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Fallout As someone who loved playing Fallout New Vegas, is there any point in checking out FO3 or FO4?


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
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Fallout 4 has great Power Armor mechanics and... that's it. I think there's an NV mod people are trying to make for FO4.


Apr 21, 2012
Potatoland aka Prussia
FO3 is a more fun game with better expansions (though not all are great). I've finished FO3 twice and never really managed to finish FO:NV, it was a real drag in the end so i just stopped playing eventually. Also the game world itself is just more uninteresting. You could argue of course that NV has better writing or better companions (this i personally don't really care about, never thought companions is fun in these games). I found the quests more boring in NV, also the game just looks a little bit worse and runs worse as well.

FO3 is probably my favorite FO game actually. FO1-2 were great at the time, and FO2 was enjoyable a few years back where i modded it so that it got modern resolution (+ zoom, which was a really nice feature), but tbh i never finished it.

I am oficially triggered. Die already.


Oct 21, 2019
F3 is an utter abomination, everything about it is so shit like you wouldn't beleive. It's a shitty game even on its own but as a Fallout game? After playing Vegas?! (which in its turn is also a very meh Fallout successor) No. Chance. It's a brainless awfully-made console looter-shooter in somewhat strange post apoc setting, let's leave it at that. I have no idea why it was so popular, honestly.

F4 is a different case because I think it can be enjoyable experience if we take it on its own, not as a Fallout game (fuck no). Throw some mods to make it prettier, some for guns (vanilla has absolutely atrocious guns design) maybe even overhaul mod pack and wonder around in survival mode: as a looter shooter it might be ok. Although if someone would want that maybe it would be better idea to just play F76 since it's basically F4 online with raids and shit. F4 also has a surprisingly decent expansion: Far Harbour. It stands out so much that I've scratched my head in disbelief like it was done by some other devs (it was not).

Anyway, let's go back to F:NV enjoyer standpoint. No, they're not worth checking because they both can't stand a chance against Vegas in such fundamental aspects as world-building and writing. Simply nothing makes sense in F3/F4. Nothing. It's impossible to take anything seriously in these games, it feels like some one huge cheap theme-park which trying to entertain you at every step and fails. And dialogues are beyond moronic (all of them). That's why no amount of mods could "fix" F3/F4 in a sense could make them good Fallout games.


Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?

Really depends on what interests you in the Fallout game.

If it's world exploration, then sure, play F3 and F4.

If it's story or character building, then heck no.


Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
Fallout new Vegas was a huge dissapointment,everything about it feel rushed and unfinished ....

Might have had something to do with the fact that they had to round up everything in a really short amount of time. And they did pretty good considering that.

Duralux for Durabux

Might have had something to do with the fact that they had to round up everything in a really short amount of time. And they did pretty good considering that.
I struggled so much to make it run properly even with mods. The few times it did run properly, game stuttered like crazy, too much features were bothered, and game as a whole felt flat on its own. It's a sub-mixed game to me, if we can call this unfinished early access, a game. Also about the RPG incline that FNV brought to the table, I don't know if that really could count. I was rapidly OP and nothing was really a threat, the fallout 3 system is beyond repairable. The only moment I felt, I was really playing fallout is when I was playing Dead money.


Feb 27, 2012
If someone enjoyed FO:NV, FO3 will be very enjoyable as well, that's all there is to say. If you don't like NV, then why even bother answering in the thread, OP obviously doesn't agree.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
1. There's no such thing as a game you don't like becoming a game you like because of mods. People saying this liked the base game in the first place and are rationalizing their shit taste.
2. F3 is a completely irredeemable pos.
3. F4 is a hugely better action game than F3/NV and at least as equally bad as F3 in everything else. If you approach it as a shooting/looting/exploring mindless romp then you can get like 10h of fun out of it. Its biggest issue is obviously the fact that it's a schoolbook example of a game with 10h of fun/content stretched into a 100h "epic open world rpg visceral experience".
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2012
1. There's no such thing as a game you don't like becoming a game you like because of mods. People saying this liked the base game in the first place and are rationalizing their shit taste.
2. F3 is a completely irredeemable pos.
3. F4 is a hugely better action game than F3/NV and at least as equally bad as F3 in everything else. If you approach it as a shooting/looting/exploring mindless romp then you can get like 10h of fun out of it. Its biggest issue is obviously the fact that it's a schoolbook example of a game with 10h of fun/content stretched into a 100h "epic open world rpg visceral experience".

People who says that can't mod for shit. You can make any TES or FO3/NV into an entirely new game, or even a new genre. There are mods that overhauls complete systems in the game, or adds systems (survival overhauls for example). There are mods that makes the games run flawlessly without stutters too (NV runs like shit if you don't mod it).

Anyways, if you don't like the games, why bother replying to a topic that isn't for you since you don't like NV.
I tried FO4 for 2h, got really bored with it, seems way too console oriented overall. I wonder who's got "shit taste" lol.. perhaps stick to consoles and Call of Duty..

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
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FO3... just play Fallout Nev Vegas instead, same shit engine and poor gun play but at least story and dialogues are OK.

F04 Played it on cousin console it was OK shooter, liked the color pallet... and Brotherhood of Steel being Dicks again, as RP games both were shit.


Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
Might have had something to do with the fact that they had to round up everything in a really short amount of time. And they did pretty good considering that.
I struggled so much to make it run properly even with mods. The few times it did run properly, game stuttered like crazy, too much features were bothered, and game as a whole felt flat on its own. It's a sub-mixed game to me, if we can call this unfinished early access, a game. Also about the RPG incline that FNV brought to the table, I don't know if that really could count. I was rapidly OP and nothing was really a threat, the fallout 3 system is beyond repairable. The only moment I felt, I was really playing fallout is when I was playing Dead money.

