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CYOA: Honeyman's quest


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
You run as quickly as you can towards the church. It is the farthest building that you see. But fortunately, the dogs are running in a straight line towards the house, while you are at the back of it. This means that they will have to stop, turn around, look around, and find you back before resuming their chase.

Your strategy works! You run towards the door, open it, enter, and close it back, as you see the dogs running towards the door, but still relatively far away.

They run up to the door and bark loudly, but are unable to do anything. You are safe for now... but dealing with them will be a big challenge when you just explore the other buildings.

The church you are in is very tiny, and can receive only 30 to 40 attendees. You see a statue of the Virgin Mary, along with a statue of the Christ. Apart from that, there is nothing else that you can see.

Exhausted, you decide up rest on one of the benches. You look up, and find that the roof is starting to fall apart. The overall building is in a terrible state of disrepair.

You look in front of you to some sort of altar. You start imagining what this place looked like when it was still populated. Surely, they were moved by strong religious fervor. They must have believed the Marian revelations of Chanoine Dubreuil, and that they were her chosen few. That most of the rest of humanity was certainly due to receive God's wrath and perish.

As you picture all this, you stretch your hands. You right hand touches the bench, slipping through a crack.

And then... you seem to be touching something! What is it? It seems like some sort of book. It was stuck in an enclosed area of the bench, and you found it by accident. As if someone wanted to hide it there.

You take it. It is an old, dusty black book, with yellowed out pushed. You blow the dust out of the cover. You seem to have uncovered a 50 years old book.

The title reads: Révélations et commentaires de notre pape Pie XIII et de la très sainte Mère Vierge Marie à ses saints des derniers jours

(Revelations and commentaries from our Pope Pious XIII and our Most Holy Mother Virgin Mary, for its latter day Saints)

You're not a religious person but... Pope Pious XIII? You're pretty sure that the past Pope named Pious was Pious XII. You think back of boulevard Pie XII, that you drove on to get to boulevard Neilson.

Which probably means... that somehow, Chanoine Dubreuil declared himself Pope, justifying it through a revelation from the Virgin Mary. His followers really believed that he was a new pope, and the rest of the world was corrupt.

Remembering that, according to Mgr. L'Heureux and Rousseau, that the group's beliefs and customs appear to be lost in time, you conclude that this book might be important. You tuck it safely in your coat.

You explore the rest of the church. There is not much to see. You climb up stairs, leading you to a hopelessly rusty bell. You look out from the top, you see that the dogs are scouring around the buildings, seemingly on the lookout for outsiders. One of them looks up, notices you, and starts barking. Oh no! You quickly go down.

You are now back down. Looking closer on the altar, you find that there is some piece of clothing: it seems to be some sort of coat. The coat is of a very flashy blue. It also has a terrible stench, smelling like a skunk had recently sprayed it.

What is the significance of this coat?

A) Wear the coat.
B) Leave it there.
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Rolled a random choice. Result: B

You decide to remain cautious. What if this coat is for a bad purpose you don't yet comprehend? Plus, it stinks. You're not keen on getting that in you. So for now, you leave the coat behind the altar.

There now doesn't seem to be anything for you to do that remains here.

You noticed while you were up there with the church bell, that in the horizon, you seemed to notice a relatively large building, although you are not sure what the building is for. You can add it to your list of possible locations.

You must now choose one of the three buildings to head to next, all the while escaping the dogs hell bent on making mincemeat out of you.

A) The apartments.
B) The school.
C) The large building farther away.

Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Rolled a random choice. Result: C

You are most curious about the distant building. Looking out the front door of the church, you don't see the dogs. They seem to have moved their search away.

You use this opportunity to start running towards the large building immediately. So far, no dog seems to be on your trail.

The large building is made out of wood, that is starting to be seriously decrepit. You point your flashlight to it: it seems to be an ancient farming building where livestock was held. Surrounding the building, you finally come to the entrance. You are surprised to find a very large, opaque concrete door. There were no windows at all allowing to peek inside. You discern a very large keyhole on the door. Unfortunately, you don't have this key, and the door is extremely sturdy. Unless you have this key, it will be impossible to go inside.

You shout:

Louis: Héeeeeeeeeeee! Il y a quelqu'un?

You start thinking that if the kidnapped gay men are being held, they are probably held there. Unfortunately, nobody replies.

You start looking back towards the other building. Unfortunately, one of the three doberman dogs has noticed you, and is running towards you.

The dog looks crazed, demented, barking loudly, looking intent on sinking its sharp teeth into you.

You must choose where you will go. Unfortunately, with you being defenseless, while you move to your next destination, it will be very hard to contend with the doberman.

A) The apartments.
B) The school.
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Confronting this hellish hound is unavoidable! You have a few seconds to improvise a strategy. You run up towards the dog, looking at him with confidence and strength. Then, just as he is about to lunge at you, you abruptly veer to the left. The doberman jumps and doesn't have time to change course.

Then, you shout loudly: "ARRRRRGH!"

You violently jump on the dog, kicking him repeatedly. You grab him, keeping his head farther away. The dog frenetically attempts to hit you with his back paws.

