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Fallout As someone who loved playing Fallout New Vegas, is there any point in checking out FO3 or FO4?


According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?
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Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
You can not fix Bethesda games. FO3 and 4 are utter garbage and do not deserve the Fallout name.

If you really feel the urge to check them out for the love of God don't buy them, [CONSIDER JOINING A HEALTH CLUB].
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Dec 28, 2011
Core City
Are they worth playing with mods?

The plot and quests of both are completely and utterly moronic. Fo4 manages to be even worse, with its idea of summarizing all dialogues to just 4 options: "Yes, Irritated/Sarcastic Yes, No, See you later". But if you can turn your brain off at those moments, maybe you can get some benefit out of them. Fallout 3 is essentially a worse version of NV in every way, so I would only tell you to take a chance if you are totally out of other options. Fallout 4 continues in the tradition of shit story/quests, but the gameplay itself is surprisingly more competent. Nothing on the level of a real FPS, but the feel of the weapons and character is noticeably superior.

And Fo4 offers the base-bulding "minigame", if you like this sort of thing, there are MODs that greatly expand this part of the game, allowing you to create forts and fight sieges against hordes of enemies. I think it would be more interesting to play Rimworld or something like that to scratch that itch, but you might want to see it in 1st person. In short, if you can totally ignore the plot, you might be able to pick Fo4 and have fun in it. In the case of Fo3, I see no salvation.


Mar 12, 2020
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?
According to many members of the Codex, everything is shit (but they'll still play it for 300 hours). It really comes down to what you enjoyed about New Vegas and would like to get more of.

Fallout 3 is obviously similar in most technical respects, a little better in representing a big "wasteland", but much, much worse in plot and RPG mechanics. Fallout 4, aside from the naturally much better visual presentation, offers a much improved combat experience but even more dumbed-down "streamlined" RPG systems. Contrary to Codex Consensus, Bethesda did try to improve across the board (perhaps I'll do a TLDR on it sometime) but they cocked up a lot of things... The one notable exception is the Far Harbor expansion, which can boast better writing and narrative design, but other than that, Fo4 is an open-world popamoler with a dab of RPG lipstick. Like I said, depends on what you're after.


Fallout 3 is really really terrible and since NV is available, there's no reason to play it.

If you've played, liked, maybe replayed NV and played with mods and basically exhausted all options, and you want a bit more of the style of gameplay and atmosphere, F4 is not terribad. The writing's shit, but if you can fill the gaps of the bad writing with your own imagination, it's an enjoyable experience. You kind of have to be desperate for the FPSRPG hybrid post-apocalyptic style of game though, and I recommend getting rid of the Vault 17 (or whatever) jumpsuit ASAP and never using it again, to forget that the game's called Fallout.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Fallout 4, just like with Skyrim, can be modified to hell and back. There are hundreds of different kinds of genuinely creative, interesting and quality mods that can add whole new sections of land, new quests, new companions, NPCs, weapons, armor, items, stories, you name it. It's truly mind-boggling how much time and effort can be put into getting just the right mix of graphical, gameplay-oriented and story-related mods to your heart's content.

And none of it will make one bit of a difference. Fallout 4 ultimately remains soulless and a waste of time.

Trust me on this; I had to hide Fallout 4 on my Steam library for fear people would see my # of hours played
Mar 9, 2021
I liked Fallout 3 a lot back when it was the only Fallout game I had played. When I replayed it years later I found it pretty boring. It feels very out of place being in between FO2 and New Vegas because it has nothing to do with either of those games. And the writing is of an undeniably lower quality. Good gory explosions though.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017

I liked Fallout 3 a lot back when it was the only Fallout game I had played. When I replayed it years later I found it pretty boring. It feels very out of place being in between FO2 and New Vegas because it has nothing to do with either of those games. And the writing is of an undeniably lower quality. Good gory explosions though.


Nov 11, 2017
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?

Several codexers consider Fallout 4 crap, but I saw countless members logging loads of play time in steam. I don't know if FO 4 is bad, but if I were you, I would check it independently from codex hivemind.