Modding Gamebyro-Engine games is an art on its own. The engine is very very finnicky, and having some mod incompatibilities can already fuck your game up big times (that also goes for texture replacers that go over Medium). The stuttering however can be mostly dealt with by using the "New Vegas Heap Replacer". You just can't go into Gamebyro modding, and expect that everything works at a finger snip. It takes months to build a proper setup.

Talking about the game itself, I think that NV's biggest problem (besides the engine, that includes your problems with the gunplay and difficulty) was the lack of content for other factions, and a proper "I don't care about all of this"-ending. There are some mods out there that add more lore-friendly quests to them, but nothing in a more grande scheme like Sawyer had in mind with one or two extra towns for the Legion. The game however gave you a lot of choices to roleplay exactly as the character you wanted to be, and that is a heavy RPG incline for me, especially when you compare it to the other open world games at that time.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Fallout 3 was terrible. Didn't like it much, never finished the main quest. Same janky engine as New Vegas, except the shooting mechanics are even worse, the art design even uglier, and there's none of the good content New Vegas had. Instead you get shit like "vampires" who are just deranged semi-cannibals who drink blood, a city built around a nuke and some guy in a tower in the middle of the wasteland wanting to blow it up because it "ruins his view", a city of children where no adults live (and of course they're all immortal because you can't kill kids in modern games), a quest where some dude in a robot costume and some chick in an ant costume keep facing off in some village and pretend to be supervillains... not a single thing in Fallout 3 makes any sense.

I did enjoy Fallout 4 though. The story is still shit, but most of the side content at least makes some sort of sense. But the main thing about FO4 is that it's a much better shooter than its predecessor, the basic gameplay loop of explore-shoot-loot works pretty well, and it has genuinely good dungeon design. It requires some mods to be fun, like something that nerfs hitpoint gain per level (otherwise lategame encounters turn into a slog due to bloat), that one mod that replaces the dialogue wheel with a proper list of what your character is actually going to say, a mod to add lots of barefoot outfits for your cute female character, and then you're good to go.

When it comes to the level design, Fallout 4 really isn't bad. It has many places with verticality and multiple ways of approach. Huge, huge improvement upon Skyrim's strictly linear donut-shaped dungeons.

Cpt. Dallas

Dec 15, 2020
Keep on the Borderlands
I saw countless of people who criticize fast food eating fast good.

Any post Morrowind bugthesda RPG = trash food.

[Looks down from tv sportsball, sees empty 'economy bag' of pork rinds and a belly hair rat's nest of crumbs and dust, feels overpowering shame]

To OP: play the kingcomrade FO1/2 mods instead. FO3/4 are really bad, but can be horribly addictive and push the right chemical buttons in your noggin if you have them. Since you're on the codex, you probably do. When you wake up with an empty crack pipe in your left hand, and a hobo's dick in your right, know you were warned.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
FO4 is actually quite enjoyable if you use the mod that gives you several low-key starting options and makes starting the MQ conditional on you finding the vault and a note in it. If you start off as a schlub and just do whatever quests you come across, it's a pretty good "wandering the wasteland" simulator, especially with a few other mods to tailor the gameplaly to your preferences.


Jan 22, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
If you're patient, hexer and other people are working on Fallout : Yesterday.

More information about Yesterday, here:

Unless you want to play first-person F3 in a crappy engine, I suggest following F:Y development, instead of buying the Bethesda's game.


Mar 12, 2020
FO4 is actually quite enjoyable if you use the mod that gives you several low-key starting options and makes starting the MQ conditional on you finding the vault and a note in it. If you start off as a schlub and just do whatever quests you come across, it's a pretty good "wandering the wasteland" simulator, especially with a few other mods to tailor the gameplaly to your preferences.
Is that Start Me Up? Was thinking about giving it a go some day, but never got around to it. Circumventing Fo4's main quest sounds interesting, but the problem is you'll be stuck with just the lackluster side content. And anyway, probably not right for a first-timer, might as well see what all the hubbub was about.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
FO4 is actually quite enjoyable if you use the mod that gives you several low-key starting options and makes starting the MQ conditional on you finding the vault and a note in it. If you start off as a schlub and just do whatever quests you come across, it's a pretty good "wandering the wasteland" simulator, especially with a few other mods to tailor the gameplaly to your preferences.
Is that Start Me Up? Was thinking about giving it a go some day, but never got around to it. Circumventing Fo4's main quest sounds interesting, but the problem is you'll be stuck with just the lackluster side content. And anyway, probably not right for a first-timer, might as well see what all the hubbub was about.

I can't remember if it was Start Me Up or another one. There's a less popular one, that's the one I used, but I've no idea if it's still going or if it's more popular now.

At any rate, easing into the MQ from zero level is more fitting to the vibe of the wasteland somehow; you can potter about as much as you like, even build a base, etc., before tackling the MQ as such.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
Fallout 4 has enjoyable gameplay once you lessen/remove level scaling and constant nagging about defending settlements. There's no as deep roleplaying as in new vegas though. Building settlements is purely optional. It's best to play the game with survival mode and saving only in beds. It gets tense when you fight 5 supermutants and the last time you've saved was 30 minutes ago.


Feb 27, 2012
FNV is brown, yellow and gray.
F3 is mostly just gray, sometimes brown, so it's worse.

You can mod the game to basically look like STALKER (just better quality assets) in terms of the environment. There are good ones for NV too..

Robber Baron

Jun 15, 2020
You can mod the game to basically look like STALKER

Impossible. Stalker has dynamic lightning from evey light source and I never heard of Gamebryo mods even for Skyrim to have more than 2 dynamic lights enabled (even then it'd be very glitchy)

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