With difficulty, you throw him in the distance in front of you. The dog moans when hitting the ground. You see him trying to get back up, with great difficulty.

It was close, but it worked! You realized while the dog was in your hands that the dog was wearing a dog tag, on which was written "Saint-Jean". Hmmm, he is wearing the name of Saint John, the evangelist?

You think back that you saw two other dogs. And yet, you know that there were four evangelists. You wonder, where is the fourth?

As you do, you run towards the school. You must now hurry to do so, because the two other dogs have now found you back and are getting dangerously close.

You enter the school in time, and close back the door.

Looking inside while using your flashlight, you find what looks to be a classroom, with a room at the back. The classroom is tiny. The desks and chairs are filled with mold and falling apart. Apart from that, you don't find any books, or any other material.

At the back, you see a blackboard. You aussi see a quote in big capital letters:


(flee from sin to escape God's wrath! - His holiness, Pope Pious XIII)

Yet one more sign from Chanoine Dubreuil's ruinous ego...

Your attention now turns to the room in the back. You enter it.

To your left is another small room that appears to contain some sort of rudimentary toilet.

To the left is a much larger room, you enter it...

It is pitch black in front of you. You start hearing strange noises, that sound like moanings.

Is one of the victims actually there? Yet, that doesn't sound quite human.

Or is the fourth doberman guarding this building? But yet, he doesn't have a fierce tone.

You nervously point your flashlight onwards...

There, you find a large cage. The fourth "evangelist" is kept captive here. You look at his dog tag: Saint-Marc.

Yet, this dog doesn't look like the others. Is it why he is here? He looks in pain and reluctant to fight. Pointing the flashlight towards its face, you see there appear to be scars all over him.

Maybe whoever keeps watch on this place found him to have become more hindrance than help.

The dog looks at you with pleading eyes. He seems to say "Please, I am miserable here. Free me from my cage."

Looking around, you easily find the key to the cage. They very rarely ever get visitors.

The dog has some water left in a tiny bowl, but barely. He his forced to pee and to defecate in his own cage, and a bothersome foul smell emanates from it.

You decide to unlock the cage. Once freed, the dog comes up to you. He seems devoid of aggression towards you. He understands that you mean well, unlike the others.

He then points towards a shelf. Looking at it, you see there are a few cans of corned beef. Surely, he is hungry.

You empty a can on the floor.

Louis: Here, Saint-Marc. You look terribly unwell.

Saint-Marc wolfs it down quickly. He regains some of his lost vigor. He now seems to trust you and to be intent on following you.

Well, at least you now have a friend.

There is nothing left for you to do here.

Only one building left up explore. Hopefully, the other "evangelists" don't kill you on your way there...
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Opening the door of the school slightly, you see that the dogs are a little far away in the distance. They take quick notice of you.

As you do, Saint-Marc quickly rushes out. He runs up to the dogs and barks. The other three dogs now stop paying attention to you. They seem surprised to see Saint-Marc, as if they were asking "How dare you show yourself to us again?". They start pursuing him.

It's as if that dog could read your mind. Or guessed what awaited you outside. You can now safely head to the apartment building. The last place that you seem able to explore in the Deus Vult commune.

As you approach the door, you ponder what you have found so far. In the schools, or in most other places, you haven't found anything in the way of books, or documents. It seems that either all those books were taken away when the people left the commune... or someone destroyed them all to leave no trace of what happened here. After all, the only book you found was found by accident. Because it was hidden.

This book contains information about the group's beliefs, but it doesn't help you understand what happened here.

As you enter the apartments, you have this dual goal: find a key to enter the fortified farm building, and find a document of some sort that could explain what happened.

You arrive in a sort of hall. Apartment doors are very close. At the end, you appear to see what seems to be a kitchen. At your left, there is another hall, with other apartment doors, that leads up to stairs. The apartment continues up to a second floor.

You don't know if Chanoine Dubreuil lived there. Did he have separate, loftier quarters elsewhere? Or did he stay here in order to better keep watch over his parishioners and control them?

Where do you want to start your search?

A) Try to find Chanoine Dubreuil's room.
B) Look in common rooms.
C) Explore the kitchen.

Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
You aren't sure that Chanoine Dubreuil is here, and you're not sure he would have hidden any important item himself. You're not sure either that there is anything important in the kitchen. You suppose that the best way to find what you're looking for is in the common rooms.

You quickly open each door in the hall in front of you that leads to the kitchen. Most of them are completely barren. Some can host two people. It seems this place had couples as well as single people. At the end of the hall, you find a larger room, with a lot of bunk beds. You inspect the whole of the room and other than the empty bunk beds devoid of any matresses, the only thing you can find in a corner of the room is what appears to be a small, half destroyed teddy bear. Apparently, this is the room where all of the group's children used to sleep in.

You then go up to the second floor. There, you find that the rooms are larger. You look in them one by one, but they look barren too.

You then arrive at the last one, the largest of them all. You open it. This one is not completely barren. A few items have been left on a very old, wooden desk, but nothing worthwhile. You find an old rosary, a statue of the Virgin Mary, and an old calendar. On the cover page, you find that someone has written a name: Pour Monseigneur Gilbert Léger.