Jun 22, 2014
FNV is brown, yellow and gray.
F3 is mostly just gray, sometimes brown, so it's worse.
I haven't played F4 for more than half an hour, but it does have a better colour palette than either of the above, so it should be better.

As for me? Two garbage games were plenty enough.



Dec 11, 2018
Fallout 4 was incredibly boring to me until I tried it in VR. Then it became passable, at best, with mods. I still can't really play it though. If you like Fallout/Elder Scrolls combat- god help you - you will like that part since they did a lot better. If you like the RPG elements, or care about story, you will hate it with a passion.


Oct 1, 2018
What about playing Fallout 3 in FNV engine, aka Tale of Two Wasteland TC mod?

Ayone here ever play that?
It's Fallout 3 with some New Vegas mechanics introduced, e.g. expanded crafting and proper iron sights. It's better than regular Fallout 3, but it doesn't address the core problems of that game, and it arguably makes New Vegas worse if you want to play with your TTW character who will be overlevelled by the time he reaches the Mojave.


Feb 13, 2014
Bethesda doesn't understand Fallout, and hasn't made anything great since Morrowind. Mods cannot fix those fundamental design problems.


Oct 31, 2016
Most skilled black nation
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?

I finished 4 at the beggining of the year. Its problems can't be fixed with mods. The quest design is super monotonous: Fetch item A return it to quest giver, fetch item B return it to quest giver, fetch item C return it to quest giver. And now the game has crafting so you may have to waste time collecting random items to convert into other items (teleporter quest was awful).

And somehow the writing is even worse than 3. At least in 3 you could make fun of how bad it is but here everything is so dry you can't even make jokes. The main quest is so fucking stupid!. There is one improvement: the Brotherhood of Steel was rewritten to a bunch of deus vult guys who only recruit humans and want to genocide all the mutants, ghouls and synths. Instead of the tolerant cookie selling boy scouts they were in 3.

Gameplay is a disaster they ditched skill points, skill checks and know you can't even see the lines you character is gonna say instead you get single words options that don't tell you shit like "sarcastic" or "agree". My biggest problem is that they removed the multiple ammo types from New Vegas. Not only it has less calibers available you don't even get to choose between ap, hollow point, incendiaries, etc. Is shit, is all shit.

The technical side is actually ok is more or less well optimized, i think it only crashed once in tens of hours of play. Pretty good for gamebryo.

All of my enjoyment came from using 40k mods and pretending i was a space marine bringing a renegade world into compliance.
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil
Didn't play FO4, but I really did not like FO3 much.

The thing with FO3 is that the wheels start to come off after Megaton.

The writing is simply atrocious, and the main quest design is bad and linear.

I think another problem with it is that its such an easy game for mechanical reasons. Like how Bethesda uses DR instead of DT, so even someone in heaviest armor can be plinked away with any shitty gun. Which means, your shooting skill is your greatest asset. The only way Fallout 3 manages to create difficulty later on, is throwing bullshit enemies with ridiculous magical resistances and damages, and enemies with ridiculous HP bloat.

It has lots of exploration, tho, but honestly I think the exploration in FO3 is too... autistic. Like, the game is too easy, why would I care about going around exploring? To get loot I don't need and then obtain caps I don't require to buy things I already have?

Meanwhile in FNV, exploring brings you nice goodies AND makes your character stronger for the coming challenges, because the game has less pity on you than FO3.


Feb 27, 2012
FO3 is a more fun game with better expansions (though not all are great). I've finished FO3 twice and never really managed to finish FO:NV, it was a real drag in the end so i just stopped playing eventually. Also the game world itself is just more uninteresting. You could argue of course that NV has better writing or better companions (this i personally don't really care about, never thought companions is fun in these games). I found the quests more boring in NV, also the game just looks a little bit worse and runs worse as well.

FO3 is probably my favorite FO game actually. FO1-2 were great at the time, and FO2 was enjoyable a few years back where i modded it so that it got modern resolution (+ zoom, which was a really nice feature), but tbh i never finished it.
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