 Azuridae in Newton's warehouse.


Aug 28, 2013
I haven't played the new Hard yet either, but I'm pretty sure there's more enemies on DOMINATING, often replaced with their superior version. I highly doubt Hard has 6 goliathuses outside Hanging Rat, almost 30 lunatics on the 1st floor of Emporion, 12+ death stalkers in the black crawler lair, etc.
But that makes no sense. Dominating is supposed to be a dumb upgrade in stats over the enemies in hard. Would actually like to play it on hard with those spawns.


Apr 14, 2009
I haven't played the new Hard yet either, but I'm pretty sure there's more enemies on DOMINATING, often replaced with their superior version. I highly doubt Hard has 6 goliathuses outside Hanging Rat, almost 30 lunatics on the 1st floor of Emporion, 12+ death stalkers in the black crawler lair, etc.
But that makes no sense. Dominating is supposed to be a dumb upgrade in stats over the enemies in hard. Would actually like to play it on hard with those spawns.

You basically want to decouple spawns size from the difficulty level. Good luck with that.


Apr 14, 2009
I managed to kill my first Burrower Warrior with 2 Molotovs, 2 MK 2 grenades, 2 Snipes and 2 Aimed shoots (it must have something around 1000 HP). The entire area was filled with Caltropes and the bastard was killing me with one hit (that's because I have 3 CON).

At least he dropped a beautiful oddity which means that the new monsters will drop high level oddities (2+ XP points) and technically the player should be able to level up faster on Domination. Not too shabby should I say :)


Also the underrail-wiki should be updated:
A different kind of adult burrower, they are the soldiers of the hive. Warriors are much tougher and stronger than regular burrowers, but lack poison and are unable to lay eggs. This is the rarest of the four, found only in Deep Caverns and Hephaestus Research.

It's obvious these cunts escaped the Deep Caverns. I just wish I would find a way to escape playing it ...


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
I think wiki describing Normal or at max Hard, not Domination.

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