Gilbert Léger? Could he have Chanoine's Dubreuil right-hand man?

Intrigued, you decide to examine this room more attentively. After ten minutes, you've still not found anything. You decide to examine the calendar. You take it, and as you do, something falls on the ground. You find this to be a thin look.

You look on the cover, and it says MON JOURNAL.

Could this me Mgr. Léger's diary?

Scour it quickly, you find that only a few pages were ever written, as if Mgr. Léger's notes were cut short. You are able to find a few pages that are worth mentioning:

February 27th, 1975:

Lately, things have not been going as well in the commune. Some new people came in that do not follow our rules as striclty. Olivier is especially upset to see that they seem to talk during services and to joke around too much. He started chastising some of those people, which in turn, led to some of them leaving. He says that now is not the time for pointless jokes and idle talk when the end of the world is at hand. Still, that seems a little harsh. But I suppose that is true. If we are God's chosen people, the ones to whom our Holy Mother has chosen to reveal her final prophecies, then it is not appropriate for us to believe in anything but an exemplary fashion.

March 11, 1975: One of our most faithful members, Karl Frick, someone who emigrated from Switzerland to Quebec City with his teenaged son after his wife passed away to work as a foreman, was lacking in spiritual fulfillment and who eventually found us, confided in me. He said that for most of his life, he harbored homosexual feelings, and that he had recently acted out with another member. He said he knew this behavior was sinful and so he wanted to confess it to me. I have been quite troubled by this revelation. Indeed, Olivier told me in no uncertain terms that certain sins were deemed so vile by God that there was no forgiveness left for them, and we needed to expel any such people. Among those, he pointed out homosexuality quite clearly. But yet, if I was to reveal it to Olivier, I would break the seal of confession, which Karl relied upon. What should I do?

March 13, 1975: I decided to tell Olivier about Karl's transgression. Olivier told me he understood the dilemma I was under, and thanked me for telling him anyway, that it was the right thing to do in "The End Times". It did not go as well as I planned. Olivier immediately talked to him about it, and said he was banished forever from the commune. On his next sermon, he then told everyone gathered about it, warning us to abstain from committing such horrible acts, lest we would be eternally damned and forfeit our salvation. Nevertheless, he kept Karl's son, Albert, saying that "there is still hope left for him." Albert obviously is quite shaken, but has been studying in our school for quite a while and appears to understand.

Still, was this the right thing to do?

March 28, 1975: I couldn't believe it today when I went to Québec to gather some supplies! While I was there, I saw in a restaurant a copy of Le Journal de Québec. It said that recently someone commited suicide by jumping into the icy waters of the St-Lawrence, from the Quebec Bridge. The police is still looking for the man's family. Looking at the copy of the cadaver, I was horrified: it's Karl! So he commited suicide after leaving the group? I am starting to be conflicted. For now, I better keep this to myself. Yet, I can barely look at Albert in the eyes when I am teaching to him in class...

April 3, 1975: I am persuaded that Albert is suspecting something now. He watches me and Olivier with heavy eyes. He has an evil look about him. Has someone else found out about the newspaper and his father's death and told him about it? Yet, we rarely ever leave this place, which Olivier has bought to give us seclusion from the outside world. Or maybe my face just betrayed me. Somehow, Albert knows that something terrible has happened to his father. Something that was a consequence of what we did.

April 5, 1975: Albert has decided to attack us at night, while we were asleep, using an axe. He has murderous rage! I hear people screaming, and Albert is cursing us! He says he's going to kill us all! I suppose it is a matter of minutes before I go through the same fate. God help us. This shouldn't have happened. I guess that Olivier and I brought it upon ourselves with our callousness. May God have mercy on all our souls....

Now you finally understand. Feeling betrayed, one of the children from the commune decided to murder the entire commune.

As you come to this apparent realization, you hear the door opening downstairs. Someone is here! You also hear the sound of dogs barking.

You then hear a grave voice:

Man: Find him! No one can tresspass here!

Who is this? Could... could it be Albert Frick, who someone lived here all this time?

What a terrible, tortured life that must have been. If this is truly Albert Frick... and if he is still the same kind of person today... and the one commanding all of these hellhounds, then you are in very grave danger indeed. With their sharp smell, it is a matter of minutes before you are found out.

You look at the back of the room. There is a window. You might attempt to jump down where there are some bushes since the building is not that tall and you're only on the first floor, but you're not sure how heavy the fall would be.

You might try to block the door with a tiny metal pin before you find something better to do, but you suppose it will not be too long before the man breaks through.

Your only other option is to try to rush out.

A) Try to jump down the window.
B) Block the lock of the door until you find something better to do.
C)Try to break out!

Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
You don't want to stay here any longer than you need to. It will be risky, and it will be ugly, but yet it needs to be done. And yet, without your gun, how can you prevail on such an adversary?

You're not sure, but to have a chance, you need to flee. Now.

Since the man and the dog are investigating the rooms located close to the kitchen, it might be your chance to bolt out.

You walk slowly to the stairs, trying not to make a noise... once you arrive to the stairs, there's no choice, as they creak.

Taking a deep breath, you run down the stairs.

Immediately, the man, who fortunately is located close to the kitchen, takes notice of you.

