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There are no Deathclaws in the game

  • Total voters


There are no deathclaws in the game. No location mentions them, no random encounter list contains them.
Let's run a poll for them.


Somewhere where they would fit in.

They should be in the game but in some small numbers in specific location and maybe one or two random encounters - in a way that makes sense.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
I'd put them in regardless, more variety in enemy types is always better.


The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
At the very least, they should be random encounters in some area. I can't think of a specific area to include them that would be relevant, but if anyone can think of anything, I'd be down with it.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Also, it surprises me that you say there are no deathclaws in the game, when there were Deathclaw 3d models in the Van Buren Demo.


Some of those cut locations which have no design documents could have had Deathclaws.


Jun 14, 2007
São Paulo - Brasil
I dunno, it could be fun making something else instead of them. I mean, are deathclaws really supposed to be that widespread you can find them in every corner of the United States? And even if they are, wouldn't having a more atypical local fauna help create a greater sense of identity for the area?

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
This I mean :)


Should be in by default under the critters section in the mapper. If not, just add it with the proto editor. ;)


Looks good! Does it have custom death animations or it just falls down when it dies?

I dunno, it could be fun making something else instead of them. I mean, are deathclaws really supposed to be that widespread you can find them in every corner of the United States? And even if they are, wouldn't having a more atypical local fauna help create a greater sense of identity for the area?

Yes, for something that was originally planned to be a unique FO1 monster they sure spread around fast. They are so deadly and numerous I wonder how they didn't take over the world yet.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Don't nail me down on it since I dont use the deathclaws in my game, but they *should* have a flame-death, "large chunk of flesh exploding" death and the usual fallover one.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Ah damn, voted yay instead of nay.

A Fallout without them is somehow incomplete.

But yeah, keep them rare, and formidable enough.


Perhaps all Deathclaws in the game are hiding in a single special encounter where they surround you and do the happy dance for you?


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Making them a special encounter would be cool, but make the joke a bit better... like finding a cave with some regular deathclaws in, and the loot containers have dictionaries, pronunciation guides and fur coats.


Dec 31, 2007
Put them in but in few numbers and make them very deadly, deadlier than in FO1 & 2.

As for the happy dance joke the Wanamingo fit better with the spaceballs reference.


I would rather have them in in a more sensible way.

First thing though would be to consider that such a large and extremely deadly top predator would not be able to spread or grow in numbers - because there is not enough food around for that. (forget about campiness of the game and unintentional overbundance of almost everything because of it). - its supposed to be post apocalypse etc.
Large numbers wouldnt be able to sustain amounts of food that would require and would lower their own numbers by practically exterminating all creatures and critters in vicinity.
- which is a good reason to try moving to another location, right? -

Plus some would be killed by humans (and maybe some other mutants or robots, etc) so that would lower the numbers too.

So, actually - there would be only small numbers of them, generally speaking.

From that the general idea would be, logically, to have one or two smaller specific locations - and some rare random encounters in that small general area of the world map.

Another thing that ties into this very much is the way animals operate in the game globally.
Various animals and critters should not be extremely aggressive and suicidal.

And that should include DeathClaws. (generally yes but not in 100% of cases)
It should depend on the situation.

Not that various critters and animals should be peaceful and nice. NO.
But maybe... maybe Deathclaws dont really need to attack every single human they see, right?

I mean, generally animals dont go around actually trying to kill humans, right?
So i would like to see that applied to Deathclaws and other animals. Especially smaller less dangerous ones.

Have various animals run away or not initiate combat at all. (unless there is a reason for it) - Then let the player decide will he just go around exterminating every single thing that moves to grind every last XP point, or maybe not.
(would take care of the rat problem too)
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Mar 26, 2009
What about having baby deathclaws that are rather vulnerable and prone to getting frightened, and their parents terrifying killer machines of vengeance if you become a possible danger?

"No, do not touch that fluffy critter, you don't wanna see its angry mother."
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil
If this was a game in northern Brazil, or even in Texas (I think they exist there), I would use mutant Onças (Jaguars) as the Deathclaws' substitute. Tough, big, fast, can climb trees and stuff. The difference is that I would make them max-sneak skill and give every sneak-related perk to them - Silent Running, Silent Death, etc. Then some encounters would have unknown enemies ("something is after you"?), and sometimes these encounters would be essentially one or two mutant jaguars who stalk the player and do a special leap-bite attack on the player when they're discovered or get near enough.

And as a counter-point, enormous armored aligators that can shrugg off armor-piecing bullets.

Then have them sometimes fight in random encounters, like this:

Looks good! Does it have custom death animations or it just falls down when it dies?

