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Dev Log #56: Experimental Branch with Version


Aug 2, 2017
Not sure what you mean by "over 100%". You should be able to stealth past the beetles as long as your stealth is above the instant detection threshold. I was level 8 with around 76 effective stealth at the time, that was enough to get past them rather easily.
Feb 11, 2007
And the fun thing is they are not the worst. The new Death Stalker has utterly insane stealth and stealth detection value. Even at level 14 with maxed out stealth, paranoia, 65% stealth detection googles and 10 Perception I cannot even begin to see them before they attack me. What is worse they bring me down to like 25% through a medium frequency shield and their stun dot is now paired with a dot which deals around 80 bio damage if you attempt to use an antidote.

In its current iteration you can already encounter them in Core City during Gorsky's quest line.

Just encountered this fucker while searching for the Ratking, I haven't even been to Core City yet. How is this supposed to be fun in any way? I can't detect it, I can't defend against it as it goes right through my shield. Even if I survive and don't get one-shotted right away, I'm down to 20% or less health and inflicted with that bullshit status effect that kills me if I try to heal or use antidote. Oh joy. The only thing to do is save scum and start throwing flares where I suspect the damn thing is. But even when I do find it, it must have insane defenses as I have next to no chance of hitting it. And I'm not playing on hardest difficulty either.


I actually thought I had it when I found it, stunned it with critical telekinetic hit and then set it on fire with a molotov cocktail. And then I realized it also regenerates 40 hp every round. Nice one.

edit 2:

Finally killed the fucker my setting a minefield and covering it with caltrops, then drawing him in. When he started taking damage from caltrops (thanks for the tip Tygrende) dropped a cocktail on the whole thing. Up he goes in flame. How this is supposed to work without save scumming I have no idea.
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Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
And the fun thing is they are not the worst. The new Death Stalker has utterly insane stealth and stealth detection value. Even at level 14 with maxed out stealth, paranoia, 65% stealth detection googles and 10 Perception I cannot even begin to see them before they attack me. What is worse they bring me down to like 25% through a medium frequency shield and their stun dot is now paired with a dot which deals around 80 bio damage if you attempt to use an antidote.

In its current iteration you can already encounter them in Core City during Gorsky's quest line.

Just encountered this fucker while searching for the Ratking, I haven't even been to Core City yet. How is this supposed to be fun in any way? I can't detect it, I can't defend against it as it goes right through my shield. Even if I survive and don't get one-shotted right away, I'm down to 20% or less health and inflicted with that bullshit status effect that kills me if I try to heal or use antidote. Oh joy. The only thing to do is save scum and start throwing flares where I suspect the damn thing is. But even when I do find it, it must have insane defenses as I have next to no chance of hitting it. And I'm not playing on hardest difficulty either.


I actually thought I had it when I found it, stunned it with critical telekinetic hit and then set it on fire with a molotov cocktail. And then I realized it also regenerates 40 hp every round. Nice one.

edit 2:

Finally killed the fucker my setting a minefield and covering it with caltrops, then drawing him in. When he started taking damage from caltrops (thanks for the tip Tygrende) dropped a cocktail on the whole thing. Up he goes in flame. How this is supposed to work without save scumming I have no idea.

Then you are in for a treat! Do you remember the mission to get Gorsky some shields? Well if you do not have a high persuasion to get past that guard with the card and armor from Bob you have to go through the underground tunnels. Styg was so nice and not only doubled the amount of stalkers down there, many of them are of the new variant as well.

Fun times....


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
well i crafted a 100 quality insulated tactical vest with all the anti bullet components and some blast cloth,then encountered some lunatics near core city which buttkicked me in 1 turn.i had 3 constitution though.probably dominating is super duper min maxing for limited builds only,but i suspect that later on as builds get stronger with feats/equipement they will fare better.
yep dominating is dominating all right.i wonder how full con metal armor assault rifle build will fare in dominating.....

Not sure what you mean by "over 100%"

i mean how many skill points in stealth,if its 76 that its needed i can craft some stealthy stuff and get pass them even if dont use stealth hmmmmm

guys with the crawlers have you tried fighting them with some irongut drug?i found one in depot a but havent tried it yet.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
Ok. the foundry quest on dominating is retarded. Are bladelings endless? Sorry but the amount of them is just retarded. Even a pure metatermics nuke psion cant handle amount of these shit. This looks like i would need 30+ acid traps which frankly is impossible to obtain unless you wait around vendors with cheat engine to restock. Bladelings have retardedly big resistances almost against everything -the only viable option are loads of W2C ammo[impossible], lots of special bolts with super strong toxin[impossible], acid traps, some super psionics that is yet to be in game[unless you are doing foundry at lvl 25 and have super crit build]. This is the only situation ingame where acid pistol crit build can be only viable option.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I have made it so far to the last wave but I do not want Saban and Dan to die but their equipment is terrible to combat bladelings and their AI is borderline retarded. I am using over 80 bear traps, 4 HE mines, Caldrops, lots of PSI boosters, closing them in with Force Field for 4 rounds and yet the last wave overruns my companions.
I already asked on the Underrail forums to give them armor piercing ammo, more grenades to Saban and disable turret mode from the sentry because it almost always just wastes a turn to turn into it only to turn back without having done anything with it.
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Feb 9, 2016
Vids? It sounds pretty epic in a way, especially given that the Foundry quest isn't a prerequisite to progress, on other difficulties including Hard you can just go for the final fight as soon as you have access to the quest line, on Dominating it sounds like you'll really have to plan for it and delay it until you're ready, like a tougher Carnifex, maybe we should wait and see on this one.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
You can easily craft hundreds with the blueprint if you are buying graphite whenever possible.
Yes but only if you have the blueprint, and without mercantile you cant buy it from kevin, you have to go to fort apogee[he sometimes have it or not], constantine[which is only in late game], or other trader i forgot currently. Then you need spent casing for your gun which arent sold en masse.