You have the advantage of surprise, and quickly arrive down the stairs. You open the door. As you do, you aim the flashlight towards the man and his dog.

You have two seconds to take a view of him.

Before you stands what looks to be a middle aged man with graying air. He is about six feet tall, has a thick short beard, is extremely musical and looks to be in excellent physical shape for his age and has a crazed, empty look in his eyes, and looks at you menacingly. He also carries a big axe.

Man: T'es mort, toé! Allez les gars, tuez-le!

He points towards you and orders his hounds to attack you. You close back the door of them just as they get close to the door.

Then you start running in the direction of the school. Unfortunately, you don't see very far in front of you, due to the absence of a moon in the sky, the rain, and overall state of confusion. You stumble on a rock and hit the ground.

The man's three dogs are following behind you. As you start getting back up and they get close, you hear loud barking getting closer to you. Saint-Marc has come to your aid! The other dogs seem to have a grudge against him and start pursuing him.

As you get up, you can see the man getting closer and closer to you.

Man: Bande d'imbéciles! Tu perds rien pour attendre, toé!

The man curses his unreliable dogs and sees that he will be the one who will need to take care of you. You run towards the church, open the door, and close it back. Unfortunately, the man starts destroying it with his axe, with tremendously powerful blows. You are stunned by his brute force. It's as if he trained years and years for an event just like this.

Soon enough, the door gives way. It crumbles, and the man pushes its damaged remains away. He enters, looking at you enraged, brandishing his axe. You are now trapped.

The only thing you can think of now is to try to reason with him before he kills you, which could at least distract him.

A)Remind him of his past.
B)Ask him about his link with the Quimpers.
C)"Why are you doing this to innocent gay men? What have they ever done to you?"

Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Rolled a random choice. Result: A.

You've just discovered who he is. And who knows, maybe nobody ever did? Maybe he has been in this ruined purgatory of his own making for all this time? After all, in spite of the dreadful things he did... it was all born of something truly terrible.

Louis: You're... you're Albert Frick, aren't you? I know what happened to you... they drove your father to suicide... and then tried to hide it from you. Have you truly been in these parts for almost half a century?

Upon hearing these words, the man freezes in place. For a few seconds, it's as if he had seen an alien. He seems strongly shaken by your words. No mistake then, it truly is Albert Frick. The man who killed the remainder of Deus Vult, and who is assisting in the confinement and possible torture of young men.

Albert: I... I massacred every single one of them. As I will... as I will massacre YOU!!!!!

The later word is uttered extremely loudly, to the point of you being astounded.

Louis: I'm a cop, it certainly wouldn't be a good idea. You will fall, it is a matter of time.
Albert: Do you know how many people's bodies I have disposed OF?????

Yikes. Albert doesn't seem he wants to hear any more for now. He lunges towards you. Your only option is to run up to the church bell.

You run up the stairs, with Albert at your pursuit. But once there, you are stuck. Albert knows it. He starts pushing on the big, rusty metal bell, which collides with you, and makes you trip against the short guardrails.

Albert: I have no lessons to take from you. Or from anyone!
Louis: Even Nick Quimper?

He pauses a little again. Unfortunately, you were hit really good, and struggle to get back up.

Albert: The Quimpers... they're the only ones who did anything from me, ever since my father passed away. I owe them my life. Now, DIE!!!!

He is about to hit you with his horrible axe. This time, there seems to be no escape. Is this the end?

Just as he is about to kill you...


It's Saint-Marc! He caught up with you! He jumps ferociously on his former master!

Albert: You idiot dog!!

As he says this and struggles with Saint-Marc, you see an opportunity. You grab his leg with your hands, and try to sweep him down the floor. Unfortunately, Albert stumbles against the guardrail. He falls against it... and falls down!


You then hear a loud thump.

You get back up, and pet Saint-Marc a little. Then, you go down the stairs. You leave the church. You head to the back of it... and find a bloodied Albert, unable to move, seeming semi-conscious.

Louis: Albert!
Albert: I'm... sorry.... for all the wrong I've done... to so many people... they... they pushed my father towards.... towards death... and I shouldn't have hurt all those young men... for Quimper...

You're not really a believer, but nevertheless feel like saying the following:

Albert: You've carried this burden for so long Albert. For longer than any man should. And the worst... you didn't even realize that your victims all forgave you long ago. They're in heaven with your father right now. All of them have made up, enjoying blissful peace with God.

You see a faint smile.

Albert: R... really? Then maybe... I can join them... at last, free... l... look behind my hut... the o... one that used to belong to... Chanoine Dubreuil. G... go back from it.... and walk... w... walk 200 steps... and....

As he says this, he starts bleeding a lot more and loses the ability to talk.

It's funny. This man tried to kill you. And yet, you look at him and smile. As you do, tears stream down his eyes. And finally, life leaves his body. Albert is dead.

As he dies, his dogs come back to him. They look saddened and lost. It's as if they all reached the same state as Saint-Marc. Albert's hold on them appears to be broken. You hesitate at first... but start to pet them. They look up to you with sad eyes. As if they wanted to say "I'm sorry."