I dunno, it could be fun making something else instead of them. I mean, are deathclaws really supposed to be that widespread you can find them in every corner of the United States? And even if they are, wouldn't having a more atypical local fauna help create a greater sense of identity for the area?

Yes, for something that was originally planned to be a unique FO1 monster they sure spread around fast. They are so deadly and numerous I wonder how they didn't take over the world yet.

Who says they didn't? Remember that Goris and Xarn possibly survived the events of Fallout 2? Ever wondered what they did after?
In a few centuries you will kneel before your lizard overlords.


What about having baby deathclaws that are rather vulnerable and prone to getting frightened, and their parents terrifying killer machines of vengeance if you become a possible danger?

"No, do not touch that fluffy critter, you don't wanna see its angry mother."
Obviously. All animals and living beings in general react aggressively to that.

Most animals should attack when specifically endangered or cornered. Though of course, you can have various animals and creatures that attack first if the setup and situation would make it reasonable or expected.
(going into a deathclaw den should not leave players in any doubt they would get attacked, and so on)
I just think that suicidal animals are a cheap way to deal with it and that it doesnt really bring anything that interesting to the gameplay. Rather, it tends to easily become repetitive.

And also, as Surf said, the more variety of enemies the better. So having a bit of Deathclaws in should not mean there could not be any other such very dangerous creatures.
- Maybe some mad scientist or mad computer went on and mutated the heck out of some animals embryos it had stored or something eh? -

Armored alligators sound good. though of course, hardly possible for the area of the world. (but as a mad scientidst experiment it could be a unique encounter in some underground... hmm...)
...You guys need another writer maybe?

I havent seen any bears in the game, if i recall correctly, while it would be feasible they would survive, being omnivores.
More wildlife appropriate for the locations and that part of US, of course.

Mountain lions anyone? Instead of Jaguars?

How about rattle snakes as big as anacondas? And armored. Fast, deadly poisonous, and can constrict too from ambush.

More insects that have grown too large. But other types then the few we have seen so far. I think it would be easy to google resident insects and other critters and then DIP them >:)

Maybe symbiots of various kinds.
With all kinds of abilities, not just straigh up combat-damage related.


ofcourse, all that would require new models animations mechanics...
just brainstorming.
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Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
I don't have a problem with them NOT being in the game. But as others have mentioned, a Special Encounter with them could be nice.

It would finally be refreshing to NOT have them, and perhaps something else that is far more dangerous than them in the main game.


I would rather have them in in a more sensible way.

Don't worry, I was just joking. :D

hiver Send me a PM so we can work out the details about your writer's proposition.

Most of the animals/monsters you've mentioned are already in the game so you won't be disappointed. Some are tied to a particular area but the rest aren't.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
That's a shame. I always loved Deathclaws, even the talking Vault 13 ones. Especially Goris.

But yeah, I'd go with putting (non intelligent) ones in a special encounter or a small area of the map or something. Basically what hiver said in post #15.


Jan 9, 2014
Hexer, was it really supposed there wouldn't be deathclaws in van buren?
Doubt devs had made the model just for fun, can't you ask Chris Avellone or Josh Sawyer if deathclaws were to appear?


Jan 9, 2014
Doubt devs had made the model just for fun, can't you ask Chris Avellone or Josh Sawyer if deathclaws were to appear?
Thing is, there's no mention of deathclaws anywhere. You don't see Deathclaws in the critter lists in any map, or in encounter tables near any place. Maybe they just never got around to adding them somewhere. None whatsoever. You see Radscorpions, you see Mole Rats, Geckos, Electro-Beetles (new critter btw), Giant Ants, Floaters, Centaurs, Lizards, Coyotes, Dogs... but no Deathclaws.

Maybe there were to be some deathclaws in one of the locations without design documents, like Fort Abandon.

That said, putting something equally deadly is a big boot to fill. Deathclaws are tough, fast, strong, their claws penetrate all armor, Power Armor is tin can to them. If they had a ranged attack they would be ultimate animal. Only new critters I felt ever came at their level were the Fire Geckos and the Cazadores, the former were not very tough but did epic killing with their TPKing flame breath of doom and the later were jinky weird flying ultra-poison unarmored monsters from hell. Some people think Cazadores are worse than Deathclaws, and I don't think they're wrong. Fighting a bunch of Fire Geckos who were too close to you was pretty lethal as well.

Don't think it would be too implausible to have the Deathclaws in-game, through, at least going around Arizona, they do seem to originate in southern california after all. Deathclaws in Fallout 3 was a bit weird, alas, but could be excused with the Enclave's presence.
I'd rather say the list was made on-the-fly and devs hadn't yet decided where to put them (or in one of the locations without design documents, as you said), you can still benefit from cooperating with former BIS employees, if it's possible.

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