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2010: Elder Scrolls Odyssey V


chasing a bee
Jun 30, 2005
baby arm fantasy island
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Bethesda's Paul Oughton let slip to <a href="http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/bethesda-pencils-in-new-elder-scrolls-title-for-2010" target="blank">GamesIndustry.biz</a> that a new <b><a href="http://www.bethsoft.com/eng/games/games_oblivion.html" target="blank">Elder Scrolls</a></b> title might be in the works for 2010.
<blockquote>"At the moment we've got Fallout 3 for this year and potentially there's a new Elder Scrolls title in 2010," said Oughton. "At the moment we're not that interested in the Wii. We're going to stick to PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. We'll continue to pursue three or four titles a year and go for big titles," he said of the company's publishing plans for the future.</blockquote>
Why the Wii hate? Seems like the Wiimote would make the perfect opportunity to revive Daggerfall's swishy combat style.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com/">Blue's News</A>

Jaime Lannister

Jun 15, 2007
Konjad said:
Wii is not good enough for next-gen teh bloom.




May 26, 2006
Ohio, USA
The Wii is a piece of shit. It's basically 2001 or 2002-ish technology with a control gimmick. It might be tough to get Morrowind to run on it. They could not possibly design the game for the Wii without making serious concessions that would completely ruin the other versions of the game.


Oct 7, 2005
They have done it for mobiles.

They could not possibly design the game for the Wii without making serious concessions that would completely ruin the other versions of the game.

Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah

Deleted member 7219

Think about it, though. Bethesda really love dumbing down classic series. If it wasn't for the PS3/360 money machines, they'd definitely make the next Elder Scrolls Wii-exclusive.


Oct 7, 2005
Cloaked Figure said:
Bottom line is, it's for casuals, aka: shit games like mario galaxy, mario cart, mario party, the list goes on.

I don't care much about the Wii because for me playing a game as always been a solo experience in my PC. I saw other kind of games like sport games and music learning games that adults like to play and games you can play within a family reunion.
Jul 30, 2006
Being a big gay tubesteak hahahahahahahahag
Cloaked Figure said:
Bottom line is, it's for casuals, aka: shit games like mario galaxy, mario cart, mario party, the list goes on.

There's nothing wrong with that. I own a Wii, and I own a PC. PC is for "serious" or "hardcore" gaming, and the Wii is for dipping into for lighthearted fun. Both are equally valid forms of entertainment.
I won't deny that I've been very disappointed with it recently, though; while I don't believe anyone's pushed the graphics as far as they could go, the limitations on that front are simply unnecessary, and the games output has been pretty sparse. But Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, Boom Blox, Smash Bros, Wario Ware... it has its share of entertaining titles. People criticise it for focusing too much on "non-gamers" or casuals, but that's not a bad concept; if the end result of that, and the Wii's popularity, is that the casual and hardcore crowd end up definitively split with one on console and one on PC, we'll start seeing...
...wait, no, people just call Halo "hardcore" by comparison. Never mind.


May 26, 2006
Ohio, USA
elander_ said:
Yah, the Wii completely ruins my graphics whoring needs.

There's no merit in a game looking like it was made six years ago. The games on the Wii don't have better gameplay because they look like shit. The only exception to this statement might be Super Mario Galaxy, (which is also arguably the best looking Wii game, once again proving that graphics and gameplay don't negatively correlate). There is also more to technology than graphics. Improved technology improves the number of enemies that can be on screen, loading times, level sizes, the amount of objects that can be modeled with physics, etc. The Wii sucks donkey balls at pretty much all of these. It is ultimately nothing but a delivery system for Nintendo first party software and a gimmicky party toy for shitty minigame collections like Mario Party.


Oct 7, 2005
The Wii sucks donkey balls at pretty much all of these.

Technology isn't a limiting factor to make good games unless you are comparing the Wii to the ZX Spectrum. The Wii can deliver acceptable graphics and its hardware specs are comparable to a normal PC at the time when Fallout was made, but with better graphics capabilities.

There are good games that don't require advanced graphics or high hardware specs. What happened to enjoy games for their game play?

It is ultimately nothing but a delivery system for Nintendo first party software and a gimmicky party toy for shitty minigame collections like Mario Party.

That's not what i saw.
Dec 19, 2007
The Wii sucks, but I find it odd that developers avoid it and only have their worst teams do games for it since it's still the most popular platform out of the three consoles.


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Xor said:
Mario Galaxy was actually pretty fun.

As was Smash Brothers Brawl.
Guess with what you can have more fun when together with other real people?
Assuming those other people are not raging nerds like you.

Fallout 2 or Smash Brothers?

Bottom line is, just because its not as hardcore as your standard, it doesn't mean its bad.
You can have fun with "light" games, too. If you can't... oh, well... your problem.