In the middle of such emotional turmoil... amid the rain... you seem to discern voices coming from afar. The dogs all seem bothered and flee.

But who might that be?
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Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
You think it's probably Nick Quimper. You hide away Albert's body in a rush. Then you hide.

The voices are getting closer and closer. The more they do, the more you are sure that it is not in fact Nick Quimper. Two men who appear to be American and middle-aged are talking. You have a hunch, and decide to start recording them with your phone.

MAN1: Why do we have to wear these stupid coats, really?
MAN: Call down, George. The coats are necessary, to keep the hounds at bay. Nick showed me as much. The dogs can't stand the smell, and have been trained to flee when seeing blue colored coats like these.
George: Yeah, but the damn things stink like Hell!!!!
MAN: It's a chore and unpleasant... but worth it for what comes next.
George: I guess... so we can enjoy some fresh meat.
MAN: You're reading my mind.

So this is what the coat was for... had you only known... it would have saved you a lot of trouble.

You now begin to understand who these men are. Based on their demeanor... they're probably rich people... who have come to Nick's little "camp"... in order to... you dare not even think about it.

But on the upside, maybe they can finally lead you inside the old farm.

You follow the men discreetly, doing your best not to make any noise. The two men are somewhat overweight and slow. They shouldn't be much of a threat to you.

They arrive in front of the farm.

MAN: So I need to take this big metallic key, and insert it into this huge keyhole?
George: Exactly, Bryan.

Bryan inserts the key, and turns it. He doesn't succeed at first... but does succeed when doing it with all his strenght, and both his hands.

The doors open. Bryan and George push them.
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Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Finally, the kidnapped young men must be here! Bryan and George use a flashlight to look inside. You barely see anything, but seem to be able to discern a big, metallic cage.

You approach the farm, to try to sneak up on them. You are getting close... when unfortunately... you trip on a loose tree branch... which creaks loudly.

Both men turn around and look at you. They look surprised and very upset.

Bryan: Who the f*** are you?

They both carried a pistol in their coat, which they point at you.

George: You've got 10 seconds to give me a really, really good reason not to shoot you.

A) Ask questions about who they are and about Nick Quimper
B) Plead with them
C) Tell them you're a cop and they'll be in big trouble if they kill you

Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Louis: I'm a cop. You will be in a lot of trouble if you kill me. My bosses know I'm here.
Bryan: Awwww... s***.
George: A real predicament, indeed. However... this place is very remote and desolate. Very hard of access. Please tell me... why are so confident we would ever be caught?

George says this menacingly, pointing his gun at you.

You try your best poker face.

Louis: Why are you so confident you wouldn't?
Bryan: You f****** a******!
Louis: Oh yeah? I'm not the one who came here to molest boys for some sick enjoyment. How the f*** do you live with yourself, you f****** piece of s***? If anyone here deserves some lead in their head, it sure as hell ain't me!
Bryan: Now that's it, you're going down, f***face!

You couldn't hold it in. These men have the nerve to make demands of you, when you know full well the awful, unfathomable reason they came all the way here.

As Bryan aims his gun at your head...


Bryan receives a shot in his arm and collapes on the floor!


You hear two familiar voices from behind.

Éric: F... FREEZE! Everyone FREEZE!
Raphaël: Still keeping all the fun to yourself, Louis, I see.

Éric and Raphaël! Boy are you glad to see them! They came in just in time!

Bryan and George see that they are overwhelmed and can no longer offer any meaningful resistance.

George: Perhaps... perhaps we started off on the wrong foot. How about... how about you forget all this? And you describe us as innocent, accidental bystanders, and my friend's injury as a mere accident? I'm sure you all have families to feed. How would you like... to become millionaires overnight? Sound good?

Louis: George... perhaps you didn't take a look at that source of glowing light over there... guess what? That's my phone. My phone... that has been recording you both all this time. In other words... you're completely, utterly f*****.

George collapses. But as he does, you see Bryan rising again, seemingly feeling he has nothing to lose. While the rest of you are distracted, he slowly aims his gun at little Éric.

An unconscionable act that you cannot allow.

Everything happens in 2-3 seconds.

Louis: Éric! Attention!

Having preempted his move, and summoning your best wrestling move, you jump on Bryan, who totally collapses on the ground, shrieking in pain.

Louis: Ok, party is over, boys.

Éric and Raphaël cuff both men.

Now comes the scariest part... finally looking inside what probably is... a dungeon straight from Hell.
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Entering the old farm, you find a series of cages. In two of them, you find young men. One of them, wearing only briefs, was looking in your direction. When you look his way, he immediately starts looking down.

The other one... you cannot believe your eyes when you see it. You see a young man with a leather costume, who seems to behave like a dog. He has four legs on the floor, and is looking downward.

You are horrified and start speaking to the latter.

Louis: They... Quimper did this to you?

At first you get no response... after a while...

Dog man: It's... my punishment, for not having been obedient enough. For not having gone along with some of the men who came here. I need to behave like a dog. If I stray at all, I get whipped. It is for my own good, and I deserve it. I enjoy it, actually.

What a disgusting scene! It makes you almost want to vomit. This is the worst thing you've ever seen in your entire life.

Raphël: Dégueulasse!
Éric: Incroyable! Calisse!