But bladelings are immune to crits.
Really? Didnt know, thats even worse considering im using pistol crit build. Still acid pistol is best against these, not only it deals acid damage which is 100% applied, but also can cause entanglement slowing them down.But then no matter which pistol you use you can have like 2-4 attacks, each dealing at most 40-50 dmg. Thats two turns to kill one bladeling, since they have 360 health. And they appear in packs of 8-10. Thats just crazy.

Usually i was doing this quest on lvl 12-14 but i guess it has to be postponed until late 20.


Mar 23, 2015
I have made it so far to the last wave but I do not want Saban and Dave to die but their equipment is terrible to combat bladelings and their AI is borderline retarded. I am using over 80 bear traps, 4 HE mines, Caldrops, lots of PSI boosters, closing them in with Force Field for 4 rounds and yet the last wave overruns my companions.
I already asked on the Underrail forums to give them armor piercing ammo, more grenades to Saban and disable turret mode from the sentry because it almost always just wastes a turn to turn into it only to turn back without having done anything with it.

Biggest issue is how they turn hostile if you as much as sneeze in their direction, there really should be some FF tolerance.


Aug 2, 2017
Yes but only if you have the blueprint, and without mercantile you cant buy it from kevin
Persuasion works too. I guess I'm a bit biased because I tend to always pick persuasion. Not so useless after all!

Then you need spent casing for your gun which arent sold en masse.
What I do when I need a ton of cases is get whatever SMG/AR in the caliber I need, buy tons of standard ammo from traders and burst it all away at the SGS shooting range.


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
Still acid pistol is best against these, not only it deals acid damage which is 100% applied, but also can cause entanglement slowing them down.But then no matter which pistol you use you can have like 2-4 attacks, each dealing at most 40-50 dmg. Thats two turns to kill one bladeling, since they have 360 health. And they appear in packs of 8-10. Thats just crazy.

Electroshock pistol maybe?


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
Holy fuck i did it finally. Sure saban and dan died, but holy hell what a fight. Bought all the acid in the underrail made acid blob traps, 50 bear traps, acid pistol[made 120 ammo for it lel and it wasnt enough!] and hope for the best. The trick is to spill the acid among the patch of creatures. So you have to place acid blob traps carefully and shoot acid pistol at targets that will spill it in necessary place. All in all theres like 5 bladelings waves totaling about 50 bladelings.Crazy fight.

Im thinking if laser pistol so pure energy damage which is also applied in 100% could be a better alternative to acid pistol?
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Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
80 bear traps

Holy fuck and i thought with my 50 traps is overkill. Gonna ramp up that to 100, hope my game wont crash :lol:

This is exactly my gripe with it. The fight is not really challenging. It just deterioates into this massive spamming of traps and caltrops in order to keep them long enough at bay. There is little to no thought during the fight it comes down purely to preperation which is pretty easy overall.

The fight is winnable if you do not care about Dan and Saban but oh boy if you want to make it through without them dying? Good luck. What is worse their AI is so stupid they run over my caltrops and into bear traps even though my trap skills is 10...
And don't get me started on that retarded plasma sentry which wasted a dozen turns turning into a turret and back without doing jackshit.
Feb 11, 2007
Then you are in for a treat! Do you remember the mission to get Gorsky some shields? Well if you do not have a high persuasion to get past that guard with the card and armor from Bob you have to go through the underground tunnels. Styg was so nice and not only doubled the amount of stalkers down there, many of them are of the new variant as well.

Fun times....

Oh goody. Seriously, this bastard should either be nerfed (at least drop the huge damage if trying to remove poison part) and/or limited to late game. And not something I ran into while at level 10. Ratking and all his rats were a pushover compared to this thing that just hangs outside of his lair.


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
And don't get me started on that retarded plasma sentry which wasted a dozen turns turning into a turret and back without doing jackshit.

Agree, their AI shoul be fixed\reworked, so they are more useful as allies or more dangerous as foes.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Anyone tried spotting the crawlers with high perception, high stealth character with motion tracking goggles? Its hard to fight against one of these let alone two!.
I tried. A lot. The debuff makes it a death sentence for any low Con stealth build since health is nerfed even harder on Dominating which imho was unwarranted. I have 117 HP iirc at level 15 and anything can one shot me or one round me if they catch me with a CC. Fucking disgusting.

Edit: I was wrong, HP is the same on Hard difficulty. Thought I had higher HP in my previous playthroughs but oh well.
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