Jun 21, 2007
Admiral jimbob said:
There's nothing wrong with that. I own a Wii, and I own a PC. PC is for "serious" or "hardcore" gaming, and the Wii is for dipping into for lighthearted fun. Both are equally valid forms of entertainment

Consoles in the classical sense, to me, have always been about replicating the fun of the arcade in the house, games you can play for a quick time waste, or have immense fun with at parties when your drunken mates are over (assuming your not an antisocial twat).

In this sense the Wii is old-skool, a throwback to the good old days of Mega Drives and Bomberman. Shitboxes and Failstations are on the other hand trying to be everything to everybody, and are fucking both the casual and the 'hardcore' (PC) markets up spectacularly in the process.


Aug 20, 2008
I hope the next TES game will be decent, I certainly hope so. According to Vince, for a non-fallout game, just a post apocalyptic game, FO3 is improved upon Oblivion a lot, and with a couple [a lot] of mods it can become quite good, again as a non fallout game.

http://www.irontowerstudio.com/forum/in ... pic=577.90

Vince said:
The other is a post-apocalyptic Bethesda game. Remember that "We’re not going to suddenly do a top-down isometric Baldur’s Gate-style game, because that’s not what we do well." quote? That sums up FO3 well. They did what they do well.

From that perspective, the game is definitely an improvement. Lotsa skill checks (hopefully the next TES game would feature them as well). Multiple objectives. Non-linear main quest (for now). Exclusive content (for now). Different quest options (again, for now). If "for now" turns into "overall", I would be pleasant surprised and impressed.

So I've got some faith for a better TES game, without needing 6GB of mods installed like with Oblivion. Of course dialogue is still ridiculously bad, though TES was never about good dialogue anyway [though I thought Morrowind's dialogue was decent]

And as a TES fanboy I want the new game to be set in skyrim or hammerfell.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
The Wii is badass! Yet, there is definitely some pandering to the extremely casual as a lot of the games are very casual esq. Still, it has plenty of potential with the controller setup!

Personally, I enjoy getting drunk and Wii bowling to watch my friends slam the wii controller into the ceiling, like jackasses, because that's damn hilarious from a drunk perspective. Also, I think the Wii actually improved my real bowling ability. I have a better understanding of where I need the ball to go and that I need to apply spin. ;P


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
If the bethtardo departs from the land of ultimate suck, with their next TES, I'd be thrilled. I just don't count on it.

xuerebx said:
[though I thought Morrowind's <s>dialogue was</s> encyclopaedic entries were decent]
Fix'd. I'm not saying it was bad. I'm saying it wasn't dialogue.

And as a TES fanboy I want the new game to be set in skyrim or hammerfell.
As a slightly furry TES fanboy, as well as someone who believes that less generic provinces will be less likely to oblivionize, I'd prefer Elsweyr or Black Marsh.


Aug 20, 2008
DraQ said:
xuerebx said:
[though I thought Morrowind's <s>dialogue was</s> encyclopaedic entries were decent]
Fix'd. I'm not saying it was bad. I'm saying it wasn't dialogue.

True it wasn't dialogue per se, I just didn't know what to call it. But it was much more lengthy than Oblivion's. And I thought it was enjoyable, especially that Redoran guy/lass in Ald Ruhn who was a lore buff, spent a decent amount of time listening to what he had to say.

I think 'Topics' fits well instead of 'dialogue'.

As a slightly furry TES fanboy, as well as someone who believes that less generic provinces will be less likely to oblivionize, I'd prefer Elsweyr or Black Marsh.

Black marsh is quite an interesting place, I wouldn't mind it being there. But I can't stand Khaajits, so no Elsweyr please!

BTW - get rid of that image Jaime Lannister, it makes reading the topic annoying having to scroll sideways :P


Oct 30, 2006
Kingston said:
I'd rather they made ES games than Fallout ones.
Still they've already raped ES setting with Oblivion like they've just done it to Fallout.
On the other hand Oblivion with guns seems to have some improvement over it's gunless incarnation, so maybe, just maybe TESV won't be a complete disgrace.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
And as I mentioned once before, I'd love to see another developer acquire the TES IP and make the next game. It desperately needs a fresh approach, and it'll never rise above the romper room dev house that is Bethesda.

Get Michael Kirkbride to write the dialogue for lore cohesion, have MCA on board as well. Pair it up with a good, robust engine to accommodate decent animations and gameworld visuals. Hell, the current iteration of Source would probably work. I dunno, guys... it could be a hit.


Jun 17, 2007
St. Petersburg, Russia
Bethesda is dedicated to trying something different with each new game. I bet TES V will be isometric and turn-based.

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