Louis: Listen... listen you both... the man who was keeping you in line, Albert Frick, is dead. He will never lay a hand on either of you ever again. And the sicko who drugged you, kidnapped you, made you go through hell, and debased you in such a horrid manner... he will go to jail for the rest of his life.

For his sick, personal enjoyment, the attempted to strip both of you with all of your humanity. But I know he didn't completely succeed. Some glimmer of it still remains, deep inside of you. The road to recovery will be long and hard, and some scars, some trauma might remain... but you CAN'T let that sicko succeed. You WON'T let him succeed. You will become the men you once were, and recover your lost dignity.

The 1st young man, who was initially looking downward, started looking up.

He smiles faintly.

And he starts talking to you.

Marco: Je m'appelle Marco. You... you're right. And... I found it kind of cool, the way you just jumped on that guy. I wanted to strike back at these guys who treated me as their slave for so long.

As you are talking, you hear other men approaching the farm. You see that many other police officers are coming here. Among them, you see Réjean approaching.

Réjean: You're a mighty stubborn one, Louis. And... will you tell me just what in hell happened here? The news are going to learn about this sooner or later. I'm going to have to brief the press on this.
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
You tell Réjean the whole story.

Réjean: It's almost straight out of a movie. So... OK. We'll take Bryan and George into custody. We'll bring Albert's corpse into the morgue. We'll look over every nook and cranny of this place. And... you told me that Albert confessed to killing the people who lived in this commune?
Louis: Yes... just before he died, he told me to "walk 200 steps from the back of his house", which from what I understood, is the house where Chanoine Dubreuil originally live. I presume that there will be some... some grisly discoveries on the place you will land at.
Réjean: Ok... I hate to say this but... nice work pal. I guess we can find some probable cause. One thing is for sure... those two young men in that hellhole, they can't be dismissed from a trial. Anyone involved with this who can be identified is finished.
Louis: I have one request. What will happen to the doberman dogs? To the evangelists?
Réjean: Hmmmm, I don't know. I suppose they will be evaluated by a veterinarian, and if they are deemed not to be a threat, they will be given to the SCPQ (animal shelter society in Quebec City).
Louis: Let me take care of them. I will give them to my uncle in Nicolet. He has a lot of land. The best thing for them is to enjoy wide open faces. I might keep one of them.
Réjean: Well... if nobody from Nick or his estate has a claim on them somehow... I don't have a problem with it. On one condition: anything bad happens due to these dogs, it will be on you.

You discuss with the other police officers, telling them what happened. The two young men who were held captive are taken out of their cages, and given first aid, and some food. They're still in a shellshocked state, especially the second.

At some point, Réjean comes to see you.

Réjean: Louis... I have phone reception here, because we have a special antenna... I just received a call. Apparently, someone went to Nick Quimper's house and did something bad. The police are on their way there now. I think you should go too. We'll take care of the situation here. I'll keep the four dogs aside for you. I thought they would be agressive, but actually they seem more normal than I anticipated. They hate some of the treats we gave them.
Louis: Ok, I'll take care of it. I'll bring Éric and Raphaël.

The four of you make the long walk back towards your cars in the dark woods, which are now less mysterious thanks to your intervention.

You begin your drive back towards boulevard Neilson, in Sainte-Foy...
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Along the way...

Raphaël: Louis, it's so good to see you again. Your assistant Éric is a nice guy. I'm sure he's up to a very promising career.
Louis: What had happened to you?
Raphaël: I've taken a long vacation. When I came back, Réjean told me about your plan. He was persuaded that you would go to that commune. I told him that we couldn't let you go there all by yourself.
Éric: I've never fired a gun at someone before. I was so nervous. I'm glad everyone made it out ok.

You are very thankful to have such good friends to rely upon.

After about 30 minutes, you arrive to Nick Quimper's house on boul. Neilson. You see three other police cars parked there. This doesn't look good.

Going up to the entrance:

Officer: Oh, detective Louis Marcoux, I presume? Right this way.

The officer who was guarding the door lets you in.

The living room is close to the entrance, and you see three police officers gathered here.

Officer: It's been a real mess here...

You enter Nick's living room... and you find his body in his sofa. He has been riddled with bullets. He is well and truly dead.

And then on the floor... with a single gun shot to his head... you find the cadaver of someone you know.

It's Luc Beaucage.

Louis: Luc? Oh no! It can't be! I can't believe it!

Officer: Well detective, someone called us. Said they saw someone fitting this man's description about to enter the house, who was carrying a gun.

Louis: What? I know he hated it... but I just don't believe it. It makes no sense. Try to find back that person who called.

Éric: Oh my God no!
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Why is Luc dead? The officers seem to believe that it looks like a murder-suicide.

Officer: Maybe Beaucage learned that Quimper had kidnapped one of his past lovers, got furious, and decided to get rid of him right there and then? And then commited suicide?

Maybe... but somehow, you feel it doesn't make sense. Luc was such a lighthearted guy, full of life. And then he goes on a sudden outburst of murderous rage? And how did he get a gun? It's very difficult to get a weapon of any kind in Canada.

If it's not a murder suicide... then could this scene be staged?

Officer: You're overthinking it, detective. The simplest explanation is almost always the best one.
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
That's just not right... just not right And Luc certainly didn't deserve this. You become very, very sad. Luc was enjoying his life, and now he's brutally dead. You mull this continously over in your head. You're extremely depressed now.

Raphaël: Louis... I'm sorry. I agree, it sucks. I'm not sure if I believe the murder theory. Well, you've had a long day. Éric told me you like some hot dog and poutine restaurant on boul. Wilfrid-Hamel? Restaurant chez Ashley, I think? Well, if you want, the least I can do is treat you and Éric. Let's change our mind and discuss a little.
Éric: I'm sad too. I didn't interact with Luc as much as you, Louis... but for this man to die, for any reason, is wrong. And by murder-suicide? That seems like way too much.

Raphaël is right. You drive to your cozy Chez Ashley restaurant, which you know is open all night. Everyone gets poutine, courtesy of Raphaël. There are Ashley restaurants all over town, it is a known fixture in Quebec City. Somehow, you're sorts of deciding to make this one your improvised headquarters.

You have trouble eating any of your poutine.

Louis: I... I can't accept it. It seems too big a coincidence.
Raphaël: Can we totall discard it though? I'm not sure. Suppose that as you two were investigating this affair, it compelled an easygoing, but yet possibly reckless guy like Beaucage to do some investigating of his own, and he learned something unspeakable about Quimper?
Louis: I know, but how did he get a pistol? You can't find something like this on a whim on every street corner. An illegal gun on top of that. These guns are usually smuggled through the border, through the Akwasasne reservation, or through a boat passing by the great Lakes. Luc didn't have a criminal record of any kind. I'm very curious to find the source of the call who alerted us to his presence as well.
Éric: Maybe... maybe we won't find out anything tonight. It's probably futile. But Louis... you can't give up. You have to keep going, for Luc. That's what he would have wanted. Honor his memory, by finding out the truth about what happened.
Louis: You're right my boy. I will keep pressing. Luc, wherever you are, I won't rest. I won't rest until not only you, but this entire city can stay safe from these OTS freaks and their biker accomplices.

For now, some restful sleep is in order.

Or so you thought...
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Driving back to your nearby hotel, you find yourself surprised to see three police cars from the SPVQ parked here. Many people, no doubt customers of the hotel, are in the parking lot, waiting, gossipping among themselves. It is 3AM, and there appears to be some sort of major commotion. What is this all about?

Entering the lobby, you see two police officers talking to the receptionist.

Receptionist: How come you've not gotten him yet? My customers are scared to death! I'm going to lose a lot of business because of you guys! Hurry it up!
Police: We make our own decisions. We have to approach things tactically. Safety is paramount to us.

Louis: What's going on, officers?
Officer 1: This doesn't concern you, citizen. Please, leave the hotel. There's some situation upstairs. Leave it to us. We have things well under control.
Receptionist: Under control, really? Sounds like bull to me. It sounds you guys are too inept to do anything.

You decide to leave momentarily. You find a nervous young couple, who starts getting annoyed.

Louis: So what's happening inside?
Girl: There is some sort of dispute. A girl on vacation with her violent, unstable boyfriend. I was in a nearby room. From what I understand, the boy lost his job, and hasn't gotten another one yet. I heard the girl bashing him. Then, he got furious, and started restraining her. She screamed. The receptionist called the police. And things have been at a standstill then. He's still holed up in their room with her.
Louis: So what hotel room was that?
Boy: It was room 405.
Louis: Thank you.

Ok, sounds like that's where you come in!

You go back in. The two police officers are still there, looking at you with dismay. Effectively, you've changed in your civilian clothes since then.

Police: We told you to leave it to us and to stay out. Please.
Louis: I don't have any patience for any of this stuff tonight. Out of my way.
Officer 1: Oh really?
Officer 2: Well if you don't want to listen to reason, then we have no other choice.

At the same time as he says this, you flex your muscles.

Officer 1: Say, these are some impressive muscles right there. Errr.... errr....

You walk past them. They stand idly, staring at themselves.

Officer 2: Hey.... hey you! Stop!

You're determined to put an end to this.
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Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
You find that a police officer, who also stands idly, is guarding the elevator. So you decide to walk up the stairs.

You eventually arrive to the fourth floor. You see three police officers pressed against a door. You see 405 on the door.

Crazed man: I told you, I'm not surrendering! And don't come any closer! If you do, we're both goners! And maybe you as well!
Officer 4: Listen, we only want to listen to you and help you.
Crazer man: B*******! You only want to push me on the floor and cuff me as soon as you get an opportunity to! Get lost!

How long can this continue?

Louis: Ok, leave it to me.
Officer 5: Who are you? I said I wanted no civilians in the hotel. Leave now, or we'll have to consider escorting you out. You're disrupting a delicate situation, and now is certainly not the time!
Louis: Whatever. Step away from the door. Now. This s***show has lasted long enough.
Officer 6: What are you doing? Are you nuts?

The furious officer suddenly stares at your muscles, and suddenly doesn't feel so bold anymore. There are three police officers here, and they all seem frozen in place.

You have no issue getting to the door.

You push it open. You see the man holding the door on the bed. He is holding his hands to her throat.

Crazed man: I TOLD YOU NOT TO ENTER! You're going to regret it!
Louis: We'll see who will regret what, pissant.

As you do this, you flex your muscles, and look at him boldly.

Before he has time to react, you seize him.

You twist his arms. He lets go of his girlfriend.

Crazed man: Stop, stop! You're nuts!
Louis: It's a little late for that, don't you think?

The girl runs away screaming.

You lift the man up. You drop him on the floor.

Then you jump down on him. Ouch!

The man has successfully been rendered harmless.
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
You cuff the man. You tell him he is under arrest for assault and read him his rights.

The three police officers, who just minutes ago were too inept to do anything, now that they are under no more threats, are by sheer coincidence, starting to get really upset.

Officer 4: Who are you? Who do you think you are? Stop this!

Just as he says this, one of the officers from the lobby arrives.

Officer 2: Guys, the chief of police called me. You reallly, REALLY need to leave this guy alone. He's not a criminal, a vigilante or an interloper. He's detective Louis Marcoux, a heroic officer from the SQ who happened to stay at the hotel. In fact, we were lucky to have him at the right time. When you watch the news tomorrow, you won't believe what he has just accomplished tonight. You will look very foolish if you persist in trying to restrain him. The chief also told me he even dismantled a sex trafficking ring almost all by himself.

Louis: He was exaggerating, I had lots of invaluable help. Anyway, let's escort this guy to your vehicle.

As you take the elevator downstairs and arrive back in the lobby, the Asian-looking receptionist looks at you with pleasure.

Receptionist: Yes, YES! Thank you! This man is doing a much better job than you guys! I recognize you, you're a customer here! I want to thank you, I'll give you three weeks for free!

You then leave the hotel and the customers look at you leaving with the criminal. They start clapping their hands and cheering at you. They go back to their rooms with relief.

Then you give the man to the officers who place him in one of their patrol vehicles, tell them you have no hard feelings towards you, and they likewise (although they have great difficulty to look at you straight in the eyes).

Then, you go back to your hotel room, while the other patrons stare at you with awe.

You're exhausted. You desperately want to sleep.

After 20 minutes, as you still can't sleep, you hear a knock...
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Who is this at such a late hour?

You open the door and find a man you've never seen before.

Samuel: Hello, I'm Samuel. Are you detective Louis Marcoux?
Louis: Yes. And you are?

The man just looks at you with intense sadness.

Samuel: So it is true? He is well and truly dead? Luc, I mean?
Louis: So you knew him? I regret it, but yes. It makes me very sad too.

The man starts crying. You hug him to attempt to console him.

Samuel: Sorry... he actually told me he thought he might be getting followed and getting into really dangerous stuff tonight. I thought he was just being paranoid. But it seems he was right. He told me to come and see you if something happened to him. He told me that if it did, it wouldn't be an accident. He told me in that case... that there was something he kept hidden in his condo. It's in Charlesbourg. I know you're super tired... but we better go now. Suppose that the guys who apparently nixed him end up raiding the condo looking to remove anything incriminating?
Louis: You're right. Let's go now.

Samuel enters your car. You start heading to his condo in Charlesbourg. From Samuel's instructions, it is close to Autoroute des Laurentides, on the southern side of Charlesbourg.

You reach autoroute Félix Leclerc and are getting closer and closer to the location.

Finally, you arrive. Luc lived in a condo building with brown bricks that appeared to have been constructed in the eighties. It is located very close to the highway. The noise constantly coming from it, from cars driving northward on Autoroute des Laurentides, is very loud. You wonder, why would anyone choose to live there? Probably, you surmise, because it is cheaper.

You and Samuel enter the building.

Samuel: He lives in unit 201. Here's the key.

You enter Luc's condo.

You turn on the lights.

Louis: Samuel, so you don't know where to look?
Samuel: No not really, Luc didn't enter into details. I guess we must try to think of a clever spot.

Hmmmmm... you notice that from the apartment, you are not bothered at all by the noise coming from the highway. You barely notice it. Maybe it's not such a bad place in the end? Except if you want to play outside, then it's pretty distracting. Although maybe you get used to it.

Wearing latex cloves since you deem it has the potential to become a crime scene, you look everywhere you can think of. Below the sofa. Behind a painting. In his drawers. In every nook and cranny.

You find a lot of empty boxes of poutines and pizzas. Apparently, Luc loved his fast food. Then... you recognize an empty box from Chez Ashley.

Hmmmm... Luc seemed to really like this place! And what if...

Opening the box, below the empty aluminum container filled with streaks of brown poutine gravy... you find a hand-written note!

Louis: Got it! I got it Samuel!

You look around you. Samuel is nowhere to be found. But where is he?

As you say this... all the lights go out.

What's going on?

You then hear footsteps around you.

Oh no! You barely see anything around you, as your eyes get used to the sudden onset of obscurity.

A) Try to make sweeping wrestling moves in spite of your blinded state to catch any incoming criminal in the act.
B) Try to flee the condo by reaching the entrance from memory.
C) "F*** off now or I'll shoot at random!"


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